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Test 2 READING AND USE OF ENGLISH (1 hour 15 minutes) Part1 For questions 1-8, read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. ‘There is an example at the beginning (0). ‘Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Exampl 0 A predictable B steady respectable main Ae eo Home and abroad ‘itera short time living in a foreign county, | noticed conversations with locals assumed a (0) pattern. There were standard answers to the usual questions. Most questions caused lite (1) it was rather like dancing, where both partners know how to avoid (2)........0n each other's toes. But, When are you going home?’ was a question (3)... to answer, whenever | (4).......y fe ‘and the direction it seemed to be (5) Inthe last ten years, had lived in a dozen countries. ‘And Lhad travelled through dozens more; usually in (8) .......of a purpose or a person; occasionally to see the attractions, ‘This kind of travel is not (7)... wandering, buts the extensive exploration of a wide (8)........0f cultures. However, it doesn't allow you to put down roots, At the back of your mind, though, is the idea of home, the place you came from, 30 > > > > puzzle touching worked considered making Took aimless diference trouble moving competed thought finding search unreasonable arrangement obstacle walking stretched reflected seeking sight unreliable variety Reading and Use of English D> barrier D stopping D_ stuggled D believed D taking D-inguiry D Indefinite D_ order Part 2 For questions 9~16, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only ‘one word in each gap, There is an example at the beginning (0).. Write your answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS on the separate answer sheet, examor: [6] [o[F An Irish cookery school In the last few years, a number of cookery schools have been set (0) ...... in weland to promote Irish cooking. (9) ‘such school is run by Kathleen Doyle not (10) from the contre ‘of Dublin “Topened the school twelve years ago; ays Kate. “The schoo! was by no means an overnight ‘success; found (11)... necessary to work hard to build up a reputation. One of my advantages ‘as that'd had problems with my own cooking. I've made (12)... mistake tha i's possible to make, but (19) .......0F this, know what people do wrong from first-hand experience’ Just (14) ..... most cookery schools in Ireland, Kathleen initially copied the classical dishes of France and Italy and other counties (15) ..... According to the wtiter, the sheepdog’s behaviour suggests that A itnever obeys MacEwen. B itis afraid of MacEwen. € itis aware it should have done better. D__Itusually responds to loud commands. What is suggested about island life in the fourth paragraph? People living there would like more vistors to help the economy. People come to the island in search of employment. People are too busy todo all the things they'd like to, People don't mind putting up with some inconveniences. coo> ‘What attitude is expressed by the writer in the fith paragraph? ‘A He is amused that people on the island share their feelings so openly B He likes the way so many surprising things can happen on the island, © He approves of the way the islanders all socialise together. 1D He finds it strange that island farms are advertised in national newspapers, What does Which’ refer to in tine 75? A. the writers ferry ride B_ the next island © having to stay on the island D_ amobile phone From the text as a whole, we find out the island of Muck isa sale place for children to live. has the highest level of rainfall in the area. hhas an economy based solely on sheep. is dependent on the outside word for its food. coo> 37 Test 2 Part 6 You are going to read a newspaper article about the Hollywood sign in the United States of America ‘Six sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from the sentences A-H the one which fits each gap (87-42). There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. ‘Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet The sign on a hill Porm ea ete At the top of a hill called Mount Lee in Los Angeles fn the west coast of the USA is avery famous sign recognisable to people around the world. My job is. tolook after this sign. I says Hollywood and that's of course the place where films have been made for over a hundred years, The frst flm was made there {1907 and by 1912, at least 15 independent studios could be found making films around town, ‘The film industry continued to grow and the name Hollywood, which by the 1920s represented not just ‘aclty but also an industry anda ifestyle, was made official when the ‘Hollywoodland’ sign was erected in 1928. was only supposed to last about a year. Butt wasnt always. It started out as a ‘massive bilboard advertising an upscale suburban development called Hollywoodland, In the 1940s, TV started to Become popular and sone Hollywood flim studios closed, but then TV ‘companies moved in and took them over AE this Doin, the ity of Los Angeles decked to renovate the sgn, The letters speling ‘and’ were removed and the rest was repre. Modern Hollywood was born, The letters inthe sgn weren't straight and sti arent. [38-[ ——] They fotow the shape of Mount Lee and this s part of thelr fame. 38 1am responsible for maintaining and protecting the sgn [-39-[——]When I rt arrived in 1989, sccurly was prsty Towtech - we put up a fence around the sgn to stop trespassers messing with But people ust jumped over the fence, The back of the sign was black with graft! ~ there was barbed vere across, bt they ll gol through So decked to improve the elfectiveness ofthe security Now we have motiondetectors and cameras Exerything oes athe Internet to a dediated Survellance team watching various structures round the ety. but they can get loser look on one of my regular tours {es also importantto protect