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Bioelectrochemistry 122 (2018) 40–50

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Corrosion behavior of X65 steel in seawater containing sulfate reducing

bacteria under aerobic conditions
Qiushi Li, Jihui Wang ⁎, Xuteng Xing, Wenbin Hu
Tianjin Key Laboratory of Composite and Functional Materials, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The corrosion behavior of X65 steel was investigated in the seawater inoculated with sulfate reducing bacteria
Received 22 November 2017 (SRB) under the aerobic environment by electrochemical impedance techniques and immersion tests. The cor-
Received in revised form 4 March 2018 roded morphologies and the composition of the corrosion products were investigated. The variation of the solu-
Accepted 10 March 2018
tion parameters including the bacterium number, the pH value and the soluble iron concentration were also
Available online 11 March 2018
investigated. The results indicated that in the SRB-containing system, the impedance responses presented a de-
pressed semi-circle in the initial period, which then turned into the blocked electrode characteristic during the
Sulfate reducing bacteria later immersion. The biofilm, mainly composed of extracellular polymeric substances, Fe(OH)3, γ-FeOOH and
Aerobic environment α-Fe2O3, formed and degraded with the SRB growth. The soluble iron concentration initially increased, then rap-
X65 steel idly decreased and later slowly increased. In the SRB-containing seawater under the aerobic environment, the
Microbiologically influenced corrosion X65 steel was corroded in the initial immersion. The corrosion became inhibited with the forming of the biofilm
during the subsequent immersion. The inhibition efficiency rapidly increased in the logarithmic phase, remained
stable in the stationary phase and then decreased in the declination phase. In the corrosion process, the biofilm
metabolized by SRB played a key role in the corrosion inhibition of X65 steel.
© 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction reduction (BCSR) theory [13]. Recently, further researches have re-
ported on the electron transfer process based on the BCSR theory
Corrosion under the presence of microorganisms has been recog- [14,15]. Because the iron is insoluble, the electrons released by Fe0 oxi-
nized as a common phenomenon in both natural environments and in- dation are extracellular to SRB cells. To use the extracellular electrons
dustrial processes. Microorganisms can be widely found in water for the sulfate reduction, which happens in the cytoplasm through bio-
environments. Microorganisms tend to attach to the surface of metals catalysis, a transfer process of the electrons across the cell wall is essen-
and form particular biofilms. This phenomenon changes the physical tial, this is called the extracellular electron transfer (EET) [16,17]. Two
and chemical properties at the interface between the metal and the so- types of EET have been reported. One is the direct electron transfer
lution. These changes of the physical and chemical properties have con- [18–21] and the other is the mediated electron transfer [22]. The two
siderable influence on the corrosion behavior of metals. The corrosion transfer methods explain how the SRB acquires electrons under differ-
process in the presence of microorganisms is known as microbiologi- ent conditions. The mechanisms illuminate the way by which SRB accel-
cally influenced corrosion (MIC). erate corrosion under anaerobic environment.
Generally, sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB) are considered to be one Apart from the acceleration effect, SRB can also lead to microbially
of the typical microorganisms that can cause MIC, consequently acceler- influenced corrosion inhibition (MICI). Videla et al. have investigated
ating the corrosion under the anaerobic environment [1–4]. Various re- that under anaerobic environment, SRB-induced corrosion can be af-
searches have been reported to study the influence of SRB on the fected by the conditions of the generated inorganic sulfide derived
corrosion behavior of metals [5–7]. The studies of corrosion mecha- from the SRB environment. The physical and chemical properties of
nisms by SRB have been reviewed, including the initial cathodic depo- these sulfides are influenced by environmental parameters. Thin adher-
larization theory [8], the anodic depolarization [9], the sulfide-induced ent films of sulfide on the surface are protective, while bulky precipi-
stress corrosion cracking [10–12] and the biocatalytic cathodic sulfate tates work inversely, enhancing corrosion rate [23–25]. The possible
mechanisms of MICI under anaerobic environment have been discussed
by Zuo and Videla in their overview articles [26,27] and it can be
⁎ Corresponding author.
achieved in conditions in which (1) corrosive ingredients are removed
E-mail addresses: (Q. Li), (J. Wang), or hindered from reaching the metal surface, (2) the growth of the cor- (W. Hu). rosion causing bacteria is inhibited by antimicrobials secreted by the
1567-5394/© 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Q. Li et al. / Bioelectrochemistry 122 (2018) 40–50 41

