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SHAMANIC MEDICINE ORACLE CARDS BARBARA MEIKLEJOHN-FREE & FLAVIA KATE PETERS BIMPANGEL This printing 2020 Copyright © 2018 Barbara Meiklejohn-Free & Flavia Kate Peters Artwork Copyright © 2018 Yuri Leitch All rights reserved, Other than for personal use, no part of these cards or this book may be reproduced in any way, in whole or part without the written consent of the copyright holder or publisher. These cards are intended for spiritual and emotional guidance only. They are not intended to replace medical assistance or treatment. Published by Blue Angel Publishing” 80 Glen Tower Drive, Glen Waverley, Victoria, Australia 3150 E-mail: Website: Edited by Kate Osborne & Leela Williams Blue Angelis a registered trademark of Blue Angel Gallery, Pty. Led. ISBN: 978-1-925538-25-0 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thank you, Yuri, an amazing visionary artist. You sensed our visions and painted them. Thank you for your gifts and talents. Your handpainted cards are beautiful. Your attention to detail is mastery indeed. Thank you, brother. To Kate Osborne, editor, manager, friend, thank you for all you have done, all you still do and all that is yet to come. You ate a true keeper of wisdom as well as time. Your support to us both, is not only apparent within these pages, bur is that of a living staff who stands by our sides. Thank you, dear friend. CONTENTS Introduction 7 CARD MESSAGES Air 16 Altar 18 Ancestors 20) Bells 22 Birds 24 Birth 26 Bones for Casting 28 Buried in Earth 30 Cave 32 Conch Shell 34 Crystals 36 Death 38 Dreamweaver 40) Drum 42 Barth 44 East 46 Feathers 48 Fire 50 Flute 52 Four-Legged 54 Great Mystery 56 Insects 58 journey 60 Lodge 62 Lower World 64 Medicine Bag 66 Medicine Mask 68 Medicine Shield 70 Medicine Wheel 72 Middle World 74 North 76 Offerings 78 Plant Medicine 80 Prayer 82 Rattle 84 Sacred Site 86 Sea Creatures 88 Shaman 90 Shapeshifter 92 Soul Retrieval 94 South 96 Staif 98 Stone People 100 Tree of Life 102 Tree People 104 Trickster 106 Upper World 108 Vision Quest 110 Water 112 West 114 About the Authors 116 About the Artist 117 Imagine standing in a room with a hundred shamanic drummers, ready to ride the spirit horse. You feel a little scared, but your heart quickens in anticipation, excited that something amazing is about to happen, When the drumming begins, you feel the beat pulse through your entire body. Spirit flows deep into the stream of your consciousness, stirring your soul’s essence to renew and awaken your life force. As the drums gain momentum, you feel yourself losing control as you spin in a vortex of energy. Suddenly you are surrounded by animals, spiries and strange places you have never encountered before — or have you? Something feels all too familiar. You have come home, You were likely drawn to this deck because you feel an affinity with the pathway of the shaman, Whether you sensed this call recently or have felt it since childhood, the shaman within is stirring you from slumber. For mare than two millennia, too many people belicved humanity had dominion over everything on this planet, that the resources and wonders of the world were ours for the taking - but, no longer! It is time to acknowledge the natural world as equal. It is time to awaken, address the imbalance and live up to the sacred role of the shaman, But where will chis journey of mystery take you and how do you start? Ashaman is drawn to nature, hears the whispers of spirit in the breeze, welcomes the rain, delights in the heat of the sun and connects with the nourishment of the earth, A shaman embraces each season and rejoices ar the first stirrings of spring, the abundance of summer, the falling leaves of aucumn and the deep, dark mystery of winter. The shaman has a kinship with the natural world, other realms and the spirits that are all around us in all that is “alive? Shamanism is nor a religion, but a wonderful world of freedom, magic and connection with the physical and spirit worlds, As a healer, a counsellor and an ambassador for the spirits of nature, the shaman acts as a guardian of this beloved planet. ‘The indigenous peoples, trusted, recognised and interacted with the spirits of the land, living in accordance with the magical law of nature, The same is true for other indigenous peoples, both past and present. Asan intermediary between the human world and the realm of spirit, the shaman recognises the ‘medicine’ within all things. Everything has spirit and holds its own, medicine or energy. For example, a wolf's medicine is protection. If a wolf turned up, either physically or in spiric form, a shaman would know it had come to bring about the medicine of protection, Every type of animal, of land, sea or sky, has a unique medicine that the shaman can identify, To the shaman, tools such as drums, flutes, shields and dreameatchers also hold their own medicine. A shaman will draw on the medicine he needs and work with spirit to bring about healing, insight or connection. The pathway and the medicine of the shaman can be easily accessed through the Shamanic Medicine Oracle Cards. Shuffle the beautifully illustrated cards and the medicine you require will be presented, For example, drawing the Birds card means the medicine of Birds will help you to break free and get a new perspective or a bird's eye view on your enquiry. Insight for cach card is included in this guidebook. Work with each card by contemplating the relevant text and using the words spoken by each card to call upon and connect with its medicine. The path of the shaman, the one who knows, is one of remembrance. As you take this journey, you will connect with the earth-centred traditions of the ancestors. Be prepared — the shamanic path is filled with soul-searching experiences. You may drop everything to vision quest on a mountain top in some faraway land. You might be drawn to cake part in a sweat lodge ot to dare the hot coals of a fire walk. You may feel urged to reconnect with someone or to enrol in a course of study, The shamanic path will call you to be in the right place at the right time, The art is not to question, but to be ready to answer and to surrender. This path will challenge and push you over the edge of comfort and familiarity. At times, you may feel you cannot or will nat continue. Remember, the shamanic path will take you through che highs as well, It-will enable you to experience incredible feelings of ecstasy, to journey into the abyss of the self, to heal wholly and fully, and to endure loss, in whatever form it may take. The highs and the lows will bring you to an incredible connection with Great Spirit and your ultimare purpose. ‘The sacred pathway of the shaman is transformative. Change brings uncertainty, bur is necessary if you wish to connect with, and be, the magic that is within and all around you. The medicine of the shaman helps us to reconnect with che earth-hased traditions and wisdom of the ancestors. There may be picfalls along the way, but be assured that when you recognise and draw from the medicine thar is all around, you never walk alone. Blessings, Barbara and Flavia BECOME THE SHAMAN Do you feel a sense of home coming or profound reconnection at the prospect of communing with the sacred medicine of the shaman? The Shamanic Medicine Oracle Cards will speak to you of days gone by, from a time when there was a greater understanding, reverence and use of all things natural and mystical. With this deck, you can access the medicine of the shaman without waiting for a physical sign to manifest or having to make or find a shamanie tool. Instead, you can gain the answers you seek through the knowledge, experience, wisdom and healing energy imbued in the imagery and messages of each card. You are also encouraged to explore the different forms of shamanic medicine for yourself — especially those that really call to you. Spend time in nature, listening, observing and learning from everything around you. Become the interpreter of the cards, find meaning for yourself, as wisdom secks you out. HOW TO USE THE CARDS Iris agood idea to create a sacred space where you can consuleyour medicine cards. Begin by cleansing the room by burning sage in a vessel (an abalone shell or equally small, shallow dish). Holding the vessel with the burning incense, walk from the middle to the north of the room, fanning the smoke in thar direction with your free hand, Repeat either aloud or in your head, “Disperse, dissolve, cleanse and clear, make space for Great Mystery here. 10 Do the same in the other three directions, then return co the centre and give thanks. This ensures the energy around us is as free flowing as possible and sets our intention for life-enhancing, spirited practice. If it is your first time using the deck, smudge it by encircling it in sage smoke, This will remove stagnant or foreign energy and ensure the medicine of the deck is free flowing and aligned with you. As this deck can be used for many purposes, it is important to ask what it is you would like guidance on. Take a moment to formulate a clear question or intention so you can receive a clear response. For example: J wish to connect to a past life that can belp me with work. lam secking guidance about my finances. How may I resolve an issue with a family member? Where was my soul first birthed? Where should invest my energy for the best outcome? Sit comfortably and shuffle the deck as you repeat the intention for your reading. When you feel ready, place a card in front of you, picture side up. Ifa card leaps out as you shuffle, this is che tight card for the reading. Consider the image, take note of your impressions and then refer to the card message in the guidebook for deeper insight. ONE-CARD READING ‘This single-card reading is ideal for quick and direct insight on any given issue. Shuffle the deck repeatedly as you call on your guides (be they power animals, plant totems, ancestors, spirit guides or Great Mystery) to help you with a specific situation, You can do this outloud or in your mind, but be as specific and as clear in your requestas you can, Then, using your intuition, pull a single card from the deck. Now take the book, find the corresponding pages and therein lies your answer. THREE-CARD SPREAD Use a three-card spread for insight into the source of an issuc, present influences and possibilities over the next three months. Shuffle the deck and simultaneously ask your guides to help you receive an accurate reading for your highest good. Then, ask for the truth to be revealed