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Course: English II (6465)


Q. 1 Give a detailed note om Memos.

A memorandum (memo) is used to communicate something of immediate importance to people

within a business or organization. A memo also can be sent to people or firms that have close
or long-standing relationships, such as vendors or consultants. Like a business letter, a memo
is a permanent record of your communication.

There are many types and tools for official communication each suited to specific situations. One such
popular form of communication is a memo. Let us learn about their format and importance and
also see examples.

A memo is actually short for Memorandum. It is one of the most used means of official
communication in the business world. Its main purpose is to serve as a reminder or to give some
instructions. Again, these like circulars are a means of mass communication, i.e., to communicate
with a large number of people within the organization.

Usually, we write a memo is for one of the following five reasons

i. as a reminder

ii. highlight an event or circumstance

iii. to recount an event

iv. keep an official record of anything

v. to pass information or instructions

Memos have been a popular way for commuting for over a century now. This is because they have
many advantages as seen below:

• They are a very cost-effective way of mass communication. And their transmission is
also very cheap.

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• Another advantage is its simplicity. They are very simple to write and understand.

• Memos tend to be brief and to the point. They also reach a lot of people. So they are
very time-saving as well.

• They also serve as evidence in case of a dispute

Browse more Topics under Official Communication

• Circulars

The Format of a Memo

Let us see the steps of writing a memo.

1. Heading: After the name and address of the company (which is on the letterhead) we
type the word “Memo’ or ‘Memorandum’ at the top of the page in the center.

2. Recipient: Address the recipients in the correct format, Example -‘ To: All Employees
of the Sale Division’

3. Writer: Write the name of the person writing the memo, Example – ‘From: Mr. ABC,
Head of Sales’

4. Additional Recipients: These are the people who will receive a courtesy copy of the memo.
We don’t address the memos to them, but we keep them in the loop.

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5. Date: The date of writing the memos is an important detail that one must include.

6. Subject Line: This will give the reader a brief idea about the information in the memos. The
line must be brief, precise and to the point. Example – Subject: Meeting of all employees of
the Sale Division.

7. The body of a memo: This is where all the information is contained. A formal salutation is
not required in a memo. Just relay the necessary information with clarity and precision. The
body must not be too long. The ending must restate the issue and end on a positive note.

8. Proofread: Finally, proofread the memo before sending it.

9. Solved Question on Memos
10. Q: Write a memo to the accounting department asking them to attend training to learn about
the new software the company has adopted.
12. To: All Employees of the Accounting Department
13. From: Mr. XYZ, Head of Accounts
14. CC: Ms. ABC, HR Department
15. Date: 25 October 2018
16. Subject: Compulsory Training write to the New Software
17. As you are all aware, we have recently adopted new accounting software at the company. The
decision was taken to improve our accounting procedure and make it more time and cost
efficient. A training seminar will be held on 5th November 2018 at 9 am to familiarize the
staff with the new software. This is done to make the transition between the software as easy
as possible. All employees of the department are required to attend.
Q. 2 Write a detailed essay on process of technical writing.

Technical writing is a type of writing where the author is writing about a particular subject
that requires direction, instruction, or explanation. This style of writing has a very different
purpose and different characteristics than other writing styles such as creative writing,
academic writing or business writing.

Technical Writing: Steps and Purpose Essay

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The Technical Writing Process

Describe the three main steps of the technical writing process and how you would use these steps to
create the manual mentioned in this scenario.
a) Prewriting – Is the process in which we gather the information to be used in the manual. In
this step we must examine the purpose for which we are writing, determine the goal(s) that we
want to accomplish, consider the type of audience that will be reading the manual, using all
necessary resources we gather the data required to complete the manual and finally, we must
determine how we want to convey our information, which is in this case in a manual.

b) Writing – The writing process involves taking all the information obtained in the prewriting
process…show more content…
We do this by 1) providing specific details, avoiding the use of vague, abstract words that could
be interpreted in different ways, 2) answering the reporters’ questions, this is done by making
sure the who, what, where, when, why and how are answered during the course of the
document, and 3) use easily understood words, the rule of thumb is if the reader has to use a
dictionary, your writing is not clear enough.

e) Conciseness – the purpose of this step is ensured that the manual is brief and straight to the
point, eliminating the use of drawn-out words and sentences. This is done by 1) limiting the
length of paragraphs, attempting to cram a lot of information in one paragraph hinders the
readers ability to comprehend what was read, and 2) limiting the word and sentence length, the
bigger the word the more likely it is that the reader will a dictionary to know what it means.

f) Accuracy – the purpose of this step is to validate the document by eliminating any grammatical
and spelling errors. The most effective way of doing this is by proofreading your document.
This step is a sure way to uncover mistakes made in the initial writing of the document. Some
word processor applications have the ability to check your spelling and grammar. If all else
fails, ask a friend to read your document to see if they can spot any errors.

way that technical writing is different from other college writing is the purpose for which it is written.
Technical writing is composed to allow the reader to manage large amounts of information in a way
that allows he or she to take action. Other college writing generally has the purpose to educate,

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entertain, or share thoughts, opinions, and experiences. Another way that technical writing varies
from other college writing is the style in which the document is written. In technical writing, there

Q. 3 Explain the parts of Proposal.


Proposals for sponsored activities generally follow a similar format, although there are variations
depending upon the sponsor and whether the PI is seeking support for a research grant, a training
grant, or a conference or curriculum development project. Be sure to follow the outline contained
in the sponsor’s guidelines. The following generic outline is generally focused on the components
of a research proposal. (The follow-on section describes format variations required for other kinds
of academic programs.)

Cover Letter

This (usually optional) letter may be used to convey information that is pertinent to the review of
the proposal. Make sure you identify your name, the University of Michigan, project title, RFP or
and specific funding mechanism if any. Depending on sponsor’s regulations, this letter may be
used to request a reviewer or a specific study section with special expertise in your field, or to
identify conflicts with potential reviewers. Sometimes this letter is used to explain special
circumstances, e.g., budget outside of limits, missed deadline, unique subawards, request to send
in delayed preliminary data results before review date. State if you have attached any special
approval documentation pertaining to any of the above.

The Title (or Cover) Page

Most sponsoring agencies specify the format for the title page, and some provide special forms to
summarize basic administrative and fiscal data for the project. Generally, the principal investigator
(PI), his or her department head, and an official representing the University sign the title page.

A good title is usually a compromise between conciseness and explicitness. One good way to cut
the length of titles is to avoid words that add nothing to a reader's understanding, such as "Studies
on...," "Investigations...," or "Research on Some Problems in...." The title needs to: match interests

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of reviewers; use appropriate key words; be specific to the work to be accomplished; and be long
enough to distinguish it from other studies in the field, but not too long to bore the reader. Examples
of good titles are: “Applications of the motivic Becker-Gottlieb transfer,” “Advancing engineering
education through virtual communities of practice,” “Structural controls of functional receptor and
antibody binding to viral capsids,” “Active tectonics of the Africa-Eurasia zone of plate interaction
in the Western Mediterranean.”

Abstract or Summary

Every proposal should have an abstract. The abstract forms the reader’s initial impression of the
work, and therefore plays a big role on whether the application is funded. The abstract speaks for
the proposal when it is separated from it, provides the reader with his or her first impression of the
request, and, by acting as a summary, frequently provides the reader their last impression. Some
reviewers read only the abstract, e.g., a foundation board of directors’ member who votes on final
funding decisions. Thus, it is the most important single element in the proposal.

The Table of Contents (Toc)

Whether to include a Toc depends on (a) the direction in the guidelines, and (b) the complexity
and length of the proposal.

Very brief proposals with few sections ordinarily do not need a table of contents; the guiding
consideration in this is the reader's convenience.

Long and detailed proposals may require, in addition to a table of contents, a list of illustrations
(or figures) and a list of tables.

If all of these are included, they should follow the order mentioned, and each should be numbered
with lower-case Roman numerals. If they are brief, more than one can be put on a single page.

The Background Section or Significance (Need) for the Work

This section will be labeled differently depending on the guidelines. It addresses why the proposed
work is important in the field, and answers the question, “so what?” In this section, provide the
status quo of the relevant work field and identify a gap in knowledge or activities that must be

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filled to move the field forward. Sufficient details should be given in this discussion (1) to make
clear what the research problem is and exactly what has been accomplished; (2) to give evidence
of your own competence in the field; and (3) to show why the previous work needs to be continued.

Literature reviews should be selective and critical. Reviewers do not want to read through a
voluminous working bibliography; they want to know the pertinent works and your evaluation of
them. Discussions of work done by others should therefore lead the reader to a clear impression of
how you will be building upon what has already been done and how your work differs from theirs.
It is important to establish what is original in your approach (innovative), what circumstances have
changed since related work was done, or what is unique about the time and place of the proposed
research. Note: guidelines may require a separate section for innovation or for transformative
potential of the work.

Purpose of the Project (Aims or Objectives)

This section describes what will be accomplished or tested in the project.

Research proposals usually are focused on a central hypothesis. A good research grant hypothesis
is a testable, focused, clear, declarative statement of relationships between variables based on
previous observations. Sometimes research questions are used in place of hypotheses, especially
if work is in early stages. And sometimes working hypotheses (per aim) are used in place of a
central hypothesis. This decision is often based on common practice in the discipline or field.

Research Plan (Approach)

This section includes a comprehensive explanation of the proposed research, and is addressed to
other specialists in your field (not to laymen). The section is the heart of the proposal and is the
primary concern of the technical reviewers. To make it clear and easy to follow, you may need
several subsections tailored to your work. Research design is a large subject and cannot be covered
here, but a few reminders concerning frequently mishandled aspects of proposals may be helpful.

1. Be realistic in designing the program of work. Overly optimistic notions of what the project
can accomplish in one, two, or three years, or of its effects on the world, will only detract
from the proposal's chances of being approved. A frequent comment made by reviewers to

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new investigators is “the work is too ambitious.” Research plans should be scaled down to
a more specific and manageable project that will permit the approach to be evaluated and,
if successful, will form a sound basis for further work. In other words, your proposal should
distinguish clearly between long-range research goals and the short-range objectives (2 –
4) for which funding is being sought.

2. If your first year must be spent developing an analytical method or laying groundwork,
spell that out as Phase 1. Then at the end of the year you will be able to report that you
have accomplished something and are ready to undertake Phase 2.

3. Be clear about the focus of the research. Be explicit about the hypotheses the research
method rests upon, and restate the aims from the Purpose section.

4. Be as detailed as possible about the schedule of the proposed work. When will the first step
be completed? When can subsequent steps be started? What must be done before what else,
and what can be done at the same time? A Timeline detailing the projected sequence and
interrelationship of major tasks often gives the sponsor assurance that the investigator is
capable of careful step-by-step planning, and that the work will be accomplished in an
efficient and feasible manner.

5. If you are proposing new, risky or unorthodox methods, be sure to include adequate
justification, e.g., references in literature about success of these methods in similar studies.

6. Be specific about the means of evaluating the data, conducting the analysis, or determining
the conclusions. Try to imagine the questions or objections of a hostile critic and show that
the research plan anticipates them. This is a good reason to have your proposal pre-
reviewed by peers in your field before sending to the sponsor.

7. Be certain that the connection between the research objectives and the research method is
evident. If a reviewer fails to see this connection, s/he will probably not give your proposal
any further consideration.

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List of References

If a list of references is to be included, it is placed at the end of the text. This section typically is
not counted in the page limitation of the Research Description.

In the text, references to the list can be made in various ways; a simple way is to use a raised
number at the appropriate place, like this.1 Such numbers should be placed outside any contiguous
marks of punctuation. If you have space, you might consider the American Psychological
Association style because the reader does not have to refer to the reference list to see authors and
data of publication, e.g., (Wiseguy, 2014).

The style of the bibliographical item itself depends on the disciplinary field. The main
consideration is consistency; whatever style is chosen should be followed scrupulously throughout.
In most cases in bibliography, you will not use “et al” but will include full names of authors.

The Description of Relevant Institutional


The nature of this section depends on your project, but in general this section details the resources
available to the proposed project. It underscores why the sponsor should wish to choose this
University and this investigator(s) for this particular research. Some relevant points may be the
institution's demonstrated competence in the pertinent research area, its abundance of experts in
related areas that may benefit the project, its supportive services that will directly benefit the
project, and its unique or unusual research facilities or instruments available to the project.

When collaborating with another institution, that partner also will submit an Institutional
Resources section.

The Budget Section: Budget & Budget Justification

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The budget is a line item (tabular) representation of the expenses associated with the proposal
project. The Budget Justification contains more in-depth detail of the costs behind the line items,
and sometimes explains the use of the funds where not evident. Examples include the need for
consultants, or the unavailability within the University of an item of equipment proposed for
purchase. Foreign travel should be specifically detailed and justified, and not combined with
domestic travel. The need to travel to professional meetings should be tied to the proposed project,
if possible. Refer to sample budget.

Cost estimates need to be as accurate as possible to cover the expenses proposed in the project.
Reviewers will note both over- and under-estimations.


Some writers are prone to append peripheral documents of various kinds to their proposals on the
theory that the bulk will buttress their case. Most sponsors restrict what can be appended, if
anything. If not restricted, remember that reviewers almost never read such appendices, and may
resent “the padding.” The best rule of thumb is: When in doubt, leave it out.

Appendices are occasionally used for letters of endorsement or collaboration, and reprints of
relevant articles if they are not available electronically. Other uses may be data tables, surveys,
questionnaires, data collection instruments, clinical protocols, and informed consent documents,
as allowed by the sponsor.

If two or more appendices are included in a proposal, they should be designated Appendix A,
Appendix B, etc.


The Biosketch in a grant proposal gives the investigators the opportunity to highlight their
expertise and experience related to the proposal work. The format and length may be specified in
the guidelines. Education should include not only degrees but additional courses or activities that
underscore your skills in a relevant area. Under professional positions, be sure to include post-doc
experiences. Publications reflect your productivity, work record, and collegiality; the most
valuable publications are full articles in peer review journals where the subject is relevant to the

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proposed work and the investigator is a primary contributor; you can include papers accepted for
publication by a journal. Remember, you may be able to annotate individual publications to show
how this relates to the proposed work.

Q. 4 Give comprehensive overview on styles related with technical writing.

Technical Writing Styles

As you draft and edit, it is helpful to keep in mind the effective ways to present sentences and

When you revise your drafts, check the language and remove any area of possible confusion. If
you have repeated any word, see whether you can change the sentence. The following
passages will help you to be aware of any difficult construction of sentences, so that you can
modify the same and ensure reader’s comfort.

Write Clear Sentences

Follow these guidelines for writing sentences which will be clear to the readers.

• Keep the main idea on top.

• Use active voice.

• Employ parallelism.

• Repeat for emphasis.

• Write sentences of 15 to 25 words.

• Provide transitions.

• Avoid wordiness.

• Avoid redundancy.

Keep the Main Idea on Top

This is the key principle in writing so that your sentences are easy to understand. Place the
sentence’s main idea, the subject, first. The subject makes the rest of the sentence accessible.

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Readers therefore orient themselves and they are able to interact with the subsequent

See this example from a popular newspaper.

“Doubts persist over World Cup 2007.” (Note how the interest of the reader is immediately
(Now the details follow.)” Clouds are gathering over the West Indies, and they are more than
rain-bearing masses of cumulous. With eight months and a few days to go for the 2007 World
Cup, doubts are increasingly being aired about the ability of the region to host a venture of
such and complexity.” Thus, readers are informed about the crux of the problem so that they
are interested to read on.

Use Normal Word Order

The normal word order in English is subject-verb-object. This order makes it easier to read as it
reveals the topic first and the structures the idea. This order produces sentences which are
clear to the readers and do not cause any confusion.

Read the following sentence. “Finance Minister on Tuesday backed the Central Bank’s decision
to increase interest rates, stating that the move was aimed at containing inflation.” The
sentence is clear, though a little long (23 words) and follows natural flow.

Use Active Voice

Active voice emphasizes performer of the function and not the receiver. Active voice helps the
reader follow the meaning quickly as it is sticking to subject-verb-object pattern. When the
subject acts, the verb is in the active voice. When the subject is acted upon, the verb is in the
passive voice. Use passive voice sparingly and when it is absolutely required.
I completed the work in time (active voice as the subject acts here.)
My mobile was stolen (passive voice as the subject is acted upon.)

Go through the following example.

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Manufacturers add preservatives to food products to increase their shelf-life (emphasis is on

manufacturers, which is not correct.)
Preservatives are added to food products to increase their shelf-life (emphasis is on
preservatives, which is correct. In such cases, passive voice should be used.)

Use Parallelism

Use similar structures for similar elements.

The vendors promise that they will replace the old machine and to attend to the new order (wrong).

The vendors promise that they will replace the old machine and will attend to the new order.

