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Website chia sé tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: hos://th’ Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: hit Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC ~ IELTS: Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Qi 10 BAI DOC HIEU KEM LOI GIAI CHI TIET (PHAN 2) Bc Gia: https://www.facebook mas/ahorn Th m Bai 1: A recent survey of crime statistics shows that we are ail more likely to be burgled now than 20 years ago and the police advise everyone to take a few simple precautions to protect their homes. The first fact is that burglars and other intruders prefer easy opportunities, like a house Whicltis very obviously empty. This is much less of a challenge than an occupied house, which is well- protected. A burglar will wonder if it is worth the bother. There are some general tips on how to avoid your home becoming another crime'statistic. Avoid leaving signs that your house is empty. When you have to go otit, leave at least one light on as well as a radio or television, and do not leave any curtains wide open. The sight of your latest music centre or computer is enough to tempt any burglar. Never leave a spare key in a convenient hiding place. The first place a burglar will look is under the doormat or in a flower pot and even somewhere more ‘imaginative’ could soon be uncovered by the intruder. It is much safer to leave a key with a neighbour you can trust. But if your house is in a quiet, desolate area be aware that this will be a burglar's dream, so deter any potential criminal from approaching your house by fitting security lights to the outside of your house. But what could happen if, in spite of the aforementioned precautions, a burglar or intruder has decided to target your home. Windows are usually the first point of entry for many intruders. Downstairs windows provide easy access while upstairs windows can be reached with a ladder or by climbing up the drainpipé Before going to bed you should double-check that all windows and shutters are locked. No mattehow Small your windows may be, it is surprising what a narrow gap a determined burglar'can manage to get through. For extra security, fit window locks to the inside of the window. What about entry via doors? Your back door and patio doors, which are easily forced open, should have top quality security locks fitted. Even though this is expensive it will be money well spent. Install a burglar alarm if you can afford it as another line of defence against intruders. A sobering fact is that not all intruders have to break and enter into a property. Why go to the trouble of breaking in if you can just knock and be invited in? Beware of bogus officials or workmen and, particularly if you are elderly, fit a chain and an eye hole so that you can scrutinise callers at your leisure. When you do have callers never let anybody into your home unless you are absolutely sure they are genuine. Ask to see an identity card, for example. Website chia sé tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh miér ‘anpage Thich Tiéng Anh: ittps://www.J \Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC ~ IELTS: Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Qué Gia: Website chia sé tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: heto: Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: https://wwu Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC ~ IELTS: Nhém Ting Anh 6n thi THPT Qué Gia: If you are in the frightening position of waking in the middle of the night and think you can hear an intruder, then on no account should you approach the intruder. It is far better to telephone the police and wait for help. Question 1: A well-protected house. Avis less likely to be burgled. _B. is regarded as a challenge by most criminals. C. isa lot of bother to maintain. D. is very unlikely to be burgled. Question 2: According to the writer, we should, A. avoid leaving our house empty. B. only go out when we have to. C. always keep the curtains closed. D. give the impression that our house is occupied when we go out. Question 3: The writer thinks that hiding a key undera doormator in a flower pot__ Avis predictable, B. is useful. C. is imaginative. D. is where you always find a spare key Question 4: What word best replaces "desolate'\in paragraph 4? A.isolated B. populous CG. dissatisfying » D. depressing Question 5: What word best réplaces "aforementioned" in paragraph 5? A. foreseen B, predicted. C. aforesaid D. forethought Question 6: Gaining entry to @house through a small window. A. is surprisingly difficult) B. is not as difficultas'people think om ess likely to happen than gaining entry through a door. D. istried only by very determined burglars. Question 7: According to the writer, window locks, security locks and burglar alarms__. A. cost a lot of money but are worth it. B, are good value for money. Website chia sé tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mi age Thich Tiéng Anh: hittos://www.fe Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC ~ IELTS: Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Qué Gia: Website chia 58 ta iéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: eto Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi Nhém Tiéag Anh én thi THPT Qué C. are luxury items. D. are absolutely essential items. Question 8: The writer argues that fitting a chain and an eye hole. i AL prevent your home being burgled. B. avoids you having to invite people into your home. C only necessary for elderly people. D. gives you time to check if the visitor is genuine. Question 9: What word best replaces “scrutinise” in paragraph 7? A.glance — B. gaze —-D. examine Question 10: The best title for the text i A. increasing household crime. B. protecting your home from intruders. C. what to do if a burglar breaks into your home. _ burglary statistics DAP AN Question 1: - Mét ngéi nha durgc bao vé tot: A. it 06 kha nang bi trm hon. B. duge hau hét tdi pham xem nhu métthach thite C. thi nhiéu van dé rac réi dé duy tri D. rat khé 06 thé bj trom = Dap an A Question 2: - Theo téc gia, chiang tanén: A. tranh viée dé laiinha trdng rong B. chi ra ngoai khi bat bude C. luén luén gidt’cho rem eika déng lai D. tao dn turgng la nha ching ta dang cé ngudi 6 khi chting ta ra ngoai. Avoid leaving signs that your house is empty. When you have to go out, leave at least one light on aswell as aradio or television, and do not leave any curtains wide open. (Tranh dé lai dau higt cho thay nha ban dang trdng. Khi ban phai ra ngoai, dé lai it nhat mot den séng cing nhu radio hay tivi, va khong dé cho bat cit rém cita nao mé rong) = Dap anD Question 3: - Tac gia nghi ring gidu chia khéa dudi tham chiii chan hay trong mot chau hoa: A. la e6 thé doan duge B. la hau ich Website chia sé tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mi age Thich Tiéng Anh: hittns://www.fa \Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC ~ IELTS: Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Qué Gia: Website chia sé ta iéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: eto Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC Nhém Tiéng Anh én thi THPT Qué sang tao, giau tung tuong D. 1a noi ban ludn tim thay chia khéa dur phong Never leave a spare key in a convenient hiding place. The first place a burglar will look is under the doormat or in a flower pot and even somewhere more ‘imaginative’ could soon be uncovered by the intruder. (Dimg bao gid dé chia khéa dy phong 6 noi cat gidu thuan tién. Noi dau tién mt tén trom sé nhin la duéi tham chiii chan ho§c trong mét chu hoa va thém chi mét noi nao’ “sng tao” hon c6 thé sém bj phat hign béi nhiing ké xm nh§p.) © Dap an A Question 4: - desolate /'desalat/ (adj) ~ isolated /'arsaleitid/ (adj): hoang vang, héo linh E,g: isolated rural areas (viing néng thn héo linh) - populous /'pa:pjalas/ (adj): déng dan cw E,g: the populous coastal region (viing ven bin déng dan) - disatisfying: khéng tha man, khéng hai long - depressing: /di’ presmn/ (adj): (1m cho ai) chan nan/that vong/phién mugn/bubn phién E,g: Looking for a job these days can be very depressing. © Dap an A Question 5: - aforementioned /a,fo:r' menfond/(ad)) ~ aforesaid /o'fo:.sed/ (adj): da ké 6 trén, noi trén E.g: Insurance is included on all aforesaid items, ~ foresen /fo:t'sisn/ (v): nhin thay truée, dean trerde Exg: The extent of the damage could not have been foreeen. + predict /pri'dikt/ (w): dur doan E.g: It is impossible to predict what will happen. - forethought /'fo:r8at/ (n): Siz din. do suy tinh trude; str lo xa E.g: Some forethought andpreparation are necessary before you embark on the project © Dap anC Question 6: - Tigpican Idi vao ngdi nha thong qua mét cia sé nho: A. khé mét cach ngac nhién B. khong khéinhumoi ngudi nghi C. ifte6 Kha nang \xay ra hon théng qua cura chinh D.chi bi nhéing tén trom kién quyét thit © No'matter how small your windows may be, it is surprising what a narrow gap a determined burglar can manage to get through. (Dit cho ctta sé ciia ban c6 nhé thé nao di chang nia thi that ngac nhién vé 1d hdng hep ma mot tén trm kién quyét c6 thé xoay s6 dé vugt qua) © Dap anB Website chia sé ta liéu, hoe Tiéng Anh miér age Thich Tiéng Anh: itips://ww. fe Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC — IELTS: Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Quéc Gia: Website chia sé tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: het Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: htt ‘Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Qué Question 7; - Theo tac gia, khéa cit, khda bao mat va hé théng bao dong chéing trom: A. t6n nhigu tién nhung dang gia B. xting v6i tién bo ra Cla mit hang xa xi D. la nhing mat hang hoan toan cin thiét Even though this is expensive it will be money well spent. (Di cho n6 dat nhung no 1a tin duge sir dung chinh dang) © Dap an A Question 8: - Tac gia tranh cai rang viée lap mét khéa kéo va mét 16 mat: A. sé ngan can nha ban khdi bj trom B. tranh cho ban phai mdi moi ngudi vao nha min C. chi cin thiét cho ngudi cao tudi D. cho ban thoi gian dé kiém tra xem khach ghé thim cé that hay khong © Beware of bogus officials or workmen and, particularly if you are elderly, fita chain and an eye hole so that you can scrutinise callers at your leisure. (Hay than trong v6i céng nhan va can b6 gia, dic biét néu ban da cao tudi, lap mét khéa kéo va mot 16 mat dé ban c6 thé xem. xét ki luGng ngudi goi vao théi gian rdi cha ban) © Dap nD Question 9: - scrutinise /'skru:tanaiz/ (v): xem x¢t ki lung # examine /ig'zaemm/ (v): tham tra, kiém tra, xem xét E.g: It is necessary to examine how the proposals can be Carried out. ~ glance /glaens/ (v): liée qua, liée nhanh, E.g: She glanced at her watch. = gaze /geiz/ (v): nhin cham cham, E.g: He sat for hours just gazing into Space. ~ search /s2:rt{/ (v)‘tim/kigm, lue'sodt; thm dd, diéu tra E.g: The police searched the woods for the missing boy. © Dap an D Question 10; - Tiéu dé hay nhat cho doan van la: A. ting ipham gia @inh B. bao vé nha ban khoi nhimg ké xm nhp Chai lam gi néu mot tén trém d6t nhap nha cia ban D. théng ké trom. © Dap an B Website chia sé tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mi Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: httos://www.fai hom Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC ~ IELTS: Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Qué Gia: Website chia sé tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: het Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: https://ww ‘Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC ~ IELTS: Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Qué Gia: Bai 2: Millions of people are using cell phones today. In many places, it is actually considered unusual not to use one. In many countries, cell phones are very popular with young people. They find that the phones are more than a means of communication - having a mobile phone shows that they are cool and connected. The explosion in mobile phone use around the world has made some health professionals Worried. Some doctors are concerned that in the future many people may suffer health problems from the use of mobile phones. In England, there has been a serious debate about this issue. Mobile phone companies are worried about the negative publicity of such ideas. They say thatthere is no proof that mobile phones are bad for your health. On the other hand, medical studies have shown changes in the brain cells of some"people who use mobile phones. Signs of change in the tissues of the brain and héad éan be detécted with modern scanning equipment. In one case, a travelling salesman had to retire at young age because of serious memory loss. He couldn't remember even simple tasks. He would often forget the name of his own son. This man used to talk on his mobile phone for about six hours a Gay, every day of his working week, for a couple of years. His family doctor blamed his mobilephone use, but his employer's doctor didn't agree. What is it that makes mobile phones potentially harmful? The answer is radiation. High-tech, machines can detect very small amounts of fadiation from mobile phones. Mobile phone companies agree that there is some radiation, but they say the amotint is too small to worry about. ‘As the discussion about their safety’ continues, it appears that