about any situation you would like more information about. Stop shuffling whenever you feel ready. Take the top card from che deck and place it down, face-up. Take the next card from the top of the deck, and lay this, face-up, ro che right of the first card. Finally take a third card from the top of the deck and place this one to the right of the second card, again face-up (see example below). Refer to the guidebook and read the message each card holds for this medium-term reading. As this is a reading the focus is on the message or energy of the card rather than the tool or description of the medicine. Interpreting the cards ‘The first card refers to your immediate past. This is something you have been involved with during the past three months or less, The second card is about your present situation and thought patterns. ‘The third card shows your immediate future (within che next three months), delivering messages about upcoming events or issues. Following is an example, using the cards in the diagram to answer the question, ‘Iam unhappy in my job, but can’t afford to gamble looking for something else, what should I do? Example interpretation Card 1 (Past) — Dreamweaver: Dreamweaver will help you to access the wisdom of those who have gone before you, including your own soul's previous experiences. This ancient knowledge is needed to help you, be it with the dilemma of what to do next, how to make the best use of your intuition or how to manifest betrer relationships and a better outcome for what may seem an impossibly difficult personal situation. As it has already been established by the question thar you are unhappy, and the job is not serving your wellbeing, the last few lines will be the ones to address you strongest. Card 2 (Present) — West: Whatever it is that has been eating 13 away at you, now is che time to get it off your chest. Spit it our and say what you feel. You havea voice, so use it. Problems cannot be solved if nobody is even aware there is one. If work is the issue, speak to your boss first. Give chem the opportunity to correct things. If they can’t or won't you can always leave and seek out what itis you really need to be doing with your life. Card 3 (Future) - Medicine Shield: There is nothing to fear, only sensible precautions to put in place as you walk between the worlds. It is good practice to call in protection every day, whether you are consciously working with the spirit world, or not. Call upon Medicine Shield now and rest within the safeguard of its strong and loyal protection. Summary: Giving the right people the opportunity to make your work situation better may be all that is needed. Bur, should you decide to leave, something you have been dreaming about, chen do so wisely and you will be well protected both emotionally and financially. CARD MESSAGES AIR Creativity The winds of change billow as Air fills your wings and directs your journey. Work with this medicine through meditation and connection with the astral world, The power of Air sweeps through your imagination, gracing you with fresh ideas and awakening your creative juices. Disregard doubts about your abilicy as your fears will blow you off course. Instead, breathe in inspiration, stand firmly in the eye of the storm and know your ideas and visions are valid. When you truly get creative, a gateway to real magic opens and beckons you to a world you have been longing to discover. Call upon Air to assist you with all aspects of ingenuity. Paint, draw, write, dance and be free as the creative spirits of Air fuel your imagination, encouraging you to make wishes and to dream big, You are being urged to take your head 16 out of the clouds and leap into action, so that Air can usher in all that is needed for you to fly towards your goals, This is a time of fertility as Air blows you towards new beginnings. Throw caution to the wind and watch as your visions manifest into reality. AIR REVEALED The element of air is vital for our survival, for without it we would all perish. On a very deep level, each breath in reminds us of our communion with nature. All living beings are dependent on air for their existence. Air governs the magic of the four winds, it is the common denominator that binds all chings together, From tempestuous winds, hurricanes and tornadas to a fresh, gentle breeze, this clement is the breath of life — from our first breath of birth, to our last. OTHER DIVINATORY MEANINGS Work with the element of air to still che mind. Meditate daily. A perfect rime to begin new projects. Trust the images you see in your mind. Get creative. Go into nature, listen to the wind, take long hilly walks, parachuee, skydive, Take a risk and follow your dreams. AIR SPEAKS Upan the breeze, whispers talk, Parachute, skydive, hilly walk Air fitels the mind, brings clarity Enhancing creativity. ALTAR Honouring Focus on honouring that which sustains you, chose who came before you, and the true beauty and purpose of your being, to bring about the harmony char is eluding you. Regularly honouring at an altar is a personal and tangible way to achieve balance and maintain serenity over the next few months. Keep your altar simple. It can be a table with a cloth on it in a quiet corner, a mantelpiece or even a window sill, It is your intention to honour the blessings and gifts from spirit and Mother Nature that is most important and your alrar Must reflect that journey. Adorn this space with items thar are sacred to you like flowers, tobacco, sage or images of your ancestors. Include items that represent each of the elements. You might use a crystal for earth, a red candle for fire, an incense stick for ait, a blue candle for 18 water and a small mirror for spirit. Your altar is a thank you and a pause for reflection on the gifts from the worlds the Shaman walks between. In honouring this sacred space and connection to all these life-giving properties, you will be calling to yourself just what you nced in times of uncertainty or confusion. ALTAR REVEALED An altar is a sacred space in which to honour Great Spirit. Nature itself is an altar to the shaman, but having your own altar (Thaan) helps you to focus on rituals, ceremonies and prayer. It is for the laying out of ritual tools and for holding pictures or artefacts of chosen deities and ancestors, It is a place of worship and of honouring personal beliefs. It is a meeting place berween the ordinary and spiritual realms. OTHER DIVINATORY MEANINGS Honour chat which is sacred to you. Make room for quiet time. Dedicate an altar in your house or garden to that which you are aligned to spiritually. Focus will bring desired results. Make time in your day for gratitude and thanksgiving, Time for reflection. ALTAR SPEAKS Precious gifts and sacred items lay bare, Holding a space to bless all that is there, Ancestors, elementals, directions and more Come speak with them and be reassured. ANCESTORS Wisdom The ancestors are our spiritual kin, They are the ones who walked before us and in some way helped shape the lives we lead today, You are being asked to honour the ancestors, to keep their memory and spirits alive, and to give thanks to them. Many indigenous peoples and cultures around the world do this, In following this tradition, you are partaking in a timeless connection through which the ancestors can impart their wisdom and assist you with your spiritual journey. Puc flowers on a loved one’s grave or give thanks to the ancestor whose qualities you've acquired. You may wish to dedicate a small altar with pictures of past loved ones, in honour of their memory, and light candles in remembrance of them. Honouring those who have walked before youand understanding their ways will help co you to release hurts 2 and pains. Healing ancestral lines can enable you ro break free of destructive patterns and step into the freedom your soul yearns for — to be whole, wise and complete. Call upon the wisdom of the ancestors and honour yourself for never giving up as you walk wisely in their footsteps. ANCESTORS REVEALED The old ones left us a great legacy of ancient wisdom to live by. These ancestral memories, created as oral traditions, were passed down within clans and tribes to their descendants. In every blade of grass, sacred site and voice in the wind, the ancestors speak of ancient ways and future visions, It's time to listen, act and restore the spiritual practices of the ancients. OTHER DIVINATORY MEANINGS Light a candle in remembrance and honour of the ancestors, Someone from your past turns up. Investigate your ancestral lineage. You are watched over by a deceased loved one. A past life issue needs to be resolved. A visit to your homeland holds answers. ANCESTORS SPEARS Once made like you, of blood and bone, From Earth but now to Spirit, flown, Honour who we truly are. Wisdom claimed to rake you far. 21 BELLS Deflection Shamanic cribes use the sound of bells to ward off evil spirits, negative entities and pending danger. While the bells ring loudly and draw attention, the person shaking the bells is silent. This is most certainly not the time to be overly vocal orto bring the focus back to you. Keep your thoughts, intentions and ideas to yourself, to avoid becoming the centre of scrutiny, Others may be jealous, critical or doubtful. Nourish adeeam or plan by protecting it from unwanted influcnces and outside drama. Gossip, and all that goes with it, does not serve who you wish to become. Alarm bells have been ringing lately and what you have suspected is confirmed. Something is being covered up and you have been deliberately diverted from the truth. It takes courage to walk away, bur you must deflect any negativity that may be a drain on your time 22 and energy. Be aware of any subconscious thoughts chat have connected you with or created unwelcome energies. Shamans use bells for space clearing in ritual and ceremony. Allow bells co raise your vibrational energy to a higher level. This will help you in your shamanic abilities as well as with deflecting situations you no longer require in your life, Understand the ripple effect of your words, thoughts and actions. BELLS REVEALED The bell branch is used for healing, invoking spirits and to summon the spirit of sacred sites. Forms of the bell branch or spirit chaser use animal bones and/or sacred trees. Traditionally, the bell branch was a tree branch (white or silver in colour) with gold bells attached. It was used to remove negative energy and unwanted intrusions, by creating a vibrational gateway to the other worlds through resonance. OTHER DIVINATORY MEANINGS