Repeat for Emphasis

Repeat key words for emphasis so that the reader has better recall. Read the following example.

The doctrine of “No work, no pay” is a fundamental axiom in industrial relations. The philosophy
is very simple. When a person is employed, he is expected to carry out the work assigned to
him. When he does not do so, he is not eligible for payment of any salary. Even when a
general strike disrupts public transport systems, and consequently employees are unable to
reach their work places, the same principle prevails. Of course, corporate may permit their
staff to avail themselves of any leave to their credit. Even die-hard trade union leaders respect
this principle. “No work, no pay” lays a strong foundation to industrial peace and harmony
in the long run.

Provide Transitions
Connect sentences by using words that signal a sequence or pattern.
Sequence: first, second, next.
Addition: and, further.
Contrast: but, however, nevertheless.

Avoid Wordiness

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Generally, concise expressions are more effective than verbosity. Eliminate all repetitions,
subordinate clauses etc. to make the writing compact and pointed.

Examples of compactness
Examples of Wordiness Came to the conclusion Utilization of Make
Revisions Make an amendment to
Use Revise Amend

Avoid Redundancy

Redundancies are words that say the same content. Conciseness is achieved by saying anything
only once. In the following examples, what is bracketed may be omitted for conciseness.

During (the year) of 2006

(Needless to say)
(New) innovation
The (other) alternative is

Choose a Tone

Now you can prepare clear, effective documents. Your documents are easy to read. However, we
are assuming that the writer and reader are equal and unemotional. In practice, it may not be
so. Hence it is important to control ‘tone’. The ‘tone’ can communicate as much as the
content of the message. Consider some possible ‘tones’ depending on the situation.

• forceful

• passive

• personal

• impersonal

The forceful tone implies that the writer is in command. This is appropriate when the writer
addresses subordinates. While writing forcefully,

• Use the active voice.

• Use imperatives.

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• Clearly indicate that you are responsible.

For example:
I have decided to introduce Performance Appraisal System forthwith in our organization.

When the reader has more power than the writer, use passive voice.
For example:
The instructions to implement the new Evaluation System has been complied with

The personal tone implies that reader and writer are equal.
For example:
David thanks for your suggestion about maintenance routine. It has given good results.

The impersonal tone is employed when the writer is not important and the situation is neutral.
For example:
A proposal to introduce quality circle has been made.

Use Positive Words and Verbs

A sure way to involve your audience is to sprinkle positive words and positive verbs throughout
your text. Positive words and verbs convince the reader the benefits of your subject matter.

Positive Words

Advantage effective satisfied value favorable success

Benefit asset profitable

Positive Verbs

Positive verbs motivate your readers. Some of the verbs that motivate your readers into action are

Accomplish plan achieve produce implement

Prepare organize assess promote exceed

Tune to the Audience

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Tuning to the audience is the key for effectiveness of your document with the reader.
Remember the following points.

• Not all your readers will understand acronyms and abbreviations.

• Readers need glossaries.

• Provide extended definitions for technical terms.

• As multiple audiences have different levels of technical knowledge, choose carefully the
amount of technical content in your document.

• Show your reader how he or she will benefit from your document.

Q. 5 Explain the trends in technical writing with examples.

Trends in Technical Writing Pivoting the Function

Technical writing for Enterprise Software Product Adoption

Apart from the traditional Product Development lifecycle, there is another sequential process that
enterprises are dealing with. It covers the all steps that lead a customer from initial awareness, to
committed product purchase and value realization. Technical writers trained to deal with the
traditional PDLC have a perspective in which user interest in a product is taken for granted. But
that is no longer the case. This is because product vendors also have a role in driving end user
adoption. And without end user adoption, the project can’t be deemed successful.
Product adoption deals with the customer’s changing attitude towards the product as he gets to
know the product better. Product adoption is essentially a marketing process, so the key
documentation revolves around product recall, competitor analysis, promotion and pricing.
Technical writers would do well to reorient themselves into this paradigm. Upcoming trends in
technical writing encourage technical writers to work towards helping drive end user adoption.
This is one of the trends in technical writing that companies should definitely adopt to future proof

Tech Writing for E-learning

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A technical writer’s principal goal is to ensure the reader gets the message that the product team
wants to convey. It could be about educating the reader on a product, service, new technology,
anything. Modern businesses have found that e-learning is a very effective technique to achieve
this. Be it instructional videos or live interactive sessions, learning content can be of various forms,
deployed using an LMS (Learning Management System). E-learning serves to achieve a critical
portion of the product adoption process – train the user on the product. On the other side, content
needs to be personalized to the end user as well. That’s where customized content delivery comes
into play.
Related Article: Technical Writing Tips For E-Learning Solutions

Technical Writing for User Onboarding

User onboarding is another business paradigm that runs alongside with product adoption. User
onboarding process refers to the induction and integration a new customer (or employee) into the
product (or company) fold. Going by the recent trends in technical writing, it can be said that a
technical writer is also responsible for generating user documentation to facilitate this phase.
Product help, usage instructions, example case studies, interactive training sessions – all of these
and several other e-learning solutions – could be used to serve this purpose. Quick and effective
onboarding is a direct consequence of good technical writing.

Compliance to Documentation Standards

SCORM (Shareable Content Object Reference Model)

SCORM is a reference standard for creating and sharing web-based training content. It forms the
foundation for a Learning Management System (LMS), as it content creators to reuse their content
across vendors and tools. What fix enjoys the distinction of being the first SCORM compliant in-
app guidance system.

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Doc Book

A slightly older and well matured standard floated by the same forum who came with DITA much
later. This one is for designing technical books and articles in digital formats, but printing them as
hard copies.

Mode of Publishing

Print gives way to online documents

First, designing documents and layouts went digital. From the humble MS Word to sophisticated
Adobe tools, desktop designing brought in design reuse, open DTD standards, XML based layouts
and templates. Subsequently, documents were not just digitally designed but published online too.
So, the printed version was almost eliminated.

Variety of devices

Once publishing went digital, the challenge of device diversity had to be faced. Technical
documents would now have to work on all sorts of devices – PCs, smart phones, tablets of various
sizes. A lot depends on whether the documentation is being developed from scratch or existing
ones are being adapted. Responsive layouts (browser adjusts page) or adaptive layouts (product
server manages) are the key methods employed. Some tools offer Liquid Layout rules, while some
others create device-specific layouts.

Trends in Technical Writing Changing Its Focus

Instructive to Interactive

Technical documentation has been about ‘educating’ a user in the old paradigm, irrespective of
what he already knows or what he seeks to know. Manuals, guides, white-papers – all of them
were about instructive one sided communication. However, with the onset of high speed internet
and data analytics, the user is not a passive player any more. User profiling algorithms can unearth

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deep insights into their preferences. Once the user begins to use the product, constant feedback is
received about his usage. 2 way interactive systems (with the help of eLearning platforms, product
adoption tools) ensures that users get what they want with least time and effort.

Rich media content has replaced long text documents

High exposure to digital gadgets has lowered the attention span of users, and also made our
searches more visual. Hence technical writers need to convey the message to the customer in short,
succinct and effective ways. Research papers are discussed on Podcasts. Customer support chats
are answered by pre-programmed bots. Installation manuals carry a series of animated GIFs! FAQs
are replaced by in-page support tags (What fix link). Trouble shooting guides are replaced by
interactive video sessions. The common trend among all these developments is that
communication between the customer and the product team is not through lengthy documents
anymore. It takes various forms of audio-visuals that are interactive and easy to consume.

Product Focus to User Focus

In the past, technical documentation for a product was an elaborate representation of the product
on paper. Manuals to cover how it works, brochures to promote sales, whitepapers about research
and so on were the common ones. The technical writers hired were primarily ‘writers’ who
understood the product and wrote about it. But in today’s day and age, technical writers commonly
known as ‘content writers’. There is a whole lot of UX blended into the content generation process,
making the user the centerpiece of documentation and not the product itself.
There is one noticeable thread that can be spotted across all these trends, it is that technical
documentation (or content writing as it is called now) is certainly a job in great demand.
It has certainly morphed into modern forms, increased its reliance on technology and tools. But
the essence of the job remains the same – understand the product and convey your understanding
to the customer effectively. Technical writers can take heart with that fact! And this series of
articles hopes to aid technical writers to achieve their transition into modern business world.

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Course: English II (6465)


Q. 1 Discuss problems with sentences construction in technical writing.

When building anything, it is important to be familiar with the tools you are
using. Grammatical elements are the main “tools” you use when building sentences and
longer written works. Thus, it is critical to have some understanding of grammatical
terminology in order to construct effective sentences. If you would like to a review some
basic parts of speech (nouns, pronouns, articles, adjectives, adverbs, verbs, conjunctions,
prepositions, etc.), see the Parts of Speech Overview at the OWL.

The two essential parts of a sentence are the subject and the predicate (verb portion). The subject
refers to the topic being discussed while the verb conveys the action or state of being
expressed in the sentence. All clauses must contain both a subject and a verb; phrases, on the
other hand, lack one or both a subject and a verb, so they need to relate to or modify other
parts of the sentence. Main clauses, also called independent clauses, can stand on their own
and convey an idea. Dependent clauses, also called subordinate clauses, rely on another part
of the sentence for meaning and can’t stand on their own.

Consider the following examples:

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Sentence 1 is a simple sentence. It has one clause, with one subject (The engineers) and one verb
(stood). These are followed by 3 modifying phrases (“around the table” “looking at the
schematics” and “for the machine”).

Sentence 2 is a complex sentence, with one dependent and one independent clause, each with its
own subject-verb combination (“they discussed” and “they decided”). The two clauses are
joined by the subordinate conjunction, “after,” which makes the first clause subordinate to
(or dependent upon) the second one.

Being able to identify the critical parts of the sentence will help you design sentences that have a
clear and effective subject-verb relationship. Knowing the components will also help you
improve your punctuation. If you would like a more detailed review of sentence structure,
visit Purdue’s OWL (Online Writing Lab) Mechanics page.

Sentence Structures

There are four main types of sentence structures: simple, compound, complex, and compound-
complex. In the examples above, Sentence 1 is a simple sentence, while Sentence 2 is

SIMPLE SENTENCES have one main clause (one subject + one verb) and any number of
phrases. The following are all simple sentences:

• A simple sentence can be very effective.

• It makes one direct point.

• It is good for creating emphasis and clarity.

• Too many in a row can sound repetitive and choppy.

• Varied sentence structure sounds more natural.

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COMPOUND SENTENCES have two or more main clauses joined

by coordinating conjunctions (CC) such as and, but, for, yet, nor, or, so (FANBOYS). You
can also connect them using punctuation such as a semi-colon or a colon. By coordinating the
ideas, you are giving them roughly equal weight and importance.

Subject + verb, CC Subject + verb

The following sentences are all compound:

• A compound sentence coordinates two ideas, and each idea is given roughly equal weight.

• The two ideas are closely related, so you don’t want to separate them with a period.

• The two clauses make up part of the same idea; thus, they should be part of the same sentence.

• The two clauses may express a parallel idea; they might also have a parallel structure.

• You must remember to include the coordinate conjunction, or you may commit a comma

COMPLEX SENTENCES express complex and usually unequal relationships between

ideas. One idea is “subordinated” to the main idea by using a “subordinate conjunction” (like
“while” or “although”); one idea is “dependent” upon the other one for logic and
completeness. Complex sentences include one main clause and at least one dependent clause
(see Example 2 above). Often, it is stylistically effective to begin your sentence with the
dependent clause, and place the main clause at the end for emphasis.

Suborn. Conjunction + subject + verb (this is the dependent clause), Subject + verb (this is the
main clause)

The following are all examples of complex sentences:

• When you make a complex sentence, you subordinate one idea to another.

• If you place the subordinate clause first, you give added emphasis to the main clause at the

• Subordinate clauses cannot stand on their own. Despite the fact that many students try to use
them that way. x (fragment – replace the period with a comma to fix this error)

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COMPOUND-COMPLEX SENTENCES have at least two main clauses and at least one
dependent clause. Because a compound-complex sentence is usually quite long, you must be
careful that it makes sense; it is easy for the reader to get lost in a long sentence.


Using a variety of sentence types as well as using these types strategically to convey your ideas
will strengthen your style. Keep the following in mind:

• Simple sentences are great for emphasis. The make great topic sentences.

• Compound sentences balance ideas; they are great for conveying the equal importance of
related ideas.

• Complex sentences, when you use them effectively, show complicated relationships between
ideas by subordinating one idea to another.

EXERCISE Combining sentences

Combine the following pairs of sentences to make one idea subordinate to the other. Notice the
impression you convey by how you subordinate one idea to another. If your combined
sentence was a topic sentence for a paragraph, what idea would the reader expect that
paragraph to emphasize?

1.Pair 1.

o Energy drinks enhance awareness and energy level.

o Energy drinks have negative health impacts.

2.Pair 2.

o Smith’s study found that energy drinks can increase athletic endurance.

o The study also found that energy drinks can cause negative side effects such as
headaches and “energy crashes”, and can possibly lead to caffeine addiction.

3.Pair 3.

o The rates of adolescent male violence has dropped by 20% over the last decade.

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o The rates of female adolescent violence has increased by 50% over the last decade.

4.Pair 4.

o Nuclear power plants can pose significant dangers.

o Nuclear energy is a clean and efficient way to generate power and reduce reliance
on fossil fuels.

Q. 2 How can you use foot notes for effective communication?

Footnotes are superscript numbers (1) placed within the body of text. They can be used for two

1. As a form of citation in certain citation styles

2. As a provider of additional information.

Using footnotes has one big advantage; you can include additional information without distracting
the reader from the main text.

Using footnotes for citations

Citation styles such as Chicago A, OSCOLA, Turabian and ACS require the use of footnote
citations instead of author-date in-text citations.

This means that if you want to cite a source, you add a superscript number at the end of the sentence
that includes the information from this source.

This number corresponds to a footnote or endnote citation, where you include information such as
the author, title of work, date, etc. What you include depends on the citation style.

Citation styles using footnotes and endnotes

Citation styles using footnotes: Chicago A, OSCOLA, Turabian, ACS

Citation styles using endnotes: Vancouver, IEEE, AMA, NLM, AAA, ABNT

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Your supervisor will be able to tell you which citation style you should be using. It is crucial to
use your citation style correctly in order to avoid plagiarism. Plagiarism has serious consequences.

Using footnotes for additional information

Even if your citation style uses parenthetical citation instead of footnotes, you might choose to
include footnotes to provide the reader with supplementary information.

For example, MLA footnotes can be used to direct the reader to further relevant sources or add
information that could be useful but is not critical to your text.

If you wish to include footnotes or endnotes because you want to provide supplementary
information, you should consider:

• The number of notes. Too many footnotes can clutter the page.
• The reader’s perspective. What is more convenient for them?
• How to insert footnotes
• Microsoft Word makes it very easy to insert footnotes, following these simple steps:
• 1. Place the cursor where you would like the superscript number to appear.
2. Click on “Insert Footnote” in the “References” tab. The superscript number will appear
in the text automatically.
3. The corresponding number will be automatically inserted in the footer ready for you to
add the footnote citation.
4. Type in your footnote citation.
• You can follow the same process for endnotes, simply by choosing “Insert Endnote” in the
“References” tab.
• By default, footnotes will be numbered 1, 2, 3, etc, while endnotes will apply Roman
numerals, e.g. i, ii, iii. If you would like to change this, simply click the small arrow in the
footnotes/endnotes section under the “References” tab, and select the option you prefer
from the dropdown menu.

How to format footnotes

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• Don’t use the same number twice, even if using the same source more than once. Each time
you mention the source on a new page, it should be allocated the chronological number
that fits with the other footnote citations on that page.
• Footnote citations must be in a smaller font than the main text of your document. If you
use a 12-point font for your main text, use a 10-point font for your footnotes.
• The footnote number is placed immediately after the word to which the footnote citation
refers. If the footnote citation refers to a paragraph, then place the footnote number
immediately after the final punctuation mark.
• Footnote numbering is usually reset with each new chapter, but you can also choose to
number them continuously throughout your dissertation.

Q. 3 Discuss visual aids in details to teach technical writing.

The Role of Visuals in Technical Instructions

Visuals can serve to enhance a piece of technical writing and create a user-friendly
document. Discover how to choose, place and label visual aids in technical instructions, as well as
how to support them with text. Updated: 11/19/2021

Technical Instructions

Courtney is a writer for a company that makes lots of technology products, like software and
computers and tablets. Whenever the company comes out with a new product, or a new version of
an existing product, it's Courtney's job to write an instructional manual for it.

Technical instructions are communications about how to use a technology product. For example,
when Courtney's company came out with a new tablet last year, he wrote a user's guide that
included instructions on how to get the tablet set up and running.

