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Tutorial 4

As Roger’s lawyer in this certain circumstance, I would advise him to be cooperative with the
police officers and not act in a way that would able police officers to use force that may
potentially harm him. As well as advise on the rights available to him. Firstly, the right to
enquire why he is being taken into custody and that he has a right to a caution interview wherein
he will be cautioned of his other rights as well. Also, he shall not be detained more than 48hours
on said interview and be brought to court after the arrest. With this is the principle relating to
presumption of innocence and access to a fair trial. The Constitution of Fiji makes provisions on
rights related to accused persons and they encompass; the right to remain silent when being
questioned and be informed that anything he says in the interview could be used against him in
trial. Furthermore, that he has a right to a lawyer and if he cannot afford one, the court will
provide (legal aid). And all these rights and information be expressed to him in the language that
he understands.

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