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Ponguin Readers are simplified texts designed in association with Longman, the world famous educational publisher, to provide a sep-by step approach tothe joys of reading for pleasure, The series includes ‘original stories, contemporary tiles based on todays best-seling media bits and easly accesible versions of the iterary cassie published by Penguin around the world. Each book has an introduction and extensive activiy material. They ae published at seven level from Easystares (200 words) to Advanced (3000 word) Series Editors Andy Hopkins nd jceyn Poster {6 Adanced (2000 words) a concomporary |) s Unpereermedate 2200 words) Chases ‘rare (1700 wor) Orga 2 Elemonary (60 words) | Begone (300 words) Bh beh Ent a ROWS CiaU GE Wi RANDALL WALLACE PENGUIN READERS 8 LONGMAN I ‘ll Pablihed and derbuted by Pearson Eaton Lined 01 E0562 Fors compete it ofthe ides sale in th sine in the Penguin Rede eri pene ‘re te ving aera cago Pegun ELT Marty ‘Department, Penguin Books Ltd, 27 Wrights Lane, London WS sre Braveheart RANDALL WALLACE Level 3 Retold by Jane Rollason Series Faitor: Andy Hopkins and Jocelyn Poster ‘ene cin inet | Dictionary words: “inte tam t ta {© When you read this book, you will nd that some wor are ater Black than the others on the page. Look them up in : your dictonay if you do not aleady now them, of By % pe Gn rin Sp | fuss the meaning of the won fist, withoo onary. ‘nin icey ne ™ nia | ex coprih o Rie ‘mean pr ks Pd eo aa fo 86 “hsm | “ae malig ear bn ed “ny ts nt ini Ba Sut . Si tp tanner ried inp a Cask Mai) Ama pt pinnae io ny oc a, ‘a mtn ye ewe ‘pono are England and Scand atthe time of Willi Wallace CHAPTER ONE ‘The Boy “The year was 1276, Ina quiet, sunny Scottish valley, group of Scottish nobles rode towarde a farm. The nobles rode handsome hhowses and wore rich clothes. Ech noble had a boy with him. ‘Bot they carried no weapons because this was a mecting of ‘Scotland had no king, The old king died without a yon or daughter. The English king, Edward [, wanted to choose a new king for Scotland, The Seotsh nobles wanted to choose their ‘riler.So there was war. The fighting went on and things were dificult ~ there was no food because the farmers were fighting for the nobles. Edward I~ ‘Longshanks’ they called him be- cause he had long legs ~ called a truce. The bravest nobles came, leaving their weapons behind. They came to the meeting. place ~ a large farm building that belonged to a farmer called MacAndrews. They tied their horses ouside and went i. ‘One of the neighbouring firmers was @ man called Malcolm “Wallice, He wasa strong, brave man who wanted Scots to rule Scotland, He had two sons John, who was eighteen, and Wiliam, then only seven, Willan had his father’s Blue eyes. Malcolm's ‘wife died when Wiliam was born, Tater that same day, Malcolm and John rode"off to che McAndrews farm, carrying farm tools with them as weapons. Wiliam. watched them. Hle loved his father and wanted to be like him. He ran to is horse and rode after them, TThey stopped on the hill above the frm, “Stay her,” Malcolm said to Wiliam, ‘When Malcolm and John arsived a the farm building every- 1 thing was quiet. No people, no horses. They held theie weapons ready and pushed open the door. They looked up and their hheatts stopped. Thirty nobles and thirey boys, And one farmer. [Alldead. Tied by the neck. They heard a sound behind them and quickly turned. William stood there, looking up a¢ the bodies, “William! Get out of here” shouted Jot. At frst William did not think the bodies were real. Then he ‘couched one and realized, He shut his eyes tothe terrible piceure and ran this way and that, knocking into bodies. Malcolm caught Williaa and held bir ‘English murderers! he sd That night 2 group of local men met at the Wallace farm, Wil liam listened from the door. “The nobles who wanted to fight are dead,” stid Malcolm. ‘So we have to show the English that we won' lie down and serve them. We're not dogs but men!” They rode off the nexe day to attack the English, William stayed at home and fought the English in a game with his friend, Hamish, Nigh came. William watched through a window, His father and brother did not return. But chey returned the next ‘morning ~ Old Campbell, Hamish's father, brought their bois. “‘Willam. ..Come here, my boy,’ suid Old Campbell kindly. ‘Wiliam looked away and shu his eyes He looked back, but the bodies of is father and brother were sil there. Wiliam stood at the graves and the neighbours looked at the boy. What would happen to him now? A litle gel of five with long red hair came towards him, She handed Wiliam a