Courtney is a good writer, but he feels like his instructions might be missing something important.
To help Courtney out, let's look at a key, but often overlooked, element in technical instructions:

The Purpose of Visuals

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Courtney is very good at writing technical instructions. He can distill complex, technological
information into simple words that anyone can understand. But he's never been very good at
putting visuals in his manuals.

Visuals, also called visual aids, are pictorial representations of information. Pictures, charts,
graphs, and tables are some examples of visuals that Courtney could use in his instructions.

Courtney has heard that visual aids could be helpful in his technical instructions, but he's not sure
exactly why. What, exactly, do visual aids do?

Visuals can help clarify, explain, or support an idea. For example, when Courtney wrote about
setting up the new tablet, it could have been helpful to include some screenshots of what the set
up would look like. That way, the reader could see what to expect, as well as read Courtney's
description of what to expect and do.

In addition, visuals can serve a motivating purpose for readers. That is, they can motivate the
reader to pay attention. Imagine a page with lots of technical instructions written on it. The entire
page is a block of text with lots of technological jargon and instruction. That can seem very
intimidating and off-putting!

In contrast, when that same text is broken up with images, it looks less intimidating. As a result,
readers are more likely to be motivated to read the instructions.

Q. 4 What are the styles of citing refreshing? Explain

Understanding Different Citation Formats

• Official Sites
• More Notes on Chicago Style Footnotes
• Chicago Style Bibliographies
Academic disciplines have varying expectations for how to list citation information. In some
instances, even two journals in the same field will use different styles. This guide covers the three
main styles used at Yale. All three of these styles require the same basic information, but the order
of that information varies, in part because different academic fields emphasize different elements
of a source when referring to previous research.

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The first two styles are known as “in-text” citation styles, which means that you give some
information about the source directly after the quotation, but leave the rest to a list of References
(APA) or Works Cited (MLA) at the end of the paper. (1) MLA style, defined by the Modern
Language Association, is most common in the humanities. Because humanities research highlights
how one piece of writing influences another, MLA style emphasizes the author’s name and the
page in the original text you’re using. This information allows scholars to track down easily the
exact sentences you’re analyzing. (2) APA style, defined by the American Psychological
Association, is most common in the social sciences. Although the author’s name is an important
element in APA citations, this style emphasizes the year the source was published, rather than the
page number, which allows a reader to see quickly how the research you’re writing about has
evolved over time.

The alternative to in-text citation is to use footnotes, which give source information at the bottom
of the page. The footnote style we demonstrate here is called Chicago style, defined by the
University of Chicago. Chicago style is especially popular in historical research. When developing
a historical explanation from multiple primary sources, using footnotes instead of inserting
parenthetical information allows the reader to focus on the evidence instead of being distracted by
the publication information about that evidence. The footnotes can be consulted if someone wants
to track down your source for further research. Chicago style is more flexible than MLA and APA
formats, and therefore more complicated to explain. Please see More Notes on Chicago Style
Footnotes for more information about how Chicago style is treated in this guide. All three of these
styles have different conventions for how to refer to a source in the body of your paper.
See Signaling Sources in the Body of Your Paper for more information.
Note: Some works written with MLA or APA style also include what are
called discursive footnotes. Rather than giving only the author and title of the sources, these notes
discuss in a sentence or two some aspect of the evidence that is not part of the paper’s main
argument. Discursive footnotes are also welcome in Chicago style, and many papers that use
Chicago style footnotes will mix discursive footnotes with others that just give bibliographical
information. See Where to Cite for more information about this kind of footnote.
You should check with your instructors about the style they want you to use. When in doubt,
remember that the goal of your citations is to help a reader who wishes to consult your sources

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directly. Give enough information to make such retrieval easy. The examples below are correct,
and can be relied on as guides for citing your sources. But the examples don’t always highlight
very slight variations in format among the styles (for instance, whether to use a colon or
parentheses to separate the issue number from the volume number in a quarterly journal). For more
information about each of these citation styles, see the websites listed below.

Q. 5 How do you avoid plagiarism in writing technically?

Grammarly’s plagiarism checker can detect plagiarism from billions of web pages as well as
from ProQuest’s academic databases. Our free plagiarism check will tell you whether or not
your text contains duplicate content. Our Premium plagiarism check highlights passages that
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The plagiarism checker is part of a robust writing app that offers advanced feedback on writing
mechanics like grammar and spelling as well as more complex stylistic issues like word
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You’re working on a paper and you’ve just written a line that seems kind of familiar. Did you read
it somewhere while you were researching the topic? If you did, does that count as plagiarism? Now
that you’re looking at it, there are a couple of other lines that you know you borrowed from
somewhere. You didn’t bother with a citation at the time because you weren’t planning to keep
them. But now they’re an important part of your paper. Is it still plagiarism if you’re using less
than a paragraph?

Using someone else’s text without attribution is plagiarism, whether you meant to do it or not.
Unintentional plagiarism of even a sentence or two can have serious consequences. For students,
plagiarism often means a failing grade, academic probation, or worse. Fortunately, there is a tool
that can help. Grammarly’s online plagiarism checker can help you ensure that you have properly
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Our online plagiarism checker compares your text to over 16 billion web pages and academic
papers stored in ProQuest’s databases. When part of your text matches something written online
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Q. 1 Give a detailed note on Memos.
A memo is actually short for Memorandum. It is one of the most used means of official
communication in the business world. Its main purpose is to serve as a reminder or to give some
instructions. Again these like circulars are a means of mass communication, i.e. to communicate with
a large number of people within the organization.
Usually, we write a memo is for one of the following five reasons
1. as a reminder
2. highlight an event or circumstance
3. to recount an event
4. keep an official record of anything

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5. to pass information or instructions

Memos have been a popular way for commuting for over a century now. This is because they have
many advantages as seen below:
• They are a very cost effective way of mass communication. And their transmission is also very
• Another advantage is its simplicity. They are very simple to write and understand.
• Memos tend to be brief and to the point. They also reach a lot of people. So they are very time-
saving as well.
• They also serve as evidence in case of a dispute
The Format of a Memo
Let us see the steps of writing a memo.
1. Heading: After the name and address of the company (which is on the letterhead) we type the
word “Memo’ or ‘Memorandum’ at the top of the page in the center.
2. Recipient: Address the recipients in the correct format, Example -‘ To: All Employees of the
Sale Division’
3. Writer: Write the name of the person writing the memo, Example – ‘From: Mr. ABC, Head of
4. Additional Recipients: These are the people who will receive a courtesy copy of the memo. We
don’t address the memos to them, but we keep them in the loop.
5. Date: The date of writing the memos is an important detail that one must include.
6. Subject Line: This will give the reader a brief idea about the information in the memos. The line
must be brief, precise and to the point. Example – Subject: Meeting of all employees of
the Sale Division.
7. The body of a memo: This is where all the information is contained. A formal salutation is not
required in a memo. Just relay the necessary information with clarity and precision. The body
must not be too long. The ending must restate the issue and end on a positive note.
8. Proofread: Finally, proofread the memo before sending it.
Q. 2 Write a detailed essay on process of technical writing.
Like other professionals, technical writers come up against ethical issues regularly and must make
decisions about how to move forward with a project in the face of ethical dilemmas. Writers may
encounter situations in which she must ask the following kinds of questions: What kinds of support

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material and sources are ethical to use? Are open web sources just as valid as academic sources
for certain topics? Can email communications be used without permission? What if the writer
discovers that a company falsified data about the effectiveness of its product? Should she reveal
this in her report or should she take other courses of action? How much should a writer adapt to
an audience without sacrificing his own views?
Ethics principles provide the basis for deciding whether “x” is ethical, but in reality, ethical issues
are complicated—for example, imagine working for a large company that employs substantial
numbers of people in your town, where relatively few other employment opportunities exist.
Imagine that the company disposes of its chemical waste in a way that could endanger people’s
health. Imagine, further, that the company cannot afford to dispose of this waste more safely and
that, if you turn them in, the company will close down, most of the town will be unemployed, and
the town’s entire economy will collapse. What do you do? Is the risk of future health problems
more serious than the certainty of immediately destroying your town? Which choice is really more
On a smaller scale, if one way of presenting evidence requires some manipulation of data but
seems to be the only way of keeping sales strong enough for your company to survive, what should
you do? If you take the unethical route, odds are good that few (or no) people will realize you have
done so, and you would not be doing anything illegal. If you take the ethical route, and sales
plummet, few people will recognize the ethical issue, but most will clearly understand that you
caused the sales decline.
General Principles
In day-to-day life, most people have a sort of sliding scale on what constitutes ethical behavior:
they would not tell a direct lie on trivial matters if doing so would hurt someone’s feelings. For
example, you might tell your best friend her new haircut looks attractive when in fact you believe
that it does not. This lie, though minor, preserves your friend’s feelings and does no harm to her
or anyone else. Some might consider the context before determining how to act. For example, you
might not tell a stranger that he was trailing toilet paper but you would tell a friend. In a more
serious situation, a person might not choose to die to save a stranger’s life, but she might risk dying
to save her children’s lives. Ethical behavior, including ethical technical communication, involves
not just telling the truth and providing accurate information, but telling the truth and providing
information so that a reasonable audience knows the truth. It also means that you act to prevent

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actual harm, with set criteria for what kinds and degrees of harm are more serious than others (for
example, someone’s life outweighs financial damage to your company; your company’s success
outweighs your own irritation). As a guideline, ask yourself what would happen if your action (or
non-action) became public. If you would go to prison, lose your friends, lose your job, or even just
feel really embarrassed, the action is probably unethical.
Presentation of information
How a writer presents information in a document can affect a reader’s understanding of the relative
weight or seriousness of that information. For example, hiding some crucial bit of information in
the middle of a long paragraph deep in a long document seriously de-emphasizes the information.
On the other hand, putting a minor point in a prominent spot (say the first item in a bulleted list in
a report’s executive summary) tells your reader that it is crucial.
A classic example of unethical technical writing is the memo report NASA engineers wrote about
the problem with O ring seals on the space shuttle Challenger (the link provides further links to a
wide range of information, including ethics analyses; the first link is the overview for what
happened). The unethical feature was that the crucial information about the O rings (O rings
provide a seal) was buried in a middle paragraph, while information approving the launch was in
prominent beginning and ending spots. Presumably, the engineers were trying to present a full
report, including safe components in the Challenger, but the memo’s audience—non-technical
managers—mistakenly believed the O ring problem to be inconsequential, even if it happened.
The position of information in this document did not help them understand that the problem could
be fatal. Possibly the engineers were just poor writers; possibly they did not consider their
audience; or possibly they did not want to look bad and therefore emphasized all the things that
were right with the Challenger. (Incidentally, the O rings had worked fine for several launches.)
Ethical writing, then, involves being ethical, of course, but also presenting information so that your
target audience will understand the relative importance of information and understand whether
some technical fact is a good thing or a bad thing.
Q. 3 Explain the parts of Proposal.
Private foundation proposals differ greatly from most federal proposals. While foundations often
outline the general format that they prefer, there is more latitude regarding the structure of the
narrative. Always frame your proposal to align as closely as possible to the funders programs'
stated mission, without going so far that you are compromising your research interests.

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Further, if there is a published list of judges/reviewers available, as is usually the case for scientific
applications, try to compose your proposal so that it piques the interest of one or more of the judges'
1. Abstract/Summary
• The abstract is the most important component of the proposal. Spend time developing the
best possible title. If the length is not mandated, it should be no longer than one half to one
page maximum.
• Use bolded subheadings. Include highlights in the topic sentence in each section of the
• What will be done, by whom, how, over what period of time? What is the problem/need?
Who will the outcomes benefit?
2. Statement of Need
• What is the issue that you are addressing and why does it matter?
• Why is what you propose necessary? What is the void in Knowledge?
• Who benefits? Indicate the public good, not just the effect on campus.
• Why hasn't this issue been addressed sufficiently in the past? Who else is working in this
field, what have they done, and why isn't that enough? Demonstrate your knowledge of the
• Provide convincing evidence that what you are proposing does not duplicate other work.
Replication of someone else's work in a new environment or larger scale may be fundable.
3. Project Activity, Methodology and Outcomes
• Why did you choose to address the issue in the manner that you have? Are there other
approaches? If so, why aren't they appropriate to the situation?
• What are the specific activities involved? Who will do them?
• Present a timeline of activities. Tables and charts work best here. They crystallize data,
break up pages of narrative, and convey extensive information well in a limited space.
• What specific outcomes will be achieved? What will change?
• Why are you/your organization the best one to do what you propose to do? Is it an extension
of successful, innovative work or a pilot project you already completed?

4. Evaluation

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• Essential piece that should be both quantitative and qualitative, if feasible.

• Outline clearly the methodology that you will use to assess the projects success.
5. Dissemination
• Dissemination should be linked to your project goals and objectives. If you are trying to
affect policy, your dissemination plan should target policy-makers, media, and affected
• Describe your communication strategy.
• Be creative. Sending an article to a professional journal is only one of many options.
Consider submitting op-ed pieces to newspapers and articles to more popular periodicals;
work with University Relations to obtain newspaper coverage and interviews on local radio
stations; engage in conference presentations, community outreach activities, presentations
to policy-makers and community groups, such as the Chamber of Commerce; launch a web
site or blog; convene work groups of your peers; create briefing papers, press releases,
videos; and, list yourself on speakers bureaus.
6. Budget and Continuation Funding
• Show your budget in table form and use a budget narrative to explain each item.
• Only Include other sources of funding if the funder mandates it's inclusion. UMass policy
does not allow including in-kind or outside contributions unless it is required, as it adds
administrative burden and costs.
• Indicate how the project will be funded or be sustainable after the grant funds have run out.
Q. 4 Give comprehensive overview on styles related with technical writing.
Technical language refers to written or oral communication that has specialized content. The
product specification for a new microprocessor, a financial presentation by a senior executive and
a design meeting for a new medical device are examples of technical communication. Everyday
language involves using common business terms, such as "strategy" and "schedule," that
everybody understands. The differences between technical and everyday language center on the
use of jargon and assumptions about the audience.
The main difference between technical and everyday language is the use of jargon. Jargon refers
to abbreviations, technical buzzwords and convoluted constructions. There is usually too much of
it in technical language, and it could complicate otherwise simple concepts and leave the audience
confused. While some jargon use might be intentional, perhaps to communicate an air of

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superiority, technical language users are often unaware that their audience cannot grasp the core
message. Everyday language is usually jargon-free, although group members might use technical
terms that everybody in the group understands.
Technical language users assume a certain audience knowledge level. For example, an executive
who is presenting at an analysts' meeting can assume that the audience is knowledgeable about the
industry. However, the analysts cannot assume the same level of knowledge when preparing
research reports for their clients. They must use everyday language in these reports to justify their
opinions and buy-sell recommendations. Misplaced assumptions can also cause problems in
written products, such as user manuals and how-to guides, because writers sometimes overestimate
the audience's technical expertise. What may seem obvious to a technical writer might be
perplexing to the everyday consumer.
The context for technical and everyday language use is different. Technical language seeks to
communicate specifics, while everyday language is usually more general. A chief executive uses
technical language in a financial presentation to research analysts but uses everyday language
when speaking to employees and shareholders at the company's annual general meeting. Written
communication offers more flexibility because footnotes, charts and other supporting material can
help explain complex technical concepts.
Technical language refers to written or oral communication that has specialized content. The
product specification for a new microprocessor, a financial presentation by a senior executive and
a design meeting for a new medical device are examples of technical communication. Everyday
language involves using common business terms, such as "strategy" and "schedule," that
everybody understands. The differences between technical and everyday language center on the
use of jargon and assumptions about the audience.
The main difference between technical and everyday language is the use of jargon. Jargon refers
to abbreviations, technical buzzwords and convoluted constructions. There is usually too much of
it in technical language, and it could complicate otherwise simple concepts and leave the audience
confused. While some jargon use might be intentional, perhaps to communicate an air of
superiority, technical language users are often unaware that their audience cannot grasp the core
message. Everyday language is usually jargon-free, although group members might use technical
terms that everybody in the group understands.