the sgn’s image sits used in loads of adverts and news pleces, There's ‘simple rule about how the sign can be used However it mostly comes down to the Took To take a diferent example, it you used ‘Hollywood inthe name of your company ft would depend what the word looked like, whether It was Just spelled out oF whether the image ofthe sign Atel was se People call up withthe most ridiculous ideas. They ‘want to light the sigh, paint it pink, oF cover it in something to promote thelr product, You'll get a really enthusiastic marketing executive call up, terribly excited because they think they're the frst person to think of this or that idea, ‘That's because we don't lke to change the image and we hope it will have the same significance for senerations to come. A._Even 50, people sil ty to climb aver the barrier, mostly innocent tourists surprised ‘that you can’t walk right up to the sign, ‘They mostly get turned down, B © tone of them ever fell down | would have toputit back up at exactly the same angle D_ Weused to have real problems. Reading and Use of English ‘Things have changed a lot since then, les stil there, of course, and s asymbolof the entertainment world, IU the purpose is commercial - to promote something ~ payment has to be made, 39 Test 2 Part 7 You are going to read an article in which four athletes talk about what they eat. For questions 43-52, choose from the athletes (A-D). The athlotes may be chosen mote than once. ‘Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Which athlete enjoys cooking but finds the planning citicut? has to carry food with him when training? dovsrit find it easy to eat before an event? uses cooking as a way to relax? sometimes allows himself certain food as a reward? hhas seen a change inthe diet of sports people? conce made the wrong decison about the food he ale? ‘says that people are unaware of what he actually eats? says knowing what and when to eat is erteal? has had to change his diet with a change of sport? 40 a 48, 49 50 51 52 Reading and Use of English Sports diets Four athletes talk about what they eat. | ‘When I'm cycling on my own I stuff my pockets with bananas and protein bars. On the longest rides I'l eat something every half an hour. For heavier training it’s physically impossible to get {enough energy from food alone, so you do rely fon energy drinks, One development in sports nutrition since I've been competing isthe focus ‘on the importance of protein. Cycling Is much ‘more weight-orientated than the swimming 1 used to do, which means Ineed to eat differently ‘how. Protein feeds the muscles but keeps them as lean as possible. I've been an athlete for 20, years so healthy eating is normal for me, but that’s not to say I don't get a tasty takeaway ‘meal from time to time. I've just learned to spat the meals that will provide what I need. It's simple things like steering clear of the creamy sauces and making sure I get lots of veg. Everyone says: ‘As a runner you must be on a really strict diet. Do you only eat salad? ‘Are you allowed chocolate?” But that's really thot the case, I've got salad and vegetables in ‘my shopping trolley but there’s always some chocolate in there, too. Ido most of the cooking at home. On the morning of a competition, 1 fet so nervous I feel really sick. | have to force Iyself to have something so Til have enough energy to perform well. Sometimes | get those days where I don't want to be so disciplined, You think: ‘'ve trained really hard, | deserve to have a pizza’ I's OK to have a litle relapse every now and then but ican't do it every day or VA be rolling round the track? For a gymnast, a kilo can make al the difference, But if you don’t eat enough you'll be a bit shaky and weak. It's all about eating the right amount, at the right time ~ two hours. before you do anything. Breakfast is fruit and iff'm a bit Deckish, wholewheat toast and butter! I get to ‘walning for 12 pm, then break after three hours for lunch ~ more fruit, a cheese and tomato sandwich. fm back in the gym from 5 pm to 8pm, then {go to my Mum's for steak and vegetables 6 chicken and salad, I don't tend to mix carbs ‘ith meat late at night. 'm not the best cook, but think it’s fun to do. I know how to make chicken from my mum's recipe, it just takes me a bit Tonger to get organised. 1s definitely possible to eat delicious food and. be a professional swimmer. I've always loved food so I'm not going to be obsessive because you can get what you need and still enjoy ‘every bite. 'm not realy one for endless protein shakes and energy drinks. Before a training session I'd rather have a banana. That's not to say Tm perfect. At the world championships 1 {got my feeding strategy wrong ~ and | paid fort For my sport its what you eat two days before the competition that niakes the difference, You have to ‘carb load’ - eat piles of rice or pasta ~ and I didn’t. was leading for a long way but 1 ended up 11°, My biggest indulgence is pastry. ‘And Love baking. | train for 33 hours a week so ‘in my time off ! need to rest, and spending time Inthe kitchen is perfect. Swimming is my biggest passion but baking comes a close second, | i Test 2 WRITING (1 hour 20 minutes) Part 1 You must answer this question, Write your answer in 140~190 words in an appropriate style on the 11 Inyour English class you have been talking about relationships. Now, your English teacher has asked you to write an essay. aA Notes ‘Write about: 4 who you can enjoy yourself with 2. who will help you when you have problems 3. ..\your own idea) ‘Write your essay. You must use grammatically correct sentences with accurate spelling and punctuation in a style appropriate forthe situation. 