flower — the purple flower of Scotland. Their eyes met and then the git ‘walked back to her mother. ‘Aca, dark man rode towards the crowd who stood near the graves, Wiliam looked a him. “Uncle Argyle? William sid, ‘That night the boy and his uncle sat cogether at che able. Argyle had no wife or children but he would take che boy home with him, Malcolm's sword lay on the table. William tried ¢o ike “First learn to use this” Argyle sid, pointing to. Wiliam’s head, “and chen Iwill teach you to use that” ‘Wiliam did not take much with him to Argyle’ house — only his mother's wedding dress and his father's sword. When they left the empty farm, he looked back only once CHAPTER TWO ‘The Rebel, ‘Yeats latet, 4 beautiful young French princes: walked through, the great rooms of ¢ London castle. She came into a large room, Longshanks, tll and handsome, stood infront of his nobles, He sa Lebella. “Where ie mpson®” he shouted, 'I send for him ~and he sends you, his new wifel How can the son ofthe King of England be so ‘weak! His eyes shone angrily. He turned back to his noblest want to rule France. But first ‘must rule Scotland. Nobles are the key to the Scottish door. We must give land here in England to Scottish nobles. We must give land in the Highlands and Lowlands of Scodand to our own nobles." “But our people do not want «0 live among the Scottish rebels,’ suid one old noble "Then we shall make a ter offer, We shall bring back the old 3 Longshanks stood in fom of his nobles, He saw Isbell. Wheres ‘my son?" ke shouted. ‘send for hint ond he sends you, hs new wife! How ca the som ofthe King of England beso eat rule of “frst night” ~ a gil who lives on a noble’s land must spend her wedding night withthe noble afthe land, not with her Dasband" Isabell’s blood went cold, She thought of her owa wedding night just past Her new husband did not come to her bedroom ~ he preferred to be with his frend, Peter. Longshanks looked 2t her, smiling ‘Soon afer, many miles north of London, a group of horsemen rode up the hill to Edinburgh Cate, Inthe centre of the group vasa handsome young man on a fine hors. His shoulders were sttong and he carried a heavy sword at his side. Robert, 17th Earl, ‘of Bruce, was fighting man, ae ee “Twenty-four Scowih nobles ll friends of Robert ‘the Bruce’ sat round a large table in the central room of the eastle, When Robert camein they were silent Robert the Bruce wanted to be King of Scotland and these men were on his side. Anather Scot- tish family, the Baliols, also wanted to rule, They had many fiends too and there was war between the owo families, The Balliols and the Bruces were all brave men but people could not trust chem. They looked after themselves fist and Scotland second, Sometimes they fought with the English and sometimes agains them, Lond Mornay, a young noble and friend of Robert, spoke, “The people want us to fight now. They are very angry about this new English rule of “ist night” "We mus wait,’ said Rober, until we ate ready.” A day's journey from Edinburgh there was a diferent world. Lanark was a village of rough se fr local farmers, a place for people to meet. Today was market day. There vas music and dancing, There was good food eo ext and beer to drink. English soldiess watched. Market days were good for the English rulers. When the people were enjoying. themselves, they were noe fighting. ‘They watched 2 young man ride into the village. His eyes were blue and his hair was light brown, shining yellow in the sun. He wore a farme’s clothes but he did not look like a farmer. With his straight: buck, strong body and intelligent face, he looked dangerous. Everyone noticed the new arrival. Old ‘Campbell his bright red hair now going grey, watched with his old rebel fiend, MacClannough. The young man got off his horse and walked through the erowd, "MacClennough ...,” Old Campbell sid quietly, be... Wiliam Wallace? and stone houses, a market ld chat ‘Maron jumped up bhind Wilam and they rode up high int the il in, MacClannough rode up and asked William to come to a meeting ~ secret meeting. They rode together deep into the hills. There chey met with ewenty men, ll farmers. “We put ourselves in danger to bring you here, because you are the son of Malcolm Wallice. Do you understan “Teo,” Willson answered, He knew rebels when he sw them, “Every day the English send in more soldiers. When Malcolm ‘Wallace was alive, we met here for every attack,” Old Campbell cexplined, “You have come back and we ask ourselves, “Are we still men?" Will you be one of us” “Leame home to be a firmer and to have a family’ sid Wil ed at Old Campbell and Hamish and walked avay to the horses. On