coexisting bacteria present within the biofilm, (3) stable and protective For sterilization, the medium was autoclaved at 121 °C for 20 min and
films are formed on the metal surface. cooled to room temperature before the experiment.
As SRB have always been regarded as a strict anaerobe, most re-
searches have been focused on the effects of SRB on the corrosion be-
havior of metals under anaerobic environments. Recent studies report 2.3. Electrochemical measurements
that SRB can exist under the aerobic condition because of the gene ex-
pression of superoxide dismutase and catalase enzymes [28–32]. Wan The corrosion behaviors of X65 steel in both the abiotic system and
et al. have reported that SRB have a slow growth under the aerobic con- the SRB-containing system were measured by an electrochemical work-
dition [33]. Few studies have reported the effects on the corrosion influ- station (Autolab 302N, Metrohm, Switzerland) with a three-electrode
enced by SRB under aerobic environments. It is not clear whether the system. Modified glass cells with the capacity of 300 mL were used for
corrosion is accelerated or inhibited by SRB in the presence of oxygen. the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) measurement. As
For a corrosion process under aerobic environment at neutral pH, the an abiotic control system, the modified cell was filled with 200 mL sterile
oxygen reduction is the dominating reaction at the cathode. This reac- medium. As a SRB-containing system, 2 mL SRB seed culture (3 days cul-
tion is sensitive to electrode surface conditions and electrolyte environ- tured) was used to inoculate the 198 mL sterile medium to provide an
ments, which would be affected by the SRB growth. Thus, the influence initial bacterium concentration of approximately 1.0 × 105 cfu·mL−1.
of bacterial metabolites on the cathodic reduction of oxygen is still an Two X65 steel coupons were placed in the modified cell. One was served
open topic. as a working electrode (WE) and the other was for the parallel test. The
In this paper, a corrosion condition in the presence of SRB at neutral working area of the WE was 1 cm2. A platinum plate was used as counter
pH under the aerobic environment is proposed. The corrosion behavior electrode (CE) and an Ag/AgCl electrode (saturated KCl) served as refer-
of X65 steel is investigated under the proposed condition. The abiotic ence electrode (RE). After assembling with corresponding electrodes
system is used as the contrast test. Electrochemical impedance mea- and coupons, the modified cells were hermetically sealed and placed
surements are conducted to determine whether the corrosion is accel- in an incubator at 30 °C during the whole experiment. EIS measurements
erated or inhibited under the proposed condition. The corroded were carried out at open-circuit potential (OCP), using a frequency range
morphologies of the X65 steel are observed using the scanning electron from 100 kHz to 0.01 Hz and an amplitude of 10 mV. The data were fitted
microscope (SEM). The composition and valence of the corrosion prod- by ZSimpWin software after measurements.
ucts are determined using the X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Fur-
thermore, the evolution of solutions during the experiment are
monitored by the most probable number (MPN) method and induc- 2.4. Surface characterizations
tively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. The corrosion mechanism
of the X65 steel under the proposed condition is developed based on Immersion tests were simultaneously conducted for the surface
the comprehensive analysis of electrochemical impedance measure- characterizations and solution analysis. The immersion tests are parallel
ments, surface characterizations and solution evolutions. to the electrochemical measurements. Each immersion test contained
two coupons and at each time, two sets of the immersion test were pre-
2. Materials and methods pared for each condition. Coupons for surface analysis were taken out
from immersion after 8 h, 2 days, 5 days and 11 days. The coupons
2.1. Materials were rinsed by ultrapure water and immersed in an immobile liquid
containing 2.5% glutaraldehyde for 1 h in order to immobilize the bio-
The chemical composition of the PSL2 X65 steel is shown in Table 1. film. Then, graded dehydration was applied to the coupons with 30,
Coupons with the dimension of 10 mm × 10 mm × 3 mm were cut from 50, 70, 90 and 100 vol% ethanol (each for 15 min). The whole operation
a tube sample. The coupons for electrochemical measurements were process was conducted on a clean bench.
encapsulated by epoxy resin after welding with copper wires. All cou- The surface and cross-sectional morphologies were observed by the
pons were ground by SiC paper up to 1500 grit, then cleaned with eth- scanning electron microscope (SEM, S-4800, Hitachi, Japan) at 5 kV ac-
anol. The ground coupons were then packaged with aluminum foil celerating voltage. The elemental composition and valence of the corro-
tightly and sterilized in autoclave at 121 °C for 20 min. sion products were measured by the energy dispersive spectroscopy
(EDS, Genesis XM2, EDAX, USA) at 15 kV accelerating voltage and X-
2.2. Culture and media ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS, PHI 5000 VersaProbe, ULVAC,
Japan). C 1s peak at 284.6 eV was set as the reference to correct the
The SRB strain used in this work was obtained from the Institute of shifts.
Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The SRB strain was isolated
from rust layers of carbon steels immersed in Bohai Sea (Qingdao,
China). The SRB strain was identified to be a Desulfovibrio sp. strain by 2.5. Solution analysis
the comparison of 16S rDNA sequences with the reference strains held
in GenBank database. The 16S rRNA gene sequences of the present After the coupons were removed from the immersion vessels, the
SRB strain were available in the GenBank database with the accession solution in the vessels were shaken and mixed evenly. Three sets of so-
number of MF461625 [34]. lutions were taken from each vessel to measure the bacterium number,
A modified Postgate's culture medium, composed of (per liter of ul- pH and concentration of soluble iron respectively. The number of active
trapure water) NaCl 36.27 g, K2HPO4 0.65 g, NH4Cl 1.0 g, MgSO4 2.0 g, SRB in each SRB-containing system was estimated using the most prob-
CaCl2 0.1 g, Na2SO4 0.5 g, yeast extract 1.0 g and sodium lactate 4 mL able number (MPN) method according to ASTM D4412-15 [35]. The pH
(electron donor), was used for bacterial culture. The pH value of the me- values for the abiotic system and the SRB-containing system after differ-
dium was adjusted between 7.2 and 7.3 by adding the NaOH solution. ent time of immersion were measured by a pH meter (PHSJ-4A, Shang-
hai Electronics Science Instrument, China). The pH measurements were
Table 1 conducted immediately after solutions were taken out of the vessels to
Chemical compositions (wt%) of PSL2 X65. reduce the influence of volatilization and oxygen. The concentration of
Alloy C Si Mn Ni Cr Mo Cu V Nb
soluble iron for abiotic and SRB-containing systems at different time
were determined by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry
X65 0.09 0.26 1.30 0.15 0.04 0.17 0.13 0.04 0.03
(ICP-MS, 7700x, Agilent, USA).
42 Q. Li et al. / Bioelectrochemistry 122 (2018) 40–50