it’s best to use mobile phones less often. Use your regular phone if you want to talk for a long time, Use your mobile phone only when you really need it. Mobile phones canibe véFy useful and convenient, especially in emergencies. In the future, mobile phones may have a Warning label that says they are bad for your health. So for now, it's wise not to use your mobile phone too often Question 1: Accotding to the passage, cell phones are especially popular with young people because A. they maké them look more stylish. B. they keepithe Users alert all the time. C. they cannot be replaced by regular phones. D. they are indispensable in everyday communications. Question 2: The word "means" in the passage most closely means__ A. meanings B. expression C.transmission __D. method Website chia sé ta liéu, hoe Tiéng Anh mi si/ age Thich Tiéng Anh: ittps://ww. fo Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC ~ IELTS: Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Qué Gia: Website chia sé tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: etd Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: jw ‘Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC ~ IELTS: Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Qué Gia: Question 3: Doctors have tentatively concluded that cell phones may. A.cause some mental malfunction _B. change their users'temperament, C. change their users'social behaviours. D. damage their users'emotions. Question 4: "Negative publicity” in the passage most likely means. A. widespread opinion about bad effects of cell phones. B. information on the lethal effects of cell phones, C. the negative public use of cell phones D. poor ideas about the effects of cell phones. Question 5: The changes possibly caused by the cell phones are mainly concerned with __ A. the smallest units of the brain, B. the mobility of the mind, and the body. C. the resident memory. D. the arteries of the brain. Question 6: The man mentioned in the passage, who used his Cell phone too often,_ A-hada problem with memory. B. abandoned his family. C. suffered serious loss of mental ability. D. G6uld no longer think lucidly. Question 7: The word "potentially”,imithe passage most closely means, A.certainly B, obviously privately D. possibly Question 8: According to the passage, what makes mobile phones potentially harmful is__ A. their radiant light, B. their raiding power, C. their power of tttaction. _D.. their invisible rays. Question 9: According to the writer, people should. A. Keep off mobile phones regularly. B, Hever use mobile phones in all cases. C. only'use mobile phones in medical emergencies. D. only use mobile phones in urgent cases. Question 10: The most suitable title for the passage could be Website chia sé ta iéu, hoe Tiéng Anh miér age Thich Tiéng Anh: htips://wov Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC — IELTS: Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Qué Gia: Website chia sé ta iéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: eto Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi Nhém Tiéag Anh én thi THPT Qué A. Technological Innovations and Their Price. B. The Way Mobile Phones Work, C. The Reasons Why Mobile Phones Are Popular. D. Mobile Phones: A Must of Our Time Question 1: - Theo doan van, dién thoai di dng dac biét phé bign véi gidi tré vi: A. Chiing lam cho ho tréng phong cach hon B. Chuing giir cho ngudi dig lic nao ciing hoat bat C. Chiing khéng thé duge thay thé béi dién thoai thdng thudng D. Ching khéng thé thiéu duge trong viée truyén dat théng tin hang ngay, In many countries, cell phones are very popular with young people. They find that the phones are more than a means of communication - having a mobilephone shows that they are cool and connected. (G nhiéu quéc gia, dién thogi di dng rat phé bién véi gidi tré. Ho nhan thay nhing chiéc dign thoai con hon ca m6t phuong tién truyén thong —e6 mot chiéc dién thoai di dong cho thay rang ho ngau va duge két néi) © Dap an A Question 2: - means /mi:nz/ (n): phurong tién, cach thite ~ method./:me@ad/ (1 ): phuong phap, cdch thtke E.g: New production methods have beeit ttBente - meaning /'mi:nm/ (n): ¥ nghia E,g: Her work no longer had any meaning for her. - expression /ik’sprefn/ (n): sudién dat, su biéu hign Exg: Their frustration needs sOme form of expression. ion /traens myjn/ (n): sy phat thanh, truyén hinh; su phat/truyén/chuyén giao E.g: HIV transmission through blood transfusion (Lay nhiém HIV qua dieing truyién méu) © Dap an D Question’3:, - Cac bac si da tam két ludn ring dign thoai di dong e6 thé: A. gayinén mot vai truc trac v8 tri de (tam than) B. thay d6i.tinh khi cua ngudi ding C. thay déi hanh vi x4 hdi ctia ngudi ding, D. gay t6n hai dén cam xiie cia ngudi ding (...)medical studies have shown changes in the brain cells of some people who use mobile phones.( cde nghién cttu y hoc da chi ra nhing thay di trong cac té bao nao clia mot sé - transmis Website chia sé tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mi Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: htios:// Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC~IELTS:,jttps:/ Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Qué Gia: ht¢ps://wivv Website chia sé tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: het Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: hitips:// Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Qué ngubi str dung dign thogi di déng) © Dap an A Question 4: - “Sy céng khai mang tinh tiéu cuc” trong doan vin nghia la: A. y kin lan rOng Vé tac hai cia dign thoai di dong B. thing tin vé cdc tac dong gay chét ngudi ciia dién thoai di déng C. vige str dung céng khai va tidu cyc cita dign thoai di dong D. ¥ tuéng nghéo nan vé tac dong cua dién thoai di dong > Some doctors are concerned that in the future many people may suffer health problems from the use of mobile phones. In England, there has been a serious debate about this issue! Mobile phone companies are worried about the negative publicity of such ideas.( Mét s6 bac si dang lo ngai ring trong tuong lai nhiéu ngudi cé thé chiu dung nhimg van d8'Siic khée tir vige str dung dign thoai di déng. O nude Anh, da c6 mét cuéc tranh Iuaninghiém tuc vé van dé nay. Cac céng ty dign thoai di déng dang Io ling vé cong khai mang tinh tiéu cue cita ¥ tuong nhu vay.) © Dap an A Question 5: - Nhiing thay dai cé thé duge gay ra boi dién thoai di dong chit yéu lién quan dén: A. cdc don vi nho nhat cia no B. dé linh dong cua tri 6c va co thé C.b6 nhé vat ly D. cde déng mach nao » medical studies have shown changes in the brain cells of some people who use mobile phones. Signs of change in the tissties of the brain and head can be detected with modem scanning equipment. (cic nghién ct y hge da chi ra nhiing thay déi trong cdc té’bao nao cha mét sO ngudi sir dung dién thogi di dong. Dau hiéu cia su thay déi trong cde mé cita nao va dau co thé duge phat higm voi thiét bi scan hién dai.) © Dap an A Question 6: - Nguoi dan dng duge dé cap dén trong doan van, ngudi ma sir dung dign thoai di dong qué thudng xuyén: A. c6 van dé ¥6i trinhé B. tiebo gialdinheda minh @.chiu tén thatnghiém trong v kha ning tam thin D. khong thé suy nghi tinh tao/minh man duge niva > In oneease, a travelling salesman had to retire at young age because of serious memory loss. He couldn't remember even simple tasks. He would often forget the name of his own son. (Trong mét trudng hop, mét nhan vién ban hang lu d6ng nay day mai dé phai nghi huu & tudi con tré vi mat tri nhé nghiém trong. Anh ta khéng thé nhé nhiing nhiém vu don gidn. Website chia sé ta ligu, hoc Tiéng Anh miér age Thich Tiéng Anh: httos://wwwJ Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC — IELTS: Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Quée Gia: Website chia sé ta iéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: het Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: htp=:// \Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi Nhém Tiéag Anh én thi THPT Qué Anh ta thuong quén tén cita con trai minh.) © Dap an A Question 7: - potentially /pa'tenfali/ (adv): tiém nang, tiém tang ~ possibly /"pa:sobli/ (adv): c6 18, c6 thé Eg: It was possibly their worst performance ever - certainly /'ss:rtnli/ (adv): chae chin E.g: Certainly, the early years are crucial to a child's development. - privately /’ prarvatli/ (adv): riéng, tu, cd nhan; tu nhan E,g: Can we speak privately? © Dap an D Question 8: - Theo doan van, diéu lam cho din thoai cé thé gay hai A. anh séng bite xa cita chting B. kha nang tn céng bat ngi cua ching C. kha ning ctia stic hit D. nhiing tia v6 hinh ciia ching > What is it that makes mobile phones potentially hatmful? The answer is radiation.( D6 la cai gima lam cho dign thoai di dong e6 thé gay hai? Cau tra loi a bite xa.) > radiation /,reidi'e1jn/ (n): heat, energy, etc. that is sent out in the form of rays (nhiét, nang, lugng,..duge giti di/phan phat dui dang e4€tia) © Dap an D Question 9: - Theo tac gia, con ngudinén: A. tranh xa dign thoai di déng mot cich thurong xuyén, B. khéng bao gid sir dung dign thoai didéng trong tat cd cdc trudng hop C. chi st dung dign thoai trong nhiing trudng hop khan cap thudc y t€ D. chi sir dung digh thoai trong nhiing trudng hop khan cp > Use your mobile phone only when you really need it. Mobile phones can be very useful and convenient, especially in emergencies (Diing ign thoai di dng ciia ban chi khi ban that su cin né, Dign:thoai di déng cé thé rat hitu ich va tign loi, dc biét trong nhing trudng hop Khan cp) © Dap an D Question 10: - Tiéu dé phit hop nhat cho doan van c6 thé la: A. Nhiing doi méi cong nghé va gia cua chiing B. Céch dién thoai di déng hoat déng C. Lido tai sao dign thoai di dong dang phé bién Website chia sé tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh miér age Thich Tiéng Anh: hittos://www. fa Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC~ IELTS: jttps:/ Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Quéc Gia: /it¢ps://w Website chia sé tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: hex ichte Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: http Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC ~ IELTS: https://wvv Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Qué Gia: D. Dign thoai di déng: Sy can thiét cia thoi dai © Dap an A Bai 3: Ocean water plays an indispensable role in supporting life. The great ocean basins hold about 300 million cubic miles of water. From this vast amount, about 80,000 cubic miles of water ate sucked into the atmosphere each year by evaporation and returned by precipitation and drainage to the ocean. More than 24,000 cubic miles of rain descend annually upon the continents. Thisvast amount is required to replenish the lakes and streams, springs and water tables on which flora and fauna are dependent. Thus, the hydrosphere permits organic existence. ‘The hydrosphere has strange characteristics because water has properties unlike those of any other liquid, One anomaly is that water upon freezing expands by about 9 percent, whereas most liquids contract on cooling, For this reason, ice floats on water bodies iN&tead of sinkiig to the bottom. If the ice sank, the hydrosphere would soon be frozen solidly, except for a thin layer of surface melt water during the summer season. Thus, all aquatic life would be destroyed and the interchange of warm and cold currents, which moderates climate, would be notably absent. Another outstanding charateristic of water is that water has @ heat capacity which is the highest of all liquids and solids except ammonia. This characterisite enables the oceans to absorb and store vast quantities of heat, thereby often preventing climatic extremes. In addition, water dissolves more substances than any other liquid. It is this characteristic which helps make oceans a great storehouse for minerals which have been washed down from the continents. In several areas of the world these minerals are being commercially exploited Solar evaporation of salt is widely practised, potash is extracted from the Dead Seapand magnesium is produced from sea water along the American Gulf Coast. to Question 1: The author's mainipurpose in this passage i A. illustrate the impottance df.conserving water B. describe the properties and uses of water C. compare water With other liquids D. explain how, water is used in commerce and industry Question 2: The phrase "this vast amount" in line 4 of paragraph 1 refers to A. 80,000 million cubic miles of water B, 24,000 cubic miles of rain C. 80,000 cubic miles of water. 