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Under 18 – Parental Authorisation Form for overnight stay/travel

This form should be completed and handed in to a staff member at least three working days
before your trip. Please don’t forget to ask for a student letter if you are travelling abroad, as
immigration might ask you to show them proof of your stay in UK.
EF is not responsible for any visa requirements which apply to your intended travel.

Student Name: Mia Rodriguez Tenorio

Date of departure: 30/June/2023 Time of departure: 18:00 pm

Date of return: 2/July/2023 Approx time of return: 16:00 pm

Named ‘Responsible Person’ for student during this time: Luis Ramón Rodriguez Ruiz
This should be a responsible adult known to the parent/guardian and cannot be an EF student see page 2*

Relationship of person to the student: Dad

Contact landline telephone number of responsible person: +52 5522706323

Contact mobile telephone number of responsible person: +52 5585316564

Address & telephone number where student will be staying: 19 Seymour Street, Greater
London,England W1H7JP, United Kingdom

Student mobile telephone number: +52 5618429448

Reason for overnight stay: Stay with the family

I/We consent for our daughter/son to stay away from their EF accommodation and confirm that
all details above are correct. We take full responsibility for their actions and the consequences,
in addition to any injury that may occur while they are unsupervised. My daughter/son will be
marked absent if s/he misses classes during these dates. If the responsible person named
above is not a parent/legal guardian we understand that we are not complying with the EF or UK
recommended safeguarding procedures. Please sign below to confirm that you have also read
the Safeguarding notes on page 2.

Parent’s Signature: Luis Ramón Rodriguez Ruiz

Date: 30/June/2023

Parent’s Name: Luis Ramón Rodriguez Ruiz

EF Staff Signature (Sales Office): …………………………………………… Date:


EF Staff Name (Sales Office): ………………………………….................

Under 18s – UK Safeguarding for under 18s

In the UK a person under the age of 18 is defined as a child and, to comply with UK
regulations, EF schools have in place appropriate procedures for the safety and protection of
under 18’s who are studying on adult programmes. For full information please ask to see a
copy of the EF Safeguarding Policy.

EF has a recommended curfew time in place, which requires 16 and 17 year old students to
be in their accommodation by 22.00 hours each Sunday to Thursday and by 23.00 hours
each Friday and Saturday. Students not in their accommodation after these times may be
reported as missing to the police.

A Responsible Person has a Duty of Care to look after a student aged under 18. Safeguarding
includes, but is not limited to, protecting them from that which is not in their best interests.
Duty of Care will ensure the overall welfare of the student is taken into account at all times,
protecting them from maltreatment and preventing impairment of their health and
development, and taking action to ensure that in all cases the best outcome is achieved for
the under 18.

Safeguarding includes protecting under 18s from the risks of radicalization and is similar to
protecting them from other forms of harm and abuse.

The under 18 should be appropriately supervised, with consideration given to recommended

curfew times.

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