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Technical language users assume a certain audience knowledge level. For example, an executive
who is presenting at an analysts' meeting can assume that the audience is knowledgeable about the
industry. However, the analysts cannot assume the same level of knowledge when preparing
research reports for their clients. They must use everyday language in these reports to justify their
opinions and buy-sell recommendations. Misplaced assumptions can also cause problems in
written products, such as user manuals and how-to guides, because writers sometimes overestimate
the audience's technical expertise. What may seem obvious to a technical writer might be
perplexing to the everyday consumer.
The context for technical and everyday language use is different. Technical language seeks to
communicate specifics, while everyday language is usually more general. A chief executive uses
technical language in a financial presentation to research analysts but uses everyday language
when speaking to employees and shareholders at the company's annual general meeting. Written
communication offers more flexibility because footnotes, charts and other supporting material can
help explain complex technical concepts.
Simply put, technical writing is used as efficient and clear way of explaining a product or technical
aspect of production and how it works. Although the average many cannot understand this style
and all of the jargon involved in this genre, technical writing is the preferred style by many
Technical writing is meant to get facts across to its reader base. It is commonly read by a group of
people with a shared, advanced knowledge of a particular subject. These essays are focused on
explaining something or some process in an industry, such as the product manufacturing
procedure, the testing protocols, and giving the facts of an industry report.
Instead of constructing an argument to share facts, like expository writing, technical writing is
geared towards clearly and succinctly giving the data in an impersonal way. You can count on
technical writing to sound more like a textbook than an expository essay.
If you are looking to start a career in the writing world, it is important to learn how to manipulate
your writing style to fit the needs of a client. As a student your professor is your "client."
If you are a student, you will need to know whether your assignments are to be written in a
technical way, such as a lab report or an analytical mathematics paper, or in an expository way,
such as an English Essay or Philosophical paper. Ask your professor if you are confused about
what style he or she is looking for in the classroom.

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If you are a writer, you will find yourself writing using a blend of genres in the writing world.
• You might be involved in freelancing or copy writing in which, at times, you are trying to
reach a targeted audience with technical writing for an advertisement.
• At other times, you market the same product using expository writing.
In these cases, it isn't about expository writing vs. technical writing, but about blending the two or
using them in conjunction with one another for effective marketing.
Q. 5 Explain the trends in technical writing with examples.
For some time now, technical writers have been battling several challenges – sometimes the trouble
is with the ‘technical’ and sometimes with the ‘writing’! Whether it is to sustain his/her present
job or clear an interview for better opportunities, trends in technical writing have changed so much
that the humble technical writer is now expected to know about web programming, mobile
applications, cloud storage and what not!
Technical writing techniques have also changed due to a massive influence of software and digital
technology in the authoring process. Today, there are so many different technical writing
tools available that it becomes a hard choice as well as the fact that their usage has to be
mastered. To add to this, technical writing is no longer an isolated function. Rather, there are
several business focus areas that overlap with technical writing such as e-learning, onboarding,
software product adoption, customer success and so on!
But this is no surprise either. As the world economy evolves and disruptions become ubiquitous,
companies understand that they must do two things on priority. The first is to ensure that every
resource and asset becomes valuable by driving certain business outcomes. The more outcomes
each resource drives, the more valuable to the company it is. The second is to become lean and
agile, sometimes as a way to cut costs, but also to improve immunity from external shocks which
could be highly threatening. And that’s where these trends in technical writing emerge from. In its
legacy form, technical writing may not deliver a lot of value for companies. But, when companies
adopt these new emerging trends in technical writing, the function transforms into something
entirely new and, more importantly, value driven. Though the changes are plenty, a systematic and
focussed effort can help technical writers bridge this technical writing skill gap. This is the first in
a series of articles intended to serve as a one stop jaunt to uncover all the major trends in technical
writing and how the function can be pivoted to drive several critical business processes.

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Trends in Technical Writing Pivoting the Function

Technical writing for Enterprise Software Product Adoption
Apart from the traditional Product Development lifecycle, there is another sequential process that
enterprises are dealing with. It covers the all steps that lead a customer from initial awareness, to
committed product purchase and value realization. Technical writers trained to deal with the
traditional PDLC have a perspective in which user interest in a product is taken for granted. But
that is no longer the case. This is because product vendors also have a role in driving end user
adoption. And without end user adoption, the project can’t be deemed successful.
Product adoption deals with the customer’s changing attitude towards the product as he gets to
know the product better. Product adoption is essentially a marketing process, so the key
documentation revolves around product recall, competitor analysis, promotion and pricing.
Technical writers would do well to reorient themselves into this paradigm. Upcoming trends in
technical writing encourage technical writers to work towards helping drive end user adoption.
This is one of the trends in technical writing that companies should definitely adopt to future proof
Tech Writing for E-learning
A technical writer’s principal goal is to ensure the reader gets the message that the product team
wants to convey. It could be about educating the reader on a product, service, new technology,
anything. Modern businesses have found that e-learning is a very effective technique to achieve
this. Be it instructional videos or live interactive sessions, learning content can be of various forms,
deployed using an LMS (Learning Management System). E-learning serves to achieve a critical
portion of the product adoption process – train the user on the product. On the other side, content
needs to be personalized to the end user as well. That’s where customized content delivery comes
into play.
Technical Writing for User Onboarding
User onboarding is another business paradigm that runs alongside with product adoption. User
onboarding process refers to the induction and integration a new customer (or employee) into the
product (or company) fold. Going by the recent trends in technical writing, it can be said that a
technical writer is also responsible for generating user documentation to facilitate this phase.
Product help, usage instructions, example case studies, interactive training sessions – all of these

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and several other e-learning solutions – could be used to serve this purpose. Quick and effective
onboarding is a direct consequence of good technical writing.
Compliance to Documentation Standards
SCORM (Shareable Content Object Reference Model)
SCORM is a reference standard for creating and sharing web based training content. It forms the
foundation for a Learning Management System (LMS), as it content creators to reuse their content
across vendors and tools. Whatfix enjoys the distinction of being the first SCORM compliant in-
app guidance system.
A slightly older and well matured standard floated by the same forum who came with DITA much
later. This one is for designing technical books and articles in digital formats, but printing them as
hard copies.
Mode of Publishing
Print gives way to online documents
First, designing documents and layouts went digital. From the humble MS Word to sophisticated
Adobe tools, desktop designing brought in design reuse, open DTD standards, XML based layouts
and templates. Subsequently, documents were not just digitally designed but published online too.
So the printed version was almost eliminated.
Variety of devices
Once publishing went digital, the challenge of device diversity had to be faced. Technical
documents would now have to work on all sorts of devices – PCs, smart phones, tablets of various
sizes. A lot depends on whether the documentation is being developed from scratch or existing
ones are being adapted. Responsive layouts (browser adjusts page) or adaptive layouts (product
server manages) are the key methods employed. Some tools offer Liquid Layout rules, while some
others create device-specific layouts.
Trends in Technical Writing Changing Its Focus
Instructive to Interactive
Technical documentation has been about ‘educating’ a user in the old paradigm, irrespective of
what he already knows or what he seeks to know. Manuals, guides, white-papers – all of them
were about instructive one sided communication. However, with the onset of high speed internet
and data analytics, the user is not a passive player any more. User profiling algorithms can unearth

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deep insights into their preferences. Once the user begins to use the product, constant feedback is
received about his usage. 2 way interactive systems (with the help of eLearning platforms, product
adoption tools) ensures that users get what they want with least time and effort.
Rich media content has replaced long text documents
High exposure to digital gadgets has lowered the attention span of users, and also made our
searches more visual. Hence technical writers need to convey the message to the customer in short,
succinct and effective ways. Research papers are discussed on Podcasts. Customer support chats
are answered by pre-programmed bots. Installation manuals carry a series of animated GIFs! FAQs
are replaced by in-page support tags (Whatfix link). Trouble shooting guides are replaced by
interactive video sessions. The common trend among all these developments is that
communication between the customer and the product team is not through lengthy documents
anymore. It takes various forms of audio-visuals that are interactive and easy to consume.
Product Focus to User Focus
In the past, technical documentation for a product was an elaborate representation of the product
on paper. Manuals to cover how it works, brochures to promote sales, whitepapers about research
and so on were the common ones. The technical writers hired were primarily ‘writers’ who
understood the product and wrote about it. But in today’s day and age, technical writers commonly
known as ‘content writers’. There is a whole lot of UX blended into the content generation process,
making the user the centrepiece of documentation and not the product itself.
There is one noticeable thread that can be spotted across all these trends, it is that technical
documentation (or content writing as it is called now) is certainly a job in great demand.
It has certainly morphed into modern forms, increased its reliance on technology and tools. But
the essence of the job remains the same – understand the product and convey your understanding
to the customer effectively. Technical writers can take heart with that fact! And this series of
articles hopes to aid technical writers to achieve their transition into modern business world.



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Q. 1 Give a detailed note on Purpose of Technical Writing.

Ans:- Specialized correspondence is a way to pass on logical, designing, or other specialized
information.[1] Individuals in an assortment of settings and with differed proficient
accreditations participate in specialized correspondence. A few people are assigned as
specialized communicators or specialized essayists. These people utilize a bunch of strategies to
research, report, and present specialized cycles or items. Specialized communicators may put the
data they catch into paper archives, website pages, PC based preparing, carefully put away
content, sound, video, and other media. The Society for Technical Communication characterizes
the field as any type of correspondence that centers around specialized or concentrated subjects,
conveys explicitly by utilizing innovation or gives guidelines on the best way to do
something.[2][3] More compactly, the Institute of Scientific and Technical Communicators
characterizes specialized correspondence as real correspondence, as a rule about items and
services.[4] The European Association for Technical Communication quickly characterizes
specialized correspondence as "the way toward characterizing, making and conveying data items
for the protected, proficient and compelling utilization of items (specialized frameworks,
programming, services)".[5]

Whatever the meaning of specialized correspondence, the overall objective of the training is to
make effectively open data for a particular audience.

Specialized communicators by and large tailor data to a particular crowd, which might be topic
specialists, buyers, end clients, and so forth Specialized communicators regularly work
cooperatively to make expectations that incorporate online assistance, client manuals, homeroom
preparing guides, PC based preparing, white papers, particulars, mechanical recordings,
reference cards, information sheets, diary articles, and licenses. Specialized areas can be of any
sort, including the delicate and hard sciences, high innovation including PCs and programming
and shopper hardware. Specialized communicators frequently work with a scope of explicit
Subject-matter specialists (SMEs) on these instructive undertakings.

Specialized correspondence occupations incorporate the following:[3] API essayist, e-learning

writer, data engineer, specialized substance designer, specialized editorial manager, specialized
artist, specialized coach, specialized interpreter, specialized author, ease of use master, client
experience creator, and UI planner. Different positions accessible to specialized communicators
incorporate advanced tactician, promoting subject matter expert, and substance administrator.

In 2015, the European Association for Technical Communication distributed a skill system for
the expert field of specialized communication.[

Much like innovation and the world economy, specialized correspondence as a calling has
developed in the course of the last half-century.[8][9] basically, specialized communicators take
the physiological exploration of an extend and apply it to the correspondence cycle itself.

Specialized correspondence is an undertaking performed by particular representatives or experts.

For instance, an expert essayist may work with an organization to deliver a client manual. A few
organizations give significant specialized correspondence obligation to other specialized experts,

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for example, developers, designers, and researchers. Regularly, an expert specialized author
alters such work to bring it up to current specialized correspondence principles.

To start the documentation cycle, specialized communicators distinguish the crowd and their
data needs. The specialized communicator investigates and structures the substance into a system
that can direct nitty gritty turn of events. As the assortment of data meets up, the specialized
communicator guarantees that the target group can comprehend the substance and recover the
data they need. This cycle, known as the creative cycle, has been a focal point of composing
hypothesis since the 1970s, and some contemporary reading material writers apply it to
specialized correspondence. Specialized correspondence is essential to most callings, as an
approach to contain and coordinate data and look after precision.

The specialized creative cycle depends on Cicero's 5 groups of way of talking, and can be
isolated into six stages:

All specialized correspondence fills a specific need—commonly to impart thoughts and ideas to
a crowd of people, or educate a group of people in a specific errand. Specialized correspondence
experts utilize different methods to comprehend the crowd and, whenever the situation allows,
test content on the intended interest group. For instance, if bank laborers don't appropriately post
stores, a specialized communicator would survey existing instructional material (or scarcity in
that department), talk with bank laborers to recognize applied blunders, talk with topic specialists
to become familiar with the right methods, creator new material that educates laborers in the
right techniques, and test the new material on the bank laborers.

Additionally, a team lead who ponders which of two locales is better for another store may
request that a promoting proficient examination the destinations and compose a report with
proposals. The advertising proficient hands the report off to a specialized communicator (for this
situation, a specialized supervisor or specialized author), who alters, designs, and now and then
expounds the record to make the promoting proficient's master evaluation usable to the project
lead. The cycle isn't one of information move, yet the convenience of information across fields of
mastery and settings of utilization. This is the essential meaning of specialized correspondence.

Crowd type influences numerous parts of correspondence, from word choice and illustrations use
to style and association. Frequently, to address a specific crowd, a specialized communicator
must consider what characteristics make a book valuable (fit for supporting an important
undertaking) and usable (fit for being utilized in assistance of that task). A non-specialized
crowd may misjudge or not read an archive that is substantial with language—while a
specialized crowd may desire detail basic to their work, for example, vector documentation.
Occupied crowds regularly don't have the opportunity to peruse whole records, so content must
be coordinated for simplicity of looking—for instance by successive headings, blank area, and
different signals that control consideration. Different prerequisites change as per specific crowd's

Specialized communicators may have to interpret, globalize, or limit their reports to address the
issues of crowds in various etymological and social business sectors. Globalization includes
delivering specialized substance that addresses the issues of "however many crowds as could be

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allowed," preferably a worldwide audience.[10] Localization adjusts existing specialized

substance to fit the "social, logical, instructive, moral, [and] legitimate" desires for clients in a
particular nearby context.[10]

Specialized correspondence in the public authority is specific and nitty gritty. Contingent upon
the fragment of government (and nation), the public authority segment must follow particular
details. Data changes persistently and specialized interchanges (specialized manuals, intelligent
electronic specialized manuals, specialized announcements, and so forth) must be refreshed.

Q. 2 Write a detailed ESSAY on Audience & Technical Writing.

Ans:- Specialized composing is composing or drafting specialized correspondence utilized in

specialized and word related fields, for example, PC equipment and programming, designing,
science, air transportation, mechanical technology, money, clinical, buyer hardware,
biotechnology, and ranger service. Specialized composing envelops the biggest sub-field in
specialized communication.

The Society for Technical Communication characterizes specialized correspondence as any type
of correspondence that displays at least one of the accompanying attributes: "(1) conveying about
specialized or concentrated subjects, for example, PC applications, operations, or ecological
guidelines; (2) imparting by utilizing innovation, for example, site pages, help documents, or
online media locales; or (3) giving directions about how to accomplish something, paying little
heed to how specialized the assignment is".

Additional data: Technical author

Specialized composing is performed by a specialized essayist (or specialized writer) and is the
way toward composing and sharing specialized data in an expert setting.[3]:4 A specialized
author's essential assignment is to impart specialized data to someone else or party in the most
clear and best way possible.[3]:4 The data that specialized scholars convey is regularly mind
boggling, so solid composition and relational abilities are fundamental. Specialized scholars pass
on data through content, however they should be capable with PCs also. Specialized scholars
utilize a wide scope of projects to make and alter representations, charting projects to make
visual guides, and record processors to configuration, make, and organization documents.[4]

While specialized composing is normally connected with online assistance and client manuals,
the term specialized documentation can cover a more extensive scope of types and advances.
Official statements, updates, reports, strategic agreements, datasheets, item portrayals and
details, white papers, list of references, and employment forms are nevertheless a couple of
instances of composing that can be viewed as specialized documentation.[5] Some sorts of
specialized documentation are not commonly dealt with by specialized scholars. For instance, an
official statement is typically composed by an advertising essayist, however a specialized author
may have contribution on any specialized data remembered for the official statement.