2 Writing Part2 ‘Write an answer to one of the questions 2-4 in this part, Write your answer in 140-190 words in an appropriate style on the separate answer sheet. Put the question number in the box at the top of the answer shoot, 2 You recently saw this notice on an English-language website called Book World Reviews wanted! ‘The best thriller !have ever read! Have you read a thriller recently that you think other readers would enjoy? ‘Write usa review of the book. You should include information on: + what is about + hy ie exciting + who you would recommend ict. ‘The best reviews will be posted on the website next month. White your review. 3 Yousee this announcement on an English-language websita ‘rite your article ‘ARTICLES WANTED The most interesting weekend of my life Write us an article about the most interesting weekend of your life. Explain what happened and were, and why twas so interosting ‘The best articles will be posted on our website 4 You have received this email from your English-speaking friend, Kim, It's really kind of you to lat me stay at your fat while you're on holiday, Please could you lst me know how fo gat the keys? And could you also tell me anyihing else I need to know about tne a ans ‘wheter there's anywhere near that can buy food? “Thanks, Kim Write your email B | | ___| Test 2 LISTENING (approximately 40 minutes) Part 1 ‘You will hear people talking in eight diferent situations, For questions 1-8, choose the best answer (A, Bore) 11 Youhear a man talking about how his business became successful ‘Where aid his additional funding come from? A the local bank B afamily fiend © his own savings 2 Youhear a woman talking about a journey. How did she travel? A by boat B by train © bycoach 3 You overhear a man talking to his wife on the phone. What is he talking about? A. buying a car B_ booking a holiday © moving abroad 4 Youhear two students talking about their course. ‘What doos the woman think about the course? A Itis quite diffcut. B itis worth doing © Itis becoming more interesting, Listening You hear a wornan talking about roller derby, a hobby which involves speed racing on skates. What is she doing? A explaining what made her decide to take it up appreciating her friends’ attitude to the sport © describing how she feels when she's taking part You hear part of a radio programme. What isthe woman talking about? A anewshop B a new exhibition © anewleisure centre ‘You overhear two students discussing a reading project they did with young children. What do they agree about it? A The venue was perfect. B The material was well received. © The number of participants was surprising You hear an actor talking about the character she plays in a TV drama series. How does she feel about the character? A. She is envious of her life-style, B She sympathises with her current problems. © She admires her inteligence, 45 Test 2 You will hear a woman called Gina Purvis, who is pilot for a commercial aitine, talking about her job. For questions 9-18, complete the sentences with a word or short phrase, Gina isiked her first job as a ‘The airline that Gina works for insists on at least Gina says that because her husband is a The ‘Notices to Pilots’ provides information about any Gina says that if she has extra Gina explains that many pilots she works with did a degree in 10 hours of fying experience from their captains, 11 |heis, tolerant of her job. 12 Gina says that all the The pilots look at a Gina gots information from a Gina says what she really appreciates is a 46 that are experiencing problems, she will need more fuel for her fight. must be within reach of the two pilots in the cockpit. to check it anyone is standing at the cockpit entrance. about any small problems on the plane. 18 | fight. Part 3 Listening You will hear five short extracts in which students are talking about a trip they have taken, For questions 19-29, choose from the list (A~H) what each student says about thelr trip. Use the letters only once. There are three extra letters which you do not need to use. A Someone | met while | was there Is coming to visit me soon. B | plan to do things a litle diferently on my next visit. © learnt more about some friends while | was with them. D__lenjoyed myself thanks to one person's efforts. E My experience was diferent when | returned to a place. F Some people there offered to take me on a tour. G | didnt take to the city at first. H_ | went back toa place | had never expected to see again, Speaker 1 ‘Speaker 2 Speaker 3 Speaker 4 Speaker 5 19 8) at 22 23 47 Test 2 Part 4 You will hear an interview with a musician called Jarrold Harding, who's talking about his career. For questions 24-30, choose the best answer (A, B or C), 24 How did Jarrold’s interest in music begin? ‘A He went to one of his father's concerts, B_He was given lessons by an orchestra violinist. © He watched musicians practising, 25 Jartold played in his fist concert ‘A. together with his mother. B_ when he was away on holiday with his parents. © tomake his father happy. 26 What impressed Jarrold about his mother's musical ably? A. She never made any mistakes. B. She could memarise musie very quick. © She could adept piano music for his violin 27, What does Jarrold say about his interest in conducting? A Itbogan at an early age. B Itwas encouraged by his fathor © increased when he hoard famous musicians. 28 How did Jarrold feel when he was at college? {A relieved to find he drt have to work too hard B pleased at how well he played compared to everyone else © glad he could cope with things that some students struggled with 48 29 30 Listening What did Jarrod do atte leaving college? [A He tried io devote al his time to conducting, B_ He was introduced toa good conducting teacher. He had lessons witha famous conductor. Jarrod thinks that being both a violinist and a conductor ‘A. bas given him opportuni 8 to develop as a musician, B_ has allowed him more freedom to play where he wants, © has eared him the respect of other professionals, 49

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