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Git Commands

Submitted by- Guided by -

K. Abhinay Sir Ashish Mittal
What is
• At a high level, GitHub is a website and cloud-based service that helps
developers store and manage their code, as well as track and control
changes to their code.
• GitHub is a for-profit company that offers a cloud-based Git repository
hosting service. Essentially, it makes it a lot easier for individuals and
teams to use Git for version control and collaboration.
• GitHub’s interface is user-friendly enough so even novice coders can
take advantage of Git. Without GitHub, using Git generally requires a
bit more technical savvy and use of the command line.
Installing Git in EC2 instance:
git init : Initializes a new Git repository in the
current directory.
git status: Shows the current status of the
repository, including the state of files and
git add: Adds a file or changes to the staging
area, preparing them to be committed.
git log: Displays a list of commits in reverse
chronological order, showing commit messages
and other details
git push: Uploads local commits to a remote
repository, typically on GitHub.
git branch: Shows the differences between the
current state and the previous state of a file or
git commit: Records the changes in the
repository, creating a new commit.
git clone: Creates a copy of a remote
repository on your local machine.
git diff: Shows the differences between the current
state and the previous state of a file or branch.
git pull: Fetches and merges changes from a
remote repository into the current branch.
git fetch: Downloads changes from a remote
repository but does not merge them into the
current branch.

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