Time for some space clearing. Burn sacred sage to clear away negative energy from your home or place of work. Choose your words carefully and wisely, Be aware of your every action. Step away from your current situation. Heed the warning signs you've been ignoring. BELLS SPEAKS Ding-a-ling-ling, flee away. My sound keeps evil spirits at bay. ! come to you as warning sign, Heed may message and you ‘I be fi we. 23 BIRDS Freedom Your soul is longing to soar like a bird high in che sky. It sings, as a caged bird, a song of freedom, You are being urged to sharpen your senses and be watchful. Spirit has been sending you messages in the form of falling feathers and ornichomaney (divining through the observation of birds, their flight patterns, cries and behaviours). This card has fown in now, and taps on your window pane. So, fling the doors wide open and let fresh air circulate. You have been cooped up for quite long enough! It is time to spread your wings and go searching for adventure. Opportunity awaits, asa new horizon beckons. See the world from a birds’ eye view and break free from entrapment. Escape from the chains that prevent you from speaking your truth. Ir is time for you to be heard, to have the freedom to make your own choices and be responsible a4 for making decisions, never minding whether they are right or wrong, Right now, it is having the freedom to make a choice that will set you well and truly free. BIRDS REVEALED ‘The winged ones have been showing us signs from nature, omens and messages from the gods long before history was written. In Egypt, seeing a flock of birds after somcone’s death was a good sign. It was believed the birds were escorting the person to their new incarnation, From supernatural to magical powers, the medicine of birds teaches us how to fly free with strength and valour. OTHER DIVINATORY MEANINGS A new gateway is opening. Have courage and walk through it. You are soaring high right now. Don't let others bring you down. Sharpen your senses to the messages around you. Take steps 10 leave a difficult situation. Make a decision, Freedom awaits. BIRDS SPEAKS In each direction watch us fly. Wesend a message from the sky. Receive our feathers, hear our sound, Fly through life, now freedoms found. 5 BIRTH Renewal Birth is abour the deach of the old and an emergence of the new. A transformation will strip away feelings of guile, fear and shame. You will face a life-threatening event at least once in your journey. Such an occurrence has the potential ro gift you with new-found abilities and strengths, thus removing the fears and pains that have held you back for far too long, Ir takes absolute trust and great strength of character to step from your comfort zone into the unknown, A devastating situation may have caused the ‘victim’ in you to surface. You may feel sorry for yourself, expect others to put you first or become angry with the world. This is not the way of the shaman, It is time to look at why you may be suffering @ recurring injury, illness, depression or situation. Write down what you are experiencing and your emotional reactions, For instance, 2b blaming someone or something for your situation may be causing you to feel miserable, angry or even betrayed. With the eyes of the shaman, look deeper. What lessons could be learned from this? What do you gain from your current approach? The resentment, anger or other painful sensations will be forgotten when a beautiful new form emerges from the seeds of your experience. Spirit is calling you to freedom, A new way beckons. BIRTH REVEALED This process allows you to journey between worlds as you discover your body, your biology, your mental aptitude and spiritual tenacity, It also gives you a new understanding of the suffering of others that enables you to see into their body and root out the cause of their original wounding. Birthing/rebirthing can come in many forms. Physical pain is not always required, but some form of ‘death’ or ending is always required. OTHER DIVINATORY MEANINGS Our with the old and in with the new. You are coming to the end ofan era. Avery fertile time for you. What may feel like an ending is the beginning of something new, You are changing the way you think and feel as you become more spiritually aware. BIRTH SPEAKS Hake up! Now is the time far you to rise. Take off the mask, drop the disguise, Healing beckons, greet the dawn. New life is waiting to be born. 2 BONES FOR CASTING Divination You are being thrown a bone here. Ritual casting (cleromancy) of crystals, beans, sticks or bones, and the interpretation of omens have always been used by shamans to assist with changes and challenges. It is time to open your eyes to the world around you. Stop relying on modern technology to answer life’s questions. The world of Spirit asks you to train your awareness on the natural messages that are staring you in the face. The true art of divination comes from being aware of everything around you. Make it a habit to ask the spirits and forces of nature for the advice you seek, They will hear your call and respond, but you need to take notice. ‘To fully hone your intuition and trust what you see, go outside and observe. By noticing the natural signs in falling leaves, cloud formations, animals and stone formations you will grow more a sensitive to every aspect of the natural world and it’s magic. Your senses will come alive. BONES FOR CASTING REVEALED ‘Throwing the bones is an ancient practice used by many diviners, herbalists and spirit mediums throughout Africa, Asia and North America. Natural and man-made objects such as bones, shells, nuts, coins and stones can be used. Practitioners observe how and where the objects land, noting any patterns they form. The divining objects are kept in a basket, bowl, bag or placed on an altar. These sacred tools are respected and honoured in Hoodoo practices and by root doctors of Southern America. OTHER DIVINATORY MEANINGS Pay attention. The signs and messages you've been asking for are staring you in the face, Ask spirit and the forces of nature for advice and knowledge. Be observant. Trust your intuition. You already have the answers. Hone your divination skills and use them. BONES FOR CASTING SPEAKS Lats are cast, now watch me land, Messages to understand. Signs in nature wait t for you, Spirit shows yor what is true. BURIED IN EARTH Transference Dig deep to find what is hidden beneath the surface. This is tue of family in the present and, more poignantly, from the past. Their stories, experiences and circumstances have contributed greatly to whar is currently happening in your life as well as who you are and how you deal with things. Being ceremonially buried with objects that have a direct connection to one’s ancestors, is not for the faint-hearted, but it is a very powerful rite of passage. Ancestors can include anyone who you held in high regard or had a profound influence on your life. When you are stripped back emotionally within the sanctuary of Mother Earth, the cnergy of those you hold dear is transferred to you, passing through the objects and into your being. Connect with the energy of this card to open yoursclf to the truths, answers and attributes you need 30 from your ancestors right now. This will help you move forward in your journey, free of negative attachments and falsehoods. Please ensure you undertake this with the correct guidance and supervision. BURIED IN EARTH REVEALED Submerged in the earth, with a tube to breathe through, this rite exposes the participant co the elements around them and the teuths hidden within. This rite of passage imbues the recipient with the medicine of the ancestors and removes fears of the unknown/shadow self, It was practised by many cultures as a direct way to gain wisdom from the ancestors. During the rite, knowledge was passed from the bones of the ancestors with whom the participant was buried. OTHER DIVINATORY MEANINGS Stop burying your head in the sand. Ignoring problems prevents you from facing reality. Someone from your past offers a helping hand. Journey within to get to the source of a situation, Bury the hatchet. Hidden gifts are unearthed. BURIED IN EARTH SPEAKS I hold you here in darkened silence, Sirip from you all pain and violence. Replenish porr soul with wisdoms true, Now rise again, a stronger you. 3 CAVE Retreat It is time to retreat as Cave offers you sanctuary. The Anasazi, the prehistoric ancestors of the present Pueblo Indians, made their homes in shallow natural caves in cliffs for protection from external dangers. Cave appears to you now asa safe hideaway where you can be quiet, reflect and be still. Your days are often spent running here, there and everywhere. Your head is brimming with constant internal chatter, It is time to slow down. Stop thinking about what you and everybody else needs, or could be doing, and take some time out! It is vitally important that you give yourself a chance to be silent so you can hear the loving messages your guides are trying to give you. Retrear, feel Spirit and notice the beaury that is all around you. Be still, breathe and go deep into the cave within, Here in this sacred place, your balance and harmony 32 will be restored. Once you have convalesced in tranquillity and learn co live in the prescne, you will be able to see with new eyes and more fully experience every moment asa gift of life. CAVE REVEALED Across continents and beliefs, caves provided shelter for prehistoric humans and are gateways co the underworld, Many great prophets including Jesus, Elijah and Mohamed where born in, lived in or were buried in sacred caves. They are the abode of hermits and sages, a place of spiritual retreat or the transition from isolation and fear co rebirth within the womb of Mother Earth. OTHER DIVINATORY MEANINGS Focus on you, Getaway from itall. Retreat co aspa, enjoy a massage or take asea salt bach co revive your spirit. Your soul craves quiet time. Rest and recuperate without guilt, in preparation for the next leg of your journey. CAVE SPEAKS Rest ye from thy weary feet, ds 1 invite you te retreat. Now heal within my sacred womb, Restoration shall resume. 