300 million cubic miles of water Website chia sé tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: htt Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: htips://wv Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC ~ IELTS: Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Quéc Gia: Website chia sé tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: het Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: jw Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Qué Question 3: The word "replenish" in paragraph 1 can best replaced by, . A.fillin — B. replace C. evaporate D. form Question 4: According to the passage, fish can survive in the oceans because. A. evaporation and condensation create a water cycle B, there are currents in the oceans C. they do not need oxygen D. ice floats Question 5: Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a characterisitic of water? A. Water can absorb heat B. Water is good solvent, C. Water contracts on cooling —_D. Water expands when itis frozen Question 6: The word "outstanding" in paragraph 3 is cl6sest in’meaning to A.exceptionally good —_B. special C. amusing Dy important Question 7: According the passage, the hydrosphere is NOT. A. the part of the earth covered by water B. résponsible for all forms of life C. in danger of freezing over D. a source of natural resources Question 8: The author's tone in the passage can best be described as. A.dispassionate _B. speculative) C. biased‘. dogmatic Question 9: The author organizes the passage by. A. juxtaposition of true and untrue ideas B. comparison and contrast C. general statement followed by examples __D. hypothesis and proof Question 10: Which of the following statements would be the most likely to begin the paragraph immediately following the passage? A. Water has the ability to erode land B. Droughts and flooding are two types of disasters associated with water C. Another remarkable property of ice is its strength Website chia sé tai ligu, hoc Tiéng Anh miér age Thich Tiéng Anh: httns://wwww. fo Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC ~ IELTS: Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Qué Gia: Website chia sé tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: ht Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Qué D. Magnesium is widely used in metallurgical processes © DAP AN Question 1: - Muc dich chinh ciia tc gid trong doan vin nay 1a dé: A. minh hoa cho tam quan trong cia viée bao tn nude B. mé ta thudec tinh va cng dung cua nude C. so sénh nude vi cac chat long khac D. gidi thich cach nude duge ding trong thuong mai va cong nghiép nhu thé nao © Dap an B Question 2: - More than 24,000 cubic miles of rain descend annually upon the continents. This vast amount is required to replenish the lakes and streams, springs and water tables on which all flora and fauna are dependent. (Hon 24.000 dim khéi mua xuding méi ndm trén cc luc dia. Luong lén nay 1a cin thiét dé dé day céc hé va dong suéi, suéi va muic nude gam — nhing noi ma hé ddng thye vat phy thudc vao) © Dap an B Question 3: - replenish /r1'pleny/ (v) ~ fill in: lip day, 46 day E.g: The hole has been filled in. - replace /rr'pleis/ (v): thay thé, thay ché' E.g: The new design will eventually replace all existing models. - evaporate /r' veeparett/ (v): bay hoi E.g: Heat until all the water has eBaporated. - form /fs:rm/ (v): tgo thank, ngn thanh; hinh thanh, E.g: She formed the elay i019 small-bow!. © Dap an A Question 4: - Difa theo doan van, cé cé thé s6ng duge dudi dai duong bei vi: A. Su bay hoi vanngung tu tao thanh mot chu trinh tun hoan nude B. Cé cic dong trong dai duong CC. Chaing khong en oxy Dibiing néi > One anomaly is that water upon freezing expands by about 9 percent, whereas most liquids contract 6n cooling. For this reason, ice floats on water bodies instead of sinking to the bottom. If the ice sank, the hydrosphere would soon be frozen solidly, except for a thin layer of surface melt water during the summer season. Thus, all aquatic life would be destroyed Website chia sé tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh miér Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: httos://www.fa Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC~ IELTS: Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Quéc Gia: / Website chia sé tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: het. Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: hittps:// Nhém Ting Anh luyén thi Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Qué and the interchange of warm and cold currents, which moderates climate, would be notably absent. (M6t su khdc thudng lA nude khi déng bang no ra khoang 9 phn trim, trong khi hau hét cdc chat long déu co lai khi lam lanh. Vi ly do nay, bing néi trén mat nude thay vi chim xudng day. Néu bang chim, thuy quyén sé som bi déng bang kién c6, ngoai tri mot lop mong’ trén bé mt nuéc tan trong mia he. Nhu thé, tat ca su s6ng dui nude sé bi pha hiy va vide trao déi cdc ding néng lanh - cai 8 khong con nita mét cach ding chu y) © Dap 4nD m cho khi h4u 6n hoa - Question 5: - Diéu nao sau day khong duge dé cp dén nhur 1a mot dc tinh ciia nude? A. Nudccé thé hap thu nhidt B. Nudc la dung méi t6t C. Nusc co lai khi lam lanh D. Nude né ra khi déng bing > water has a heat capacity (...)This characterisites enables the oceans to absorb and store vast quantities of heat (Nuc cé kha nang cp nhiét. Dac tinh nay/cho phép cdc dai duong hp thu va uu tri mot lugng nhiét lon.) > water dissolves more substances than any other liquid. (Nudc hda tan céc chat nhiéu hon bat ky chat long nao khac.) > water upon freezing expands by about 9 percent (muéc khi tram) © Dap anC Question 6: - outstanding /aot standin (adj) ~ Special /’spefl/ (adj): ndi bat, dac biét, riéng bidt E.g: There is something special about-this place. - exceptionally good: dac biét tat ~ amusing /o'mju:zin/ (adj); vui, tha vi E.g: She writes very amusing letters - important /imipo:rtAY/ (adj): quan trong Exg: Phave animportant announcement to make. © Dap anB Question 7! - Dua vao doan van, thay quyén khong: A. 1 mét phan cia trai dat dug bao phit bai nude B. 6 trach nhigm v6i tat ca cde dang cia su séng C. co nguy co déng bing long bang no ra khoang 9 phan Website chia sé tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mi age Thich Tiéng Anh: hit Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC ~ IELTS: Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Qué Gia: hit¢ps://wivy Website chia sé tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: heto. Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC ~ IELTS: Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Qué Gia: hit m D. la mét nguén tai nguyén thién nhién > ice floats on water bodies instead of sinking to the bottom. (bang néi trén nude thay vi chim xudng day) © Dap anC Question 8: - Giong tac gia trong doan van tot nhat c6 thé duge miéu ta 1a : A. dispassionate /dis’ pzefonat/ (adi): v6 tur, khong thién vj B. speculative /spekjalatry/ (adj): suy doan C. biased /'baiast/ (adj): thién vi, ¢6 thanh kién D. dogmatic /do:g'maxtik/ (adj © Dap an A ido didu Question 9: - Tac gia t6 chitc doan van theo: A. dat nhiing ¥ tuéng ding va sai lin Ké nhau. B. so sanh va déi chiéu C. phat biéu chung dugc theo sau bai cdc vi du D. gia thuyét va bang ching © Dap anC Question 10: - Céi nao trong s6 nhiing khang din Sau day s@ cé nhiéu kha nang nhat dé bat dau khd tip ngay sau doan van? A. Nude cé kha nang xdi mon dat B. Han han va lit lut 18 hai logi thiéntailién quan dén nude C. Mét thuéc tinh dang chii ¥ khde ciia bang 1a site manh cita né D. Magié durgc str dung réng raittrong ede qué trinh luyén kim © Dap an A Bai 4: During)\the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, almost nothing was written about the contributions of women during the colonial period and the early history of the newly formed United States. Lacking the right to vote and absent from the seats of power, women were not considered an important fore imhistory. Anne Bradstreet wrote some significant poetry in the seventeenth century, Metey Otis Warten produced the best contemporary history of the American Revolution, and Abigail Adams penned important letters showing she exercised great political influence over her husband, John, the second President of the United States. But little or no notice was taken of these contributions. During these centuries, women remained invisible in history books. Throughout the nineteenth century, this lack of visibility continued, despite the efforts of female authors writing about women. These writers, like most of their male counterparts, were amateur Website chia sé tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mi “anpage Thich Tiéng Anh: hittps://www.f Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC ~ IELTS: Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Qué Gia: Website chia sé tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: he Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: h Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC ~ IELTS:,https://wov Nhém Tiéng Anh én thi THPT Qué Gia: ttps:// historians. Their writings were celebratory in nature, and they were uncritical in their selection and use of sources. During the nineteenth century, however, certain feminists showed a keen sense of history by keeping records of activities in which women were engaged. National, regional, and local women’s, organizations compiled accounts of their doings. Personal correspondence, newspaper clippings, and souvenirs were saved and stored. These sources from the core of the two greatest collections of women's history in the United States one at the Elizabeth and Arthur Schlesinger Library'at Radcliffe College, and the other the Sophia Smith Collection at Smith College. Such sourees have provided valuable materials for later Generations of historians. Despite the gathering of more information about ordinary women during the nineteenth Century, most of the writing about women conformed to the "great women’ theory of History, just as much of mainstream American history concentrated on "great men, 'To demonstrate that women were making significant contributions to American life, female authors singled out Women leaders and wrote biographies, or else important women produced their autobiographies. Most of these leaders were involved in public life as reformers, activists working for Women's right to vote, or authors, and were not representative at all of the great of ordinary woman The lives of ordinary people continued, generally, to be untold in the American histories being published. Question 1: What does the passage mainlydiscuss? A. The role of literature in early American histories, B. The place of American women in written histories C. The keen sense of histofy shown by"American women D. The "great women’ approach to history used by American historians Question 2: A. informative B. thoughtful C. written at that time D. faultfinding ‘he word "contemporary" in the 1 St paragraph means that the history was Question: In the first paragraph, Bradstreet, Warren, and Adams are mentioned to show that. A. a woman's status was changed by marriage B. even the contributions of outstanding women were ignored C. only three women were able to get their writing published Website chia sé tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: httos://thichtienc Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: httos://www.facebook.c hom Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC ~ IELTS: Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Quéc Gia: Website chia sé tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: ho Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: ‘Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC ~ IELTS: Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Qué Gia: D. poetry produced by women was more readily accepted than other writing by women Question 4: The word "celebratory" in the 2nd paragraph means that the writings referred to. A. related to parties B.religious C. serious _D. full of praise Question 5: The word they” in the 2nd paragraph refers to, A.effortsB. authors C.counterparts. —_D. sources Question 6: In the Ind paragraph, what weakness in nineteenth-century histories does the author point out? A. They put too much emphasis on daily activities B. They left out discussion of the influence of money on politics. C. The sources of the information they were based on were Rot necessarily accurate D. They were printed on poor-quality paper. Question 7: On the basis of information in the third paragraph, which of the following would most likely have been collected by nineteenth-century feminist organizations? A. Newspaper accounts of presidential eléction results B. Biographies of John Adams C. Letters from a mother to a daughter adyising her how to handle a family problem D. Books about famous graduates of the country's first college Question 8: What use Was made Of the nineteenth-century women's history materials in the Schlesinger Library-and)the Sophia Smith Collection? A. They were combined and published in a multivolume encyclopedia B. They formed the basis of college courses in the nineteenth century. CoThey provided valuable information for twentieth- century historical researchers. D. They, were shared among women's colleges throughout the United States, Question 9: In the last paragraph, the author mentions all of the following as possible roles of nineteenth-century "great women" EXCEPT_ Website chia sé tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mi “anpage Thich Tiéng Anh: hittps://www.f hom Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC ~ IELTS: Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Qué Gia: Website chia sé tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: het Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: https://wwu Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC ~ IELTS: Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Qué Gia: A. Authors B. Reformers C. Activists for women's rights D. Politicians Question 10: The word "representative" in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to__ A.typical