3. Results 3 d to 5 d and decreasing afterwards. As shown in Fig. 2(A′), the peaks

of the phase at 8 h and 1 d are widened in the corresponding Bode
3.1. EIS results plots. The Bode plots confirm the occurrence of two time constants
after 2 days of immersion.
At OCP, EIS measurements were conducted on abiotic and SRB- As demonstrated from EIS results shown in Fig. 1, the impedance re-
containing systems for 11 days. Fig. 1 illustrates the impedance re- sponses remain one time constant during the whole experiment in the
sponses for X65 steel exposed to the abiotic system. The Nyquist plots abiotic system. In the SRB-containing system, as shown in Fig. 2, the sig-
are shown in Fig. 1(A) and (B) and the corresponding Bode plots are nals perform one time constant within the first day and two time con-
shown in Fig. 1(A′) and (B′). As shown in Fig. 1(A) and (B), in the abiotic stants after 2 days.
condition, the Nyquist plots display one depressed semi-circle at high To extract the electrochemical parameters in different corrosion pro-
and low frequencies during the whole period. The diameter of the de- cesses, two equivalent circuits are used to fit the EIS results, as shown in
pressed semi-circles fluctuates with time. The diameter reaches a max- Fig. 3. In the equivalent circuit models, Q represents the characteristic
imum value at 7 d and decreases afterwards. The Bode plots also parameter of constant phase element (CPE). The impedance of CPE
confirm the characteristic of one time constant, shown in Fig. 1(A′) can be calculated as [37].
and (B′).
Fig. 2 illustrates the impedance responses for X65 steel exposed to Z CPE ¼ 1=ðjωÞα Q ð1Þ
the SRB-containing system. As shown in Fig. 2(A) and (B), in the SRB-
containing system, the Nyquist plots at 3 h, 8 h and 1 d display one de- where α is dispersion coefficient related to the heterogeneous condition
pressed semi-circle at high and low frequencies. A large increase of the of the electrode surface.
diameter from 3 h to 8 h is observed. The Nyquist plots turn into incom- Equivalent circuit for one time constant is shown in Fig. 3(A). Rs is
plete capacitive loops after 2 days of immersion. The impedance re- the solution resistance, Rct is the charge transfer resistance and Qdl is
sponses present blocked electrode characteristics, which may be the double layer capacitance. Equivalent circuit for two time constants
caused by the formation of a compact film covering the entire surface is shown in Fig. 3(B). Rs, Rct and Qdl represent the same as in Fig. 3(A).
of X65 steel [36]. The diameter of the incomplete capacitive loops Rs, pore represents the resistance of the solution in the pores embedded
changes with time, increasing from 2 d to 3 d, remaining static from in the biofilm. The value of Rs, pore depends on the compactness of the