33 CONCH SHELL Calling Conch Shell serves as a wake-up call. Ignore it at your peril. Your destiny awaits and needs to be discovered. Conch shells are used as shamanic trumpets. They were sounded by tribal people, such as the Nagas of North East India, to announce impending natural disasters. These large sea snail shells are used by shamans all over the world to assist in healing and in ceremony, The vibration and primal sound of Conch Shell can blast away any blocks and objections from your critical mind and from others, as you strive towards your personal and sacred path. Shut out the noisy distractions of the modern world and connect with your true essence and that of Spirit by going deep into silence, Once in this place of sanctuary you will find you become more sensitive to the sounds of the human breath and the spirit that vivifies everything, 4 Here you will discover your truc place in the cosmos, You will feel and better understand an inner urge or strong impulse that is accompanied by the conviction of divine inspiration. CONCH SHELL REVEALED Shell trumpets or seashell horns have been used worldwide since the upper Palacolithic period, In Fiji, triton shells announced the death of a chief and his rite of passage back to the sea, In ancient temples, through Central and South America, trumpeters used the conch shell to call on the dead. In Hindu mythology, the Shankha is a sacred emblem of the god Vishnu representing the sound of the Universe itself, Aum. OTHER DIVINATORY MEANINGS Wake up! Your busy lifestyle is blocking out the voice of spirit. Enjoy the sound of silence and listen to your inner wisdom. Take steps to embrace your life's purpose. Trust your intuition and follow your dreams. Your true calling is your priority. Don't divert! CONCH SHELL SPEAKS Originally from oceans deep, I blast my sound. Wake from your sleep! Heed my call, embrace the notion, Take the path of true devotion. 35 CRYSTALS Amplification You have a natural affinity and atcraction to the shining world of crystals, These conscious allies are happy to assist with healing, connection work and protection. Crystals have the power to enhance, to strengthen and to energise. This card is reminding you to connect with crystals ona regular basis, You do not have to go it alone, for crystals truly wish to partner with you. Whether you feel drawn to work with them ona professional healing basis or to use them purely for your own benefit, crystals have the power to assist. A shaman recognises all of nature is alive and that all beings have spirit. Right now, you would benefit from the life force that runs through the mineral kingdom. Work with the electrical charge naturally created and stored in some 36 erystals for deep physical, metaphysical and emotional healing. ‘The crystalline energy will magnify your healing abilities and enable a greater connection with Spirit. You will become stronger and your skills will be amplified by working with these beautiful stones, Invite crystals into your everyday life by keeping this card oractual crystals on your person, in your environment and in your meditations. CRYSTALS REVEALED Healing crystals and ancient stones have been honoured and used by medicine people throughout time. ‘The spirit of each crystal resonates with those using them. Some cultures believed the shaman held a special crystal within his or her body that aided in healing themselves and others. Crystals have been used since the magical times of the Atlanteans, Egyptians and ancient Greeks for divination, protection and healing. OTHER DIVINATORY MEANINGS Working with erystals will enhance your spiritual connection. You have a natural understanding of the mineral kingdom. Study the use and properties of crystals, Use crystals for journeying and healing work. Set crystal-clear intentions to achieve your goals. CRYSTALS SPEAKS To amplify, we should unite. Crystals help ta shine your light, Upon your heart, rose quartz for love, We're gifis from Earth, and stars above, DEATH Transmigration Don't be scared, for the Death card marks the beginning, as well as an end. You have been avoiding letting go, for fear of losing something you hold dear. Death appears now to encourage you to surrender. You will not be alone as you move through a portal into the next and glorious stage of the cycle called life, Once you push through this change and take the first unfamiliar steps of your journey, you will find you have brought everything you need with you. Death encourages you to ler go of old patterns and behaviours that arene longer welcome, and to take a risk. Fear has prevented you from experiencing the new life you've been longing for. A shamanic knowledge of the transference of energies enables the skills, knowledge and wisdom acquired through experience and lessons learned to journey with you, Your guides from the 38 spirit world will remain by your side. Transmigration ensures you will cmerge wiser and more powerful than ever before as you face change and leave behind che old, familiar form. DEATH REVEALED Marcus Aurelius believed in the transmigration of souls and the indestructibility of marter. Pythagorean philosophy taught students of the ascent of the soul towards the one. Plato and Socrates implied the relocation from one life body to another. The druids taught a doctrine of reincarnation and char life knowledge could be passed to another adept or student, Newborns are often recognised as the soul of an ancestor within native tribes and clans. OTHER DIVINATORY MEANINGS Let go and surrender. Your tendency for control does not serve anymore, Change your perception and see the bigger picture. Everything is working out perfectly. Familiarity is not a reason to hold on to the old. New life awaits. You are ready to move on. ‘Trust. DEATH SPEAKS Surrender fears and doubts to me, Transmigration is the key. A new form now waits for you, Death ends the old to start anew. 9 DREAMWEAVER Accessibility Dreams can come true! It’s time to pay attention to them. What are your dreams telling you? Do you dream of past events, past lives or things that have happened a long time ago? Are your dreams futuristic, setting you in a different age, surrounded by people you are yet to meet or who are much older? The dreaming mind is an expansive creative canvas for the consciousness of the Universe, In dreams, the past, present and future are one. Time is limitless. Once you comprehend this, you awaken the ability to journey into the dreamtime and interpret the messages you find there. Dreamweaver will help you access the wisdom of those who have gone before you, including your own soul's previous experiences. Ancient knowledge is now needed - be it for the dilemma of what to do next, how to make the best use of your intuition or 40 to help you manifest better relationships and a better outcome for what may seem an impossibly difficult personal situation. You will remember why you are here on this earthly plane right now. DREAMWEAVER REVEALED Having the ability to interpret, comprehend and diagnose a person's dreams gocs along way to the healing of the whole person, The Dreaming of the original people of Australia is timeless. It exists in the present just as it has in the past. I allows creation and knowledge to pass from spirit to reality, just as the ancestor beings emerged from the earth. OTHER DIVINATORY MEANINGS Go to bed with a clear conscience. Trust the visions you receive in dreams. Keep a dream journal, A dream holds an important message from a deceased loved one, Explore lucid dreaming. Your dreams are manifesting into reality. Get some sleep. DREAMWEAVER SPEAKS Wisdom accessed, buried deep, J whisper secrets whilst you sleep. Truths revealed, journeys to take, Drift and dream, your dreams awake. 4] DRUM Awaken Every drum awaits irs destined keeper. Drum appears to you now because of your struggle co quiet the chit-chat of your mind. Drum will connect you to memories of your mother's heartbeat, the Cosmic Mother and ancient rituals and ceremonies of your past lives. The sound, energy and vibration of this spirie horse is waiting to awaken the primal sound you have been subconsciously searching for — that is, the lost sound of your soul. Drum is offering to take you to the other worlds you have been longing to explore. With simple beats, the sounds and vibrations of the drum will enable your logical left brain to defer to the creative right brain, allowing you to relax into the zone where mystery awaits. Drum is your companion on the journey of awakening, As your heart synchronises with the beat of the drum, your consciousness will 42 shift. This may invoke ecstatic trance. There will be cransformation. Awaken wise and ancient traditions — drum your soul back home. DRUM REVEALED Known as the spirit horse, hand-held frame drums date back 43,000 years. In Exodus (15:20), Miriam, a prophetess and the sister of Moses, played a‘toph’ (a hand-held drum or tambourine) as she crossed the Red Sea, All the women went out after her, drumming, dancing and rejoicing in trance at the miracle of the parting of the sea. Drumming is a foundation tool of communication, healing, prayer and trance. OTHER DIVINATORY MEANINGS Past life recollections awaken through the beat of the drum. Walk to the beat of your own drum. A healing occurs using a shamanic drum. Shamanic journeying to che beat of a drum enhances your spiritual sight and connection. DRUM SPEAKS Pray with me before we start, Well journey deep into your heart, Invoking trance, awake the soul, We drum as one, until you're whole, 43 EARTH Nurture Earth supports and nurtures your plans, like a gardener who tends to seeds, Earth is solid, firm and provides the foundation needed for the results you desire. Fertile and stable, Earth is associated with the Divine Mother, birth, life, death and re-birth. Gift yourself some time in nature. Allow the earth to restore you. Go barefoor, sink your feet in che mud, get your hands dirty or start gardening, You may wish to take part in the shamanic rite of being buried in the earth (with the correct supervision). How comfortable do you feel connecting with this element? Does it feel natural and nurturing? Familiarise yourself with this element and its traits, Dig within to find those qualities in yourself. Feel which aspects of Earth you lack or need to hone, Draw upon Earth’: magical and mysterious gifts as you rest and recharge 44 under her protection. Earth will nurture and restore in you, all that is required for you to move forward. EARTH REVEALED ‘This is our sacred home. We come from the earth and to it we return, From the soil, comes our food, the plants and the animals. Trees send their roors deep into the land, We are of the earth and from the earth we are sustained and nurtured. Earthquakes and volcanos remind usto respect our Earth and not take the blessings of Earth medicine for granted. OTHER DIVINATORY MEANINGS Spend more time outside. Ensure you are grounded when doing spiritual work. Take up