the way home, he stopped and looked at the raves of his fither and brother fora long time liam, He loo William did not see Murton for ewo weeks. Then there was 2 wedding in the village. Helen MacClannough, 2 cousin of ‘Mutton, was marrying 2 local boy, Robbie. Everyone came. ‘There was plenty of food, beautiful wildflowers and happy music. The new husband and wife and their Gmilies and fiends came out of the church, The wedding parcy began. Suddenly there was the najse of horses. An English noble rode towards sm at the head of a group of English soldier, The villagers ‘went quiet. The nobleman, Lord Bottoms, was about fiiy,grey- hired and fi, with a red face “Thete lands belong torme,” he sai “And by the rule of first night", Iam here to take this young woman co my bed on the night of her wedding." No one moved, "No, by God!” shouted Helen's father. The soldiers were ready for this Ina second their swords were pointing down at Helen’s father and Robbie. The men wanted to fight, ut Helen held onto them tightly. 9 “T prefer to spend one night with this man than lose both of You for ever,’ she std, Then one of the soldiers pulled her up “onto his horse behind him and the group rode away William and Murron went again to the group oftres in the ills that night, They sat together above the lake and thought of Helen on her wedding night. They talked about their love and their hopes. They ksved long and hard ‘Twane to marry you, said William. But no Englishman will ‘ake you on our wedding night.” ‘hoy maved sce in an ly empey church. Manon gue Willan a white andere with he fower of Sean ‘They spent he wedding night under the san Forte nee weeks they met when thy could a night nd sometines ne day But they did ot show that they wer band sd we When Maron wat having «baby they nou be ale oe Lond Hovoms Then they Would etpan to thei fends abou theseret wedding They were both in Lanark one matket day. Theit eyes met but they did not speak. William walked on. Some English soldiers ‘were sitting ata ble and drinking quite near. They watched Murron, who was now more beautifal than ever, Buying some bread She ws waking pt when one of thn sey ange let wrist and threw her to the ground. ‘Where are you my lovely? he asked, Pelee ‘The other soldiers laughed. He fell on top of her and pulled at hher clothes. Mucron bit him hard and tried to getaway. Suddenly ‘William was there and fe caught the soldier's arm fom behind. 10 He threw him into his friends and turned the table over on top ‘of them. One of the soldiers began to shout, ‘Rebels! Rebels” (ther soldiers came running, The villagers tried to stop them, “Run, William, run!” they shouted. “Are you allright, Murron?” William asked, “Take the horse and go. 'll meet you at our group of ees.” ‘William fought off wo more soldiers. He watched Murron ‘scape, Then he ran off through the crowd, in and out ofthe nar- row streets Soldiers were everywhere. Heselrig, head ofthe Eng. lish solders, arrived, to late. William escaped into the trees and disoppeared, He thought Murron wa fre, But Murton did not ‘scape... She fll fom her horse and the soldiers caught her. William arrived a the group of tees inthe hills“Murron!” he called sofly. And then again more loudly. ‘Murron!” he shouted. But chere was no answer ‘Mutton was in prison. Hescrig looked at her proud eyes “Why isn't she afraid of me? She's just a gil” he thoughe to himself. ‘And whois this man who can fight sx of my soldiers at the sime time and beat them?” he asked. His name is William Wallace,’ one of the soldiers answered. “He has 2 farm along the valley. Lets burn it’ “L want hin, not his frm, And bee wants you, my beauifl gic ‘And you wall ring him to ws!” Heselrig took Marron into the village square and tied her to atzee, The villagers came to watch. “sn attack on the king's soldiers isan attack on the king and this is what happens,’ he shouted. He calmly walked up ‘Marron, took out his knife and cut her ehroat Blood ran from the cut and she was dead, ‘Williams found his fiiende st Old Campbell's farm. “Have you seen Marron? he asked them. She got away. saw n Marron didnot escape She fl ros her one and the soldiers aught her hae! I saw hee” William searched cheie faces. Old Campbell cold ‘William that Murron was dead. William could see that he was not lying. He went outside, The moon shone on the purple lowers among the grass. William's wild seams, angry and sad, cent through the black night ‘William Wallace jumped on the nearest horse and rode co his farm. He took his father’s great sword from its hiding place. The rebels followed. All through the valley people took up their ‘weapons and ran behind