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1. anima spirit
2. ann, enn year
3. aqua water
4. audi hearing, listening or sound
5, cad, cid , cas fallid
6. cap, cip, cept, ceive take, sieze
7. capit head
8. -cide, cis on this side of
9. clud, clus, claus, close shut, closed
10. cord heart
11. corp body
12. cred believe
13. dent tooth
14. dict say, speak
15. duc to lead
16. fac, fic, fect, -fy face, surface - make, do
17. fer carry, bring, bear
18. frag, fract break, breaking, broken, crush, cracked
19. fug flee, move, run
20. grad, gress step, move
21. ject, jac throw, cast
22. loqu, loc speak, place
23. manu hand
24. matr mother
25. mit, miss to send
26. mort death
27. mov, mot, mob move
28. nat, nasc to be born, birth
29. nomin, nom name
30. patr father
31. pel, puls push, drive
32. pend, pens hang
33. plex, plic, ply weave, fold, to bend
34. pon, pos put, place
35. reg rule, guide, direct
36. scrib, script write
37. sect, sec cut
38. sed, sid, sess sit, settle, rest
39. sequ, sec follow
40. sist stand
41. spec, spic see, look at, observe
42. sta, stit stand
43. tor a tower, citadel, high structure
44. tract drag, pull
45. verb word
46. vert, vers to turn, turned
47. vid, vis to see
48. viv life, alive, lively
49. voc, voke call, voice
50. volv, volu roll, turn round

1. anthrop man, human being
2.aster, astr star
3. bibli book
4. centr center
5. chrom, chro color
6. chron time
7. cosm world, universe, order, arrangement
8. - crat, crac rule
9. cycl circle, wheel, cycle
10. demo population
11. dyn, dynam power
12. erg urg work
13. esthet, esthes feel, perceive
14. gam marriage
15. ge earth
16. gnos, gnom knowledge
17. gon side, angle
18. graph, gram written down, printed down
19. gym gymnasion
20. heli sun
21. hydr water
22. iatr meaning physician (healer)
23. kine-, cinema- movement, motion
24. lith stone
25. log study of
26. -logy study of
27. mania madness
28. meter, metr measure
29. morph form, shape
30.nom name
31.odont tooth
32. onym, onoma name
33. op eye or sight
35. phil love
36. phob fear, horror
37. phon sound, voice
38. phot, phos synthesis
39. pod, pus foot
40. poli, polit city
41. scop see
42. som, somat body
43. soph wise
44. tax, tact arrangment, order
45. techn skill, ability
46. th, theo god
47. therm heat
48. thes, thet together, set down
49. top place, position, localized
50. trop turn, turning