gardening, Hug or sit beneath a favourite tree. The birth of a project requires solid groundwork. Strong foundations ensure success and longevity. Visit your homeland. EARTH SPEAKS The element to call is Earth. Connect, restore and then rebirth. Sink deeply as I murture you, Recharge, restore, to start anew. 45 EAST Emergence If you don't already, begin a dream journal or keep a record of the ideas and thoughts that are coming to you now. These ideas matter. The next step in your journey will soon be beckoning to you. Thoughts and ideas thar were fuzzy or seemingly out of reach are becoming clearer and closer to home. In addition, any form of spiritual work, like healing or meditation, will soon be more effective and powerful. A stronger sense of who you are and what you want to be doing in this life is about to emerge. Ask questions and speak to people who can help you reach your goals, You will have far less crouble getting others to see and believe in your plans than previously. Your confidence and willingness to speak out is growing. If you are looking to move, travel or start a family, the time for that is approaching. Step into the rising sun, 46 smell the first flowers of spring and announce your presence to the Universe, Be ready to accept whatever it wants to lay at your feet, EAST REVEALED Across North American and many European native cultures, East is indicative of new ideas and direction, It is associated with the element of air and the season of spring. This card symbolises the emergence of all things creative, spiritual and otherworldly. As the first sign of che sun appears in the east cach morning, the inner visionary holds court. ‘This element fills the nights with dreams and the days with inspiration and insight. The east wind is favourable for new possibilities and heralds a need to discern between the practical and the fanciful. OTHER DIVINATORY MEANINGS A fresh starvis on the horizon. Clarity, new ideas and inspiration blow in. A great time co start a venture or breathe new life into an old project, Rise at dawn. Greet and embrace the potential of the new day. Visualisarion is enhanced. EAST SPEAKS New beginnings [do bring, Full of promise, just like spring. My winds now carry hope to you, Of something truly wondrous and new. fa FEATHERS Restoration Feathers has fallen on your path. This card comes to you asa spirit teacher or guide. As a message from nature, Feathers asks you to be gentle with yourself right now, You have recently endured a rough ride and are still a little ruftled. However, Feathers brings assurance that you have or will soon land softly. Allow yourself to rest amongst comforting plumage, whilst Feathers gently strokes away any doubts and worries you have collected along the way. Feathers recognises your bravery, as a warrior who has returned from battle and needs to rest. There is a three-way connection between you, the Great Spirit and the bird from which the feather came. Feathers brings you connection, support and perspective. Allow the medicine of Feathers to gently restore and sweep your energy field with the qualities you require to fly. ‘This medicine is 48 linked to the spiritual cnergy of the bird that gifted the feather, For example, a Raven feather represents magic, rebirth, transition and renewal, Contemplate the type of feather that has come to you. FEATHERS REVEALED In many indigenous tribes, particularly those of the Americas, feather-ed robes are worn in ceremony and ritual to invoke and connect with the sky gods. The ancient Egyptians and Aztecs believed the feathers of sacred birds were spirit messengers. For Native Americans, feathers could represent the power of wind and the thunder beings. Within many belief systems feathers come as spirit guides and teachers awaiting your response, and are used in healing to promote wellbeing by sweeping specific qualities into someone's energy field. OTHER DIVINATORY MEANINGS A softer approach is needed. Don't be so hard on yourself or others. A period of rest, restoration and rebirth. You will soon be soaring high. See a situation from a bird's eye perspective. Falling feathers bring the confirmation you've been waiting for. FEATHERS SPEAKS J fall softly to the ground, With a message to be found. Listen to what the spirits say, As I sweep your fears away. 49 Passion Cast aside your fear of the fame and bring more warmth to your inner world, Fire spirits are the natural drivers behind attraction, lust and desire, When you respect the spirits of fire and the flames they create, they protect you, your loved ones and your possessions. Working with fire energy, in an etheric sense, is a great healing. As you invite Fire into your life, imagine it raging through every part of your body, purging you of all negative influences. As the flames lick away old hurts, chose wounds are replaced by a sacred glow. Acquaint yourself with Fire by visiting a hor climate, walking barefoot on hot coals at a supervised fire walk, immersing yourself in the heat of a sweat lodge or gazing at the Hames of a candle. Your kundalini is ready to be awakened. ‘The motivating force of Fire will reignite your passion and fuel 50 your inner flame so you can claim your power and walk in your true light with might, viralicy and vigour. FIRE REVEALED Prometheus stole fire from the gods on Mount Olympus and gave it to mankind to ensure their survival. Heraclitus believed water and fire made the soul and likened enlightenment with becoming pure fire. Pyromancy - divination by fire - was practised at the temple of Athena. Fire deities exist throughout the world and include Kali (Hindu), Astarte (Greek) and Pele (Hawaiian). Celtic fire festivals, such as Beltane, honour the transformative power of fire, OTHER DIVINATORY MEANINGS A fear of fire stems from a past life. A cold approach is attracting obstacles, Offer warmth to others to brighten your inner world, A renewed passion invokes the love you have been waiting for. The element of fire holds the strength you require. FIRE SPEAKS Call upon the spirit of Fire, Invoke new courage and all you desire. My force will ravish fears and plight, Ignite the flame of passion tonight. SI FLUTE Expression The shamanie flute is played with freedom. There are no rules or music scores to follow, It is played as an expression of one’s soul, as a direct connection with Spirit. The free flow of communication has been missing from your life recently. You have found it hard to express yourself, Sieting out in nature with a shamanic Aute will help you get things off your chest. As you play, allow the sounds to meander from your soul and the music will speak to you in ways you have never felt or heard before. Switch off from your mind and allow yourself co follow the sounds as they emerge through carved wood and the creative element of air. Flute urges you to fully express yourself as this will shift your consciousness. Instead of being stifled and trapped, your true essence will soon spring to life. As the freedom returns to your creative flow, a lively new 52 enthusiasm for your passions will follow. Inspired action invokes your spiritual path, Now is not the time to hold back. Flute gives you express permission to speak your truth and to sway to your new tune. Rejoice to the song of life. FLUTE REVEALED One of the oldest musical instruments in the world, the flute was played by Egyptians, Sumerians and the ancient Greeks who all fashioned their instruments with six finger holes. Some of the oldest flutes, made of bone, were used in rituals for hunting and to call upon the deities. Today, the haunting melodies of the Native ‘American and the Mesoamerica flute call to us, reminding us of our home within our heart. OTHER DIVINATORY MEANINGS Express yourself, Give yourself permission to be you. Don't let others change you. Be proud of who you are and what you stand for, Practise speaking your truth, lovingly, in all situations. Get to know yourselfas you take steps to rediscover who you truly are, FLUTE SPEAKS Loffer beading through my sound. We work well together too, I've found. Play with me amongst the trees, Soulfiel tunes upon the breeze. 53 FOUR-LEGGED Endurance Animal spirits have walked with you since your birth. They protect, guide and wish to remind you that you can call upon their medicine at any time. They are offering you the endurance you need to carry on. They may also come to you in the physical form, so look our for visitations from a four-legged, such as a cat, dog, deer or horse. They can turn up at any time with a meaningful message and it is wise to acknowledge them as well as any four-legged animals that appear from the spirit world. Just because these power or totem animals aren't in their physical form doesn’t mean they don't exist. Their energy lives in the other worlds and they are very much alive. This card reminds you to ask for assistance and to be open to the animals around you, Hone their energies as they offer you the medicine they hold as a helping a4 hand. Call upon the Four-Legged who can give you the strength required to push forward now, FOUR-LEGGED REVEALED Four-Legged ones have always been our faithful friends and animal totems, Within many shamanic traditions, it is believed animal spirits walk with us from the time we are born, Their power, coupled with that of the shaman, is powerful medicine indeed. They aid in self-discovery and are a big part of our lives, seen and unseen. OTHER DIVINATORY MEANINGS You havea special gift and affinity with animals. Consider working with animals in some form. Your power animal is waiting to meet you in dreams and through meditation. An animal would benefit from your company and healing work. FOUR-LEGGED SPEAKS Fl greet you frome the other side, Journey within, go for a ride. Endurance requires strength, valour, Je comes to you, bear lion’ roar. 55 GREAT MYSTERY Trust Great Mystery walts genely in, to remind you of the beauty in all things. See this beauty as a reminder of the underlying invisible presence in all chings. In the Lakota language, chey say, “Mitikuye Oyés'in’ meaning ‘all are related.’ Where everything is interconnected, Great Mystery (Wakan Tanka) represents the divine power in all things, the life force of the Universe, Great Mystery can be appreciated through personal encounters with living spirits of the land, the elemencs, the directions and all living creatures, It is time to put aside what you are doing and become part of the silence, How can you hear the truth of Great Mystery if it is being drowned out by modern technology or your head is a constant stream of worry and fears for the future? Step away from brainwashing media and reclaim your connection with truth. 