him towards Lanark, where Hesselrig and his m siting, Wallice rode on, He stopped in font of the line of soldiers jus outside the village. He was not afraid. He was eady toil The battle was shor. No one could stop Wallace and hie angry followers. English soldiers lay ‘ound Hesselrig and pulled him out by his hair to the squate. His wild eyes looked ae the face of Marton’s murderer, He took his sword and cut Hesselrg’sehrt in one movement. The people were shouting, ‘Wal-lace! Wal-a He looked ar Murron’s blood on the ground, he looked at the blood of the Englishman on his sword. He knew he would fight as aebel fiom this day until he died ead everywhere. Wallace ‘But he did not hear them, Lord Bottoms sit on his hore outside his cae He was gesting his men ready to find the rebels and to kill William Wallace as an example tothe people of Scotland. He gave a soldier a leter to take to the Lord Governor at Sting Cave. But the soldier did not get past the cade wall, Wallace and his men were waiting outside. Suddenly there were Scot everywhere. Bot toms tried to shout orders. The rebels pulled him Fn his fine horse. Wallace tied his hands and threw him onto an old and sted ore “Go back to England, Tell them chat Wallace i free man of 3 Srotand, Our sons and daughters belongto us, not co the king of England. Tell them... .Scodand i fee” They put Murron in the ground the next diy. They cut a ower of Sconland into the stone by her grave. Willam put the whine handkerchief next to his broken heart, Far off in London, Princess Isabella sat in the cate with her fend, Nicolette She watched Prince Edvard paying ball gee With his friends in the garden. Nicolette told her news of Scor, land and the story of William and Murron, This was the kine of ‘man Isabella would like fora husband. ‘At that moment Longshanks arrive. "You play games here boy?’ he shouted a is son, “The rebels ae attacking our soldioe in Scodand! They have sent Lord Bottoms back to England” He knocked Edward to the ground, ‘I'm going to France naa {im leaving Scotland 1 you. Do you understand?” He pulled Baivard up by the throat, ‘And eurn yourself into a mart” The King le. Back in Scotland, Robert the Bruce sat with his father. I's time to fight like Will Wallace. Al Scotland s with him. This is no time to tak with the English,’ suid che young Roobere “Fighting is not enough. Yes, Wallace i Brive. But a dog i brave You're noble. You are clever and brave. Wellgo with these rebels on our lands in Scotland, But we'll stand agains them a our land in the south. Longshanks wil do anything te rule Scotland. We will, too, ete tld Ieabella mews of Setar and the story of Wiliam and uno Thar ad finan Bl al fos heed Gis we seg eon Wit do we do en gas ens alo his sotern army spans Win se Ts ed gun need OM Caged “hey yb at ew weapons We fc sapon hte mae onor ne “They ide igh very a Hamish ‘oe fi he Highland way nd wad OX Cabell and run into the hills. Burn eve thing on che way” Lo Then ourovm an oi ior oni lages that we burn, But could William looked up at the tees and Wiliam booked wp at the tes and thought. Twont the mento make 1 Inenred spears Each spear will be tice as tll asa man" thought. ‘T want che men to make a hundred spears, Each spear will be twice as tall a man.” Before Hamish could ask William any more questions the guards brought in some new rebel. Men came from all over Scotland every day to fight with William Wallace But any one of them could bea spy for Longshanks The new men looked at William Wallace and their faces shone, Will was dirty ike the othes, nd his hair was wet and fall of leaves, but they saw the fire inside him. fe was tha ie that they wanted to follow: Among the new rebels was a handsome ‘young man fiom Ireland called Stephen. William spoke to them a “Show ws that you can live without food and sleep and then you can fight for us A hundred English horsemen rode in straight lines across open country. Lord Dolecroft rode in front. They were looking for ‘William Wallace and his rebels. Somerimes they came very close. They found ftes sill smoking, But chey never saw chem, until fone day when they saw Hamish and group of rebels near some tees, The Scots saw the horsemen and ran like frightened animal. 