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While specialized composing has just been perceived as a calling since World War II,[6]:2 its
foundations can be followed to old style antiquity.[7]:233 Critics refer to crafted by scholars like
Aristotle as the soonest types of specialized writing.[7]:234 Geoffrey Chaucer's work, Treatise
on the Astrolabe, is an early illustration of a specialized document.[8] The most punctual
instances of specialized composing go back to the Old English period.[9]

With the creation of the mechanical print machine, the beginning of the Renaissance and the
ascent of the Age of Reason, recording discoveries turned into a need. Designers and researchers
like Isaac Newton and Leonardo da Vinci arranged reports that chronicled their creations and
findings.[6]:1 While never called specialized archives during their time of distribution, these
records assumed a significant function in creating current types of specialized correspondence
and writing.[6]

The field of specialized correspondence developed during the Industrial Revolution.[10]:3 There
was an expanding need to give individuals directions for utilizing the an ever increasing number
of complex machines that were being invented.[10]:8 However, not at all like the past, where
aptitudes were passed on through oral customs, nobody other than the designers realized how to
utilize these new gadgets. Composing in this way turned into the quickest and best approach to
disperse data, and journalists who could report these gadgets were desired.[10]

During the twentieth century, the requirement for specialized composing soar, and the calling at
last turned out to be authoritatively perceived. The occasions of World War I and World War II
prompted propels in medication, military equipment, PC innovation, and aviation
technologies.[6]:2 This fast development, combined with the direness of war, made a quick
requirement for very much planned and composed records that chronicled the utilization of these
advancements. Specialized composing was sought after during this time, and "specialized
author" turned into an official employment title during World War II.[6]:1

Following World War II, mechanical advances prompted an expansion in customer merchandise
and norms of living.[6]:3 During the post-war blast, public administrations like libraries and
colleges, just as transport frameworks like transports and roadways, saw enormous measures of
development. The requirement for essayists to annal these cycles increased.[6]:1 It was
additionally during this period that huge business and colleges began utilizing PCs.
Outstandingly, in 1949, Joseph D. Chapline wrote the principal computational specialized
record, a guidance manual for the BINAC computer.[11]

The disclosure of the semiconductor in 1947 permitted PCs to be created less expensive than at
any other time before.[6]:3 These scaled down costs implied that PCs could now be bought by
people and little businesses.[6]:3 And because of the PC's developing unmistakable quality, the
requirement for essayists who could clarify and record these gadgets grew.[6]:3 The calling of
specialized composing saw further extension during the 1970s and 1980s as customer hardware
discovered their way into the homes of increasingly more people.[6]

Lately, the unmistakable quality of PCs in the public arena has prompted numerous advances in
the field of computerized interchanges, prompting changes in the instruments specialized

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journalists use.[6]:3 Hypertext, word processors, designs altering projects, and page format
programming have made the making of specialized archives quicker and simpler, and specialized
authors of today should be capable in these programs.[3]:8–9

Great specialized composing is brief, centered, straightforward, liberated from blunders, and
crowd based.[12]:7 Technical authors center around making their records as clear as could be
expected under the circumstances, evading excessively specialized expressions and elaborate
decisions like inactive voice and nominalizations.[3]:236–245 Because specialized archives are
utilized in certifiable circumstances, it should consistently be unequivocally clear what the topic
of a specialized report is and how to utilize the introduced data. It would be grievous if, for
instance, a specialized essayist's guidelines on the best way to utilize a powerful X-beam
machine were hard to unravel.

Specialized composing requires an essayist to widely inspect their audience.[3]:84–114 A

specialized author should know about their crowd's current information about the material they
are examining as the information base of the essayist's crowd decides the substance and focal
point of a document.[3]:84–114 For instance, an assessment report talking about a logical
report's discoveries that is kept in touch with a gathering of profoundly gifted researchers will be
distinctively built than one planned for the overall population. Specialized essayists don't need to
be topic specialists (SMEs) themselves. They frequently work together with SMEs to finish
assignments that require more information about a subject than they possess.[3]:51
Specialized composing must be precise. A specialized author, subsequent to dissecting their
crowd, understands what they need to impart and afterward needs to pass on the message in a
precise and moral way. Physical, ecological, or monetary repercussions could result if an author
does this inaccurately. Realizing the crowd is basic to precision in light of the fact that the
language will be custom-made by what they as of now comprehend about the current subject. For
instance, guidelines on the best way to accurately and securely gather a shelf are incorporated
with buy. Those directions are built so anybody can track, including precise subtleties
concerning where every clasp goes. On the off chance that those directions were wrong, the shelf
could be flimsy and fail.[13]

Record plan and format are likewise crucial parts of specialized writing.[3]:261–286 Technical
authors invest a lot of energy guaranteeing their archives are decipherable on the grounds that an
ineffectively planned report hampers a peruser's perception. Specialized record configuration
stresses legitimate use of report plan decisions like list items, text dimension, and striking
text.[14] Images, outlines, and recordings are additionally regularly utilized by specialized
journalists on the grounds that these media can frequently pass on complex data, similar to an
organization's yearly profit or an item's plan highlights, undeniably more effectively than

Specialized records

Specialized composing covers numerous classes and composing styles, contingent upon the data
and audience.[3]:84–114 Technical reports are not exclusively created by specialized authors.
Nearly any individual who works in an expert setting produces specialized reports of some
assortment. A few instances of specialized documentation include:

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Guidelines and strategies are reports that help either designers or end-clients work or arrange a
gadget or program.[12]:226 Examples of instructional records incorporate client manuals and
investigating guides for PC programs, PC equipment, family unit items, clinical hardware,
mechanical items, and vehicles.

Recommendations. Most undertakings start with a proposition—a record that depicts the
motivation behind a venture, the errands that will be acted in the task, the strategies used to
finish the task, lastly, the expense of the project.[12]:191 Proposals cover a wide scope of
subjects. For instance, a specialized essayist may writer a recommendation that diagrams the
amount it will cost to introduce another PC framework, a showcasing expert may compose a
proposition with the item contributions, and an educator may compose a suggestion that plots
how another science class will be organized.

Q. 3 Explain the parts of Report.

Ans:- A vital component of reports is that they are officially organized in segments. The
utilization of segments makes it simple for the peruser to bounce directly to the data they need.
Dissimilar to an exposition which is written in a solitary account style beginning to end, each
part of a report has its own reason and should be written in a proper style to suit – for instance,
the strategies and results areas are for the most part expressive, though the conversation segment
should be scientific. Understanding the capacity of each part will assist you with organizing your
data and utilize the right composition style. Reports for various briefs require various areas, so
consistently check cautiously any directions you've been

given. Title The title needs to briefly express the subject of the report. It should be enlightening
and descriptives so that

somebody simply perusing the title will comprehend the fundamental issue of your report. You
don't have to incorporate exorbitant
detail in your title however try not to be obscure and excessively broad.
Theoretical (Likewise called the Summary or Executive Summary)
This is the 'shop window' for your report. It is the first (and now and then the main) segment to
be perused and should be
the last to be composed. It should empower the peruser to settle on an educated choice about
whether they need to peruse
the entire report. The length will rely upon the degree of the work revealed however it is
typically a section or two and
continuously not exactly a page. A decent method to compose a theoretical is to consider it a
progression of brief responses to questions. These would most likely
(Likewise called Background or Context)
In this part you clarify the reasoning for undertaking the work wrote about, including what you
have been inquired
or on the other hand picked) to do, the purposes behind doing it and the foundation to the
investigation. It should be written in an informative

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style. State what is the issue here - what is the issue you are attempting to reply? In the event that
it is a brief for a particular peruser
(for example an attainability report on a development venture for a customer), state what their
identity is. Depict your beginning stage and
the foundation to the subject, for example: what exploration has just been done (in the event that
you have been asked to
incorporate a Literature Survey later in the report, you just need a short blueprint of past
examination in the
Presentation); what are the applicable subjects and issues; for what reason would you say you are
being approached to research it now?
Clarify how you will approach reacting to the brief. In the event that you will test a theory in
your examination,
incorporate this toward the finish of your presentation. Incorporate a concise framework of your
strategy for enquiry. Express the constraints of
your exploration and explanations behind them, for instance; "Exploration will zero in on local
English speakers in particular, as a legitimate
thought of the issues emerging from communicating in English as a subsequent language is past
the extent of this undertaking".
Writing overview
(Additionally called Literature Review or Survey/Review of Research)
This is a study of distributions (books, diaries, definitive sites, once in a while gathering papers)
work that has just been done on the subject of your report. It should just incorporate
investigations that have direct
imortance to your examination.
A writing overview should be composed like an article in a desultory style, with a presentation,
fundamental conversation
assembled in subjects and an end.
Present your audit by clarifying how you approached finding your materials, and any
unmistakable patterns in exploration
that have arisen. Gathering your writings in topics. Expound on each topic as a different
segment, giving a basic
synopsis of each bit of work and demonstrating its importance to your examination.
Close with how the audit has educated your examination (things you'll be structure on, holes
you'll be filling and so forth)
(Likewise called Methodology)
You need to compose your Methods segment so that a peruser could reproduce the exploration
you have done. There should be no vagueness here, so you need to write in an exceptionally
authentic useful style.
You need to state unmistakably how you completed your examination. Clarify why you picked
this specific strategy
(polls, center gathering, exploratory strategy and so forth), incorporate strategies and any gear
you utilized. In the event that
there were members in your examination, who right? What number of? How were they chosen?

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Compose this part briefly however completely – experience what you ventured by step, including
all that is
mportant. You understand what you did, yet could a peruser follow your depiction?
Likewise called Data or Findings)

This part has just one employment which is to introduce the discoveries of your examination as
essentially and plainly as could reasonably be expected. Use

the organization that will accomplish this most successfully for example text, charts, tables or
When settling on a graphical arrangement to utilize, consider how the information will look to
the peruser. Pick only one
design - don't rehash a similar data in, for example, a diagram and a table. Mark your diagrams
and tables
plainly. Give each figure a title and depict in words what the figure illustrates.
Writing in this part should be clear, real and instructive. Spare your translation of the outcomes
for the
Conversation area.
This is likely the longest segment and worth investing energy in. It unites everything, indicating
how your
discoveries react to the concise you clarified in your presentation and the past exploration you
overviewed in your
writing overview. It should be written in a rambling style, which means you need to talk about
not just what your discoveries
show however why they show this, utilizing proof from past examination to back up your
This is likewise the spot to make reference to if there were any issues (for example, if your
outcomes were not quite the same as
desires, you were unable to discover significant information, or you needed to change your
strategy or members) and how they
were or might have been unraveled.
Your decisions should be a short segment with no new contentions or proof. Summarize the
primary concerns of your
research - how would they answer the first concise for the work investigated?
This segment may likewise include:
• Recommendations for activity
• Suggestions for additional exploration


(Additionally called Reference List or Bibliography)

Rudown here full subtleties for any works you have alluded to in the report, including books,
diaries, sites and other

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materials. You may likewise have to list works you have utilized in setting up your report yet
have not expressly alluded to
- check your directions for this and for the right way of referring to utilize.
You can discover data about how to reference more unordinary materials (TV programs, online
journals and so forth) from
different sites remembering the LearnHigher site for referring to. In case you don't know, the
standard is to be reliable
furthermore, to give enough subtleties that a peruser can locate the very snippet of data that you
Informative supplements
The reference sections hold any extra data that may help the peruser however isn't fundamental
to the report's primary
discoveries: anything that 'adds esteem'. That may incorporate (for example) inquiries questions,
crude information or a glossary of
terms utilized. Name all addendums and allude to them where proper in the primary content (for
example 'See Appendix A for an
model poll').
Which area would it be advisable for me to compose first?
It very well may be useful to review areas as you come. This implies that you expound on what
you've done while it's
still new in your brain and you can see all the more effectively if there are any holes that may
require extra exploration to fill
them. Also, you don't wind up with a huge bit of writing to do in one go - that can be
Here is a proposed request for composing the primary areas:
1. Techniques and Data/Results: As an unpleasant guide, the more verifiable the part, the
previous you ought to compose it. So
areas depicting 'what you did and what you found' are probably going to be composed first.
2. Presentation and Literature Survey: Sections that clarify or develop the reason for the
exploration ought to
be straightaway. What questions would you say you are trying to reply, how could they emerge,
for what reason would they say they merit exploring?
These will assist you with perceiving how to decipher and break down your discoveries.
3. Conversation: Once you've set up the inquiries your exploration is trying to reply, you will
have the option to see
how your outcomes add to the appropriate responses and what sort of answers they highlight.
Compose this early enough
that you actually have the opportunity to fill any holes you find.
4. Ends and Recommendations: These ought to follow coherently from your Discussion. They
should state
your decisions and proposals plainly and just.
5. Dynamic/Executive Summary: Once the primary body is done you can compose a concise and
precise synopsis
of the principle highlights.
My report doesn't appear to find a way into these segments

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On the off chance that you haven't been given guidelines on the best way to structure your report,
take a gander at instances of different reports in your
discipline. Your specialty may have instances of past report composing tasks that you can see. Or
on the other hand attempt
the UniLearning site which has a helpful manual for highlights of reports in different controls.
For certain reports, (frequently business or the executives reports) it isn't fitting to utilize the
'presentation, techniques,
results, conversation, end' model.

Q. 4 Give comprehensive overview on mechanics related with technical writing.

Ans:- Specialized composing is performed by a specialized essayist (or specialized writer) and is
the way toward composing and sharing specialized data in an expert setting.[3]:4 A specialized
author's essential undertaking is to impart specialized data to someone else or party in the most
clear and best way possible.[3]:4 The data that specialized scholars convey is regularly
perplexing, so solid composition and relational abilities are fundamental. Specialized scholars
pass on data through content, yet they should be capable with PCs too. Specialized essayists
utilize a wide scope of projects to make and alter outlines, charting projects to make visual
guides, and record processors to configuration, make, and organization documents.[4]

While specialized composing is generally connected with online assistance and client manuals,
the term specialized documentation can cover a more extensive scope of classifications and
advances. Official statements, notices, reports, strategic plans, datasheets, item depictions and
determinations, white papers, list of qualifications, and employment forms are nevertheless a
couple of instances of composing that can be viewed as specialized documentation.[5] Some
kinds of specialized documentation are not commonly taken care of by specialized authors. For
instance, an official statement is generally composed by an advertising essayist, however a
specialized author may have contribution on any specialized data remembered for the public


While specialized composing has just been perceived as a calling since World War II,[6]:2 its
underlying foundations can be followed to traditional antiquity.[7]:233 Critics refer to crafted by
scholars like Aristotle as the most punctual types of specialized writing.[7]:234 Geoffrey
Chaucer's work, Treatise on the Astrolabe, is an early illustration of a specialized document.[8]
The soonest instances of specialized composing go back to the Old English period.[9]

With the creation of the mechanical print machine, the beginning of the Renaissance and the
ascent of the Age of Reason, archiving discoveries turned into a need. Innovators and researchers
like Isaac Newton and Leonardo da Vinci arranged archives that chronicled their creations and
findings.[6]:1 While never called specialized records during their time of distribution, these
reports assumed a urgent function in creating current types of specialized correspondence and

The field of specialized correspondence developed during the Industrial Revolution.[10]:3 There
was an expanding need to furnish individuals with directions for utilizing the an ever increasing

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number of complex machines that were being invented.[10]:8 However, dissimilar to the past,
where aptitudes were passed on through oral conventions, nobody other than the innovators
realized how to utilize these new gadgets. Composing consequently turned into the quickest and
best approach to disperse data, and journalists who could archive these gadgets were desired.[10]

During the twentieth century, the requirement for specialized composing soar, and the calling at
long last turned out to be authoritatively perceived. The occasions of World War I and World
War II prompted progresses in medication, military equipment, PC innovation, and aviation
technologies.[6]:2 This fast development, combined with the earnestness of war, made a quick
requirement for all around planned and composed reports that chronicled the utilization of these
advancements. Specialized composing was popular during this time, and "specialized author"
turned into an official employment title during World War II.[6]:1

Following World War II, innovative advances prompted an expansion in purchaser products and
principles of living.[6]:3 During the post-war blast, public administrations like libraries and
colleges, just as transport frameworks like transports and expressways, saw huge measures of
development. The requirement for scholars to annal these cycles increased.[6]:1 It was likewise
during this period that huge business and colleges began utilizing PCs. Strikingly, in 1949,
Joseph D. Chapline created the primary computational specialized record, a guidance manual for
the BINAC computer.[11]

The revelation of the semiconductor in 1947 permitted PCs to be created less expensive than at
any other time before.[6]:3 These marked down costs implied that PCs could now be bought by
people and little businesses.[6]:3 And because of the PC's developing unmistakable quality, the
requirement for journalists who could clarify and record these gadgets grew.[6]:3 The calling of
specialized composing saw further extension during the 1970s and 1980s as buyer hardware
discovered their way into the homes of increasingly more people.[6]

As of late, the conspicuousness of PCs in the public arena has prompted numerous advances in
the field of computerized interchanges, prompting changes in the devices specialized scholars
use.[6]:3 Hypertext, word processors, designs altering projects, and page format programming
have made the making of specialized archives quicker and simpler, and specialized journalists of
today should be capable in these programs.[3]:8–9


Great specialized composing is succinct, centered, straightforward, liberated from blunders, and
crowd based.[12]:7 Technical essayists center around making their archives as clear as could be
expected under the circumstances, evading excessively specialized expressions and elaborate
decisions like uninvolved voice and nominalizations.[3]:236–245 Because specialized reports are
utilized in true circumstances, it should consistently be unequivocally clear what the topic of a
specialized record is and how to utilize the introduced data. It would be lamentable if, for
instance, a specialized essayist's directions on the best way to utilize a powerful X-beam machine
were hard to unravel.