Fig. 1. Electrochemical impedance spectra of X65 steel exposed to the abiotic system for different time. (A) Nyquist plots from 3 h to 3 d, (B) Nyquist plots from 4 d to 11 d, (A′) Bode plots
from 3 h to 3 d, (B′) Bode plots from 4 d to 11 d.
Q. Li et al. / Bioelectrochemistry 122 (2018) 40–50 43

Fig. 2. Electrochemical impedance spectra of X65 steel exposed to the SRB-containing system for different time. (A) Nyquist plots from 3 h to 3 d, (B) Nyquist plots from 4 d to 11 d, (A′)
Bode plots from 3 h to 3 d, (B′) Bode plots from 4 d to 11 d.

biofilm and the conductivity of the solution in the pores. Qf is the capac- abiotic system and the SRB-containing system are displayed in
itance of the biofilm, which is determined by the thickness and the spe- Tables 2 and 3 respectively.
cific surface area of the biofilm. The fitted results of parameters for the Fig. 4 illustrates the change of Rct with time in the abiotic system and
the SRB-containing system. As shown in Fig. 4, in the abiotic system, Rct
increases in the first 7 days and then decreases with time. In the SRB-
containing system, an increase of Rct occurs at 8 h (from 2.8 to
22.3 kΩ). Rct rapidly increases between 2 d and 3 d, remains almost un-
changed from 3 d to 5 d and decreases with time afterwards. The value
of Rct during the whole experiment is larger than the initial value, which
indicates that the corrosion of X65 steel is inhibited during the immer-
sion in the seawater containing SRB. The evolution of Rct further indi-
cates the inhibition efficiency changes with time.
Fig. 5 illustrates two parameters of Rs, pore and Qf related to the bio-
film in the SRB-containing system. As shown in Fig. 5, Rs, pore increases
first and then decreases with time. Rs, pore has a maximum value and
shares a similar trend with Rct. Qf decreases between 2 d and 3 d, and re-
mains almost unchanged from 3 d to 5 d and then increases with time.
The evolution of Rs, pore and Qf indicates that the performance of the bio-
film changes with the immersion time.

3.2. Corroded morphology analysis

Fig. 6 illustrates the corroded morphologies of coupons immersed in

the abiotic system after different immersion time. As shown in Fig. 6
(A)–(D), the sizes of the corrosion products appeared on surfaces of
Fig. 3. Equivalent circuit models used for EIS fitting analysis. (A) The equivalent circuit for X65 steel exposed to the abiotic system are small. The amount of corro-
one time constant, (B) the equivalent circuit for two time constants. sion products increases as the immersion time increases. The surface
44 Q. Li et al. / Bioelectrochemistry 122 (2018) 40–50

Table 2
Abiotic system: the evolution of electrochemical impedance parameters with time for X65 steel immersed in the abiotic system.

Parameters Immersion time

3h 8h 1d 2d 3d 4d 5d 7d 9d 11 d

Rs (Ω·cm2) 2.8 2.6 2.5 2.4 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.4 2.7
α1 0.87 0.87 0.89 0.91 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.93 0.93 0.93
Qdl (μF·cm−2) 315.8 365.3 431.6 522.4 616.9 703.4 790.6 933.7 1052 1419
Rct (Ω·cm2) 2251 2041 2512 2411 2269 2798 2320 3424 2837 1911
Chi-square value (×10−3) 2.933 1.657 1.812 1.839 1.792 1.950 1.597 1.718 1.487 1.205

Table 3
SRB-containing system: the evolution of electrochemical impedance parameters with time for X65 steel immersed in the SRB-containing system.