56 Great Mystery will never give you anything you can’t handle, so throw caution to the wind and play your part in che intrinsic plan of the Universe. Trust that everything is working our perfectly. GREAT MYSTERY REVEALED Great Mystery is a universal energy that permeates throughout all things. It is the beginning and the end. Iris present in all beings. Great Mystery is also referred to as Creator, It is everything, come together as one. OTHER DIVINATORY MEANINGS A lack of self-belicf separates you from the oneness of the Universe. Acknowledge the part you are here to play and accept your life purpose, Everything is in perfect order and working our as it should. Daily prayer and meditation builds trust. GREAT MYSTERY SPEAKS Father Sky and Mother Earth, Divine power of death and birth, Embrace the life in all you see, Trust in the Great Mystery. a7 INSECTS Support Insects comes fo free you from feelings of entrapment and powerlessness. This card indicates a lack of support from family and loved ones. Perhaps you feel as if nobody understands you or is even willing to try, You have experienced some type of upheaval and your loved ones may be geographically, spiritually or emotionally distant. Insects has crawled by to help you to adapt to your environment. Insects will teach you how to proceed and how wo be proactive, for Insects never lets something like a natural disaster get in its way. Call upon Insects whenever you get discouraged, The unsinkable nature of creepy crawlies reminds us to keep moving forward, no matter what. Insects brings you the medicine of tenacity, patience and detachment. Although insects have a strong sense of team work and community; they 58 alse understand che importance of minding their own business. Don't let your light fade when your words are disrespected or youractions are mocked. What other people think is none of your concern. It is your sacred journey that counts. Insects is here vo give you the support and encouragement you need to fly high all the way! INSECTS REVEALED In Egypt, che humble fly was given as a gold medal for bravery and the scarab beetle was revered for its symbolic power of eternity. The Omphalos of Delphi in ancient Greece, was a beehive- shaped stone thought to protect the temple. Native American dreamearchers honour spider medicine as it weaves its web. OTHER DIVINATORY MEANINGS You are protected, supported and safe, Go with the flow, Be careful noe to let worries turn into negative affirmations. Say positive statements daily, Acknowledge your strengths so you can call upon them when needed. Teamwork brings about desired results, INSECTS SPEAKS Spiders, beetles, those who fly, Upon you, cast their beady eye. Escape from web in which you're caught, You have the insects’ fiell support. JOURNEY Imagination A new gateway has opened. You are invited to step into an unexplored world with a new perspective. Have faith, for Journey will guide you safely and valiantly through unfamiliar territory. You may be blinded for a while, as you stumble through the unknown. But continue to trust. Know you are being led to the adventure you seek. Ir is time to stop playing it safe, Your dreams can only be realised if you dare to explore unfamiliar avenues. Imagination is the key. Journey invites you to meet the mystical beings, guides and totems you have been longing to connect with. As you traverse through other worlds, you will be amazed by the wonders you see, These marvels have been in your imagination, waiting to be seen, Who told you to ignore the pictures and scenes that play out in your mind? Trust in the visionary you truly el are, You are not making it all up. When Journey appears, it brings the chrill of new experience and anticipation. JOURNEY REVEALED The shamanic journey begins when you have a shift of consciousness and the desire to discover your inner self, missing parts of the soul, the ancestors, healing, lost power or your power animals. For your soul fight to take place use a drum or rarele to assist you. By removing yourself from ordinary, everyday, logical thinking you can discover a whole new way of being, OTHER DIVINATORY MEANINGS ‘Trust your visions. Everything in your imagination is real. Focus only on what you wish to bring invo your life. Your manifestation skills are strong, so be careful with your thoughts and projections. A new experience opens a whole world of possibilities. JOURNEY SPEAKS Adventure’ here, so close your eyes. Fall down tunnels, fly through skies. Imagination is the key, Trust, believe and you shall see. 61 LODGE Counsel ‘There are times to go it alone and there are times when the experience and help of others should be sought before taking the next step. Lodge is calling you to do just that. Seck counsel, You may struggle to decide who to speak with, Don't worry that one person or the other would offer berter advice — ask as many people as you wish, Different perspectives can help you to see something that hadn't occurred to you before. Ask a family member, a neighbour, a friend or a person of authority like a police officer, solicitor or accountant. Your genuine desire for their opinion ona matter will be met with an equally genuine response. [f you are thinking of embarking on a spiritual course, enquire with as many of the teachers as you need to. Again, be honest in your communications and you will soon discover the right person for 62 you. Asking for help and speaking out about concerns is an act of strength not weakness. If you are met with ridicule or resistance you will know those people need not be approached again. LODGE REVEALED Central to any eribal community was the meeting house or lodge. Long before churches, village halls, courts or other modern buildings of significance, the lodge was the hub of all communal life. It was the home of the elders and the wise, where advice could be sought, decisions made and ceremonies held. Some cultures have managed to maintain their lodges. Across New Zealand, maraes are meeting places for the Maori community. OTHER DIVINATORY MEANINGS Good news is on the way. Someone is holding back from you. Release your fears of being judged by others. Your silence does not defend you. Be brave and speak your truth. Don’t worry about the reactions of others. Integrity is key. Only accept what feels right for you. LODGE SPEAKS Please enter me, as you must. In the words of elders, you now trust. Hear them speak of what they know, Learn well from them before you go. o LOWER WORLD Past You have avoided the lower world, and your own past, out of fear and misperception. This is not a place of hellish darkness, but somewhere that must be explored if you wish to become acquainted with the oldest part of your soul and move beyond the things thar hold you back. Your thoughts and ideas are imprinted in the lower world and once there, you can access the roots of your innermost feelings. The Lower World cards invites you to retrieve your lost power. Hear the rattles shake and the drums beat, and dance your way to the trunk of the cosmic world tree, Seek guidance from the ancestors and the nature spiries that reside here. Lower World grants access to nature's secrets, for chis is where the elemental kingdom can be encountered, From here, wisdom and power can be brought forward into life to correct the 64 wrongs or heal the wounds of the past. Your totem animals will accompany you as you descend into the past and discover where your power lies and how they can help you in the here and now. LOWER WORLD REVEALED Shamans make the descent to the lower world through altered states of consciousness, The concept of a tree that connects the underworld, the earth and the heavens is common to many belief systems and include Yggdrasil of Norse Myth and the sacred fig of Hinduism. In the indigenous cultures of America, the world tree is a place where spiric animals live alongside the ancestors, lost information is found and fragmented parts of the soul await retrieval by the shaman. OTHER DIVINATORY MEANINGS You have been avoiding the dark aspects of your psyche. Embrace your shadow in order to know thyself fully. Face the fears that stem from past lives, by connecting with the earth and the lower worlds. Darkness sheds light on that which is hidden. LOWER WORLD SPEAKS Journey down into the deep, Accessed through trance, ar induced sleep. Ancestors, spirits wait for you. Darkness highlights what is true. 65 MEDICINE BAG Treasure ‘You are being called to walk the medicine way. Gather up all the little artefacts, trinkets, photos — those things that carry special meaning for you - and select che most precious. Use these items to create your very own medicine bag. You can add treasured memories to your bag by associating them with tangible objects. A fond memory of the sea might be represented by a special shell. You will soon need this medicine bag to further your spiricual journey as protector and way shower. You will come into your power as one who can heal emotional wounds and help others to do the same. The medicine bag is most potent when worn around the neck, but can also be kept in a pocket, bag, attached co a bele or somewhere sacred within the home. The strength, guidance and energy you can draw from it can always be accessed. It is 66 important to remember and learn from past experiences to create a brighter future. The medicine bag will help you remain calm when it comes to affairs of the heart. MEDICINE BAG REVEALED Made of cloth or leather, a medicine bag (also known as a crane, druidic crane or spirit medicine bag) is worn around the neck and over the heart cenere, as protection from the past and the future. It can contain stones, herbs, bones, hair, fur, feathers, shells and/or other small sacred objects. The medicine bag helps the holder to be in relationship with the world around them whilst connecting to the power of the supernatural. OTHER DIVINATORY MEANINGS Allow old memories co surface, Remember the past fondly. Look through pictures, photographs and other memorabilia to reconnect you with the feelings that make you, you! Gather tools that enhance who you are and can assist you on your path, MEDICINE BAG SPEAKS Adorn me with findings, like feathers and jewels, 1 offer protection for your sacred tools. Placed round neck, wear me on your heart, Connecting with spirit, and never to part. 67 MEDICINE MASK Authenticity The curtain of illusion has fallen to reveal che crue self of yourself