4, “After them!" Dolecroft shouted and kicked his horse. They followed Hamish and his hungry and tired men across an open field with low hills ll round, "Now we have them,” shouted Dolecroft. He rode into the field bur the ground was very wet and the horses’ legs dit- appeared upto theirknees Suddenly there were Scots everywhere, ‘waving swords ahove cheir heads William Wallace gave the order 1 attack. Every Englishman died. 0 ZTE news of Wallce’s win over the English travelled quicly ‘The rebels bid in an empty farm build {Sicily and gave them food and clothes, ‘William lepe while Old Campbell and Stephen talked shout battles and how to win them. Hamish came in ‘News has arrive,’ he called sofly. Wiliam woke up, ‘The apis are sending 2 great army to Sting Caste. Some soy there are ten thousand, some say twenty! And the Scots are ‘coming down from the Highlands. Hundreds of thems!" ing. The firmer was Stirling Castle stood high on a hill above open country. A river xt through the field in front oft. wooden bridge crowed the "ver infront of the cate On 17 June, 1297, a group of Scottish nobles stood on a smaller ill looking down on to the feld, ready for beede Rober the Brace was in prison so Lord Moray took his place at the head of the Seostsh army. From the other side of the bridge they watched the great English amy moving, Ht looks like twenry thousand!” shouted Lochlan, another Aoble. But our spies say itis ten thowsind ;And we have only two thousand!” said Mornay. The nobles Sci not think there would be a battle, They were ready to makes ‘race with the English. The English army stood in font of the castle wall and along the river. They were in saight lines —foen roldiers with swords a the ffont, horsemen with spears atthe back: Their weapons were new and shining. The Scots het leather shirts and farm tools ‘So many! sid one young soldier, looking over the river: tthe nobles make a tuce, they'll end us home, replied an ois soldier sanding next to him, Ifnot, we'll atack They'll say on ther bill and we'l die, They'll ride home and call theme, eave." aanhie mor and 4 dont wan fights ey ‘Neti dosh ll ond he nd sd wld svn om bate ors home Ose one it ot eran hn oud shud than pb thy lates “ “ity doth neo ef _ ei ey Wa a on ofthe ry which Big wn hs seong ato wing rh xe si Hered up ote note " “hour toi Doyo net "hs ura he men ain te set yen Head ore ok “ “ata cme hm! ned had ide And sate man eed HomeThe Engh eto a wena’ 5 snd i sy ‘dnc he pis und peak ‘stefan ion le Youre conte tenn Hyer pao on nyoua r ur e erthiateo elaay e fe Th yo o mow aed wi ane ice Ape Sw wet up wie 7 “Pos word Sephe,coningup behind lice wha we da Te pig tse nat mn to ie Tatton welt the Engh They me ne re oe Tae taf the fol ny ale note The ing whe you Shino Ye sepetin than ofr foro es Te your uy Sah bd sl sy San omen ote 1 ge yon a ne bce ea of er dng 9 Wiillce's men brought ou thir seaet weapons — each one twie Waa echo i tl a man, They pt on at the hoes nae i ny ome —— oe seu sci i Peters bravely Half the men 2 He handed the king a leer, Longshanks read the letter. Sad nly, his fice looked old and grey. ‘We have no army in Scotland he sid quietly (CHAPTER THREE First Lord of Scotland fee the Bate of Sushing, William Wallace was famous all over Scotland. He rode into Edinburgh and wp to the castle, his fiends at ie side, The people looked at hiro with wide eyes ike children, The nobles in their fine clothes did not understand hhow an ordinary man could win a great bate like that, when the [Bruces and Ballols could not. Robert the Bruce was now out of prison and he stood among the other nobles as Willi walked into the caste, He could see at once that this Wallace would ‘never serve any other man.A man bepan to read:‘In the name of | God, Sir Wiliam Wallace, we make you First Lord of Scotland!” They gave him a gold ring of office and che nobles went down on their knees ‘Maybe William could be First Lord but he could not be king because he was ngt a nobleman, William watched 2s the nobles {immediately began to ight among themselves. They wanted to find a king, be sill they could not agree. Wills turned and walked away. ‘Sir William!’ one noble cried. "Where are you going?” He turned back, his eyes burning with anger.‘We have beaten the English! Bur theyll come back, because you won't stand together.’ William looked at Robert the Bruce at he spoke “There's only one side to be on not the Bruces, not the Baliols, but the side of the Scottish people. We mus fight so that the people canbe fee" 2 “nthe name of (Cod, Sir Wiliam Wllace, we make you Ft Lond of Scotland “What will you do?" another noble asked Il cake the fighting into England and beat che English on their own land!” said William, He looked round at the open mouths of the nobles and left the castle [A few weeks late, faraway in London, Prince Edward and his fiend Pete, listened, aftaid. Doors crashed open and walls shook. Longshanks was back fiom France. He arrived in Edward's rooms, high up in the castle, and looked at the ewo young men with cod, black eyes "What is the news fom the