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Specialized composing requires an author to broadly inspect their audience.[3]:84–114 A

specialized essayist should know about their crowd's current information about the material they
are examining as the information base of the author's crowd decides the substance and focal
point of a document.[3]:84–114 For instance, an assessment report examining a logical report's
discoveries that is kept in touch with a gathering of exceptionally gifted researchers will be
distinctively built than one proposed for the overall population. Specialized authors don't need to
be topic specialists (SMEs) themselves. They frequently work together with SMEs to finish
errands that require more information about a subject than they possess.[3]:51

Specialized composing must be exact. A specialized essayist, subsequent to breaking down their
crowd, understands what they need to impart and afterward needs to pass on the message in an
exact and moral way. Physical, natural, or monetary repercussions could result if an author does
this erroneously. Realizing the crowd is fundamental to precision on the grounds that the
language will be customized by what they as of now comprehend about the current subject. For
instance, directions on the best way to effectively and securely amass a shelf are incorporated
with buy. Those directions are developed with the goal that anybody can track, including precise
subtleties regarding where every clasp goes. In the event that those guidelines were wrong, the
shelf could be shaky and fail.[13]

Record plan and format are likewise indispensable parts of specialized writing.[3]:261–286
Technical scholars invest a lot of energy guaranteeing their reports are lucid in light of the fact
that an ineffectively planned archive hampers a peruser's perception. Specialized archive
configuration stresses legitimate utilization of report plan decisions like list items, text
dimension, and intense text.[14] Images, charts, and recordings are additionally ordinarily
utilized by specialized journalists on the grounds that these media can regularly pass on complex
data, similar to an organization's yearly income or an item's plan highlights, undeniably more
productively than text.[3]:306–307

Specialized reports

Specialized composing covers numerous types and composing styles, contingent upon the data
and audience.[3]:84–114 Technical records are not exclusively created by specialized scholars.
Nearly any individual who works in an expert setting produces specialized records of some
assortment. A few instances of specialized documentation include:

Guidelines and methods are records that help either engineers or end-clients work or arrange a
gadget or program.[12]:226 Examples of instructional archives incorporate client manuals and
investigating guides for PC programs, PC equipment, family items, clinical gear, mechanical
items, and autos.

Recommendations. Most undertakings start with a proposition—a report that portrays the
motivation behind a venture, the errands that will be acted in the task, the strategies used to
finish the undertaking, lastly, the expense of the project.[12]:191 Proposals cover a wide scope
of subjects. For instance, a specialized essayist may writer a recommendation that diagrams the
amount it will cost to introduce another PC framework, an advertising proficient may compose a

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proposition with the item contributions, and an instructor may compose a suggestion that traces
how another science class will be organized.

Messages, letters, and memoranda are probably the most often composed records in a
business.[12]:117 Letters and messages can be developed with an assortment of objectives—
some are typically focused on just imparting data while others are intended to convince the
beneficiary to achieve a specific errand. While letters are typically composed to individuals
outside of an organization, memoranda (updates) are reports kept in touch with different workers
inside the business.[12]:118

Public statements. At the point when an organization needs to freely uncover another item or
administration, they will have an essayist writer an official statement. This is a record that
portrays the item's capacities and incentive to the public.[15]

Determinations are configuration traces that portray the structure, parts, bundling, and
conveyance of an item or cycle in enough detail that another gathering can recreate it.[16] For
instance, a specialized essayist may graph and compose the particulars for a cell phone or bike so
a producer can deliver the article.

Depictions are more limited clarifications of professional

Q. 5 Explain the 5 sources of ethical standards in technical writing.

Ans:- So far, you have likely been considering specialized writing comparable to conveying
specialized data plainly in an open arrangement that addresses the issues of its crowd. These are
significant parts of specialized composition, certainly, yet they truly just speak to the outside of
what you need to know. This section will present a portion of the moral issues that may emerge
as specialized essayists research, compose, update, and produce a specialized archive.
Like different experts, specialized authors face moral issues routinely and must settle on choices
about how to push ahead with a venture despite moral predicaments. Authors may experience
circumstances in which she should pose the accompanying sorts of inquiries: What sorts of help
material and sources are moral to utilize? Are open web sources similarly as substantial as
scholarly hotspots for specific themes? Can email interchanges be utilized without consent?
Imagine a scenario in which the essayist finds that an organization adulterated information about
the adequacy of its item. Would it be advisable for her to uncover this in her report or would it be
advisable for her to make a different courses of move? What amount should an author adjust to a
crowd of people without relinquishing his own perspectives?
Morals standards give the premise to choosing whether "x" is moral, however in all actuality,
moral issues are convoluted—for instance, envision working for an enormous organization that
utilizes considerable quantities of individuals in your town, where moderately barely any other
business openings exist. Envision that the organization discards its substance squander in a
manner that could jeopardize individuals' wellbeing. Envision, further, that the organization can't
stand to discard this waste all the more securely and that, in the event that you turn them in, the
organization will shut down, the majority of the town will be jobless, and the town's whole
economy will implode. What do you do? Is the danger of future medical conditions more
genuine than the sureness of promptly crushing your town? Which decision is truly more moral?

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On a more modest scope, on the off chance that single direction of introducing proof requires
some control of information yet is by all accounts the main method of keeping deals sufficient
for your organization to endure, what would it be advisable for you to do? On the off chance that
you take the dishonest course, chances are acceptable that trivial few (or no) individuals will
acknowledge you have done as such, and you would not be doing anything unlawful. In the event
that you take the moral course, and deals fall, scarcely any individuals will perceive the moral
issue, however most will plainly comprehend that you caused the business decrease.
General Principles
In everyday life, a great many people have such a sliding scale on what comprises moral
conduct: they would not lie on inconsequential issues if doing so would offend someone. For
instance, you may tell your closest companion her new hair style glances alluring when truth be
told you accept that it doesn't. This falsehood, however minor, protects your companion's
emotions and does no mischief to her or any other individual. Some should seriously mull over
the setting prior to deciding the proper behavior. For instance, you probably won't tell a more
odd that he was following bathroom tissue yet you would tell a companion. In a more significant
circumstance, an individual probably won't decide to bite the dust to spare a more interesting's
life, yet she may hazard passing on to spare her kids' lives.

Moral conduct, including moral specialized correspondence, includes not simply coming clean
and giving precise data, however coming clean and giving data with the goal that a sensible
crowd knows reality. It likewise implies that you demonstration to forestall real mischief, with
set standards for what sorts and levels of damage are more genuine than others (for instance,
somebody's life exceeds monetary harm to your organization; your organization's prosperity
exceeds your own aggravation). As a rule, ask yourself what might occur if your activity (or non-
activity) got public. On the off chance that you would go to jail, lose your companions, lose your
employment, or even feel truly humiliated, the activity is presumably dishonest.
Introduction of data
How an author presents data in an archive can influence a peruser's comprehension of the general
weight or earnestness of that data. For instance, concealing some significant piece of data in a
long section somewhere down in a long report genuinely de-accentuates the data. Then again,
placing a minor point in a conspicuous spot (say the principal thing in a bulleted list in a report's
chief outline) tells your peruser that it is urgent.
An exemplary illustration of unscrupulous specialized composing is the reminder report NASA
engineers expounded on the issue with O ring seals on the space transport Challenger (the
connection gives further connections to a wide scope of data, including morals investigations; the
principal interface is the outline for what occurred). The dishonest component was that the
critical data about the O rings (O rings give a seal) was covered in a center section, while data
affirming the dispatch was in conspicuous start and finishing spots. Apparently, the specialists
were attempting to introduce a full report, remembering safe parts for the Challenger, however
the update's crowd—non-specialized chiefs—erroneously accepted the O ring issue to be
insignificant, regardless of whether it occurred. The situation of data in this archive didn't assist
them with understanding that the issue could be lethal. Perhaps the architects were simply
helpless journalists; potentially they didn't think about their crowd; or conceivably they would
not like to look terrible and in this manner underlined all the things that were directly with the
Challenger. (Unexpectedly, the O rings had turned out great for a few dispatches.)

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Moral composition, at that point, includes being moral, obviously, yet additionally introducing
data so your intended interest group will comprehend the general significance of data and
comprehend whether some specialized certainty is something worth being thankful for or a
terrible thing.
Ordinary Ethics Issues in Technical Writing:
There are a couple of issues that may come up while investigating a point for the business or
specialized world that an essayist must consider. How about we take a gander at a couple.
Exploration that doesn't uphold the venture thought
In a specialized report that contains research, an essayist may find clashing information which
doesn't uphold the tasks' objective. For instance, your little organization keeps on having issues
with representative confidence. Examination shows getting an external master, somebody who is
new to the organization and the partners, can possibly affect the best change. You find,
notwithstanding, that to acquire quite a specialist is cost restrictive. You battle with whether to
avoid this data with regard to your report, along these lines urging your manager to seek after
and activity that is truly not practical.
Stifling important data
Envision you are exploring a report for a guardians' gathering that needs to change the approach
in the nearby school region requiring all understudies to be inoculated. You gather a small bunch
of sources that help the gathering's objective, yet then you find clinical proof that demonstrates
antibodies accomplish more great than expected damage in the public eye. Since you are utilized
by this present guardians' gathering, should you leave out the clinical proof, or do you have an
obligation to incorporate all exploration, even some that may disrupt the gatherings' objective.

Introducing visual data morally

Visuals can be valuable for imparting information and data proficiently for a peruser. They give
information in a concentrated structure, regularly representing key realities, measurements or
data from the content of the report. At the point when scholars present data outwardly, be that as
it may, they must be mindful so as not to distort or distort the total picture.
The visual underneath shows two points of view of data in a pie diagram. The information in
each is indistinguishable however the pie outline on the left presents data in a deceptive manner
(see Fig. 1). What do you notice, notwithstanding, about how that data is passed on to the
Envision that these pie diagrams spoke to gifts got by four contender for city board. The up-and-
comer spoke to by the green cut named "Thing C," may feel that she had gotten a larger number
of gifts than the up-and-comer spoke to in the blue "Thing A" cut. Indeed, in the event that we
take a gander at a similar information in a diversely situated diagram, we can see that Item C
speaks to not exactly 50% of the gifts than those for Item A. Along these lines, a straightforward
change in context can change the effect of a picture.
Additionally, investigate the visual diagrams in figure 2 underneath. What do you notice about
their introduction?
On the off chance that the reference diagram above were to speak to marketing projections for an
organization, the portrayal on the left would appear as though uplifting news: significantly
expanded deals over a five-year time span. Nonetheless, a more intensive gander at the numbers
shows that the chart shows just a tight scope of numbers in a restricted point of view (9100 to
9800). The structured presentation on the right, then again, shows the total picture by introducing

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numbers from 0-1200 on the vertical hub, and we see that the marketing projections, have truth
be told been moderately steady for as far back as five years.
Introducing information in graphical structure can be particularly testing. Remember the
significance of giving proper setting and viewpoint as you set up your illustrations.
Restricted source data in exploration
Careful exploration necessitates that an author coordinates data from an assortment of
dependable sources. These sources ought to show that the essayist has inspected the theme from
whatever number points as could reasonably be expected. This incorporates academic and expert
examination, not simply from a solitary information base or diary, for example, yet from an
assortment. Utilizing an assortment of sources assists the essayist with evading potential
predisposition that can happen from depending on a couple of specialists. On the off chance that
you were composing a report on the land market in Central O

Q. 1 Discuss problems with sentences construction in technical writing.
Two key characteristics of effective academic writing are that it is precise and concise. This
precision and concision must be evident at all levels, from the overall document, to paragraphing,
to sentence structure to word choice, and even to punctuation. Every word or phrase should have
a distinct and useful purpose.
Write Clear Sentences
Students sometimes worry that their sentences don’t sound smart enough and they feel like they
need to use the thesaurus to find fancy words instead of using their natural vocabulary. Fancy
words and complicated sentences are not always better. Clear sentences are strong sentences.
Compare these two sentences (the first is taken from President John F. Kennedy’s inaugural
1. Do not ask what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.
2. Do not submit a query concerning what assets and benefits your country can bestow upon
you and yours, but rather inquire as to what tasks or activities you yourself can perform and
carry out that will be useful for the citizens of your own country.
Although the second sentence is longer and harder to grasp, that doesn’t make it more intelligent.
In fact, it’s far more impressive to write a complex thought in simple prose than vice versa. Beware,
however, that you do not lose meaning when you make a sentence simpler; cut out only the most
unnecessary “fluffy” adjectives, but don’t sacrifice being descriptive.
Clear writing involves knowing what you want to say before you say it. So a lack of clarity often
comes from unclear thinking or poor planning. This, unfortunately, leads to confused or annoyed

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readers. For many of us, our ideas become more clear as we draft our essays. That’s why the
revision process is so important. As you clarify your ideas, you need to ensure that each sentence
conveys one idea, and that each paragraph thoroughly develops one unified concept.
Avoid vague and unnecessary words
Are you very hungry? Or are you so hungry you could eat out the entire refrigerator? Is your
English class really great? Or does your English class make you feel as if you are the most creative
writer and the smartest thinker, lucky enough to be studying in class full of ambitious and engaged
peers? Words like very and really don’t say much. Instead of using stock or clichéd phrases, try to
be more specific about what you mean. Below are some examples of overused intensifiers and
clichés you should be wary of.
Vary the Length of your Sentences
Your sentences should vary in length (short sentence). Avoid having too many long sentences
because they take longer to read and are often more complex (longer sentence). Reserve the short
sentences for main points and use longer sentences for supporting points that clarify or explain
cause and effect relationships (longer sentence). If you feel the sentence is too long, break it into
two sentences (medium sentence). You do not want your reader to have to read a sentence twice
to understand it (short sentence). (Note: you’ll learn more in a later module about using colons and
semi-colons to structure your complicated and longer sentences so that don’t get out of control,
Name the People
Directly state who or what group is acting in your sentences. Note the contrast in power and clarity
among the sentences below
• Without people: A citywide ban on indoor smoking in Duluth originally caused a marked
drop in bar patronage.
• With people: When the Duluth City Council passed a citywide ban on indoor smoking,
many people stopped going to bars.
Use Active Verbs
Consider replacing “be-verbs” (is, am, are, was, were, be, has/have been) with active verbs that
allow you to compose powerful sentences shaped around action. Below the italics are the same
sentences that have been transformed with active verbs.

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• To be: The sharp rise in fuel prices is a serious challenge to trucking firms. It makes it hard
for them to provide timely service to customers and to meet payroll expenses.
• Active: Sharply rising fuel prices challenge trucking firms by causing delays in customer
service and payroll.
• To be: Primary causes of the rise in fuel prices are an issue of confusion for many citizens.
They don’t know how to fight the rise because they don’t know its cause.
• Active: Primary causes of rising fuel prices elude many citizens, making them unaware of
how to fight the increase.
Use Parallel Structure Effectively
Simply put, parallellism is the practice of using the same patterns in words and structures in order
to provide balance to sentences and paragraphs.
Parallel structure can be applied to a single sentence, a paragraph, or even multiple paragraphs.
Compare the two following sentences:
• Yara loves running, to swim, and biking.
• Yara loves running, swimming, and biking.
Was the second sentence a smoother read than the first? The second sentence uses parallelism—
all three verbs are gerunds (running, swimming, biking) —whereas in the first sentence two are
gerunds (running and biking) and one is an infinitive (to swim). When reading the first sentence,
it’s easy to trip up over the mismatching items. Using strong parallel structure improves writing
style and readability and makes sentences easier to process.
Compare the following examples:
• Lacking parallelism: “She likes cooking, jogging, and to read.”
o Parallel: “She likes cooking, jogging, and reading.”
o Parallel: “She likes to cook, jog, and read.”
• Lacking parallelism: “The dog ran across the yard and jumped over the fence, and down the
alley he sprinted.”
o Parallel: “The dog ran across the yard, jumped over the fence, and sprinted down the
The parallel examples sound much better to your ears.
You can also apply parallelism across a passage:

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Manuel painted eight paintings in the last week. Jennifer sculpted five statues in the last month.
Zama wrote fifteen songs in the last two months.
Each of the sentences in the preceding paragraph has the same structure: Name + -ed verb +
number of things + in the past time period. When using parallelism across multiple sentences, be
sure that you’re using it well. If you aren’t careful, you can stray into being repetitive.
Effective Use of Parallelism and Repetition
Parallelism can also involve repeated words or repeated phrases. These uses are part of “rhetoric”
(a field that focuses on persuading readers). Here are a few examples of repetition:
• “The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of
socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.” —Winston Churchill
• “Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear
any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the
survival and the success of liberty.” —John F. Kennedy
• “And that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from
the earth.” —Abraham Lincoln, Gettysburg Address
When used this way, parallelism makes your writing or speaking much stronger. These repeated
phrases seem to bind the work together and make it more powerful—and more inspiring.
Q. 2 How can you use foot notes for effective communication?
Footnotes, found at the bottom of a page, provide additional information or credit about the
presented work. Discover some examples of footnotes in different formatting styles such as APA,
MLA, and Chicago Manual styles.
Footnote:There are two types of footnotes commonly used in writing. A content footnote is used
to provide additional information or reference that simplifies or supplements information in the
text. A copyright permission footnote is used to give credit to the source for long quotations,
tables or graphs, and other lengthy information within a text. Both types of footnotes will appear
at the bottom of the printed page and the text that has a footnote will have a small letter or number
following it. This same number or letter will appear at the bottom of the page beside the footnote.
Endnote: An endnote is the same as a footnote in that it gives a credit or additional information to
the reader. The only difference is that an endnote is found at the end of the work, instead of at the
bottom of the page.