and others, Don’t hide anymore. Face up to who you really are and embrace the fact that you are one of a kind. The world has waited long enough for you to grace it with your individuality. It is time to stop cowering behind conformity or expectation. You have worn those masks for far too long. Your desire to fit in with the world around you has stifled the deep call of your soul. Show your authentic self without fear. Some shamans use masks co help them identify with and activate the medicine of spirits such as totem animals. Wearing these types of mask allows the shaman to summon up the qualities of the spirit che mask is attributed ro. You can use this technique to embrace any aspects of yourself that you have hidden or denied. Make your own medicine mask with 6 the attributes you'd like to connect with, Wear your medicine mask to feel stronger, wiser and more powerful as you draw upon the medicine infused into it. MEDICINE MASK REVEALED ‘The oldest shamanic mask found dates to 7000 BCE, They are still worn for protection, disguise, ritual and entertainment. Inuits use masks when exorcising evil spirits from the sick. In Wrest Africa masks are used to commune with ancestral spirits. The Edo, Yoruba and Igbo use animal masks to talk with animals and their spirits. The Hopi and Zuni believe the masked person in dancing rituals is possessed by che Kachina spirit. OTHER DIVINATORY MEANINGS Don't be a crowd follower or people pleaser. Be proud of who you are, Speak your truth with love. Sincerity and integrity is called for. Do not sway from your genuine self, Involve yourself only in legitimate and credible relationships or business. MEDICINE MASK SPEAKS Throw back the mask, take a stance. No need to hide, for now's your chance. Live your life, be who you are, Stand proudly, and you shall go far. 69 MEDICINE SHIELD Protection Medicine Shield asks you to look at how far you have come. Traditionally, a medicine shield represents its owner's journcy. Its imagery symbolises inner strengths, talents, totem animals and the owner's place within the tribe. These very personal shields hold medicine in their art, in ritual and in lessons learned, If you were to make your own medicine shield, what would you add to it to tell your story? As you sit with this card, determine what Medicine Shield represents for you right now. Medicine Shield brings protection against psychic attack and other lower or negative energy forms, Keep your guard up when Medicine Shield appears. ‘There is nothing to fear, bur there are sensible precautions to put in place as you walk between the worlds, It is good practise to call in protection every day, whether you are 70 consciously working with the spirit world, or not. Call upon Medicine Shield now and rest within the safeguard of its strong and loyal protection. MEDICINE SHIELD REVEALED A medicine shield reflects the personal vision, sacred intent, focus and personal power of its owner. It offers psychic and spiritual protection. Native Americans adorned their animal-hide shields with sacred symbols, The animal skin and colours used to create the shield depicted the owner's principle power source and protection. When warriors diced, their shields were returned to Mother Nature, to journey home with them. OTHER DIVINATORY MEANINGS Shield yourself from a harsh situation. Another's foul mouth is draining your energy. Step up your psychic protection. Visualise acircle of bright white light around you when others attempt to ridicule or speak down to you. MEDICINE SHIELD SPEAKS Your personal journeys mine to tell, wear your story very well. Tl guard you as you hold me near, Protection placed, nothing to | fear MEDICINE WHEEL Continuation Medicine Wheel circles around you as you to step within its sacred space and feel part of the continuation of life. Life is a circle. What goes around comes around. When you can accept this, you are more able to learn from cach situation you encounter and can move forward. Allow Medicine Wheel to cement your personal philosophy and beliefs as you offer it your prayers and intentions. Medicine Wheel gives you access to the energies of the four cardinal directions, the spirits of the land, crystals, stones and anything else you wish to place within it. Imagine a piece of land thar is sacred to you and picture yourself building a personal medicine wheel on it — or you may wish to build one for real. Your wheel reflects your strengths and weaknesses, as well as what you need to learn and gain. It isa shamanic map representing your life, TL a circle of awareness and the wheel of the year. When you walk within the wheel, your direction will align with the great powers of spirit, Continue balanced as part of the circle of life. MEDICINE WHEEL REVEALED Places of power called medicine wheels are found in diverse forms and shapes across the globe. ‘The oldest is in Majorville, Canada, and dates back 5,000 years. This medicine wheel tells of the first people emerging as spirits out of the underworld. More than seventy sacred hoops exist in North America alone, most of them in Alberta. Every medicine wheel is unique to its religious philosophy, belicfs and teachings. OTHER DIVINATORY MEANINGS What goes around, comes around, A situation will not resolve until you ace to change the outcome. A past issue needs to be readdressed. A wild goose chase. As you learn from an experience, a new situation presents itself. MEDICINE WHEEL SPEAKS Built on mountain, land, or mound, Continuing to come around, Life's acircle, walk the wheel, Connect with spirit, learn and heal. n MIDDLE WORLD Present Middle World wants you to remember where you have come from as well as where you reside. The responsibilities that Middle World brings can be a struggle and you sometimes find it hard to cope or have feelings of not belonging, Have you felt as if you are a stranger upon this planet or wished you could go home? Middle World understands and respects your desire to journey to other dimensions. Are you longing to enhance your connection with spirit or are you seeking escape? To balance and harmonise with the web of life, it is important to acknowledge your residency in the physical world. Middle World is full of trials, cribulations, blessings and achievements. You are here to learn and ta flower. Journey to the lower and upper worlds of the Trec of Life to access wisdom and healing abilities, and bring them back here, to your m home in Middle World. When you journcy in Middle World, you are in present time, travelling through the physical landscape. Restore balance and embrace all chat is seen and unseen, MIDDLE WORLD REVEALED Our here and now is largely based on media information, much of which creates an illusion of separation. Many perceive the present as the only reality open to us. The present we have created is not without roots or branches. Do not become lost in this middle world of paradoxes and conundrums. Look ahead to the branches and be mindful co tend to your roots. OTHER DIVINATORY MEANINGS Stop living in the past. Your desire for yesteryear is holding you back. Fears for the future do not serve you. Release your worries. Make a list of all you are grateful for. Meditate to help you focus on the present, Striking a balance between roles is key. MIDDLE WORLD SPEAKS the place that you reside is here, Upon this earth realm, have no fear Live firm betwixt and in between, Connect with all, seen and unseen, NORTH Solitude ‘The time has come to distance yourself from that which seeks to change, mould and control who you are and what you wish to do with your life. This influence may be another person, an addictive substance (like sugar, money or alcohol) oranegative emotion (like fear, guilt or greed). Contemplate what has got you to this point — and you need to do this on your own. Pur some space berween yourself and a controlling influence with a detox, a retreat, a sweat lodge or a holiday alone, When you strip away all the ifs, burs and maybes, chere will be room for the causes of your challenge to surface, Once those causes emerge they can be acknowledged and healed, We often think being alone is a negative. However, solitude is not the same as being lonely, It is a precious state where we can simply think and be. We can choose to use that space to 76 face our shadow self and discover exactly what we need to do to improve ourselves, our lives and our relationships, Peacefully being with yourself or actively confronting your shadow, both have merit and you will know which one is appropriate when you go it alone. NORTH REVEALED According to Native American and other aboriginal peoples, the north represents recuperation, self-reflection and readjustment. Associated with the element of carth and the season of winter, north is about personal lessons that can test physical and emotional boundaries and expose the primal self ‘Going north’ can be a major turning point as much is gained from first-hand experience and achieving something alone without the influence of others. OTHER DIVINATORY MEANINGS You have come so far, please don’t give up. There is light at the end of the tunnel. All good things come to those who wait. A time of great blessings, that may seem disguised right now. You are on the right path. Be patient. Time on your own serves you well. NORTH SPEAKS Hhen times are hard, you will survive, You have the knowledge to stay alive. It is within you, the courage and will, To be alone, stay cali and still. OFFERINGS Wealth It is time to give back! Make a list of everything you are grateful for and you will soon notice how rich you really are. To receive one must give, Everything is interconnected, so when you give, abundance will flow back to you in some form. Spirit provides for our needs, so make offerings and thanksgiving for all you have and all you area regular practice. This can be done daily, anywhere and at any time, to great effect. Offerings can be made in many forms such as fruit, nues and candles. Whatever you give is greater when infused with gratitude, Give something that is of importance or value to you, for then you really are giving. You can also make an offering through prayer, song or by saying a simple thank you, Be humble and thankful, hold the offering to your heart and allow it to become a blessing. This practice will enhance your connection 78 with Spiric and invite abundanec to come your way. OFFERINGS REVEALED Offerings have been made to the gods throughout humanity's history. The practice of burying offerings such as water, cakes, bread and pottery with the deceased dates