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Please do some changes in Dynamic Datasource code in JDeveloper 12c for Jconnect taskflow

1. Change pageFlowScope in place of sessionFlowScope.

2. Then change coding as required for dynamic datasource

public Object getInfo(String infoType, Object env) {

Object dsName ;
// dsName="jdbc/jagranOth";
if (EnvInfoProvider.INFO_TYPE_JDBC_PROPERTIES.equals(infoType)) {
Map session = ADFContext.getCurrent().getSessionScope();
// String datasource =(String)session.get("datasourceNm");
Map pageFlowScope = ADFContext.getCurrent().getPageFlowScope();
String datasource =(String)pageFlowScope.get("datasourceNm");
if (datasource!=null && !datasource.isEmpty())
dsName = datasource;

System.out.println("Data soruce name----->"+dsName);

//Object dsName = session.get("datasourceAdj");

if (dsName != null)
if (((Hashtable)env).containsKey(Configuration.JDBC_DS_NAME)) {

}catch(java.lang.RuntimeException ex) {

return null;

3. Then change your taskflow behavior just changed in transaction

Always Begin New Transaction and shared data control use Isolation

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