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1) According to the "Low Pay" article, what does the hourly pay for high
school coaches typically amount to?

A quarter or dime an hour

Does that change your desire to become a coach- why or why not?

No because I was fortunate enough to play sports growing up and had really
great coaches. I know that I am able to do the same for kids who want to play
as well.

2) According to the "Iowa Schools are Turning to Non-Teacher Coaches"

article, what are some of the concerns about hiring non-teacher

Coaching is a full time job itself. Trying to find a boss/company who

understands and accepts leaving early or arriving later is difficult.

As a non-teacher coach, how would YOU address those concerns?

I would approach my boss and explain the whole concept of coaching and
what I am interested in doing. See if we can come to an agreement before I go
in for the coaching interview. I believe this also shows a sense of respect to
your boss that you are letting them know before and not after a job has been

3) In the "Pay to Play" article, why are many schools requiring students
to pay to play sports or participate in other extracurricular activities?
Budgets are getting more and more tight which makes it difficult for schools
and athletic directors. This allows a little more wiggle room and some might
say “releases stress’ about money and cost to play sports.

4) With the growth in Club/AAU sports, more families are already paying
to play non-scholastic sports. What is your feeling about "pay to play" for
school sports?

I think it’s fair but only to a certain amount. Keep it family and budget friendly

What, if any, fee amount would be fair?

$25-$30 per sport. I think that’s fair.

5) What information from the Cost/Benefit handout counters some of the

financial concerns presented in the "Pay to Play" article?

I think the ethics behind the handout is the biggest take away. It is proven that
your child is (typically) less likely to steal, less likely to drop out, develop
good citizens, higher grades, etc.

6) What additional benefits of participating in extracurricular activities

help to counter concerns about the costs involved?

The environment that the child has while playing sports. It’s a home away from
home and can be amazing when treated the right way. They gain a sense of
pride, hard work, a good work ethic, etc.

7) What results from the "What are Your Children Learning "survey stood
out the most to you?
The athletes cheating more sections was the most surprising to me. I’m not
sure why the number is as high as it is. Could be due to stress put on the
student from school/home or could just be lazy. Not totally sure on the correct

8) What does the report say about the positive impact coaches can
have on players?

91% of athletes say that their coach consistently set a good example of ethics
and character

9) What does the report say about the negative impact coaches can
have on players?

Often athletes are taught negative lessons about cheating and bad

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