Parameters Immersion time

3h 8h 1d 2d 3d 4d 5d 7d 9d 11 d

Rs (Ω·cm2) 1.7 1.1 1.1 3.2 1.1 1.5 1.8 2.9 1.4 2.1
α1 – – – 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.98 0.94 0.98 0.95
Qf (μF·cm−2) – – – 465.9 404.9 419.1 432.5 483.0 582.4 725.9
Rs, pore (Ω·cm2) – – – 29.4 43.7 23.3 20.9 6.3 16.0 8.5
α2 0.97 0.95 0.94 0.77 0.79 0.82 0.83 0.90 0.86 0.91
Qdl (μF·cm−2) 137.5 136.0 192.5 786.5 314.5 320.8 297.6 317.4 375.6 312.1
Rct (kΩ·cm2) 2.8 22.3 17.6 39.4 110.9 108.0 102.9 87.0 90.7 72.1
Chi-square value (×10−3) 2.407 7.624 4.125 4.737 0.108 0.540 0.281 0.220 0.910 0.266

becomes rougher with the changing of time. There is no integrated layer Therefore, the coupons of X65 steel immersed for 5 days were selected
induced by the accumulation of the corrosion products on the surface of for elemental analysis. Fig. 8 shows the full XPS spectra of the surface of
X65 steel. X65 steel immersed in the abiotic system and the SRB-containing sys-
Fig. 7 illustrates the corroded morphologies of the coupons immersed tem for 5 days. As shown in Fig. 8, the peaks of Fe 3p, Fe 3s, C 1s, O 1s
in the SRB-containing system. As shown in Fig. 7(A), after 8 h of immer- and Fe 2p are observed in both the abiotic system and the SRB-
sion, the surface of X65 steel is covered by a large amount of corrosion containing system. While the peaks of N 1s, P 2s and P 2p can be only
products which may be mainly composed of iron oxide compounds. observed in the SRB-containing system. The variation of relative con-
From Fig. 7(B), distinct bacterial cells can be observed on the surface at tents of C, N, O and P in the SRB-containing system compared with
2 d. Fig. 7(B) also shows the decrease of the corrosion products. From those in the abiotic system is due to the forming of the biofilm. The
the magnified images in Fig. 7(A′)-(D′), a reticular biofilm can be ob- main composition of biofilm is EPS, an organic component derived
served. The structure of the reticular biofilm is formed and degraded from bacterial metabolism.
with the growth of bacterial cells. As shown in Fig. 7(A′) and (B′), the re- Fig. 9 shows the high-resolution spectra of O 1s and Fe 2p3/2 for the
ticular biofilm appears after 8 h of immersion and covers the entire surface X65 steel exposed to the abiotic system and the SRB-containing system
gradually till 2 d. The biofilm deposits quite evenly and compactly at 5 d, for 5 days. As shown in Fig. 9(A), the O 1s spectrum of the X65 steel in
shown in Fig. 7(C′). The biofilm becomes sparse after 5 days, shown in the abiotic system can be divided into two peaks at 531.3 and
Fig. 7(D′), potentially due to the decrease of extracellular polymeric sub- 530.1 eV. The O 1s peak at 531.3 eV can be attributed to OH– and the
stances (EPS) which play a crucial role in the integrity of the biofilm. peak at 530.1 eV can be attributed to O2– [38,39]. The Fe 2p3/2 spectrum
of X65 steel in the abiotic system shows a divalent peak at 709.9 eV and
3.3. Corrosion products analysis two trivalent peaks at 711.1 and 712.8 eV [39,40]. The results reveal that
the corrosion products on the surface of the X65 steel exposed to the
As observed from the corroded morphologies in Fig. 7, the biofilm abiotic system may be primarily composed of Fe(OH)3, γ-FeOOH,
has become compactly enough at 5 d compared with other periods. Fe3O4 and α-Fe2O3.

Fig. 4. Time dependence of Rct in the abiotic system and the SRB-containing system. Fig. 5. The variation of Rs, pore and Qf with time in the SRB-containing system.
Q. Li et al. / Bioelectrochemistry 122 (2018) 40–50 45

Fig. 6. Corroded morphologies of X65 steel exposed to the abiotic system for (A) 8 h, (B) 2 days, (C) 5 days and (D) 11 days.

