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Learn English through story 🍀 level 3 🍀 The Noisy

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Chapter 1
Moon Fleet is a village on the west side of the Fleet Stream, and its name comes
from the Mahoon family, who were once important people in the area. John
Trenchard, 15, was sitting in the living room reading a book when it became too dark
to read. He went out into the street and found Ratzi working on the tombstone of
David Block, 15, who was killed by a shot fired from the Schooner Elector.
The home Village was talking about David's death. It was said that a local magistrate
warned the King's soldiers about the Smugglers and Mascu shot young David in the
face and killed him.
I'm almost finished for today, so come to the Why Not in with me. Elsevier needs to
talk to friends, and we can have something to drink.
The Why Not was actually the Mahoon Arms, and the Mahoons once owned the
whole village.
Elsevier block was sitting by the fireplace smoking his pipe when we came in and
said sharply, what does this boy want. We drank some hot tea and looked at the fire
too, until Elsevier spoke.
John, it's time for you to go home. Blackbeard's ghost walks around the streets on
the first cold nights.
Blackbeard was a mahoon who died a century ago. Some people said he could not
rest because he was looking for his Lost Treasure, while others said he could not
rest because he had been evil in his life.
During the Civil War, Mahone took a diamond from King Charles the first and
returned to Moonfleet where everyone hated him. His ghost was trying to find the
Precious Diamond.
The night of the 3rd of November, there was a terrible storm with very strong winds.
The churchyard was flooded.

Chapter 2
The Sunday after the flood, very few people came to church, so Razi lit a fire and Mr.
Glenny started his sermon. We heard a strange noise under the church, and then a
louder noise, and everyone ran out of the church except for Mr. Glenny, Razi and
Elsevier Block.
Mr. Glenny knows that Colonel John Mahone called Blackbeard spent all of his
family's money and the poor houses of Moon Fleet had to close. He left a will that
said that his treasure should be sold and the money used to repair the poor houses.
I thought about the noises under the church and decided that coffins did not make
those noises because they get owned and the wood breaks after a few years. But I
saw two men, Ratsy and Elsevier block, looking at the sea with a small telescope.
John was in the churchyard to examine the church wall after the flood. Ratsu said
that he would have to repair the wall a bit, but I did not believe him. After my meeting
with Ratsy and Elsevier at the church, I had stayed away from it for a few weeks,
when I discovered a secret passage under the church. I climbed out quickly and
decided to return later with a candle.
I ran home and got there late for tea, but my aunt only said you mustn't come home
so late. After tea, Jane started reading a book to me, but it was too serious so I
thought about Blackbeard's treasure.
When I left the house, everyone was asleep except the man at the Why Not Inn. I felt
afraid, but I didn't stop.

Chapter 3
I looked at the moon, saw a small sailing boat in the bay, lit my candle, and walked
through the passage, thinking I'll find the Diamond and become the richest man in
Moon Fleet.
As I continued walking, I saw footprints on The Damp ground. I suddenly reached a
big room, which was the Mahoon Crypt, and I realized that the flat tomb would I
always sat was The Smuggler's entrance to the Crypt.
I looked at the coffins for a few minutes, then heard voices in the distance. I wanted
to hide, but I didn't know where, so I put out my candle, climbed up and hid between
the coffin and the wall, but I could hear Ratsu's voice talking to other men.
Ratsy told a story about a trenchard boy sitting on the flat Tomb of the churchyard
who believes everything he hears. Elsevier said that John was a brave boy who
would make a good Sailor one day.
Soon the meeting ended and the men left the Crypt. I lit my candle and looked
around, but found only a locket with some words from the Bible, so I put it around my
neck, hoping it would keep Blackbeard's ghost away.
Ratsy had closed the hole leading out of the crypt into the churchyard, so I sat down
on the damp ground and fell asleep.
I don't know how long I slept, but I was hungry and thirsty and I did not know what to

Chapter 4
I was hungrier and thirstier than the day before, so I started calling and shouting
hoping that someone might hear me. But no one heard me, so I fainted, and Elsevier
Block looked after me for 10 days until I was well again.
Sam Tewkesbury came to the Why Not Inn and was scared because he had heard
someone calling and shouting at the churchyard. I immediately understood that
someone was shut inside the Crypt and went there quickly to find you.
When I was feeling better I went to see my aunt, but she didn't let me come in the
house. I turned my back on my only home and walked back to the Why Not Inn.
Matthew Mascu, a liar who had made money in Scotland many years ago, bought a
big mansion on the Mahun property, but he did not allow anyone on his land, and
after the death of young David Block, his life was in danger. However, everyone liked
his daughter, Grace.
A formal auction was held to renew the five-year rent of the Why Not Inn in
Moonfleet. Elsevier and I sat at a big table near the fireplace and made an offer of 12
pounds a year for five years.
Masking appeared at the door of the Why Not Inn and made several offers. The
bailiff, the clerk and I were surprised and Confused, but the two men continued
making offers until the candle was out and masking was announced as the new
Elsevier and I sat together at the big table, worried and upset.