north?" he asked angrily ‘Nothing to report, Father, said Edvard, "What? A bunch of rebels beas our army at Suing and you say “nothing to report"! The king’ face burned angrily. "L have ordered more men to serve as colers,’ sid Edward “We'll have alae army by the spring. We know from my cousin, the Governor of York, that Wallice is near York now. But the winter is coming, The Scots will have empty stomachs and they'll be weak. We'll catch this Wallace and tie him up by his neck in font of his rebel!" ‘A man came in witha leer, ‘Give itto met the prince ordered proudly. He was beginning ‘o fee strong, The feeling did not last. He read the leter and his face went white “Wallace has taken York,’ he sid slowly “Trmpossble!” shouted Longshanks. The man alo carried a bg ‘which he placed on a table, Edward looked in it and jump back, shaking. Longshanks opened the bag and took out the bloody head of the Governor of York, his own brother's son, He dropped the head back ito the ba. “What animal would do thie sid Peter quicldy. We shall stop him ifhe comes south of York!” 3 a ngtanks did not answer He looked at Edward. Who is Hs who speaks before I ak him to? Before Edward cock «knife from his jacket and ran at At last his son was fight was fighting for bi and he took hold of his son and dead. ‘We must make a truce rf ‘make 2 truce with the Scots, said Longshanks, eel- the ground. ‘But who should te Ido not wane ‘brought to London in a bag. Who can I send?” on isl. His le diappee Wicked him unt he wa at men ae bere, They want to make a tmce Be mas he Tay wi carf, Willan, “Thope they do sid Steptn, ; sid Stephen, putting on his leather haven kiled an Englishman for ive dyes Tle glen Willa rt sic rds rived atthe meeting pace, rey found French guards outside the English cent. ° “ongshanks!1 have come! Wiliam shouted a che entrance “Lam the Princess of Wales,’ she sid. Wife of the king's son. 1 come from the king and I speak for him.” ‘William looked at her nd thought of his lst love. Isabella saw in him everything she wanted in 2 man. He was talland strong, his har was wild and his eyes were soft. Here was 4 man who could win battles, man that armies would follow. ‘And yet he could ride avay from ital and it would not matter to him, Wiliam got off his horse. In his eyes lsbell saw something new in the face of a man —a deep sadness. And she knew that it was for Marron. “Tes atte that I want, noe talk,’ said William. "But now that I am here, will you speak with a woman?” She ‘went into the tent and he followed her. Inside were Nicolewe and Lord Hamilton, one of Longshanks's men, "Tunderstand that you are now Fist Lord of Scotland,’ the princess began. ‘Did God tell you to kill the good people of York?” "We attacked York because every English attack on Scotland starts fom there!” said William, ‘And to cut ofthe head of my husband's cousin?” “Your husband's cousin found and murdered all che Scottish ‘women and children in York before we attacked. They threw ‘more than one Qundzed dead people over the city wal!” “Thats not posible. Isabella went white and looked at Hamil ton, She saw chat it was tue, “He's lying,’ sid Hamilton, speaking to her in Latin ‘When William answered them in Latin, they both jumped in suprise. And then he spoke in French. ‘Ask your king who is lying.” ‘The princess asked Nicoletse and Hamikon to wait outside ‘She made the king's offr of and and money. Wallace tuned to leave. Isabella spoke quietly so that no one could hear. “I know your story. know of Marron.” 2 ‘Tam the Princess of Wales," Isabella sid. ‘We ofthe hing’ son {ome fom the king and I speak for hin” Wiliansloked at her aed thought of bis ost love. “She was my wife’ William said just as softly. Suddenly he wanted to tale and he told her of Murton, of everything that happened many years before in the MacAndrevs’ farm build- ing when he and his father found thiry murdered Scottish nobles. "You ae strong inside lke Murron. You willbe a good queen. ‘Tell your king that he will never rule William Wallace. He will not rule any Seot while ive” William walked through the empty streets of York that night ‘When the sun started to come up, he returned to Hamish and others, Their fre was sill burning, “Want some food?” Hamish ase. William shook his head. No word ftom Edinburgh? "Yeu" Hamish waited for a few seconds and then went on, “They're not sending any more men, William.” “They know about York! And they won't send more soldiers! ‘Williams looked at the fre, "IfT take cis army to London, half the ‘men will de ofillnes or hunger on the way. We must go back to ‘Scotland. But we have not finished yer” In London isabella reported