For the coupons of X65 steel in the SRB-containing system, as shown unchanged during the 11 days of immersion. In the SRB-containing sys-
in Fig. 9(B), three peaks of O 1s at 532.0, 531.2 and 530.1 eV are calcu- tem, a large decrease of pH occurs at 8 h (about 6.27). Then, the values
lated. The peak at 532.0 eV can be attributed to \\(C_O)\\O\\ and begin to increase gradually with time to be almost neutral (about 6.99).
HO\\C groups, which widely exist in the organic components of EPS. The observed trend of pH in the SRB-containing system is similar to the
The dominant peak at 531.2 eV can be attributed to OH– and the oxygen previous reports which investigate the corrosion in the presence of SRB
of\\(C_O)\\O\\group. The third peak at 530.1 eV can be attributed to in a solution at neutral pH [42,43].
O2– [38,41]. The Fe 2p3/2 spectrum of the X65 steel in the SRB- Fig. 13 shows the variation of the soluble iron concentration in the
containing system shows two trivalent peaks at 711.1 and 712.8 eV. abiotic system and the SRB-containing system. As shown in Fig. 13, in
The peaks for Fe2+ are not included in the spectrum. The results indicate the abiotic system, the concentration of iron in the solution keeps in-
that the surface of the X65 steel exposed to the SRB-containing system is creasing during the entire experiment (up to 2141.4 μg·L−1), due to
covered by the corrosion products composed of Fe(OH)3, γ-FeOOH and the continuous dissolution of iron from the anode. In the SRB-
α-Fe2O3 along with the organic products mainly composed of EPS. containing system, the concentration of the soluble iron remains
Fig. 10 shows the cross-sectional SEM/EDS analysis of biofilm formed lower than that in the abiotic system throughout the experiment. As
on X65 steel after 5 days of immersion in the SRB-containing system. shown in the magnified figure in Fig. 13, an increase of the concentra-
The distinctions between the epoxy resin, the biofilm and the substrate tion of the soluble iron is observed for the first two days of immersion
(X65 steel) can be clearly observed. Fig. 10 shows a biofilm layer of ap- (up to 220.1 μg·L−1). A large decrease of the concentration of the solu-
proximately 3 μm tightly adhered to the substrate. The biofilm layer is ble iron occurs from 3 d to 5 d (down to 15.2 μg·L−1). Afterwards, the
rich in C, O and Fe. The result also provides evidence that the biofilm concentration of the soluble iron begins to slowly increase again. The
consists of EPS and iron oxide compounds. Furthermore, the content of trend of the concentration of the soluble iron indicates that although
C is higher in the outer part than that in the inner part, which means the iron is continuously dissolved in the solution, a large amount of sol-
that EPS are the dominant ingredients in the outer part of the biofilm. uble iron react with other substance to form a precipitate.

3.4. Solution analysis 4. Discussion

The MPN method is used to evaluate the bacterial growth in the me- 4.1. Corrosion behaviors of X65 steel in different systems
dium. Fig. 11 shows the time dependence of the bacterium number after
the inoculation of SRB. As shown in Fig. 11, the number of active SRB re- In the abiotic system, the increase of R ct in the first 7 days is
mains low before 8 h of inoculation. The number rapidly increases and caused by the accumulation of corrosion products on the surface
remains stationary from 2 d to 5 d, and then decreases after 5 d. Conse- and the subsequent decrease is due to the porous structure of the
quently, four stages are identified based on the variate number of SRB, corrosion product layer. Furthermore, due to the porous structure,
consisting of the lag phase, the logarithmic phase, the stationary phase the adherent corrosion products composed of iron oxide compounds
and the declination phase. are not efficient enough to protect the steel against further corrosion.
The pH values of the test systems are measured at 8 h, 2 d, 5 d, 8 d By combining the results of morphology and elemental analysis, the
and 11 d. Fig. 12 shows the variation of pH with time in the abiotic sys- X65 steel is continuously corroded in the abiotic system without an
tem and the SRB-containing system. As shown in Fig. 12, the initial pH of efficient layer to protect it.
the two systems is controlled at about 7.23 in both the abiotic and SRB- In the SRB-containing system, the SRB growth and the corrosion of
containing systems. In the abiotic system, the pH remains almost iron are occurring simultaneously during the early stage of immersion.
46 Q. Li et al. / Bioelectrochemistry 122 (2018) 40–50

Fig. 7. Corroded morphologies of X65 steel exposed to the SRB-containing system for (A) 8 h, (B) 2 days, (C) 5 days and (D) 11 days. (A′), (B′), (C′) and (D′) The magnified images for 8 h,
2 days, 5 days and 11 days respectively.