back 100,000 years. In ancient Egypt, Asia, Europe and Africa, specially designated priests and priestesses performed ritual offerings of food, drink, clothing, perfumes and flowers. Spirit houses still abound throughout Southeast Asia. OTHER DIVINATORY MEANINGS Financial difficulties are soon resolved. An unexpected windfall comes your way. Focus on what you do want, rather than what you don't. You are worthy. Practise the art of receiving, Gratitude ensures a bountiful crop. OFFERINGS SPEAKS Give thanks and offer up with love, Ensure abundance from above. With humble heart you mist believe, Hold your bands out to receive. PLANT MEDICINE Truth A controversy means you are not sure what to deem as truth. It's like you have been fed false news. Shamans use plant medicine in journeying work co induce visions and heighten clarity. Plant medicine isa far cry from the synthetic pills and potions abundant today. When Plant Medicine is passed to you, you have the option ro accept or reject its remedy. Do you want your life to remain as it is? Are you ready co see the cruth? ‘To distinguish between the dream state and clear reality, indulge in the awakening that Plant Medicine can bring. If you are brave, want adventure and are prepared to lose false comfort, Plant Medicine can bring you a stark understanding of who you are. The veil between worlds is ready co be torn down so thar you might discover thar which has been deliberately hidden, Choose wisely, for Plant Medicine will 80 lead you to the path of truth, from which there is no return, PLANT MEDICINE REVEALED Shamans have been using plant medicine for thousands of years. Plants are gifts from the gods, left on Earth to teach and heal us. We can work with plant medicine for healing, vision work and to find balance and harmony between ourselves and the planet. The use of plant medicine predates written human history. Archaeological evidence indicates humans were using herbs 60,000 years ago, OTHER DIVINATORY MEANINGS Fully investigate a matter before making an agreement. It’s time to leave an unhealthy situation, Check in with and trust your intuition. Someone is hiding something from you. Admit the truth before someone else reveals it. Live your truth. PLANT MEDICINE SPEAKS Awaken as I take you deep. My truth reveals you've been asleep, Yow ll see the world with bright new eyes. Assist those who still live the lies. 31 PRAYER Hope The biggest misconception about prayer isthat itisa request or plea fora higher power to change events for us. When you understand prayer as an opportunity to offer yourself up as a conduit for change, so your energy and intention can be directed to facilitate change, you are participating in prayer far more effectively. You are central to your life and what is going on in it. Wanting to give up control and give it all over to someone or something else means becoming disconnected from life, disempowered, and most importantly, forfciting the opportunity to learn, gain experience and build confidence - all of which will help you in the future, You are being asked to offer a prayer, to acknowledge yourself as a child of Spirit, a vehicle of light, a walker on the path, or however else you sense your spiritual journey. Give thanks for Bz the good that has come your way and declare your intention to live in harmony and give service. With those simple, yet powerful intentions, you will be practically and emotionally supported so you can face the challenges you may otherwise view as hopeless, PRAYER REVEALED From “The Gayatri’ to modern texts, prayer is a first step for change. Shaman use a prayer stick or tie to notify the spirit realm of their intention to seek guidance or to direct the energy raised in ritual. The Serenity Prayer remains a fine cxample of prayer in its purest form: “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference. OTHER DIVINATORY MEANINGS Start your day gently and in prayer to bring you into balance with the cosmos. Your prayers have been heard and your patience will be rewarded. You are being called to help others. Walk between the worlds asa living offering to spirit, in gratitude and love. PRAYER SPEAKS Offer to me with open heart, The place from which your troubles start. Together we will change the story, From difficulties, will come glory. 83 RATTLE Disperse Rattle appears to scatter the illusions of your conscious mind. As you shake this sacred shamanic instrument, its high tones resonate in your head and che upper parts of your body, clearing your mind and planting seeds of purity. To the shaman, Rattle embodies the sacred forces of the cosmos through its sounds, masculine and feminine structure, the seeds within and its connection to trance, You have spread yourself coo thin and Rartle asks you to shake things up! You have a destiny to fulfil, to sustain the order of existence. As you step up to the challenge, work with Rattle to invoke the medicine of your power animals and assistance from the spirit world, Create sacred space and direct energy and prayers with intention as you work with Rattle co spread healing to the world. Rattle will help you disperse any lower energies B4 that are preventing you from walking your chosen path. Tune in to the healing, high frequency pitch of Rattle to connect to this instrument's shamanic power, RATTLE REVEALED Made of ceramic, wood or stone, rattles connect us to the spirit world. In Africa, they are used to call the spirits. In Mexico and the Caribbean, they are used for divination, In North America, rattles are used for prayer, ceremony and journeying, In ancient Egypt, they were used during funeral rituals, Rattles have been found in many archaeological digs. The oldest, found in Turkey, dates back 4,200 years. OTHER DIVINATORY MEANINGS Don'callow your emotions to run the show, Past hurts are affecting the way you come across to others. Don't settle for second best. Do not mistake kindness for weakness. You are casily influenced. Shake off lower energies, rattle and roll cowards your destiny! RATTLE SPEAKS Give me a shake to clear the way. Send the lower vibes away. Journey into high-pitched sound, Feel Spirit move all around. $5 SACRED SITE Purpose Sacred Site whispers to you through the mists of time. Guar of ancient lands welcome you as you take respite from the world of chaos to gain clarity, healing and inspiration, Be still, rest and allow the puricy of Sacred Site co cleanse and nurture you. Perhaps you recall ancient memories of a sacred place and feel a mystical connection to the spirits who reside there. Sacred Site marks the next rite of passage for you. It is a landmark on your quest. ns It is time to reawaken natural powers that have been suppressed or lost. Focus on gathering your power and moving forward. Draw from the powers of Sacred Site to overcome the obstacles you have previously encountered. A strong intention to connect deeply with powerful land spirits will serve your purpose, as you enter the holy of holies. Sacred Site hears your yearning to return 86 and acknowledges your devotion to the sacred pach. Be ready to deepen your personal transformation. ‘This is your quest. SACRED SITE REVEALED In oceans, deserts and on mountains, sacred sites have been venerated for millennia, Each year, millions of people are called to visit sacred places that evoke a mysterious sense of coming home. The myths and legends of these sites inspire people to journey to distant shores. When you enter a sacred site, you feel connection, healing and awakening. OTHER DIVINATORY MEANINGS A spiritual experience will change your point of view. An answer comes to you. Trust your intuition. A new venture beckons. Consider your options carefully. Seck adventure. Go travelling. Embrace your life to the full. Visit a favourite place. SACRED SITE SPEAKS Stand within my sacred space, Harness power frome this place. Ancient secrets hold the key, Embrace your quest for liberty. 87 SEA CREATURES Immersion Take a deep breath and dive right in! Sea Creacures has been waiting to help you discover the inner riches that lay dormant, deep within you. Whatever is contained, must be released. Once you accept your limits, you are able go beyond them. This water tocem is bright, playful and has swum by to remind you to follow its example, Live without limits. You are being encouraged to immerse yourself in whatever you are currently working on, Become fully involved and put your heart and soul into accomplishing your goals. ‘There are endless resources all around you. Sea Creatures helps you identify any deep emotions that need to be set free. By observing their patterns, Sea Creatures teaches you to loosen up. The warers of the ocean represent freedom and mobility. The fascinating creatures of the oceanic Be realms have been honoured and revered since ancient times. It is time for you to do the same. Take the plunge and put the fun back into everything you do. SEA CREATURES REVEALED Mythological sea creatures of immense power and strength include colossal sea serpents, squids and octopi. Folklore of the horrors of the deep abound. However, the oceans and seas are filled with countless wonders. Over one million known species live in the oceans. According to the theory of evolution, this is where all of life began. OTHER DIVINATORY MEANINGS Go with the flow of things. Everything is working out as it should. Put your focus on your dreams. Take action, You will be doing what you love. Immerse yourself in all chat truly makes your heart sing. Play! SEA CREATURES SPEAKS Come be a friend and swim with me, For play and frolics set you free. Dive in where the water's deep, Uncover treasures, yours to keep. 89 SHAMAN Completion How can you help others if you do not know yourself? The role of the shaman isto access knowledge and wisdom as a seer, a spirit doctor, a negotiator and ceremonialist. You are being called upon to bring about harmony, balance and wholeness. Whether you call yourself a shaman, healer, witch, priest, elder, magician or druid, you are walking the path of an ancient tradition chat was not split into separace teachings, bur incorporated everything into one philosophy and one way of life. Perhaps you have forgotten your life purpose and are being called to walk the shamanic path? Taking on the shamanic journey will restore your balance, make you whole again and help you to heal others, You may have become disconnected from your soul and be lacking vision or the perception of who you are, why you are here and whar life is about, 0

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