on her meeting with Wallace. She Tseened to the king aking about his plans. Soldiers were already fon their way from Wales and France. And with terrible new weapons that could cut through metal like a knife through ‘butter. She realized tha the king did not want truce. Her words to William Wallace were lies. The king used her to win time. [And now his soldiers were getting ready to attack the Scots army fiom the sides and ftom behind. She returned 0 her rooms, shaking angrily and thinking of plan “Lol send Nicolette to my casein the north,’ she thought 29 syshe can find Wallace and his men. She can tell hem the king’s plans. The Batle of Falkirk was more terrible than Suiting, Of al the Sconish nobles, only Mornay was there with a huncled siden: Robert the Bruce did not come, The famous Scottish spears lined up. The English horses began the attck ftom the right. The English foot soldiers shoe their terrible new weapons atthe spearmen fom the left Wal. bice ordered Mornay to attack the foot soldiers before they could shoot again. Mornay did not attack From the Englsh side Longshanks watched Mornay riding aay fom the batle with his men, The English nobles armed eo their king in surprise. Longshanks explained, ‘His payment is ‘new land in England and Scotland, Wiliam flehelples With Mornay gone, no one was guarding the spearmen. The English foot soldiers shot again, thei terrible They can sereaming to- ‘ards the English. The battle was iong and hard Soldiers on both Sides fought bravely. But here were t00 many English Tovar the end ofthe battle the Englih horsemen atacked ‘Wallace saw them coming, He pulled the fist rider to the {H0und, Ie was Robert the Bruce, fighting forthe English! Wale lace looked a his fae, In that second he realized that there was no hope for Scotland. He felt weak. The Bruce waved his sword a Wallace Fight me! Fight me!” he shouted, But Wallace could not fight now. He took the god ring of ofie of his finger and threw seat Robert the Bruce’s feet. Stephen rode up quickly. He pulled William up behind him onto his horse andthe tyes rode aus fiom the bate, 20 om the gh side Longshot Moma ing a fiom the bate with his men. “Hi new land in England and Sotland” ‘The battles and hard. Sli om bth sides ght racy But there wer too many English Robe the Bruce watched Wl Ace aig He okt the Bround and saw the blood of his ‘countrymen, pe 4 1 will never fight on the wrong side again, he said 7 A or ys er Willan wat Manos ge Rin hd hi fe. Held ini baking hand thee beer sme meer the Ssh ns he ped oa Sea we can send sce font Seated Fence Wel my flower” their king, Now to fight in our armies in he said turning to Kabel, we have sen he at oF your Wale Tt ce ik She leaked oo window, her eyes as wet as the rain, iain a CHAPTER FOUR Brave Heart “Wiliam spent some months in France and Iely aking for help for Scotland fom the King of France and the Pope. He returned 10 Scotland with empty hands they would not help. Lord Mornay lay in bed looking out from the window of his high room at his rch land. When he slept, his head was fll of pictures of William Wallace ~ running cowards him at Falkirk ‘with hie sword held high and mueder in his eyes. Suddenly Mornay heatd the sound of a horse, not outside the castle but inside Impossible, Surely he was asleep. Then he heard shouts, too, and screams fiom below. Then silence, and then a sudden great crth, William Wallace rode into his bedroom. Mornay never spoke again. Wallace cut through his neck with tone quick movement. The guards at che door stood with their mouths open. Wallace threy a jacket over his horse's head. He kicked the animal hard, The horse jumped, erased through the window snd horse and rider sled through the ait, down, down, past the ‘atte walls and into the lke below They swam to land, Wallace ‘got on his horse and rode away. Prom behind him came the shouts, "Wal-Lace! Wal-e Isabell found Longshanks and Edward in the cate garden, "You smile! You have heard the news? The rebels are starting to fight again in Scodland’ said Edward, 33 Just think,’ she went on, ‘maybe you'll never be King of Scor- land. But perhaps one diy your blood will rn chrough the King of Enghind.” ‘Icannot love you because of Longshanks," he sid ‘No. But you can love me .. just because Ilove you," Early the next morning Wallace quietly said goodbye to Is bella. He quickly found his rebel friends, Hamish and Seephen, They saw he was full of fire again. The three of them Began attacking English soldiers where they could find them, For two days they did not rest, The Scottish nobles now wanted a meeting with Wallace. They ‘tid chat they wanted to serve him and not