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Style Formatting
There are three main styles for footnotes used in writing today, and each has a slightly different
way of making a footnote: APA (American Psychological Association), MLA (Modern Language
Association), and Chicago Manual.
APA: Content notes should use a superscript number that is also used at the bottom of the page
with the note. APA does not recommend the use of footnotes unless it is necessary for explanation
because it is expensive to reproduce.
See the following content footnote in APA style:

Now look at the following copyright permission footnote in APA style:

MLA: MLA format for footnotes is very similar to APA style. MLA recommends limited use of
footnotes and if they are needed, to use endnotes in place of footnotes. The reason for this is

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because footnotes can often take up too much space at the bottom of the page whereas the endnotes
don't take up any room because they are on a separate page at the end of the piece of writing.
See the following content footnote in MLA style:

Now look at the following copyright permission footnote in MLA style:

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Q. 3 Discuss visual aids in details to teach technical writing.

In the past, transparencies displayed with overhead projectors, posters, and flip charts were
common visual aids, but these have mostly been replaced with computer technology. For many
people, the term “visual aids” for presentations or speeches is synonymous with PowerPoint (often
long, dry, painful PowerPoint at that), but this is just one type of visual aid. You should consider
all the available options to determine what will be most effective and appropriate for your
presentation. Some people chose to dress up as part of their presentation, and this can help set the
tone of the speech or reinforce a specific point. A speaker may choose to wear a handmade sweater
in a talk about knitting in order to inspire others to begin the hobby. Another speaker may opt for
a firefighter’s uniform in a speech about joining the local volunteer fire department in an effort to
appeal to the respect most people have for people in uniform.
If you aren’t dressing in relation to your topic, you should dress appropriately for your audience
and venue. A presentation to a professional audience or at a professional conference would lend
itself to appropriate business attire. If you are giving a presentation to your local Girl Scout troop,
more casual clothing may be the best choice. Any time you are doing a demonstration, make sure
you are dressed appropriately to give the demonstration. It is difficult for a speaker to show how
to correctly put on a rock climbing harness if she is wearing a skirt the day of the presentation.
Beyond dressing appropriately for your audience and topic, the audience will make judgments
about you even before your presentation begins. Your dress, mannerisms, the way you greet the
audience when they are arriving, how you are introduced, and the first words out of your mouth
all impact your credibility and ability to connect with your audience. Make sure you are calm and
welcoming to your audience when they arrive and greet them in a professional manner. Your
credibility and professionalism suffer when the audience arrives and you are busy scrambling
around attempting to finish your preparations. Objects and props, such as a bicycle helmet for a
speech on bike safety or an actual sample of the product you are trying to sell, can greatly enhance
your presentation. Seeing the actual item will often make it easier for your audience to understand
your meaning and will help you connect with your audience on an emotional level. Props can be
used as part of demonstrations (discussed below) or as a stand-alone item that you refer to in your
There are several important considerations for using props in your presentation. If you have a large
audience, showing the prop at the front of the venue may mean that audience members can’t see

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the item. The alternative to this is to pass the item around, though Young and Travis advice caution
in passing objects around during your speech, as most people will be seeing the object after you
have moved on with your talk. Having your prop out of sync with your presentation, either as it is
passed around disrupting your audience’s attention or by having your prop visible when you aren’t
talking about it, is distracting to your audience and message. To make the most effective use of
props in your presentation, carefully consider how the object will be visible to your entire audience
when you are speaking about it, and make sure it is out of sight when you are not.
A demonstration can serve two different purposes in a speech. First, it can be used to “wow” the
audience. Showing off the features of your new product, illustrating the catastrophic failure of a
poorly tied climbing knot, or launching a cork across the room during a chemistry experiment are
all ways of capturing the audience’s attention. Demonstration should not be gimmicky, but should
add value to your presentation. When done well, it can be the memorable moment from your
speech, so make sure it reinforces the central message of your talk.
Demonstration can also be used to show how something is done. People have different learning
styles, and a process demonstration can help visual learners better understand the concept being
taught. Consider for a moment the difference between reading the instructions on how to perform
CPR, watching someone perform CPR, and trying CPR on the training dummy. As evidenced by
the huge number of online videos illustrating how to do something, there is great value in watching
while you learn a new task.
If your presentation includes a process where seeing will improve understanding, consider
including a demonstration. Because you have a limited time to present, make sure your
demonstrations are succinct, well-rehearsed, and visible to the entire audience. Be prepared for the
demonstration to fail and have a back-up plan in place. It is better to move forward with your
presentation than to fret with trying to get your demonstration perfect or fixed. However, if you
are providing a demonstration of your new product, make sure it is as error free as possible. If you
can’t be positive the product will perform as expected, it is better to skip the demonstration. If you
are presenting to a small audience, around a dozen people, you may choose to use a poster rather
than PowerPoint. The focus of your poster should be to support your core message and can be left
behind to remind those in attendance of your presentation after you have left. Posters should look
professional (e.g., not handwritten), be visible to everyone in the room, and follow design rules
covered later in this chapter. Before your presentation, you should ask whether posters must be

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hung or be free standing. For posters that will be hung from a wall, sturdy poster or matte boards
will suffice. If your poster is going to be free standing or if you are going to use the same poster
for multiple presentations, you should consider using a tri-fold display board.
Q. 4 What are the styles of citing refreshing? Explain
Academic disciplines have varying expectations for how to list citation information. In some
instances, even two journals in the same field will use different styles. This guide covers the three
main styles used at Yale. All three of these styles require the same basic information, but the order
of that information varies, in part because different academic fields emphasize different elements
of a source when referring to previous research.
The first two styles are known as “in-text” citation styles, which means that you give some
information about the source directly after the quotation, but leave the rest to a list of References
(APA) or Works Cited (MLA) at the end of the paper. (1) MLA style, defined by the Modern
Language Association, is most common in the humanities. Because humanities research highlights
how one piece of writing influences another, MLA style emphasizes the author’s name and the
page in the original text you’re using. This information allows scholars to track down easily the
exact sentences you’re analyzing. (2) APA style, defined by the American Psychological
Association, is most common in the social sciences. Although the author’s name is an important
element in APA citations, this style emphasizes the year the source was published, rather than the
page number, which allows a reader to see quickly how the research you’re writing about has
evolved over time.
The alternative to in-text citation is to use footnotes, which give source information at the bottom
of the page. The footnote style we demonstrate here is called Chicago style, defined by the
University of Chicago. Chicago style is especially popular in historical research. When developing
a historical explanation from multiple primary sources, using footnotes instead of inserting
parenthetical information allows the reader to focus on the evidence instead of being distracted by
the publication information about that evidence. The footnotes can be consulted if someone wants
to track down your source for further research. Chicago style is more flexible than MLA and APA
formats, and therefore more complicated to explain. Please see More Notes on Chicago Style
Footnotes for more information about how Chicago style is treated in this guide. All three of these
styles have different conventions for how to refer to a source in the body of your paper.

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Note: Some works written with MLA or APA style also include what are
called discursive footnotes. Rather than giving only the author and title of the sources, these notes
discuss in a sentence or two some aspect of the evidence that is not part of the paper’s main
argument. Discursive footnotes are also welcome in Chicago style, and many papers that use
Chicago style footnotes will mix discursive footnotes with others that just give bibliographical
You should check with your instructors about the style they want you to use. When in doubt,
remember that the goal of your citations is to help a reader who wishes to consult your sources
directly. Give enough information to make such retrieval easy. The examples below are correct,
and can be relied on as guides for citing your sources. But the examples don’t always highlight
very slight variations in format among the styles (for instance, whether to use a colon or
parentheses to separate the issue number from the volume number in a quarterly journal). For more
information about each of these citation styles, see the websites listed below.
Q. 5 How do you avoid plagiarism in writing technically?
According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, the verb “to plagiarize” means:
“to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one’s own : use (another’s production)
without crediting the source”
The inclusion of the word “steal” in this definition, includes instances when another’s ideas or
words are intentionally used without crediting the source. Even accidentally using another’s ideas
or words without proper citation, due to carelessness, falls under this definition since your work
tries to “pass off” another’s work as your own.
In our tech-forward culture, the simple act of copy-and-paste can seem harmless, but it has serious
consequences in academic and professional settings.
At its core, plagiarism is an ethical issue. A writer who submits plagiarized work is committing
theft with the hope of benefiting from that theft. This is true whether you’re turning in a school
paper to get an “A” or are a writer by trade expecting monetary compensation.
Avoiding plagiarism is paramount as a writer because it compromises your integrity. Aside from
losing the respect of your mentors and peers, it could cost you valuable professional referrals and
future career advancement. If you’re still in school, plagiarism may result in lost financial aid or
leadership roles.

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Additionally, it takes credit or profit away from the original creator of the work which may mean
more trouble if the source takes legal action against you.
Fortunately, it’s not all scary. Avoiding plagiarism is actually easy to do now that you have a
foundational understanding of what it is. To help you steer clear of this taboo, here’s how to avoid
plagiarism in your writing.
1 Cite your source
When alluding to an idea or wording that’s not your own, add a citation in your writing that
identifies the full name of the source, the date it was published, and any other citation element
that’s required by the style guide you’re adhering to.
2 Include quotations
If you insert a source’s words into your writing, verbatim, one of the most simple yet obvious ways
to avoid plagiarism is by using quotation marks around the text to denote that the words aren’t
your own. A direct quote should also cite the source so that readers know who the quote is from.
3 Paraphrase
Paraphrasing is rewriting a source’s ideas or information into your own words, without changing
its meaning. But be careful—paraphrasing can slip into plagiarism if done incorrectly.
Successfully paraphrasing without plagiarizing involves a bit of a dance. Reword and format your
writing in an original way, and try to avoid using too many similar words or phrases from the
source. The key is to do so without altering the meaning of the idea itself. Remember, you’re still
using another’s idea so you’ll need to include a citation to the source.
4 Present your own idea
Instead of parroting the source’s ideas or words, explore what you have to say about it. Ask
yourself what unique perspective or point you can contribute in your writing that’s entirely your
own. Keep in mind that if you’re alluding to a source’s ideas or words to frame your own point,
you’ll still need to apply the guidelines above to avoid plagiarizing.
If you’re writing on the same topic for multiple assignments, it can be tempting to recycle some
of your previous words—this is called “self-plagiarism”. The risk involved with self-plagiarism is
just as high if the publisher or your instructor didn’t give you permission to reuse your old work.

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5 Use a plagiarism checker

While conducting your research on a topic, some phrases or sentences might stick with you so well
that you inadvertently include them in your writing without a citation. When in doubt, using an
online plagiarism checking tool can help you catch these issues before submitting your work.
There are several plagiarism checkers online, such as the one offered by Small SEO Tools.
Grammarly also offers a plagiarism checker that scans your text for borrowed content for free.
These tools let you know whether or not parts of your writing are plagiarized—and some even
highlight the specific words or sentences of concern and identify where the text originated from.
These suggestions can be helpful in avoiding plagiarism in your work and is worth the effort. In
addition to being more aware of what constitutes plagiarism, figuring out how to avoid plagiarism
ultimately takes daily practice.

Q. 1 Discuss uses of Capitalization in Technical writing.
Similarly, capitalize any named component of a system about which you're writing. For instance,
consider these examples:
• Capitalize menu names or interface elements, such as "Help menu" if they are capitalized in
the system.
• If interface elements are not capitalized in the system, do not capitalize them in
• Do not capitalize components like "mouse," "button," or "switch."
• Do capitalize labeled equipment parts in which the label on the equipment is capitalized, such
as "Button A."
Never Capitalize for Emphasis
If you're working with subject matter experts to create the content for a document, you may have
encountered the phenomenon of capitalizing for emphasis. When a subject matter expert considers
something important, he or she may capitalize that word. As you're creating the final document,
be sure to watch for this.
Sometimes Capitalize Words in Acronyms
Acronyms are very common in tech writing, and it's best practice to write out all the words in the
acronym the first time you use it in a document so the reader will know what the acronym

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represents. However, when you write out the words, only capitalize them if they are proper nouns.
For example, "International Standards Organization (ISO)" is capitalized, but "user interface (UI)"
is not.
Capitalize References Within a Document
It's common in technical writing to reference parts of the document or other documents within a
series. When you refer to these documents or parts, always capitalize them. Consider the following:
• "Based on the user needs in the Requirements document...."
• "Refer to Figure A in the Standard Operating Procedure."
• "As noted in Section 23...."
Remember Science-Specific Capitalization Rules
There are some specific capitalization rules for scientific topics you may need to use in technical
documents. Keep technical writing tips like these in mind.
Don't Capitalize the Elements in the Periodic Table
Do not capitalize the names of elements even though their abbreviations are capitalized. This is a
common mistake, so watch for it in source documents you may be using to create your
Sometimes Capitalize Astronomy Terms
Most planets, stars, and other celestial bodies are capitalized as proper nouns. However, there's an
exception for those closest to earth or most common. Only capitalize "Earth," "Moon," and "Sun"
if they are in a sentence with other celestial things.
Capitalize Parts of Scientific Names
You should always italicize the scientific names of plants, animals, and other living things.
However, capitalization rules are a little more challenging. Capitalize the phylum, genus, order,
class, and family, but do not capitalize the species.
Only Capitalize Professional Titles Before Names
Professional titles, such as "president," "doctor," and "professor" are common in academic and
technical work. You should only capitalize these titles if they come before someone's name. For
example, "President Scott Thomas" should be capitalized, but "Scott Thomas, president of the
company" should not.

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Capitalize Document and Section Titles

Use the title capitalization rules preferred by the client or organization for whom you're creating
documents. In general, the first and last words of titles should be capitalized, as well as most other
words within the title. Articles, such as "the" or "an" are not capitalized unless they are the first or
last word. Prepositions are usually not capitalized if they are under four letters in length.
Q. 2 How can you prepare CV good and effective.
CV, known as Curriculum Vitae is a detailed profile of a person that includes the basic information,
qualification, achievements, skills, and work experience. It plays a vital role in the selection of a
candidate for a position in a firm. It reflects a person professionally as well as personally.
Before meeting a recruiter, your CV is the only way to communicate directly to him. Your CV
leaves an impression that makes a recruiter’s mind whether to meet you in person or not. A tailored
CV is the best way to increase your chances of approaching the employer.
The following guidelines by Scholarships Corner would help you to make a customized CV
according to your favorite place of Job or internship. Share with your friends and Good Luck!
Guidelines to Write an Effective CV:
1. A candidate should include his official name, email, and address.
2. A candidate should never use a personal pronoun i.e. ‘I’
3. A candidate should never mention any irrelevant information like gender until and unless
the application requires.
4. A candidate should never add his or her picture that may cause any biasness until and unless
the application requires.
5. A candidate should mention his or her practical achievements and skills. He or she
shouldn’t include any experience if he doesn’t have an experience letter or certificate.
6. A candidate should avoid complex vocabulary or flowery words. He should include simple
language as the recruiter judge all these professional skills.
7. A candidate should always include work experience and qualification from the latest to the
8. A candidate should review the CV for any punctuation or grammatical mistakes
9. A candidate should never add any reference until required.
10. A candidate should add his or her contact number with an international country code +92-

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11. A candidate should never add hobbies or interests in the effective CV. Don’t write about
your hobbies and interests, they are not inviting you to friendship.
12. A candidate should always design a CV according to the specific job, education, or
internship requirements.
13. A CV should be based on a single page but it can be 2 pages as well but should not be more
than that as it takes too much time to review the application that recruiters don’t have.
14. A candidate should design the relevant CV according to the employer’s requirements.
15. A candidate should always use PDF format for emailing CVs and Cover Letters so that
page settings wouldn’t be disturbed while printing.
16. A candidate should review the CVs before applying for a specific job or place and look for
the keywords according to that specific job requirement. For example, a clinical Dietician
professional may have used words in job skills or traineeship such as, ‘counselor’,
‘assessment’, or anthropometric measurements.
A CV must be a wholesome formula that shows your passion for work, interest in the firm,
dedicated, and efficient in your field of interest. You will be assessed entirely by the recruiter from
a page of the CV.
Q. 3 Discuss process of drafting a documents in detail.
I describe this process in full (together with the more detailed version of the technical writing
process, which you’ll find) together with a smorgasbord of other content (templates, tips, insights,
etc.) to help you successfully manage your own technical writing projects.
‘If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.’
All projects need to be planned – at least at some level. Whilst you don’t have to go create a
detailed Gantt chart for every technical writing project, it certainly helps if you answer some of
the following questions before you put pen to paper. The results of this planning may be as simple
as some bullet points jotted down in your notepad – or you may find that simply going through
this as a mental exercise is sufficient.
When you’re planning to write technical documents, you should ask yourself:
• Scope – How many documents do I need to write? What are their key characteristics? Am I
going to publish them in multiple formats – if so, are there any production requirements I
should be aware of?

