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YAML – another way to configure apart from application.


Multiple file reason –profiling

Singleton class – in depth

Why declare constructor private in singleton class? –so not allow anyone to create
new obj

Anonymous classes

Lambda expressions, when to use them ,their return type

Connecting application to db – using jdbc,jpa steps


Pull code from remote to local machine –github & git

Stream API, different methods, how did u used it in your project

Normal stream vs parallel stream

Map vs flatMap (where used examples in project)

Your project jdk version (new functionalities)

Your project spring boot version(new functionalities)


How Spring calls/invoke hibernate queries,What happens

Session factory,sessions

Transaction management in Hibernate

Annotations used –controller,autowired,qualifier,component scan,bean

annotation,component controller,request mapping

How to map a lot of data in request mapping – use pojo classes,collections

How would api understand to use pojo classes

Dependency injections ,IOC

Scopes,diff. types

Diff. btw Spring and Spring boot

JSP implicit objects

JSP actions

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