The bacterial cells of SRB attach to the surface of X65 steel and produce the productivity of EPS, which is directly related to the bacterial activity.
EPS through the metabolism. As these EPS accumulate, a biofilm is The biofilm is rapidly thickening and densifying in logarithmic phase
formed, gradually covering the entire surface and with time, becoming because of the fast reproduction and metabolism of bacteria. The biofilm
increasingly thick and compact. The biofilm development depends on development slows down and remains stable when bacterial growth
Q. Li et al. / Bioelectrochemistry 122 (2018) 40–50 47

same trend with the bacterial growth in Fig. 11. Rct rapidly increases in
the logarithmic phase, remains almost unchanged in the stationary
phase, and decreases in the declination phase. It is indicated that the
biofilm compactness and the coverage integrity have decisive effects
on the corrosion inhibition efficiency. The X65 steel is corroded in the
initial immersion. The corrosion of the X65 steel becomes inhibited
with the forming of the biofilm during the subsequent immersion. The
inhibition efficiency is influenced by the growth of SRB.
The corrosion inhibition effect of biofilm is also illustrated by the re-
sults of the soluble iron concentration, shown in Fig. 13. In the SRB-
containing system, the variation of soluble iron concentration is affected
by two competitive factors: the anodic dissolution of iron and the
formation of iron sulfide precipitates. The anodic dissolution is a contin-
uous process and its rate depends on the corrosion rate. The precipita-
tion of iron sulfide is also a continuous process and its rate depends
on the generating ability of S2−. The generating ability of S2− corre-
sponds to the growth of SRB. In the first two days, which is the early
stage of the SRB growth, SRB have a weak ability to generate S2−. This
weak ability results in a low precipitation rate. In addition, during this
Fig. 8. Full XPS spectra of the surface of X65 steel immersed in the abiotic system and the period, the biofilm has not yet spanned over the entire surface of X65
SRB-containing system for 5 days. steel. Therefore the corrosion is relatively unhindered, making the an-
odic dissolution rate still high. Hence, the increase of the soluble iron
concentration for the first two days can be attributed to the fact that
enters stationary phase. The biofilm degrades subsequently with the the anodic dissolution rate is faster than the precipitation rate. From
death of bacteria in declination phase. 2 d to 5 d, the decrease of the soluble iron concentration can be attrib-
As shown in Fig. 4, an increase of Rct occurs at 8 h, indicating the cor- uted to the decrease of the corrosion rate and the increase of the amount
rosion is inhibited. Meanwhile, the bacterial cells and the biofilm are of S2− generated by SRB. After 5 days of immersion, the increase of the
discovered on the surface, as shown in Fig. 7(A) and (A′). Consequently, soluble iron concentration can be attributed to the degraded biofilm and
this increase of Rct reveals that this inhibition of the corrosion is influ- the weakened S2− generating ability.
enced by both the initial SRB attachment and the forming of the biofilm. The trend of Rs, pore can be also illustrated by the results of the SRB
The impedance responses start to appear two time constants at 2 d, as growth in Fig. 11. The biofilm has formed on the metal surface
shown in Fig. 2(A). At this moment, the biofilm has covered the surface completely at 2 d, shown in Fig. 7(B) and (B′). A certain number of mi-
of the X65 steel completely, shown in Fig. 7(B) and (B′). The variation of cropores reserving the electrolyte solution are embedded in the biofilm.
Rct in Fig. 4 as well as the evolution of morphologies in Fig. 7 follow the The period from 2 d to 3 d is the logarithmic phase of the SRB growth, as

Fig. 9. O 1s and Fe 2p3/2 spectra of the surface of X65 steel immersed in (A) abiotic and (B) SRB-containing systems for 5 days.
48 Q. Li et al. / Bioelectrochemistry 122 (2018) 40–50

Fig. 12. Time dependence of pH measured in the abiotic system and the SRB-containing

Rs, pore. However, the ions in the external solution can get into the micro-
pores of the biofilm by diffusion, which leads to the increase of the solu-
tion conductivity in the biofilm pores. Consequently, Rs, pore decreases
with time from 3 d to 5 d. After 5 d, the growth of SRB enters the decli-
nation phase. The biofilm starts to degrade with the increasing death
rate of SRB, shown in Fig. 7(D) and (D′). Due to the degradation of the
biofilm, Rs, pore decreases with time after 5 d.
Because Qf is determined by the thickness and the specific surface
area of the biofilm, the variation of Qf can clearly illustrate the
formation-degradation process of the biofilm on the surface of X65
steel. The capacitance of a layer can be described as [44,45]:

Fig. 10. Cross-sectional SEM and EDS elemental line scan analysis of the biofilm formed on C ¼ εε0 S=D ð2Þ
X65 steel immersed in the SRB-containing system for 5 days.
where ε0 is the permittivity of vacuum with the value of 8.85 × 10−
shown in Fig. 11, which is the fastest period of SRB reproduction and 12
F·m−1. ε is the permittivity of the layer, which is considered as a con-
metabolism. The metabolic products are generated with a high rate dur- stant in this experiment. S is the specific surface area of the layer. D is the
ing this period. The biofilm is rapidly thickening and densifying, and thickness of the layer. According to Eq. (2), either the decrease of the
consequently, the porosity of the biofilm is reduced. Because of the re- specific surface area or the increase of the thickness can lead to a de-
duced porosity, Rs, pore increases during the period from 2 d to 3 d. crease of the capacitance. From 2 d to 3 d, the porosity of the biofilm
From 3 d to 5 d, the structure of the biofilm remains stable during the
stationary phase of the SRB growth. This should results in an unchanged

Fig. 13. Time dependence of the concentration of the soluble iron measured in the abiotic
Fig. 11. SRB growth in the medium. system and the SRB-containing system.
Q. Li et al. / Bioelectrochemistry 122 (2018) 40–50 49

reduces, which results in the decrease of the specific surface area of the the corrosion products primarily composed of Fe(OH)3, γ-FeOOH, Fe3O4
biofilm. The decrease of Qf is due to the increasing compactness and and α-Fe2O3.
thickness of the biofilm. From 3 d to 5 d, remains nearly unchanged dur- In the SRB-containing system, the X65 steel is corroded in the initial
ing the stationary phase. After 5 d, Qf increases during the declination immersion. The corrosion of the X65 steel becomes inhibited with the
phase in consequence of the decreasing thickness and the increasing po- forming of the biofilm during the subsequent immersion. Rct rapidly in-
rosity of the biofilm. creases between 2 d and 3 d, remains almost unchanged from 3 d to 5 d
and decreases with time afterwards. Rs, pore first increases and then de-
creases with time. Qf decreases between 2 d and 3 d, remains almost un-
4.2. Inhibition mechanisms of SRB under the aerobic environment
changed from 3 d to 5 d and then increases with time. The surface of X65
steel is covered by the corrosion products composed of Fe(OH)3, γ-
Oxygen is a preferred oxidant in the corrosion system under the aer-
FeOOH and α-Fe2O3 along with the organic products mainly composed
obic environment. The formation of an even and compact biofilm on the
of EPS.
surface of X65 steel can be proposed as a potential inhibition mecha-
Due to the formation of the biofilm, the SRB inhibit the corrosion of
nism of SRB for X65 steel under the aerobic environment. The even
X65 steel to a certain extent. The inhibition efficiency is influenced by
and compact biofilm formed by the SRB metabolism, shown in Figs. 7
the growth of SRB. The efficiency rapidly increases in the logarithmic
and 10, acts as a barrier that can hinder the transfer process of oxygen
phase, remains stable in the stationary phase and decreases in the dec-
and prevent corrosive Cl− and H2S from reaching the surface of X65
lination phase.
steel. The biofilm has covered the surface of X65 steel completely at
2 d. A blocked characteristic of the impedance response occurs, shown
in Fig. 2(A) and (B). Because of the barrier effect of the biofilm, the cor-
rosion rate of X65 steel is slowed down.
In addition to acting as a barrier, the biofilm also contains EPS com-
We are indebted to Dun Zhang, Jiajia Wu, Yan Sun and Juna Chen
ponent which also has effects on the corrosion inhibition. Stadler et al.
from Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Corrosion and Bio-
have demonstrated that the EPS generated by different SRB have differ-
fouling, Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences for their
ent influences on the corrosion behavior of pure iron and carbon steel.
support in microbiological methodology. This work was supported by
In certain cases, the corrosion is inhibited due to the specific complex-
National Basic Research Program of China (2014CB046801); National
binding ability of the EPS to chelate metal ions [46]. During the experi-
Natural Science Foundation of China (51471117); and Key Project of
ment, EPS are continuously generated with the SRB growth and accu-
Tianjin Natural Science Foundation (13JCZDJC29500).
mulated on the surface of X65 steel. Because of the inherent corrosion
inhibition of EPS, EPS component is another possibility to cause the cor-
rosion inhibition of X65 steel in the SRB-containing system.
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