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• Timing – How long do I need to schedule for review cycles? What’s the final deadline?
• Process – What are the high level steps that I need to follow to create the documents?
Along with these basic questions (which apply to almost any project – not just technical writing)
there are some specific writing-related questions that you’ll need to consider in your
documentation project:
• Audience – who am I writing for? Do they have a sophisticated command of language? What
are their education levels?
• Reviewers / Subject Matter Experts – these are the people who’ll lend their technical expertise
in the creation of the documents and review them for accuracy
• Existing information
• Style guide / templates
• Etc.
If you’re just writing one or two documents, you won’t need to spend much time on detailed
planning. However if you’re creating dozens, hundreds, or (heaven forbid), thousands of
documents, then putting some thought into these questions up-front will save many a wasted hour
later on.
In my book, Technical Writing Process, I’ve provided detailed explanations for activities
described above. I’ve also provided ready-to-use templates to support the steps:
• Documentation Plan
• Documentation Timeline / Schedule
• Deliverables Matrix / Worksheet
• Status Tracker
These templates are essential for more complex projects. Even simple projects can benefit from a
simple Status Tracker (in fact, that’s the one essential tool I use on every single project).
A structure is the backbone of your document – the hierarchy of headings that define the logical
order that it will progress. Structure is absolutely essential to successful documents, and it’s
something that you should develop before you start writing. A well-structured document is one
that has had thought go into it beforehand, which means you’re less likely to need to rehash it later

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It’s important to understand that structure isn’t a straightjacket – it’ll evolve and change as you
write and review the document. After you publish, you may end up with a very different-looking
document to the one you envisaged – that’s perfectly normal and there’s nothing at all wrong with
There are a number of common structural approaches when it comes to technical documents:
• Narrative structure – The traditional approach – intro, body, conclusion
• Process-based structure – Common in technical documentation such as procedures and user
• Library structure – A collection of articles on a common topic, loosely structured
• System-based structure – Describing the components of a system such as an auto manual
Whatever approach you choose, you’ll need to work with your subject matter experts to understand
how the structure you’ve developed will accomplish the purpose you’ve set out to do – whether
it’s explaining how a product works, how to carry out a procedure, presenting information in a
tender or sales document, and so on.
In my book, each of these approaches is explained in detail, and I’ve devoted particular attention
to the process-based approach as it’s the norm – and best practice – in so many technical
Writing is where you convert your bare-bones table of contents and notes into a series of drafts,
culminating in a draft that’s ready for formal review. Contrary to popular impression, writing is
only about 20-30% of the process in a well-planned document – much of the effort goes into
planning, structuring, and reviewing your work. In fact, the more time you spend planning and
structuring your work, the less time you’re likely to spend on writing.
There are a few time-honoured (as well as some new) techniques that technical writers draw on:
• KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid!)
• Plain English
• Five Ws (and One H)
• Inverted pyramid
• Verb-noun structure
• Active voice

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These techniques will help you write better documentation – documentation that your audience
finds useful, engaging and a pleasure to read. Of course, in order to apply these techniques you
need to have a decent grasp of the English language.
(Sidenote: Teaching you to write isn’t what a technical writing process – or my book, Technical
Writing Process – is about. There are plenty of resources available if you want to improve your
writing. The technical writing process is about is how to apply your writing and project
management skills to the task of producing high quality documents in a way that hits the mark,
resonates with your audience and achieves your deadlines.)
Writing well is one thing – but if you want to produce good documents, you’ll need to engage your
subject matter experts. If you’re a professional writer like me, you usually rely on a subject matter
expert – someone who’s an expert in a particular field – to lend their technical expertise to
whatever it is you’re writing about.
At this stage, engaging your subject matter experts means a lot of informal one-on-one discussions
– or even workshop-style if you have a large group of them. At this stage, you should be asking
your experts to contribute raw material, review and / or test what you’ve written and so on.
Remember – at this stage, it’s all fairly loose and informal – the formality comes in the next
step, Review.
The final part of writing is formatting and laying out your draft before you launch into the formal
review process
In my book, I discuss the Write step in detail, including the techniques described above. I also
include a number of other important aspects such graphic design tips for writers and how to
establish and build good working relationships with your subject matter experts.
I like to think of review as the polishing stage. It’s where your document gets the trial by fire, so
to speak, of having others formally review it, as well as undergoing another very important task –
editing and proofing.
(Sidenote: Editing and proofing is in itself the topic of numerous books. In my book Technical
Writing Process, I’ve provided a practical, no-nonsense editing model – The Seven Levels of
Editing – that’s suitable for technical or business documents.)

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If you haven’t already done so, you’ll now need to define who’s responsible for reviewing what
(also called a Review Matrix), or validating it if you’ve been proactive and defined it during the
planning step – which you should aim to do.
In the Review step, there are a number of discrete activities going on (depending on the type of
document being written):
• Review by subject matter experts
• Testing a procedure / instruction to make sure you / a subject matter expert can follow the
• Peer review by a colleague
• Editing and proofing
The point of all these activities is to apply the appropriate level of quality control to ensure your
document is accurate, useful, usable, and so on – in other words, good enough to publish. It’s not
uncommon for documents to spend most of their time in the review step – and by the end, they can
be completely unrecognizable compared to how they started.
Review also involves an element of writing – documents will be reviewed, then revised. High-
profile documents – the ones where it really pays to put the effort in to making sure they’re perfect
– will be reviewed and revised many times before they’re ready to publish.
The final – and most crucial – aspect of review is sign off. This is the point where both you – as
the writer – and your reviewers are satisfied that your document is in a fit state to be published to
the world at large – whether that’s your team, company intranet, or the entire world!
Review was my favourite chapter to write in my book Technical Writing Process, because this is
where so much of the ‘goodness’ gets added to documents. In my book, the Review chapter
features the following:
• Levels of Editing diagram – Defining the different levels of review such as proofreading, copy
editing, structural editing, and so on
• Editing Checklist – A checklist that guides you through the different levels of editing
• Editing Sheet – A document that professional editors use when editing a large and complex
• Review Log – To track the feedback received and actions taken to close each item out
• A sample Message to Review Team

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I’ve also covered topics such as peer review and testing, as well as explaining in detail how to
conduct – and get the most out of – the review process, including final sign off.
Publishing can be a complicated process – or it can be extremely easy. Publication is where writers
manufacture and launch the final product. This might be as straightforward as emailing an
approved document to your manager, or uploading it to a content management system or intranet.
On the other hand, it might involve some fairly complicated logistics.
I’ve personally been involved in projects where production involved graphic design, translation
into 40+ languages, production of multiple regional variations of the documentation, preparing
‘docupacks’ for shipping to multiple regions worldwide… this sort of thing is a real logistical feat,
and it’s something you should consider early on in the process – preferably whilst you’re still
planning a document. Steps such as graphic design, translation and print production can involve
substantial time, effort and cost.
In my book, I discuss publication, covering many common tasks such as performing final checks,
communicating with stakeholders, and establishing a version control system that’s suitable for the
majority of technical documents. It also includes discussion of more advanced scenarios such as
print production and translation.
Q. 4 Explain the procedure related to Bibliography writing.
APA is the style of documentation of sources used by the American Psychological Association.
This form of writing research papers is used mainly in the social sciences, like psychology,
anthropology, sociology, as well as education and other fields. When working with APA there are
two things to keep in mind: in-text citations and the reference page. In-text citations will use the
author’s name and the date within your research paper. These citations will refer back to the
reference page at the end, which lists all the sources that you may have used in your research paper.
Anytime you summarize, paraphrase, or quote information from another source, like passages from
books or articles in an academic journal, you are required to list within your text the author’s name
and the year the article was published. There are a couple of ways this can be arranged. Here are a
few examples.
• Another theory came from the idea of the “matching hypothesis.” This was presented by
Goffman (1952), who believed that men had the tendency to choose spouses who were of

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similar social status. The sums of these attributes include are social skills, wealth, power,
intelligence, attractiveness, and other skills that are valued in society.
With the example above, the writer puts the author’s last name in the text and immediately after it
puts the date in parentheses.
• In 1971 Berscheid, Dion, Walster, and Walster conducted another “computer date” dance.
This time they paired similar attractive persons together for the date. An independent panel
of judges assessed the attractiveness of each of the subjects.
Here, the authors’ names and the date of publication are both put into the body of the text, without
using parentheses.
APA style is a writing style and format for academic documents such as scholarly journal articles
and books. It is commonly used for citing sources within the field of behavioral and social
sciences. It is described in the style guide of the American Psychological Association (APA),
which is titled the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. The
guidelines were developed to aid reading comprehension in the social and behavioral sciences, for
clarity of communication, and for "word choice that best reduces bias in language". APA style is
widely used, either entirely or with modifications, by hundreds of other scientific
journals (including medical and other public health journals), in many textbooks, and in academia
(for papers written in classes). The actual edition is its 7th revision.
The APA became involved in journal publishing in 1923. In 1929, an APA committee had a seven-
page writer's guide published in the Psychological Bulletin. In 1944, a 32-page guide appeared as
an article in the same journal. The first edition of the APA Publication Manual was published in
1952 as a 61-page supplement to the Psychological Bulletin, marking the beginning of a
recognized "APA style". The initial edition went through two revisions: one in 1957, and one in
1967, Subsequent editions were released in 1974, 1983, 1994, 2001, 2009, and 2019.
Primarily known for the simplicity of its reference citation style, the Manual also established
standards for language use that had far-reaching effects. Particularly influential were the
"Guidelines for Nonsexist Language in APA Journals," first published as a modification to the
1974 edition, which provided practical alternatives to "sexist" language then in common usage.
The guidelines for reducing bias in language have been updated over the years and presently
provide practical guidance for writing about age, disability, gender, participation in research, race

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and ethnicity, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, and intersectionality (APA, 2020, Chapter
Citing a Journal Article
No, not necessarily. Dr. Sadler, a professor in the psychology department at IUP, states that you
can cite articles that will agree or disagree with your ideas. He goes on to say:
• The agreement or disagreement should be conveyed by your wording. For example, “This
interpretation is consistent with findings by Smith and Jones (1999) . . . .” Or, you might
say, “If my prediction is confirmed, it would falsify the theory of episodic memory
proposed by Tulving (1984)” Or, “A number of researchers do not agree with this view
(e.g., Brown, 1993; Stevens, 1992; Treisman, 1994).”
So, not only can you use journal articles to support your ideas, but you can also use them to show
that some authors do not agree with your ideas or have ideas different from yours.
Preparing to Cite A Source
To let the reader know that a journal article is about to be cited in the body of your paper, you can
use signal phrases that are appropriate for the ideas you want to express. These words include:
adds, argues, claims, denies, illustrates, grants, notes, observes, suggests, etc. You could also use
the standard “said.”
This is expressed in the sample below:
• In an influential article, Terrace, Petitto, Sanders and Bever (1979) argued that the apes in
the language experiments were not using language spontaneously but were merely
imitating their trainers, responding to conscious or unconscious cues.
References Page
The References page lists all the sources you have cited in your paper. The entry for a journal
article should look like this:
• Berscheid, E., Dion, K. K., Walster, E., and Walster, G. W. (1971). Physical attractiveness
and dating choice: A test of the matching hypothesis. Journal of Experimental Social
Psychology, 7, 173-189.
As you can see in the example above, the authors’ names appear first (last name, first name). Then
the year of publication is given in parentheses. Then the title is listed (with only the first word of
the title, the first word after the colon, and proper nouns capitalized). Then the name of the journal
(in italics) is listed, the volume number, and finally, the pages of the article.

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For a book, the entry looks like this:

• Schaller, G. B. (1993). The Last Panda. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
In the example above, the author’s name is listed (last name, first name), then the date, followed
by the title with only the first word capitalized, the city of publication, and then the name of the
Written by Mariel Lorenz This guide for APA was adapted from: Hacker, D. (2003). A Writer’
Reference. (5th ed.). Boston: St. Martin's. American Psychological Association.
(2001). Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. (5th ed.). Washington,
DC: American Psychological Association. Updated January 28, 2005 by Renee Brown
Q. 5 How will you create the innovative Visual Aids while teaching technical writing.
In the past, transparencies displayed with overhead projectors, posters, and flip charts were
common visual aids, but these have mostly been replaced with computer technology. For many
people, the term “visual aids” for presentations or speeches is synonymous with PowerPoint (often
long, dry, painful PowerPoint at that), but this is just one type of visual aid. You should consider
all the available options to determine what will be most effective and appropriate for your
presentation. Some people chose to dress up as part of their presentation, and this can help set the
tone of the speech or reinforce a specific point. A speaker may choose to wear a handmade sweater
in a talk about knitting in order to inspire others to begin the hobby. Another speaker may opt for
a firefighter’s uniform in a speech about joining the local volunteer fire department in an effort to
appeal to the respect most people have for people in uniform.
If you aren’t dressing in relation to your topic, you should dress appropriately for your audience
and venue. A presentation to a professional audience or at a professional conference would lend
itself to appropriate business attire. If you are giving a presentation to your local Girl Scout troop,
more casual clothing may be the best choice. Any time you are doing a demonstration, make sure
you are dressed appropriately to give the demonstration. It is difficult for a speaker to show how
to correctly put on a rock climbing harness if she is wearing a skirt the day of the presentation.
Beyond dressing appropriately for your audience and topic, the audience will make judgments
about you even before your presentation begins. Your dress, mannerisms, the way you greet the
audience when they are arriving, how you are introduced, and the first words out of your mouth
all impact your credibility and ability to connect with your audience. Make sure you are calm and
welcoming to your audience when they arrive and greet them in a professional manner. Your

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credibility and professionalism suffer when the audience arrives and you are busy scrambling
around attempting to finish your preparations. Objects and props, such as a bicycle helmet for a
speech on bike safety or an actual sample of the product you are trying to sell, can greatly enhance
your presentation. Seeing the actual item will often make it easier for your audience to understand
your meaning and will help you connect with your audience on an emotional level. Props can be
used as part of demonstrations (discussed below) or as a stand-alone item that you refer to in your
There are several important considerations for using props in your presentation. If you have a large
audience, showing the prop at the front of the venue may mean that audience members can’t see
the item. The alternative to this is to pass the item around, though Young and Travis advice caution
in passing objects around during your speech, as most people will be seeing the object after you
have moved on with your talk. Having your prop out of sync with your presentation, either as it is
passed around disrupting your audience’s attention or by having your prop visible when you aren’t
talking about it, is distracting to your audience and message. To make the most effective use of
props in your presentation, carefully consider how the object will be visible to your entire audience
when you are speaking about it, and make sure it is out of sight when you are not.
A demonstration can serve two different purposes in a speech. First, it can be used to “wow” the
audience. Showing off the features of your new product, illustrating the catastrophic failure of a
poorly tied climbing knot, or launching a cork across the room during a chemistry experiment are
all ways of capturing the audience’s attention. Demonstration should not be gimmicky, but should
add value to your presentation. When done well, it can be the memorable moment from your
speech, so make sure it reinforces the central message of your talk.
Demonstration can also be used to show how something is done. People have different learning
styles, and a process demonstration can help visual learners better understand the concept being
taught. Consider for a moment the difference between reading the instructions on how to perform
CPR, watching someone perform CPR, and trying CPR on the training dummy. As evidenced by
the huge number of online videos illustrating how to do something, there is great value in watching
while you learn a new task.
If your presentation includes a process where seeing will improve understanding, consider
including a demonstration. Because you have a limited time to present, make sure your
demonstrations are succinct, well-rehearsed, and visible to the entire audience. Be prepared for the

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demonstration to fail and have a back-up plan in place. It is better to move forward with your
presentation than to fret with trying to get your demonstration perfect or fixed. However, if you
are providing a demonstration of your new product, make sure it is as error free as possible. If you
can’t be positive the product will perform as expected, it is better to skip the demonstration. If you
are presenting to a small audience, around a dozen people, you may choose to use a poster rather
than PowerPoint. The focus of your poster should be to support your core message and can be left
behind to remind those in attendance of your presentation after you have left. Posters should look
professional (e.g., not handwritten), be visible to everyone in the room, and follow design rules
covered later in this chapter. Before your presentation, you should ask whether posters must be
hung or be free standing. For posters that will be hung from a wall, sturdy poster or matte boards
will suffice. If your poster is going to be free standing or if you are going to use the same poster
for multiple presentations, you should consider using a tri-fold display board.

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