B, satisfied C. supportive _, distinctive © DAP AN Question 1: - Doan van chit yéu ban vé diéu gi? A. Vai tro ctia vin hoc trong lich siz hi dau cia MF tri, dia vi cua phy nit Mj trong lich str duge viét (bang varban) C. ¥ thitc sau sac vé lich str duge chi ra béi phu nie MY D. Cach tip cn "ngudi phy né vi dai" v6i lich str duge cdc nh St hoe MY str dung > Cc ¥ c6 thé tim thay trong doan van: khéng c6 gi duge viét vé nhimg déng gép ciia phy nik trong suét thoi ky thude dia va lich sit hOi du cia Mjy/pha.nir van v6 hinh trong str sich; dén ¥ thite sau sic vé lich str bing cach gid hé so vB cdc hoat dong phy nit duge tham gia, chon nif lanh dao va viét tiéu str, san xuat tyr truyén, © Dap an B Question 2: - contemporary /kan’ tempareri/ (adj) ~ written at that time: duong dai, duong thoi E.g: The film paints a depressing picture of life in contemporary Britain. ~ informative /in'foxrmatry/ (adj): cé nhieu théng tin Eg: The talk was both informative and’entertaining. - thoughtful /'6o:tfl/ (adj): tramungam, s4u sc; chu dao, quan tm, an can; tram tw E.g: It was very thoughtful 0f you to send the flowers. - fault-finding: sy bit bé, ché trich, béi méc © Dap anc Question 3:- Trong doan dau tién, Bradstreet, Warren va Adams dugc dé cap d@n dé cho thay ring: A. tinh trang mét ngudi phy nit da duge thay déi bai két hon. B, ké'ea nhéing dong gop cua phy nét xuat sac eting da bj lo di C.chi 3 ngudi phu ni nay cé thé'c6 thé xuat ban tac phim cia ho. D. tho duge lam boi phy nit thi dé dang duge chap nh§n hon céc thé logi viét khéc cata phy nit. > Anne Bradstreet wrote some significant poetry in the seventeenth century, Mercy Otis, Warren produced the best contemporary history of the American Revolution, and Abigail Adams penned important letters... (Anne Bradstreet viét mét vai bai tho day y nghia trong thé Website chia sé tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mi 1age Thich Tiéng Anh: hittps://www.f Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC ~ IELTS: Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Qué Gia: Website chia sé tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: heto Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: fw ‘Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC ~ IELTS: Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Qué Gia: ky 17, Mercy Otis Warren san xuat ra lich str dong dai hay nhét ctia cudc cach mang My, va Abigail Adams da viét mot la thir quan trong...) © Dap anB Question 4: Tir “celebratory” trong doan 2 6 nghia ring cac tac pham viét muén dé cap t6i, - celebratory” /'selabrato:ri/ (adi): dé ca tung, tan duong A. lién quan téi bita tiéc B. religious /r1'ldas/ (adj): thudc ton gido, tin nguéng; sing dao E.g: His wife is very religious. C. serious /’strias/ (adj): nghiém trang; nghiém trong E.g: They pose a serious threat to security. D. full of praise: hét loi ca ngoi © Dap an D Question 5: - Throughout the nineteenth century, this lack of visibility continued, despite the efforts of female authors writing about women. These writers, like'most of their male counterparts, were amateur historians. Their writings were celebratory in nature, and they were uncritical in their selection and use of sources.(Trong suét thé ki 19, su thiéu tim nhin nay van tiép tuc, dit cho nhiing né lye ciia cdc tac gia nit viét vé phy nit) Nhiing tac gia nay, nhu Hau hét déi tac cia ho, la nhing nha sir hoc nghiép du Cac tae pham ciia ho da duge khen ngoi trong tw ién, va ho da khdng dan do trong vigelya chon vasi¥'dung cae nguén cia minh.) © Dap an B Question 6: - Trong doan 2)nhuge diéim’nao trong lich sit thé ki 19 duge téc gia chi ra? A. Ching nhan manh quainbiétiyao hoat déng hang ngay B. Chung khéng ban luan démsyr anh hudng cia tién t6i chinh tri C. Ngun théng tina chiing dugc dya vao khong nhat thiét la chinh xde D. Ching durgc in trén giay chat hrong kém > (...) they werg uncritical in their selection and use of sources.(Ho da khong dan do trong viée Tua chon va str dung cae nguén cita ho.) © Dap anC Question 7: = Trén nén tang thong tin doan 3, diéu nao sau day c6 thé c6 kha nang duge thu thap nhat boi cae t6'chtic ting h6 nam nik binh dang thé ki 19? A. Bang ké Khai cdc bai bdo vé két qua bau cir téing thong, B. Tiéu str cua John Adams C. Thur me giti cho con gai tu van cho ¢6 céich lam thé nao dé xiv ly mot van dé gia dinh Website chia sé tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mi 1age Thich Tiéng Anh: hittps://www.f \Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC ~ IELTS: Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Qué Gia: Website chia sé tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: ho Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Qué D. Sach vé nhiig sinh vién tét nghiép néi tiéng cia trudng dai hoc dau tién trong nude © Dap anC Question 8: - Cong dung nao duge tao ra tir tai ligu lich sir cua phy nér thé ki 19 6 thu vign Schlesinger va 6 suru tip Sophia Smith? A. Chuing dugc két hop va xuat ban trong mét quyén bach khoa toan thu. B. Chung hinh thanh nén co sé cita cdc khéa hoc dai hoc cao ding 6 thé ky 19. C. Ching cung cap thong tin c6 gid tri cho céc nha nghién cttu lich sit thé’ki 20. D. Ching duge chia sé trong nhimg truong bac dai hoc cao dang cia phu ni trén khapnwée Mj. » Such sources have provided valuable materials for later Generations of historians, (hing ngudn nhu vay da cung céip ti ligu 6 gid tri cho thé’hé cdc nha str hoc sau dé.) © Dap anC Question 9: - Trong doan cuéi, tac gid dé cp dén tat ca nhimg diéu sau nhu nhiing)vai trd c6 thé cita “ngudi phy ni vi dai” thé ki 19, ngoai tri A. Céc téc gia B. Cac nha cai cach C. Cie nha hoat déng cho quyén cua phy nit D. Céc chinh tri gia > Most of these leaders were involved in publie Jifé as reformers, activists working for women’s right to vote, or authors, and were not representative at all of the great of ordinary woman. (Hau hét céc nha lanh dao nay da tham gia vao dai sng cng cng nhw cic nha cai cach, cde nha hoat dong cho quyén eila phu nix duge b6 phigu, hoac cdc téc gid, va khong phai la dai dién cho tat ca sit vi dai.ctia ngudi phy niz binh thudng,) © Dap anD Question 10: - representative /,repri'Zentatrv/ (adi) ~ typical /'typikl/ (adj): tiéu bidu, din hinh E.g: Typical interview questions are ‘Why do you want to study law?’ or ‘Why did you choose this college?” - a represeiitative samplelcross-section/selection ~satisfied /'savtisfard/ (adj): cdm thay hai long, vita y, thea man E.g: She's never satisfied with what she’s got. - supportive /sa‘po:rtiv/ (adj): dng tinh, ting h6, khuyén khich Eg: She has been very supportive during my illness. (C6 diy da gitip dé t6i rit nhiéu trong thai gian t6i dim) Website chia sé tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh miér age Thich Tiéng Anh: hietos://ww \Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC ~ IELTS: Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Qué Gia: Website chia sé tai liéu, hoc Tié Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: https://www ‘Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC ~ IELTS: Nhém Tiéng Anh én thi THPT Qué Gia: hittps://www. face - distinctive /dr’stinktrv/ (adj): dc biét, ridng bidt, dé phan biét E.g: The male bird has distinctive white markings on its head. © Dap an A Bai 5: The principle of use and disuse states that those parts of organisms’ bodies that are used grown larger. Those parts that are not tend to wither away. It is an observed fact that when you exercise particular muscles, they grow. Those that are never used diminish. By examining @man's body, we can tell which muscles he uses and which he doesn't, we may even be able to guess his, profession or his reaction. Enthusiasts of the "body- building" cult make use of the principle of use and disuse to “build” their bodies, almost like a piece of sculpture, into whatever unnatural shape is demanded by fashion in this peculiar minority culture. Muscles are not the only, parts of the body that respond to use in this kind of way. Walk barefoot and you acquiréharder skin on your soles. It is easy to tell a farmer from a bank teller by looking at their hands alone. The farmer's hands are horny, hardened by long exposure to rough work. The teller’s hands are relatively soft. The principle of use and disuse enables animals to become better at the job of surviving in their world, progressively better during their lifetime as a résult of living in that world. Humans, through direct exposure to sunlight, or lack of it, develop askin c6lor Which equips them better to survive in the particular local conditions. Too much sunlight isdangetous. Enthusiastic sunbathers with very fair skins are susceptible to skin cancer. Too little sunlight, on the other hand, leads to vitamin-D deficiency and rickets. The brown pigment melanin Which is synthesized under the influence of sunlight, makes a screen to protect the underlying tissues from the harmful effects of further sunlight Ifa suntanned person moves to a léss sunny élimate, the melanin disappears, and the body is able to benefit from what little sun there is;This can be represented as an instance of the principle of use and disuse: skin goes brown wheh it is,"used’, and fades to white when it is not. Question 1: What does thé passage mainly discuss? A. How the principles of use and disuse change people's concepts of themselves. B. The changes that occur according to the principle of use and disuse. C. The Which people change themselves to conform to fashion. DyThe effects of the sun on the principle of use and disuse. Question,2: The phrase "wither away’ in line 2 is closest in meaning to___. A.split Brot C.perish —_D. shrink Question 3: The word "Those" in line 3 refers to__. Website chia sé tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mi 1age Thich Tiéng Anh: hittps://www.f hom Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC—IELTS:,/¢¢ps:/ Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Quéc Gia: Wy Website chia sé tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: het Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: htips:// Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Qué A. organisms B.bodies DD. muscles Question 4: According to the passage, men who body build__, ‘A. appear like sculptures B. change their appearance C. belong to strange cults _D. are very fashionable Question 5: From the passage, it can be inferred that author views body building. A. with enthusiasm B. as an artistic form C. with scientific interest D. of doubtful benefit Question 6: The word "horny” in line 9 is closest in meaning to__. A.firm — B.strong C.rough —_D. dense Question 7: It can be inferred from the passage that the principle of use’and disuse enables organisms to A.survive in any condition _B. automatically benefit C. change their existence D. improve their lifetime Question 8: The author suggests that melanin. A. helps protect fair-skinned people Bris beneficial in sunless climates C. is necessary for the production of vitamin-D D. is a synthetic product, Question 9: In the second patagraph, the author mentions sun tanning as an example of__. A. humans improving their local condition. B. humans surviving imadverse conditions C. humans using the principle of use and disuse D. humans running the risk of skin cancer Question 10: The word" susceptible” in line 15 could be best replaced by ___ A.condemned —_B. vulnerable C.allergic D. suggestible DAP AN Website chia sé ta liu, hoc Tiéng Anh mi Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: https://ww Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC — IELTS: Nhém Tiéng Anh én thi THPT Qué Gia: Website chia sé ta iéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: het Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi Nhém Tiéag Anh én thi THPT Qué Question 1: Gidi:_- Doan van chit yéu thao ludn v8 céi gi? A. Nguyén ly sit dung va khéng sir dung thay d6i khéi niém cia con ngudi vé ban than ho nhw thé nao B, Nhang thay di xay ra dya theo nguyén ly str dung va khong sir dung C. Cai céch ma con ngudi thay déi ban than dé phi hop véi thoi trang D. Anh hudng cita mat troi trong nguyén ly sir dung va khéng sir dung, > The principle of use and disuse states that those parts of organisms’ bodies that are Used grown larger. Those parts that are not tend to wither away. (Nguyén ly six dung va kh6ng str dung néi ring nhiing phn co thé sinh vat ma duge str dung phat trién lon hon. Nhéing phn khong thi c6 xu huéngco lai) Tiép dén, 6 cdc ¥ sau, tac gia cling ndi toi sy thay déi gitta vige stedung va khong sit dung, vé co bp, Jan da nau ram nang hay da trang,... © Dap anB Question 2: Gidi: - wither away ~ shrink (v): ¢0 lai, rit lai, ngét; covao, ritya0 Exg: My sweater shrank in the wash. - split (v): ché, bua, tach, chia ra temng phtin Exg: She split the class into groups of fours - rot (v): (1am) mu nat, thoi ria Exg: Too much sugar wilh rot your teeth. - perish (v): chét, digt vong} tan lui, héo rui Exg: A family of four perished in the fire. © Dap an D Question 3: Giai: = "It is an observed fact that when you exercise particular muscles, they grow. Those that are never used diminish." (Dé 1a mot thyc t€ quan sat thay ring khi ban tap luyén co bp riéng biét, chuing sé phat trign. Nhimg cdi ma khang bao gid duge dimg sé thu nhé lai) Website chia sé ta iéu, hoe Tiéng Anh mi Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: httns://ww Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC — IELTS: uf Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Quée Gia: /ps://\w ups/ Website chia sé tai liéu, Fanpage Thich Tiéng Ani Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén th Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Qué Gia: éng Anh mién phi: heto. © Dap anD Question 4: Gidi: Dua vao doan van, nhig ngudi dan éng tap thé hinh: A. xudt hign nhu téc phaim diéu khae B. thay ddi vé ngoai cua ho C. thude vé gido phai ky la D. rat 1a thoi trang > Enthusiasts of the "body- building” cult make use of the principle of use and disusé'to."build” their bodies, almost like a piece of sculpture, into whatever unnatural shape is demanded by fashion in this peculiar minority culture. (Nhiing ngudi say mé tap thé hinh tan dung ngtiyén Wysirdung va Khong sit dung dé "xay dug” co thé cia ho, giéng nhu mot manh diéu khac, vao bat ct hinh dang Khong tu nhién nao duge yéu ciu boi thoi trang trong van héa thiéu sé dac bigtinay.) © Dap an B Question 5: Gi - Tir doan van, 6 thé suy luan duge rang taéeigia xem A. voi sw nhiét tinh, B. nhu mét hinh thifcnghé thuat C. véi méi quan tam khoa hoc _D. vé Igi ich con hoai nghi, khong ro rét = Dap anD Question 6: Gi - horny (adj): chai tay, cing nhur sig ~ rough (adj): th, rp Exg: The skin on her hands wasthard and, rough. - firm (adj): rain, chéc Exg: These pears are till {00 firm feat. - strong (adj): manh; bény ving; chac chan, E.g: He’s strong enough to lift a car! - dense (ad): day dac, chat; déng duic, ram rap ElgyThe fog was'getting very dense. © DapanC Question 7: Git cho phép sinh vat: - Cé thé duge suy ludn tir doan van ring nguyén ly sir dung va khong st dung Website chia sé t Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh \Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC ~ IELTS: Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Qué Gia: Website chia sé tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: hee: Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: https://ww ‘Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC ~ IELTS: Nhém Ting Anh 6n thi THPT Quée Gia: A. ton tai trong bat cir digu kién nao _B. tu dong dugc huéng loi C. thay déi cach séng cita ching D. cai thign vong dai > The principle of use and disuse enables animals to become better at the job of surviving in their world, progressively better during their lifetime as a result of living in that world. © Dap an A Question 8: Gidi: - Téc gia goi y ring melanin: A. gitip bao vé nhimg ngudi oé lan da tring —_B. cé loi 6 viing khi hau khong nang, C. can thiét cho sw san xuat vitamin DD. 1a mot sin phdm tdng hop > The brown pigment melanin which is synthesized under the influence of sunlight, makes a screen to protect the underlying tissues from the harmful effects of further Sunlight. (Céc séc t6 melanin mau nau, duge tong hop dui anh hudng ciia anh sing mat trdi,tao ra mot Man hinh dé bao vé cde m6 co ban khéi nhiing tac hai cia anh nang.) © Dap nA Question 9: Giai:_ - Trong doan thit 2, tac giaidé capdén chay nang (ram nang) nhu la mét vi du lia: A. con ngudi cai thién diéu kién dia phutong B. con ngudi séng sot trong diéu Kién bat loi C. con ngudi ding nguyén ly sie dung. va khéng sir dung D. con ngudi c6 nguy conung th da > If a suntanned person moves to a less sunny climate, the melanin disappears, and the body is able to benefit from what little'sun there is. This can be represented as an instance of the principle of use and disuse: skin goes brown when it is "used", and fades to white when it is not. (Néu mét ngudi cb Jan da ramonang chuyén dén khi hau it nang, melanin bién mat, va co thé c6 thé duge huréng Ii tir Anh nding it 6i6 day. Diu nay co thé tong trung cho mot vi du ciia nguyén ly str dung va khong sir "duge dimg" va, phai dan sang mau tring khi khng) Question 10: Giai: - susceptible (adj) ~ vulnerable (adj): dé bi tén thuong, dé bi; dé mac Website chia sé ta liéu, hoe Tiéng Anh miér age Thich Tiéng Anh: hetps://wvw \Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC— IELTS: Nhém Tiéng Anh én thi THPT Qué Gia Website chia sé tdi lieu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: he Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: hitip=://w Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC ~ IELTS: Nhém Tiéag Anh én thi THPT Qué E.g: Old people are particularly vulnerable to the flu. - condemned (adj): bi két én, két tdi; thir gi dé nguy hiém (khéng an toan dé sir dung) E.g: The meat was condemned as unfit to eat - allergic (adj): di img E.g:/ like cats but unfortunately I'm allergic to them. - suggestible (acij): dé bi anh huong E.g: He was young and highly suggestible. © Dap an B Bai 6:An air pollutant is defined as a compound added direetly or iMdirectly by humans to the atmosphere in such quantities as to affect humans, animals, vegetation, or materials adversely. Air pollution requires a very flexible definition that permits continuous ¢hanges, when the first air pollution laws were established in England in the fourteenth century, air pollutants were limited to compounds that could be seen or smelled-a far ery from the extensive list of harmful substances known today. As technology has developed and/knowledge of health aspects of various chemicals has increased, the list of air pollutants has lengthened. In the future, even water vapor might be considered an air pollutant under certain ¢onditions: Many of more important air pollutants, such as sulfur oxides, carbon monoxides and nitrogen oxides are found in nature. As the Earth developed, the concentration of these pollutants was altered by various chemical reactions; they became components in biogeochemical cycles. These serve as an air purification scheme by allowing the compounds to move from the air to the water or soil. On a global basis, nature's output of these compounds dwarfs that resulting, from human activities. However, human production usually occurs in a localized area, such as a city. In such region, human output may be dominant and may temporarily overload the natural purification scheme of the cycles. The result isa concentration of noxious chemicals in the air. The concentrations at which the adverse effects appear Will bé greater than the concentrations that the pollutants would have in the absence of human activities. The actual concentration need not be large for a substance to be a pollutant; in fact, the numerical value tells US little until we know how much of an increase this represents over the concentration that would occur naturally in the area. For example, sulfur dioxide has detectable health effects at 0.08 parts per million (ppm), which is about 400 times its natural level. Carbon monoxide, however has a natural level of 0.1 ppm and is not usually a pollutant until its level reaches about 15 ppm. Website chia sé ta liéu, hoe Tiéng Anh miér age Thich Tiéng Anh: htips://www. fa Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC — IELTS: Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Qué Gia Website chia sé tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: het: Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: htips://w ‘Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC ~ IELTS: Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Qué Question 1: The word "detectable" is closest in meaning to A.special__B. separable C. beneficial D. measurable. Question 2: The word "localized " is closest in meaning to : A.specified B.circled — C.encireled D. surrounded. Question 3: The word "these" in the second paragraph refers to A. the compounds moved to the water or soil B. the various chemical reactions. C. the pollutants from the developing Earth D. the components in biogeochemical cycles Question 4: According to the passage, the numerical value of the éoncehtration level of a substance is only useful if A. the other substances in the area are known B. it can be'caleulated quickly, C. itis ina localized area _D. the natural level i8 also)known. Question 5: It can be inferred from the first’paragraph that. ; A. the definition of air pollution will continue to change. B. water vapor is an air pollutant in localized areas, C. most pollutants today an/be seen 6Fsmelled. D. a substance becomes @ivair pollutant only in cities. Question 6: According to the passage, human- generated air pollution in localized regions__. A. will react harmfully with natural pollutants. B. can oyetwhelm the natural system removing pollutants, iwill damagelarea outside of the localized regions. D. cantbe dwarfed by nature's output of pollutants. Question 7: The word "adversely" is closest in meaning to. A.considerably B. quickly C. admittedly D. negatively. Website chia sé tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mi age Thich Tiéng Anh: hittns://www.f Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC ~ IELTS: Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Qué Gia: Website chia sé tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: het. Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: https:/ Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Qué Question 8: Which of the following is best supported by the passage? A. Scientists should be consulted in order to establish uniform limits for all air pollutants. B. Human activities have been effective in reducing air pollution. C. One of the most important steps in preserving natural lands is to better enforce air pollution laws. D. To effectively control pollution, local government should regularly review their aiF;pollution laws. Question 9: For which of the following reasons can natural pollutants important role in controlling air pollution? A. They have existed since the Earth developed. B. They occur in greater quantities than other pollutants. C. They're less harmful to living beings than other pollutants, D. They function as part of a purification process. Question 10: What does the passage mainly discuss? A. The effects of compounds added to the atmosphere B. The economic impact of air pollution, C. What constitutes an air pollutant D. How much harm air polldtants cancauise. DAP AN Question 1: Giai: - detectable (adj); c6 thé phat hién ra durgc, c6 thé nhan thay - special (a): dc biét ~Separable (adj): c6 thé tach ra, c6 thé phan ra - beneficial (adj): 6 ich, o6 loi - measurable (adj): do duge, ludng duoc © Dip an D Website chia sé tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh miér Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: httos:// Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC ~ IELTS: Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Quée Gia: /t:p Website chia sé ta iéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: eto Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi Nhém Tiéag Anh én thi THPT Qué Question 2: Gidi: - localized: xay ra trong mt khu vue nh6, han dinh dia phuong, xdc dinh ~ specified - circled: xoay quanh - encircled: vay quanh, bao quanh - surrounded : bao quanh, vay quanh. © Dap an A Question 3: Giai: “As the Earth developed, the concentration of these pollutants was altered by various chemical reactions; they became components in biogeochemical cycles. These serveas an air purification scheme by allowing the compounds to move from the air to thewaten or soil.” (Khi Trai dat phat trig, ndng dé ctia cc chat 6 nhiém nay da bi thay déi do cé¢ phan'xing héa hoc khac nhau ; ching tr thanh cdc thanh phn trong cdc vong tun hoan sinh~dja -héa. Nhing cai nay phyc vu nhu 1a mot chuong trinh thanh loc khong khi bang cach cho phép cichgp chat chuyén tir khong khi vao nude hoac dat.) = “these” = components in biogeochemical cycles © Dap an D Question 4: Giai: Theo doan vin/giditri bing s6 ctia ndng dO mot chat chi cd ich néiu... A.nhimg chat khdc trong ving dé diroc biét dén B. né 06 thé duge tinh toan nhanh C.né 6 trong khu vitehan dinh D. mtic dé tye nhién cing duge biét dén “The actual Goncentration need not be large for a substance to be a pollutant; in fact, the numerical value tellS US little until we know how much of an increase this represents over the concentration that would oceur naturally in the area.” © Dap an D Question 5: Gidi: Co thé suy ra tir doan vain dau tién ring___ Website chia sé ta liéu, hoe Tiéng Anh mi Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: hetos://ww.f Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC ~ IELTS: Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Qué Gia: Website chia sé tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: heco Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: https:/ Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Qué A. dinh nghia vé sur 6 nhiém khOng Khi sé tiép tuc thay déi B. hoi nude lA mét chat 6 nhiém khéng khi trong nhiing viing xac dinh CC. hiéu hét céc chat 6 nhiém ngay nay cé thé nhin thay dugc hoae ngti thy duge. D. m6t chat tré thanh mot chat 6 nhiém kh6ng khi chi trong nhiing thanh phd. "Air pollution requires a very flexible definition that permits continuous changes.” (Omhiém khong Khi cin mét dinh nghia rét linh hoat cho phép sy thay di lién tuc.) © Dap an D Question 6: Giai: Theo doan van, 6 nhiém khong khi do con ngudi tao ra trong nhiing ving xA¢ dit A. sé phan ting c6 hai véi nhiing chat 6 nhigm ty nhién, B. c6 thé lam ngap hé théng ty nhién véi nhang chat 6 nhiém thai ra CC. s@ pha hoai khu vye bén ngoai cua nhimg ving han djnh. D. c6 thé bj