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Chapter 1: Intro to Robotics

1. Go over class expectations and goals for the next couple of weeks
2. Intro to Robotics (How to build a simple circuit)
3. Basic Electrical Theory (Voltage, Resistance, etc.)
4. Team Making and Ice Breaker

Chapter 2: Software and intro to Electrical Equipment

1. Set up arduino IDE and Tinkercad account
2. Intro to Programming and Microcontrollers
3. Learn how to use Breadboard and multimeters
4. Learn how to use a soldering iron

Chapter 3: Introduction to Simple Electronics

1. Potentiometers
2. Resistors
3. Diodes
4. LEDs
5. Buttons
6. Buzzers
7. Light Sensors
8. Transistors, Relays, and Mosfets

Chapter 4: Intermediate Programming

1. Switch cases
2. Arrays and Lists
3. For loops
4. While loops

Chapter 5: Introduction to advanced Electronics

1. Ultrasonic Distance Sensor
2. LCD Display (talk about Libraries)
3. Types of Motors (DC, Servo, Stepper)
4. Motor Control (PWM, Motor Driver, and Noise Reduction)
Chapter 6: Scrapping for parts
1. Disassemble old tech (bic lighters, cheap fans, old hair dryers)
2. Guest Speaker from LEGSA or Electornica

Chapter 7: 3D Printing (very basic)

1. Types of 3D Printing
2. Things to consider when designing (supports, price, and fillets)
3. 3D Modelling in Tinkercad

Chapter 8: Wireless Communication

1. Infrared Signals
2. Radio wave communications
3. Bluetooth (main chunk)
4. Wifi (very basic)

Chapter 9: Final Projects

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