1. ber to carry, to bear
2. bid, bead to ask, pray
3. bind to bend a bow
4. blaw blow
5. bleach leprosy
6. brek one that gives rise to others
7. brew produce
8. burn, bran spring
9. dear of great value or excellence, expensive
10. drag to draw a grapnel along the bottom
11. drif act of driving, drove, shower of ranin or snow
12. drink drink, swallow up
13. dryg dry
14. fare journey, road
15. fed to feed
16. flot to flot
17. fot, fet water basin
18. hard solid and firm
19. hel cover conceal
20. hev to seize
21. lack to be waiting
22. laf
23. leap run
24. led lead
25. lern leornian
26. lik Lick up
27. los
28. mark Marked a frontier
29. reck head
30. rob, rev Steal
31. say Speak
32. shuf Shuffle
33. side coast
34. sit, set rest
35. sla Swing
36. spell new story
37. spin draw out and twist fibers into thread
38. stall standing place, position
39. star to shine, to bring light
40. step to step, go
41. swer make a statement in reply
42. tell, tal to reckon, calculate, number
43. tes a proposition
44. tru define singular trua, definite plural
45.wak to become awake
46. ward the underground part of a plant
47. wit, wis understadingm, intellect
48. wring press, strain, wiritng, twist
49. writh to twist
50. wroht significant, value
animal, animated, inanimate, unanimous
annals, anniversary, annual, millenniun, centennial
aquaculture, aquarium, aquatic, aqueduct, aqueous
auditorium, auditory and audible
cadence, decadent, cascade
capacious, capable, except, concept, receive, transceiver
captain and decapitate
germicide, herbicide, inseticide, matricide, patricide
exclude, recluse, conclusion, exclusion, enclose, closet
accord, concord, cordial, discord
corporal, corporation, corpse, corpus, incorporate
credence, credential, credible, credit, credo, creed, incredible
dental, dnetrifrice, dentist, dentistry, denture
benediction, contradict, dictate, dictation, educt, predict
abduct, conduct, deduce, duke, educate, induce, introduce, produce
benefactor, fact, faculty, manufactore
confer, defer, differ, ferry, transfer
fragile, infringe, fragility, fragmentary
centrifugal, centrifuge, fugitive, fugue, refuge, subterfuge
graduate, gradual, aggressive, egress
eject, reject, object and projector
allocate, dislocate, local, locate, loquacious, eloquent, collaquy
manicure, manipulaten manual, manufacture, manager, manuscript
maternity, maternal, matrimony, material, matter
admit, commit, committee, emit, intermittent, remiss
amortize, inmortal, inmortalize, morgue, mortal, mortality, mortgage
remove, immovable, moved, movie, movement, automobile, motion
cognate, innate, intermational, nata, nation, native, nature
denomination, pronoun, nominative, nomination, nominalism
compatriot, expatriarte, paterfamilias, paternal, paternity, patrician, patron
expel, expulsion, impel, impulse, compulsive
pendant, pending, pendulum, spend, suspend, penal
mutiplex, comlexity, complexion, accomplice, duplicate, explicate
composure, propoe, disposed
deregulate, irregular, regal, regime, region
asvribe, describe, scribble, subscribe
bisect, dissect, intersect
sedentay, sedan, sedation , sediment, assess, assessor, dispossess
consequences, sequence, subsequent, obsequious
assist, consist, isisnt, irresistible
special, speciality, especially
stage, stamen, stan,stance, institute, restitution
dicatator, genitor, janitor, orator
tractor, attractiv, detract, subtract, extract
watch, play, live, think, drink
invert, revert, divert, avert, converse, adversary
evident, improvident, providence, vision, visual, invisible
convival, revival, revive, survival, survive, viva,vivacious, vivid
advocate, avocation, convocation, provocation, vocation
revolve, involve, revolver, revolutionary, revolution, revolt

anthropology,anthropoid, misanthrope
astronomy, asteroid, asterisk
bible, bibliographer, bibliography
center, central, concetrate
chromatic, chromosome
anachronism, chronic, chronicle
cosmetic, cosmic, cosmopolitian
democracy, democrat, aristocrat
unicycle, recycle, cyclops
democracy, demography
dynamic, dynamism, dynamite
ergonomic, erg, ergometer
bigamist, bigamy, polygamy
geography, geology, geometry
diagnose, incognito, cognizant
geography, biography, cinematography
solar, solstice
pediatric, iatrics
cinema, cinematography, citation
lithium, lithography, monolith
biology, mythology, catalog
bilogy, filosophy
meter, centimeter, milimeter
metamorphosis, polymorph, morpheme
nominate, nominee, binomial
homonym, onomatopoeia, patronymic
philosopher, philologist, philip
phone, saxophone, xylophone
arthropd, podiatrist, podiatry
political, polititian, policy
horoscope, gryscope, episcopal
philosopher, sophism
contact, intact, tact
technology, thechnique
thermal, hypothermia, thermometer
parenthesis, hypothesis, antithesis
entropy, tropism, heliotrope

bear, berth, borne
breathe, publish, brag, boast
whitening or bleaching
to own, possess, be subject to, experience
by steeping boiling, and fermenting
perhaps, draw
to move slowly on water, wind
a blackstrap, a syllabub, a toddy, a flip
dull, uninteresting
journey, road, passage, expeditions
nourish, sustain or foster
fountain, baptismal
concaled palce
remnant", "leavings" or "what is left behind"; "survivor"; "widow"
o jump, spring clear of the ground by force of an initial bound; run, go; dance, leap upon
waxed under the heavens, prospered in glory,
to pass the tongue over the surface, lap, lick up

boundary, limit; sign, landmark,

to be of concern or importance; matter:
ake away (from someone) unlawfully; plunder or strip (a place) by force or violence
approximately or for example
o walk without lifting the feet or with clumsy steps and a shambling gait.
flanks of a person, the long part or aspect of anything
to firmly put in place
Slaan, swinga
speech, account, tale
to place, put, post, stand
proceed, advance
compute, consider, think, account
a statement
faithful, honest
arise, awake, be born
to bind or fetter
appreciated, meriting, honorable

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