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When was the last time you experienced awe and wonder? Describe the experience.

The wonder and awe of life is a truly captivating experience. Each day brings new experiences,
opportunities, and the chance to discover and explore the world around us and within ourselves. One of
the most striking things about being an individual is the constant sense of curiosity and desire to learn.
We are naturally curious about the world and ourselves, and this curiosity drives us to explore new
subjects, ask questions, and seek out new knowledge and understanding. The act of learning and self-
discovery is a source of wonder and awe, as we uncover new insights, perspectives, and truths about
ourselves and the world around us. Another aspect of being an individual that fills me with wonder and
awe is the resilience and determination we possess. As individuals, we are often faced with challenges
and obstacles that test our willpower and determination. However, we learn to push through difficult
situations, persevere in the face of adversity, and come out stronger on the other side. Through our
struggles, we develop a sense of grit and determination that allows us to overcome any obstacle, no
matter how daunting it may seem.

When was the last time you experienced awe and wonder? Describe the experience.

The last time I experience awe and wonder was when I was at the University of the Philippines
because that is my first seeing my dream school I can say that the University of the Philippines is really
beautiful because I can see many places that are peaceful and relaxing. Since I was in elementary I always
look at the University of the Philippines on the internet and I also wonder how huge and how beautiful
this university. When I was in high school I still wonder if I will be able to enter in my dream school so I
really work hard to get high grades. During my Senior High School year, my classmate and I decided to
apply for UP Admission and when we finish, we are only waiting for the result. When the result was out I
was wondering if I and classmate will be passed in this UP admission and out of a sudden we passed the
Admission it was a great experience because I don’t expect that I will be a student at UP Diliman.

How are awe and wonder different from other positive emotions such as joy and excitement?

Awe and wonder are positive emotions that are often experienced in response to something that
is perceived as grand, vast, or sublime. These emotions are characterized by feelings of reverence,
humility, and being in the presence of something that is greater than oneself. Awe and wonder are
considered to be "self-transcendent" emotions, meaning they involve a sense of expanding one's
individual perspective to encompass something greater than oneself. On the other hand, joy and
excitement are positive emotions that are often experienced in response to something that is personally
pleasurable or positive, these emotions are characterized by feelings of happiness and enthusiasm and
are considered to be "self-enhancing" emotions. Awe and wonder differ from joy and excitement in their
triggers, effects, and the emotions and behavior they evoke.

On the other hand, joy and excitement are positive emotions that are often experienced in
response to something that is personally pleasurable or positive. These emotions are characterized by
feelings of happiness and enthusiasm. Joy and excitement are considered to be "self-enhancing"
emotions, meaning they involve a sense of personal pleasure or positive experience. One key difference
between awe and wonder and other positive emotions such as joy and excitement is that awe and wonder
are often triggered by experiences that are perceived as being outside of one's normal everyday
experience. For example, seeing a beautiful sunset or standing in front of a majestic mountain can evoke
feelings of awe and wonder. In contrast, joy and excitement are more often triggered by experiences that
are within one's normal everyday experience, such as receiving a gift or going on a fun vacation.

Another key difference between awe and wonder and other positive emotions is that awe and
wonder are often associated with feelings of humility and smallness. When experiencing awe and wonder,
individuals often feel as if they are in the presence of something much greater than themselves. This can
lead to feelings of humility and a sense of being small in comparison to the vastness of the experience. In
contrast, joy and excitement are often associated with feelings of happiness and personal pleasure, rather
than humility. Awe and wonder also have been shown to have different effects on individuals. Research
has shown that experiencing awe can lead to increased feelings of connectedness to others, a sense of
time slowing down, and increased pro-social behavior. Additionally, awe has been found to decrease
feelings of entitlement, and negative emotions such as envy and social comparison. On the other hand,
joy and excitement have been found to increase feelings of pleasure and positivity, but do not have the
same effects on pro-social behavior, time perception, and perspective-taking. Furthermore, the
circumstances under which awe and wonder are experienced also differ from those of other positive
emotions. Awe is often triggered by experiences that are perceived as being natural and unprompted,
such as seeing a beautiful sunset or standing in front of a majestic mountain. In contrast, joy and
excitement are often triggered by experiences that are planned or sought after, such as going on a fun
vacation or receiving a gift.

As awe and wonder may be linked toward positive well-being, how might you increase awe and wonder
in your life?

Awe and wonder are positive emotions that have been linked to various benefits for wwell-being
such as increased feelings of connectedness to others, a sense of time slowing down, and increased pro-
social behavior. Additionally, awe has been found to decrease feelings of entitlement, and negative
emotions such as envy and social comparison. With these benefits in mind, it can be beneficial to find
ways to increase awe and wonder in one's life. One way to increase awe and wonder in your life is to seek
out new and unique experiences. This can include traveling to new places, trying new activities, or even
just exploring your local area with a fresh perspective. For example, taking a hike in a new national park,
visiting an art museum, or trying a new type of cuisine can all be ways to experience new and unique
things that can evoke feelings of awe and wonder.

Another way to increase awe and wonder in your life is to seek out opportunities to experience
the natural world. This can include spending time in nature, observing the night sky, or even just taking a
walk in the park. Being in nature can evoke feelings of awe and wonder because it offers a reminder of
the vastness and complexity of the world around us. Additionally, you can also increase awe and wonder
by practicing mindfulness and meditation. These practices can help to focus the mind and bring attention
to the present moment, which can help to increase feelings of awe and wonder. Mindfulness can help to
increase awareness of the beauty and wonder that is present in the everyday world around us. You can
also increase awe and wonder by learning new things. Studies have shown that being exposed to new
information and perspectives can evoke feelings of awe and wonder. This can include reading books,
listening to podcasts, attending lectures, or even just having conversations with people who have different
life experiences and perspectives than you.
Another way to increase awe and wonder is to engage in activities that allow for a sense of flow.
This is a state of mind in which an individual is fully absorbed in an activity, and loses track of time and
self-awareness. Activities that can bring this state of mind could be things like painting, dancing, playing
an instrument, or even sports. Finally, you can increase awe and wonder by cultivating a sense of gratitude
and appreciation. This can include taking time each day to reflect on things that you are thankful for, and
to appreciate the beauty of the world around you. This can help to shift your focus away from negative
emotions and towards positive feelings of awe and wonder.

In conclusion, awe and wonder are positive emotions that have been linked to various benefits
for well-being. To increase awe and wonder in your life, you can seek out new and unique experiences,
spend time in nature, practice mindfulness and meditation, learn new things, engage in activities that
allow for a sense of flow, and cultivate a sense of gratitude and appreciation. By incorporating these
practices into your daily life, you can increase your chances of experiencing awe and wonder and in turn
benefit your overall well-being.

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