lam nh6 lai do san phaim chat 6 nhiém cia ty Ahién. "However, human production usually occufS\in allocalized area, such as a city. In such region, human. output may be dominant and may temporarily Gyerload the natural purification scheme of the cycles.” © Dap nB Question 7: Giai: - adversely (adv) ~ negatively: cd hai, bat loi, tiéu cure - considerably (adV) ding ke - quickly (adv): nhanh, - admittedly (adv): phai thira nhén, phai thi nhan E.gelt's almittedly a thorny question. (Dé la mét vin dé ai ciing phi thiea nhdn ta hitc bia.) © Dap aD Question 8: Gidi: Website chia sé ta liéu, hoe Tiéng Anh mién pl Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: hos://ww Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC ~ IELTS: Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Qué Gia: Website chia sé ta iéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: eco Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi Nhém Tiéag Anh én thi THPT Qué Diéu nao sau day duge doan van tng hé tét nhat? A. Cée nha khoa hoc nén hoi ¥ dé thiét lap nhiing gidi han déng nhat cho tit cd nhimg chat 6 nhiém Khéng kh B, Nhang hoat dong cua con ngudi cé higu qua trong viée giam 6 nhiém khong khi. C. Mét trong nhiing bude quan trong trong viéc bao tén nhiing manh dat ty nhién Ia thi hanh tdthon nhiing luat vé 6 nhiém khéng khi D. Dé kiém soat 6 nhiém higu qua thi chinh pha dia phurong nén thudng xuyént Xem lainhiing luat nhiém khong khi © Dap anB Question 9: Giai: Céc chat 6 nhiém ty nhién dong vai trd quan trong trong vige kiém(soat' nhiém khong khi vi ly do nao sau day? A. Ching da tn tai tir khi trai dt phat trién. B. Chuing xay ra véi sé lugng lén hon nhimg chat 6 nhiém khac. C. Chiing it e6 hai déi véi céc sinh vat sng Hon lanhimg chat 6 nhiém khéc. D. Ching thy hign chtte nang nhu la: mOtphan cua mét qué trinh thanh loc. “Many of more important aifpollutants, stich as sulfur oxides, carbon monoxides and nitrogen oxides are found in nature... These serve as an air purification scheme by allowing the compounds to move from the air to the water of soil” = Dap anD Question 10: Giai: Doan van clitiyétuthao lun vé diéu gi? A. Nhiing anh huéng ciia cdc hop chat duge thém vao khdng khi B.Téc dng kinh té ciia 6 nhiém khong khi C. Ning gi cau tao nén mot chat 6 nhiém khéng khi D. Nhiing chat 6 nhiém khong khi ¢6 thé gay ra bao nhiéu tac hai Website chia sé ta iéu, hoe Tiéng Anh mi Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: httos://ww fa Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC ~ IELTS: Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Qué Gia: Website chia sé tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: ho Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: https://ww ‘Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC ~ IELTS: Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Qué Gia: “An air pollutant is defined as a compound added directly or indirectly by humans... © Dap nC Bai 7: BASKETBALL 1. Although he created the game of basketball at the YMCA in Springfield, Massachusetts, Dr. James A Naismith was a Canadian. Working as a physical education instructor at the International YMCA, now Springfield College, Dr. Naismith noticed a lack of interest in exercise among Students during the wintertime. The new England winters were fierce, and the students balked at participating in outdoor activities. Naismith determined a fast-moving game that could be played indoors would fill a void after the baseball and football seasons had ended. 2. First, he attempted to adapt outdoor games such as soccer andhrugby to indoor play, but he soon found them unsuitable for confined areas. Finally, he determined that he would have to invent a game. 3. In December of 1891, Dr. Naismith hung two old peath baskets at either end of the gymnasium at the school, and, using a soccer ball and nine players on each side, organized the first basketball game. The early rules allowed three points for each basket and made running with the ball violation. Every time a goal was made, someone had to climb a ladder toretrieve the ball. 4, Nevertheless, the game became popular. In léss than.a year, basketball was being played in both the United States and Canada/Five years later, a championship tournament was staged in New York City, which was won by the Brooklyn Central YMCA. 5, The teams had already been reduced to seven players, and five became standard in 1897 season. When basketball was introduced as a demonstration sport in the 1904 Olympic Games in St. Luis, it quickly spread throughout the world. In 1906, a metal hoop was used for the first time to replace the basket, but théname basketball has remained, (Source: Barromt‘s TOEFL PBT & iBT, by Pamela J. Sharpe, Ph.D) Question 1; What does this passage mainly discuss? A. Dr. James Naismith B. The development of basketball C. The YMCA athletic program D, The Olympic Games in St. Luis in 1904 Website chia sé ta liu, hoc Tiéng Anh mi age Thich Tiéng Anh: https://www.f Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC ~ IELTS: Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Qué Gia: Website chia sé tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: ho Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: https://ww Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC ~ IELTS: Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Qué Gia: itp Question 2: Why did Naismith decide to invent basketball? A. He was tired of baseball and football B. He did not like soccer or rugby. C. He wanted his students to exercise during the winter. D. He could not convince his students to play indoors Question 3: The word "fierce" in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to A. long, B.boring C.extreme _D. dark Question 4: Soccer and rugby are the example of, A. outdoor games _B. old peach baskets C.indoor play D. confined areas Question 5: The word "them" in paragraph 2 refers to, A.seasons B.areas —C.indoors_D. games Question 6: The word "staged" in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to Avreplaced B. organized Crun D. remained Question 7: The author mentions all ofthe following as typical of the early game of basketball EXCEPT. A. nine players were ona team B. the ball had to be retrieved from thé basket after each score C. three points were scored for every basket D. running with the ball,was not a foul Question 8: The word in the LAST paragraph that means "lessened" is, E A. became), Biremained C. reduced D. introduced Question 9: In Which paragraph does the author discuss the first basketball championship tournament? A.Paragraph2 —-B.Paragraph3_-—«C. Paragraph —_—D. Paragraph 4 Question 10: Which sentence is TRUE about the basketball game, according to the reading passage? Website chia sé tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mi age Thich Tiéng Anh: hittos://www.f Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC ~ IELTS: Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Qué Gia: Website chia sé tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: heo Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: http ‘Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC Nhém Ting Anh 6n thi THPT Qi gAnhFP A. The basketball game became popular before 1891 B. There were five players on each side in 1897. C. The name of basketball has been changed since 1906. D. There were nine players on each side in 1904 season. © DAP AN Question 1: Giai: ~ Doan van cht yéu ban vé cai gi? A. Tigh s¥ James Naismith B. Sy phat trién cia béng rd C. Chuong trinh thé thao YMCA. D. Thé' vén h9i Olympic 6 $t.Luis nm 1904 > Doan vin da néi vé cach tién si Naismith taxa tr bong rd, cdc mBc phat trién cia bong 16. vé sau © Dap an B Question 2: Giai: - Tai sao Naismith quyét dinh phat minh ra bong 16? A. Ong ay thay chan bong chay va bong dé B. Ong dy khong thich béng’d Ray bong bau duc C. Ong muén sinhiviéretia minh tap thé duc trong suét mia dong D. Ong ay khéng thé thuyét phuc sinh vién ciia minh choi trong nha > (.)Dr. Naismith noticed a lack of interest in exercise among students during the wintertime. The newEngland winters were fierce, and the students balked at participating in outdoor uactibities. Naismith determined a fast-moving game that could be played indoors would fill a void after the baseball and football seasons had ended. (Tigh stNaismith nin thay se thigie quan tim t6i the duc 6 ofc sinh vién trong sudt mita déng. Mila dong & muéc Anh thi khde ligt; vf céc sinh vién nglin ngai khi tham gia cac hoat déng ngodi troi. Naismith xc dinh ‘Gt trd choi chuyéin ding nhanh ob thé'choi duge trong nha sé lap dy Khodng trong sau Khi mia bing chy vd bong dé da két tic.) Website chia sé ta iéu, hoe Tiéng Anh mién phi: hecos Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: hts://ww \Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC ~ IELTS: 'Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Qué Gia: Website chia sé ta liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh min phi: ho Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: hp Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC Nhém Tiéng Anh én thi THPT Q © Dap nC Question 3: Gidi: - fierce (adj) ~ extreme (adj): khac nghiét, tot cing, cure do E.g: We are working under extreme pressure at the moment. ~ boring (adi): nhat nhéo, té nhat Exg: He's such a boring man! -long (adj): dai Exg: She had long dark hair. - dark (adj): téi, tdi tim. Exg: It was dark outside and I couldn't see much. © Dap an C Question 5: Giai: - Bong da va béng bau duc la vi du cia: A. trd choi ngoai trdi B. gid dao cit, C. tr choi trong nha. khu_yuekin, bi gidi han > First, he adapt outidoor games such as soccer and rughy to indoor play. (Di tién, éng di e6’ girigidé'lam cho Cc tro choi ngoai tréi niu bong da vi bong biiu duc thich ting vi ciich choi trong nia) © Dap an A Question 5: Giai: - First, he attempted:to adapt outdoor games such as soccer and rugby to indoor play, but he soon foundithem unsuitable for confined areas. © Dap anD Question 6: Gidi: - Stage (v) ~ organize (v): t6 chute Website chia sé ta ligu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: hétos:// Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: htt: \Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC~ IELTS: Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Quée Gia: Website chia sé tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: ho Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi T Nhém Ting Anh 6n thi THPT Qi hichTiengA E.g: It was difficult to organize a meeting at a time that suited everyone. - replace (v): thay thé; dat lai ché cat E.g: The new design will eventually replace all existing models. - run (v): chay; van hanh, hoat déng E.g: He has no idea how to run a business. - remain (v): con lai, 6 lai; tigp tuc ton tai; gidt nguyén E.g: They remained in Mexico until June. © Dap an B Question 7: Giai: - Téc gid dé cp dén tat ca nhing diéu sau day nhw dign hinh ciia tro choi dau tién cita bong 16 ngoai trix: A. 9 ngudi trong mot di B. Béng phai dugc lay lai tir r6 sau mdi diém dugc ghi C. 3 diém duge ghi cho méi lan vao ro D. Chay theo bong khéng phai la hanhydng pham luat > (..) using a soccer ball and nine players on each side. (...) The early rules allowed three points for each basket andhade runing with the ball violation. Every time a goal woas made, someone had to climb a ladder tovretrieve the ball, (Ste dung mét qua bing dé vd 9 nguedi choi méi bén... Lud diu chophép ghi3 diém cho mdi réiwi hank déng chay li vi pham béng. Mai bin thing duge hi, m6t ad phat tréo lén mt edi thang dé'lity Ini bong) © Dap an D. Question’8: Giais “lessen (v): gidm bot, lam giam di ~ reduce (v): gidm, giam bét E.g: Tine had gradually lessened the pain of her grief. - become (v): tro nén, tré thanh E.g: If was becoming more and more difficult to live on his salary. Website chia sé tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: httos Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: htt Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC~ IELTS: Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Qué Gia: Awww fa nhl Website chia sé tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: het Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Qué - remain (v): cdn lai, 6 Iai; tiép tuc ton tai; git nguyén E.g: They remained in Mexico until June. introduce (v): giéi thigu E.g: He introduced me as a new member of the company © Dap an Question 9: Giai: - Tac gid néi v8 gidi dau tranh chite v6 dich béng r6 dau tién trong doan nao? > Five years later, a championship tournament was New York City. (5 nm sau, mOt gidi dau tranh chite v6 dich da duge t6 chute 6 New York) = Dap anD Question 10: G ~ Duta theo doan van, cau nao la dting vé tr bing 16? A. Bong 16 tré nén phé bigh trude 1891 B. C65 ngudi choi 6 mdi bén vao nim 1897 C. Ten ca béng ré da dugc thay di tir nam 1906 D. C6 9 ngudi choi 6 mdi bén vao mia giai nam 1904. > The teams hai already been Peduced to seven players, and five became standard in 1897season. (Clic d6i dat dueye Sim xitong con biy nguedi choi, va con O'S tré thanh tiéu chudin trong mia gidi nim 1897.) © Dap an B Bai 8Course numbers are an indication of which courses are to various categories of students at the University, Undergraduate courses with the numbers 100 or 200 are generally introductory courses appropriate for freshmen or sophomores, whereas courses with the numbers 300 or 400 often have prerequisites and are often to juniors and seniors only. Courses with the numbers 800 or above are open only to graduate students. Certain graduate courses, generally those devoted to introductory material, are numbered 400 for undergraduate students who qualify to take them and 600 for graduate students. Courses designed for students seeking a professional degree carry a 500 number for undergraduate students and a 700 number for graduate students. Courses numbered 99 Website chia sé ta liu, hoc Tiéng Anh mi Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: hcios://ww.f Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC — IELTS: Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Qude Gia: Website chia sé tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: hes Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: ! Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC ~ IELTS:,)etps://w Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Quéc Gia: /it¢ps://www-f or below are special interest courses that do not carry academic credit. If students elect to take a special interest course, it will not count toward the number of hours needed to complete graduation requirements. Full - time undergraduate student is expected to take courses that total twelve to eighteen credit hours. A full-time graduate student is expected to take courses that total ten to sixteen credit hours. Student holding assistantships are expected to enroll for proportionately fewer hours..A part - time graduate may register for minimum of three credit hours. An overload, that is, mote thanithe maximum number of hours, may be taken with the approval of an academic advisor, To register for an overload, students must submit the appropriate approval form when registering: Overloads above 24 hours will not be approved under any circumstances. (Source: Practice Exercises for the TOEFL iBT, by Pamela J. Sharpe, Ph.D) Question 1: Where would the passage most likely be found? A.Inagraduate course __B, Inan undergraduate course C.Ina college catalog —_D. Ina syllabus Question 2: What is the purpose of the passage? A.To apologize —_B. To inform C.To persuade D. To criticize Question 3: The word "categories" in paragraphil is‘¢losest in meaning to. A.teachers B. courses C, jobs D. groups Question 4: The word "those" in paragraph 1 refers to 5 A. graduate courses B. course numbers C. introductory courses _D. graduate students Question 5: Which classification of students would be eligible to enroll in Mechanical Engii 850? ering A.A part-time student —_B. An undergraduate student C.A full- time student D. A graduate student Question’6; If an undergraduate student uses the number 520 to register a accounting course, what number would a graduate student probably use to register for the same course? A. Accounting 620. B. Accounting 820. C. Accounting 520, Accounting 720 Question 7; How is a student who registers for eight credit hours classified? Website chia sé tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: httos://wy A Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC~ IELTS: Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Quéc Gia: / Website chia sé tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: htt Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: https://ww ‘Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC ~ IELTS: Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Qué Gia: hit A.Full-time student —_B. Graduate student C. Part- time student D. Non-degree student Question 8: Which of the following courses would NOT be included in the list of courses for graduation? A. English 90 B. English 100 C. English300_D. English 400 Question 9: A graduate student may NOT A.enroll in a course numbered 610 _B. register for only one one-hour course C. enroll in an introductory course _D. register for courses if he has an agsistantship Question 10: The word “appropriate” in the LAST paragraph is closest in meaning to : A.wrong B. interest C. suitable D. denial (2 DAP AN Question 1: Gidi:_ - Doan van kha nang duge tim thay nhiéunhat 6 dau? A. Trong mét khéa hoc t6t nghiép dai hoc B. Trong mét khéa hoc chua tt nghiép date C. Trong mét danh muc trudng dai hgc/ cao dang D. Trong mét chuong trinh hoc > Doan vin ndi velco 86 cae'Khda hoc cho sink vin chiea t6t nghigp dai hoc va sinh vién tot nghibp dai hgc, sO'gio tinchi, cich diing ki va nhitng odin dé phat sinh khi diing ki tin chi. © Dap anC Question 2: Giai: - Muc dich cia dognevan: A. Dé xin 161 B.Déthéng bao —C. Dé thuyét phuc_D. Dé chi trich © Dap an B Question 3: Gidi: - category (n): hang, loai ~ group (n): nhém. Website chia sé tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: hetos://¢ age Thich Tiéng Anh: https://ww Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC ~ IELTS: Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Qué Gia: Website chia sé tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: he Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: htt Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi T Aves 10k. c Nhém Ting Anh 6n thi THPT Qi gAnhFP E.g: He left the group last year to pursue a solo career. = teacher (n): gido vién Exg: | used to work as a history teacher. - course (n): khéa hoc E.g: The college runs specialist language courses. “job (n): cng viée E.g: He’s trying to get a job. © Dap an D Question 4: Giai: - Certain graduate courses, generally those devoted to introductory, material, are numbered 400 for undergraduate students who qualify to take them and 600 for graduate students. © Dap an A Question 5: Gidi: - Phan logi sinh vién nao sé dit tur cach dé ghittén Wing ki vao Ky su co khi 850? > Courses with the numbers 800 or above are open only to graduate students.(Khéa hoc v6i sO higu 800 hoite cao hon chi m6 cita cho sinh vién t6t nghigp dai hoc) © Dap an D Question 6: Gidi: - Néu mot sinh vién dai hoc sit dung sé'520 dé dang ky mét khéa hoc ké ton, sinh vien t6t nghiép c6 thé sir dung cons6 nao dé dang ky cdc khéa hoc tuong ty? > “Courses designed for students seeking a professional degree carry a 500 number for uilder graduate students and a 700 number for graduate students. Dap an D Question 7: Giai: - MOt sinh vién dang ki8 gid tin chi duge phan loai nhu thé nao? Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: httos://ww NNhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC — IELTS: Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Qué Gia: Website chia sé tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: hete Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: hit ‘Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC Nhém Ting Anh 6n thi THPT Qi (ELTS: Gia: > Full-time undergraduate student is expected to take courses that total twelve to eighteen credit hours. A full-time graduate student is expected to take courses that total ten to sixteen credit hours, Student holding assistantships are expected to enroll for proportionately fewer hours. A part-time graduate may register for minimum of thtee credit hours. © Dap an D Question 8: Giai: - Khéa hoe nao sau day khéng duge bao gdm trong danh séch khéa hoc cin dé tt nghiép? > Courses numbered 99 or below are special Interest courses that do not caryacademic credit. If students elect to take a special interest course, it will néb-cotful Yoward(the number of hours needed to complete graduation requirements. (Khéa hoc durge dink 86°99 hod tha hon la khéa hngc chuyén bigt mi khong mang tin chi hoc tap. Néidsinfaviénghon dé tham gia khéa hoc nay nd s2 khing duege tinh vito sd’ gid cin thiét a6 hoan think cic ybu clu tot nghigp.) © Dap an A Question 9: Gidi: -M@t sinh vién da tt nghiép c6 thé khéng: A. ghidanh vio khéa hoc 610 B. dang ky chi mt khéa hoc gid C. ghi danh vio khéa hoctmo dau gidirthieu D. dang ky nhdng khéahhgc néu anh y cé vige tro giang © Dap anB Question 10: Giai: - appropriate (adj) “Suitable (adj): phit hop, thich hop Exg: This program is not suitable for children. - wrong (adi): sai, trai, khong diing E.g: I got all the answers wrong. ~ interest: sur quan tam, thich thi; quyén li, Igi ich Website chia sé tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: hos Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: htt Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC — IELTS: Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Qué Gia: Website chia sé tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: htc Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: https://wwu ‘Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC ~ IELTS: Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Qué Gia: E.g: Do your parents take an interest in your friends? - denial (n): sw phi nhan E.g: When I asked if she had cheated in the exam, she answered with a vehement denial, © Dap an C Bai 9: Although speech is the most advanced form of communication, there are.many ways of communicating without using speech. Signals, signs, symbols, and gestures may be found in every known culture. The basic function of signal is to impinge upon the environment in such a way that it attracts attention, as. For example, the dots and dashes of a telegraph circuit. Coded to refer to speech, the potential for communication is very great. Less adaptable to the codification of words, signs also contain meaning in and of themselves. A stop sign ora barber pole conveys meaning quickly and conveniently. Symbols are more difficult to describe than either signals or signs because of their intricate relationship with the receiver's cultural perceptions. In some cultures, applauding in a theater provides performers with an auditory symbol of approval. Gestures such as waving and handshaking also communicate certain cultural méssages. Although signals, signs, symbols, and gestures are very'useful, they do have a major disadvantage. They usually do not allow ideas to be shared without the sender being directly adjacent to the receiver. Asa result, means of communication intended to be used for long distances and extended. periods are based upon speech. Radio, television, and the telephone are only a few. Question 1: Which of the following would be the best title for the passage? A. Gestures B. Signs and signals C.Speech D, Communication Question 2: What does the author say about speech? A. It is dependent upon the advances made by inventors. B. It is the most advanced form of communication. C. It is necessary for communication to occur. D.Itis the only true form of communication. Question 3: All of the following are true EXCEPT... A. Signals, symbols, signs and gestures are found in every culture Website chia sé tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mi / com age Thich Tiéng Anh: hittos://www.fe Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC ~ IELTS: Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Quéc Gia: it¢p Website chia sé tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: heto: Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: https://ww ‘Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC ~ IELTS: Nhém Ting Anh 6n thi THPT Qué Gia: B. Signals, symbols, signs and gestures are very useful C. Signals, symbols, signs and gestures also have disadvantages D. Signals, symbols, signs and gestures are used for long distance contact Question 4: The phrase " impinge upon’ in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ( A.prohibit B. intrude — C. vary D. improve Question 5: The word "it" in paragraph 1 refers to Away B.environment —_C. function. signal Question 6: The word "potential" in paragraph 1 could be replaced by. A.advanced B. possibility C.organization —_D. signal Question 7: The word "intricate" in paragraph 1 could best be replaced by. A. inefficient B. complicated C. historical DYuncertain Question 8: Applauding was cited as an example of 4. Avasignal B.asign — C.agesture D.a symbol Question 9: Why were the telephone, radio, and television invented? A. Because people were unable to understand signs, signals, and symbols. B. Because people wanted to communicate across long distances. C. Because people believed that signs, signals, and symbols were obsolete. D. Because people Waited new forms of communication. Question 10: It may"be concluded from this passage that A. only somecultures have signs, signals, and symbols B. signs, signals, symbols, and gestures are forms of communication C.Symballs are very easy to define and interrupt D. waving and handshaking are not related to culture (DAP AN Website chia sé ta liu, hoc Tiéng Anh mi age Thich Tiéng Anh: httns://www.f \Nhém Ting Anh luyén thi TOEIC — IELTS: Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Quée Gia: Website chia sé tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Qué Question 1: Gidi:_- Goi y nao sau day sé la tiéu dé tt nhat cho doan van? A. Cit chi B. Kihigu va tin higu C. Lai néi D. Sy giao tiép, truyén dat > O cau dau tién: "Although speech is the most advanced form of communication, there are many ways of communicating without using speech.” (Mac dit loi néi la hinh thtie cao nhat cita giao tiép, c6 rat nhiéu cach dé giao tiép ma khong can sir dung ldi néi.) Sau dé tée gia dé cap t6i cdc hinh thie khéc cia giao tigp nhu la dau higu, ky, biéuttrong, ctr chi....; phuong tién truyén théng khac nhu dai, tivi, dién thoai... © Dap anD Question 2: Gidi: - Tac gia n6i gi vé loi néi? A.N6 