Longshanks ‘Why do you trust ther?’ asked Flamish, shaking his head "You know they will give you to Longshanks. “You are probably right. But we can'e win without them, Hamish, Standing together isthe only hope for our people "don't want to die. want to live!” shouted Hamish, ‘So do I Twanta home and children. I've asked God for these ‘things. But He has brought me this sword, And if wants me to die formy country, then {will ‘The three rode to the meeting place. On the way Wiliam igave his knife to Stephen and his sword to Hamish, He fel tae hae was seeing chem fr the ls time ‘Hert he is” said Robert the Bruce, looking through a window ‘And he has no sword, My God, he has a brave heat? William came into the house.-He looked into the eyes of Robert the Bruce, The two men now saw the same picture ~» five Scotland. William held out his hand towards Robert the Bruce, |i seconds there were English soldiers everywhere. Noooo!! sercamed Robert the Bruce, who knew nothing of this plan, 36 ‘Before you di Hse to this ~ your blood des with you. child tho as the Blood of William Wallace is growing inside me ‘They ted William up like an animal, ook him to London over the back ofa horse and threw him in prison, Longihanks was very illhe was dying He could not speak with his woice, only with his eyes. bella went to see him. She pulled him close to herby bis hair and spoke so soy in his ea that Edward could not hea. “You see? We all di, Wallce wil die omorrow: But before ow die stent this your blood dies with you. A hid who bas the blood of Wiliam Wallace is growing inside me!" Wiliam Wallace died slowly in font of a great crowd on 23 ‘August, 1305, They did terrible things to his body so that he ‘would ak for forgiveness, but he would not. Inthe lst seconds ‘of his if he saw Hamish and Stephen inthe crowd, And behind ‘them, Murron. For a moment he felt strong, And he cried out ‘WE WILL BE FREE! EXERCISES, Vocabulary Work Have you undorstod these Dlctonary Words rom the stay? amy beat grave spear truce attack bridge noble sword trast tule caso rebet_——=rlo—_ weapon + Use Dictionary Words to completa these sentences. 1 When both sides want to stop fighting, they make a 1 A... {8 someone wo fights agaist the king or queen. At the time of Gravehoat, ...was very rch, had alot of land and was one ofthe poople who rule the country. Lo Moray ‘and Rober the Bruce were two ofthe Scottish. nthe story. 6 Wtam Welle and the Scotish amy... the English army at the Battle of Sing, 2 Anawerthese questions. ‘2 What did Wilam Walace ll Hesse with? 'b What weepone dd Witam use to beat the English horsemen at Sting Bdge? «What word the English king uso to talk about Wiliams men? 8 Tink f adjectives to describe aking or queen. We them dow. ‘Comprehension (Chapter One: The Boy “What happened tothe thirty Scotish nobles? 2 What happaned o Malcolm and John Wallace? '8 Whos going tobe the most important person inthis story? Chapter Two: The Reba! : “4 Wy coud the people of Scotland not trust the Scottish noble families? 9 [5 Why aid Willa give Muron a cid fomer of Scotand? 6 Who does Helen MacClannough spend her wedding night with? Why oi Wir think Maron was ree? ® How do Willan and his men catch Lod Doleerot? 8 The Scots won the Bato of Sting, What helped them to win? (Chapter Thro: Fist Lord of Scotland 10 Describe the fecings between Longshanks and Prince Edvard 111 Why does Longshanks murder Peter, Edward’ tend? 12 Wiliam says, ‘But we have net finshed yet’ What does Ne mean byit? 18 Suddenly atthe Bate of Falk, Willa does not want to ght ‘any moe. Why not? 14 Isabela hears the news thatthe English have beaten Wiliam st Falck, How does she fel? Chapter Four: Brave Heart 15 Why does Witla murder Lord Mornay? 16 Wiliam says to Isabela, “| understood at ence’ What doos he 17 Why cl Wiliam gve his knife to Stephen and his sword to Hamish? 18 Was Rober the Bruce part of the plan to catch Wiliam and give him to Longshanks? Discussion 1a Would Witla Wallace be a good king? Say why or why not 'b Would Robert the Bruce bo agcod king? Say why or hy nol 2 Can you think of a modem country r region which wants to rule ts but es not? What problems do they have? Writing 1 Read about one ofthe fights or battles in Braveheart. Close the book and write 100-150 words to describ it 40 2 Think of a wal-knawn person from your county’s past. Find out bout him or her Waite 200 words deserbing his ohare, Review 1 Lots of things happen inthis story. Which part do you remember best? 2 Some ofthe things deseribod in Braveheart dit not realy happen. ‘Does astry have to bea good story ora tue story? a

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