phy thudc vao nhiing tign b6 duge cae nha phat mink tgo rab B. Né la hinh thite giao tip cao nhat. C. N6 can thiét cho sw giao tiép xay ra. D. N6 chi la hinh thite giao tiép thu. > "Although speech is the most advanced form’ Of communication, there are many ways of communicating without using spec] © Dap an B Question 3: Gidi:Tat ca cde edu sau day thi ding ngoai tri... A. Tin higu, biéu tugng, kyphiéu'va ctr chi duge tim thay 6 moi nén van héa. B. Tin higu, bigutugng ky higu va eit chi rat hiru ich, C. Tin higu, biéu tuong, ky higu va cir chi cling c6 bat loi. D. Tin higtibiétatuong, ky higu va ctr chi duge str dung cho lién lac khoang cach dai. Damchting trong bai: “Although signals, signs, symbols, and gestures are very useful, they do have a major disadvantage. They usually do not allow ideas to be shared without the sender being directly adjacentto the receiver. As a result, means of communication intended t .d for long dit and extended periods are based upon speech. © Dap an D Website chia sé ta liéu, hoe Tiéng Anh miér Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: hios:// Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC~ IELTS: Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Qué Gia: Website chia sé tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: hetos:// Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi T Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Qi OEIC IELTS: Gia: ‘nTiengAnhF nThichTiengA Question 4: Gidi: Cum tir" impinge upon" trong doan 1 gan nghia véi B. intrude (v) - impinge upon: dung cham, va cham, x4m pham dén E.g: The sound of the telephone intruded into his dreams. A. prohibit (v): céim; ngain dim; ngin chin Eg: The policy prohibits smoking on school grounds. C. vary ( thay di, bién d6i E.g: The menu varies with the season. D. improve (wv): cai thign E.g: I need to improve my French. © Dap an B Question 5: Gidi: Tir it" trong doan 1 dé cap ti - "The basic function of signal is to impinge upon the environment in such a way that it attracts attention, as." (Chtte nang co’ ban cia tin higu la cham)dén'méi trudng theo mot cach ma né thu hit su chtt ¥.) © Dap an D Question 6: Gidi: Tir "potental” trong doan’1 o6 thé dugc thay thé boi tir Egg: First we need to identify actilaand potential problems. A. advanced (adi): tién tign, tin b6, ep cao E.g: Scientists are working on highly advanced technology to replace fossil fuels. B. possibility (n): kha nang’ potenial (n): tim ning; kha nang tiém tang. Exg: The forecashsaidthat there's a possibility of snow tonight. GC. organization (n): t6 chite E.g: He's the president of a large international organization. D. signal (n): dau higu, tin higu Exg: It is possible to jam GPS signals in battle. om/ThichTiengAnhF Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: https://ww hom Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC — IELTS: Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Qué Gia: Website chia sé tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: ho Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Qi © Dap anB Question 7: Gidi: Tir “intricate” trong doan 1 cé thé ding tir dé thay thé. B. complicated (adi): phtte tap ~ intricate (adj) Exg: It's all very complicated —but I'll try and explain. I is difficult to describe the intricate network of loyalties and relationships. A. inefficient (adi): vé higu, khong higu qua; thigu kha nang, khéng c6 kha ning E.g: The system is inherently inefficient. C. historical (adj): (thud) lich sit, ¢6 ign quan dén lich six Exg: You must place these events in their historical context. D. uncertain (adj): khéng chée chin Eg: They're both uncertain about what to do. © Dap an B Question 8: Gidi: - V6 tay da duge dan nhuw la mét vidy cia__: A. tin higu B. ki hiéu C. ctrehi D. mét biéu tugng, > In some cultures, applauding in artheater provides performers with an auditory symbol of approval, (Trong mét sé néniviin héay¥6 fay trong nha hat cung cap cho ngudi biéu dién mét biéu tuong vé thinh giéc cua su tan thin, aang hé.) © Dap anD Question 9: Giai: - Tai sao dién thoai, radio, tivi duge phat minh?. A. Bai vi con ngudi khong thé hiéu dugc dau hiéu, tin hiéu va céc biéu twong B, Boi'Vi con Agudi mudn giao tiép qua khoang cach da c. Boiyi con ngudi tin rang dau hiéu, tin hiéu va biéu tuong da 1éi thoi D. Boi vi con ngudi muén nhiig hinh thitc mdi cua giao tiép Website chia sé tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mi Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: htips://www.faceb hom Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC ~ IELTS: Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Qué Gia: Website chia sé tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: hos://¢ Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: ‘Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC~ IELTS: https://wow fi Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Quéc Gia: ittps://www-f © Asa result, means of communication intended to be used_for long distances and_extended periods are based upon speech. Radio, television, and the telephone are only a few. - C6 thé dura két lun tir doan van nay 1a. A. chi mét vai néén van héa cé ky hiéu, déu hiéu va biéu tuong, B. ky higu, dau hiéu, bigu tuong va ctr chi la hinh thite cia giao tiép C. biéu tuong thi rat dé dé dinh nghia va ngat quang gin doan D. vay tay va bat tay khong lién quan t6i van hoa © Dap an B Bai 10: In the mid - nineteenth century, the United States had tremendous natural resources that could be exploited in order to develop heavy industry! Most of the raw materials that are valuable in the manufacture of machinery, transportation facilities, and consumer goods lay ready to be worked into wealth. Iron, coal, and oil - the basic ingredients of industrial growth - were plentiful and needed only the application of technical.expertise, ofganizational skill, and labor. One crucial development in this moventent toward industrialization was the growth of the railroads. The railway network expanded rapidly until the railroad map of the United States looked like a spider's web, with the steel filaments connecting all important sources of raw materials, their places of manufacture, and their éenters of distribution. The railroads contributed to the industrial growth not only by connecting these major centers, but also by themselves consuming enormous amounts of fuel, ironpand coal, Many factors influenced émerging modes of production. For example, machine tools, the tools used to make goods, were steadily improved in the latter part of the nineteenth century - always with an eye to speedier'prodiiction and lower unit costs. The products of the factories were rapidly absorbed by the growing cities that sheltered the workers and the distributors. The increased urban population was noutished by the increased farm production that, in turn, was made more productive by the use of thénnew farm machinery. American agricultural production kept up with the urban demand and still had surpluses for sale to the industrial centers of Europe. ‘The labor that ran the factories and built the railways was recruited in part from American farm areas where people were being displaced by farm machinery, in part from Asia, and in part from Europe. Website chia sé ta liéu, hoe Tiéng Anh mi “anpage Thich Tiéng Anh: hitips://www.f hom Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC ~ IELTS: Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Qué Gia: Website chia sé tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: het Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: https://w Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC ~ IELTS: Nhém Ting Anh én thi THPT Qué Gia: ittps:/ Europe now began to send tides of immigrants from eastern and southern Europe - most of whom. were originally poor farmers but who settled in American industrial cities. The money to finance this tremendous expansion of the American economy still came from European financiers for the most part, but the American were approaching the day when their expansion could be financed in their own" money market". Question 1: What does the passage mainly discuss? A. The history of railroads in the United States. B. The major United States industrial centers. C. Factors that affected industrialization in the United States. D. The role of agriculture in the nineteenth century. Question 2: The word’ themselves" in the paragraph 2 refers t0 A. sources B.centers C. railroads _D. places Question 3: According to the passage, all of the following were true of railroads in the U in the nineteenth century EXCEPT that. A. they connected important industrial cities, B. they were necessary to the industrialization process) C. they were expanded in a short time. D. they used relatively small. quantities of natural resources. Question 4: Which of the following in NOT true of United States farmers in the nineteenth century? A. They lost some jobs because of mechanization. B. They were unable toyprdduce sufficient food for urban areas. C. They raised theif'productivity by using new machinery. D. They sold fod to European countries. Question The word" ran” in the paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to A.operated B. hurried C.constructed DD. owned. Website chia sé tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: httos Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: https://ww \Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC ~ IELTS: Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Quée Gia: ‘tsps: Website chia sé ta iéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: eto Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: http=:// Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi Nhém Tiéag Anh én thi THPT Qué 2 pAP AN Question 1: Gidi: - Doan vin chit yéu ban vé diéu gi? A, Lich six nganh duong sat 6 My B. Céc trung tim céng nghiép lon o My C. Cac nhan t6 anh hudng dén cong nghiép héa 6 My D. Vai trd ctia nganh néng nghiép trong thé’ ki 19 > Doan vin dé cap déin nhiéu nhan t6: tremendous natural resources that could be exploited in order to develop heavy industry, (nguéin tai nguyén thién nhién bao la cb thé’Khai théc dé phat triéit cong nghigp ning); the growth of the railroads (sue phat trién ciia nganh duong sat); the istereased farm production (san Iugng néng nghigp ting); the labor (lao dng)... © Dap anC Question 2: Giai: Trong dogn 2, tir "themselves" dé cap t6i, The railroads contributed to the industrial growth not only by connecting these major centers, but also by themselves consuming enormous amounts of fuel, iton, and coal. (Nganh dudng sat g6p phan vao su ting truéng céng nghiép khong chi bing cach kétndi cdc trung tam Ién, nhung cting bing cach chinh né tiéu thy mét long lén nbién liu, sat va than da.) © Dap anC Question 3: Gidi: - Dua vio doanvn, tit ci nhiing diéu sau déu ding vo nganh dudng sit 6 My trong thé ki 19 ngoai trix: A. Chiing két néi ac thank phd eéng nghiép quan trong, B. Chuing cin thiéticho qué trinh cng nghiép héa C. Ching duge mé rong trong mét thoi gian ngin D. Chuing St dung mét lugng tai nguyén thién nhién tuong déi nho Phe railroads éontributed to the industrial growth not only by connecting these major centers, but also by themselves consuming enormous amount of fuel, iron, and coal (Nginh duong sat gép phiin vito sue ting irudng cOng nghiép khong chi bing cach két néi cac trung tam Ién, nhueng © Dap an D Website chia sé tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh miér Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: htios://www.f hom Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC ~ IELTS: Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Qué Gia: Website chia sé tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi T Nhém Ting Anh 6n thi THPT Qi Question 4: Giai: - Digu nao sau day khong ding vé nhiing ngudi ndng dan Mj vao thé ki 19? A. Ho mat mot 36 vie do sur co gidi héa B. Ho khong thé sin xuat dit luong thye cho khu vue 6 thi C. Ho ting nang suat clia ho bang cach str dung may méc moi D. Ho ban thuc pham sang cac nude chau Au. > The increased urban population was nourished by the increased farm production that, in turn, was made more productive by the use of the new farm machinery. American agricultural production kept up with the urban demand and still had surpluses for sale to the industrial centerslof Extrope, (Suigia ting dan sd thanh thi a duge nudi dudng bing sin leong néng nghigp tang.; an legt dugc the hign ling suat hon bing vige sie dung may méc néng nghiép méi. San legng nong nghiép Mj dé theo Kip vd? hu cau d6 thj vi vin c6 thing die dé’ban cho cic trung tim céng nghiép cia chiu Au). © Dap anB Question 5: Gidi: Giai: Trong doan 4, tir "rain" 06 nghia, A. operate ~ run: diéu khién, van hanh B, hurry (v): thtic giuc; lam gap; nhanh, Vi vang. Exg: You'll have to hurry if youzelint £0 eaich that train. C. construct (v): xay dung, Exg: When was the bridge constructed? D. own (v):s0 hirw Exg: We own a big house. > Thellabor that ran the factories and built the railways (..) (Lao dong van hanh cdc nha may va xy dung céctuyén dudng sit...) © Dap an A Anh Website chia sé tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: htt Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC IELTS: Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Qué Gia:

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