Chapter 5
Some said he was evil and liked hurting people, while others said he wanted to
control the smuggling business.
Elsevier said that Devil Maskew was trying to catch us Smugglers, and we must be
very careful with the next cargo. The ship would go to Whorehead and we would
hide the casks there.
I felt some cold air on my shoulders and quickly turned around, but Elsevier said it
was just the wind. I was tired, but I could not sleep, so I decided to meet Grace
Matthew the next morning in our secret place in the woods.
The next day was a beautiful, Cool Spring day and I met Grace in the woods. She
became sad when I told her I was leaving Moonfleet, but Aunt Jane gave me a little
red Bible to help me find the right way in my life.
Elsevier and I left the Why not in and started walking towards Whorehead, which
was 15 miles away. We met the men from The Bonaventure and climbed up the cliff
with the heavy casks, when we noticed Mascu moving behind a bush.
Elsevier threw a gun at Mascu's feet, but the men didn't touch him. They climbed up
the cliff with their horses and casks.
Mascu was afraid that Elsevier hated Matthew, but Elsevier did not shut.
Mascu started crying like a baby, Elsevier raised the gun and pointed it at Mascu's
head, but I pulled Elsevier's arm and the gun went off The Mask. There were about
20 soldiers standing on top of the cliff with their guns pointed at us.
Someone told them about the ship, cried Elsevier, and I know who it was. You're a
dead man.
Elsevier pointed the gun at Mascu's head, but a shot from one of the soldiers hit him
in the head and killed him. Elsevier ran to the side of the cliff and hide, but fell and
hurt his leg.

Chapter 6
With my broken leg, we have a quarter of an hour before the soldiers can get down
to this side of the cliff.
I can't walk and my legs are broken. Elsevier will carry me on the Zigzag, a
dangerous Narrow Path along this Cliff, and if you fall off, you're a dead man.
The path was difficult and dangerous. We lost the why not in the soldiers, found out
about our smuggling and I broke my leg.
Elsevier said we should stop here for a few minutes and rest, because you must rest
your leg a long time before you can walk again. We finally reached the secret hiding
place by evening and were both very tired. Elsevier looked after me like a mother
looked after her child. He told Razi where we were and Razi often brought us food.
Razi came to the cave and told me that the King's Soldiers were still looking for
Elsevier and that there was a price on our heads. Elsevier went out to look for a ship
to take us to France.
I was alone and worried about a big storm outside, so I started touching the locket
around my neck and opened it. I took out Blackbeard's piece of paper and started
reading it, but there were some mistakes.
The well that Blackbeard mentions is the famous well at Caris Brook Castle, where
King Charles the first was a prisoner during the Civil War. Elsevier says they can
stay at the Bugle Inn.
I started walking around the cave slowly and got stronger every day. Elsevier gave
me Carter's clothes and told me we could leave in two days, but I didn't want to tell
him I loved Grace.
I left the cave at night, walked to Moonfleet the next morning, knocked on Grace's
door, explained everything that had happened to me, showed her Blackbeard's
locket, and told her I wanted to find the diamond and become the richest man in
The Well: I returned to the cave at midnight and fell asleep. The next morning I went
aboard the Bonaventure.

Chapter 7
The owner of the inn remembered Elsevier and gave us a big, clean, Sunny room
and lots of good food. Elsevier made friends with the guards of the prison and saw
the well and said he'd help us if we gave him some money.
We left the Bugle Inn before six and walked to the castle. The man who let us in had
black hair and bad eyes.
John said he would go down into the well, but he was told not to look down. The man
looking at the well trusted John.
I got into the wooden bucket, the Elsevier tied an 80-foot rope to it, and they lowered
me gently into the well. As I went down, it became darker and colder, and I started
looking around, but I couldn't see anything until I saw the letter Y clearly marked on a
The man shouted at the boy, asked for the diamond, and when the boy refused, the
man cried out, "Give me the diamond, you found it in my world, and there's a price of
50 pounds on your head". The two men started fighting, and the man fell into the
I started thinking of Grace's words and said to Elsevier to throw the diamond back
into the well, but he said no, you're good and Honest.
When we got back to the bugle, Elsevier told John that the owner of the Inn knew a
captain that could take us to Holland.
A few days later, we arrived in the Port of Skaveningen and stayed in a small Inn
with some sailors. Elsevier gave John a diamond and told him to use the money to
rebuild the poor houses in Moonfleet if he became rich.
We went to Alderbran's house before sunset, and he had a sign above his door
saying that he bought and sold jewels.

Chapter 8
A little old man with white hair and a white beard opened the door, looked at the
diamond in Elsevier's hand, and said he needed more light. He went upstairs, sat at
a small table, and wrote down Elsevier's name and where he came from in a big
Elsevier looked at me angrily and asked how I got this diamond ass down The brand.
I stood on the balcony and looked at the small garden with tall red flowers and a pear
Underbrand said that the diamond was not a diamond and didn't pass any of the
tests. He threw the diamond out of the window and Elsevier took my arm and pulled
me out of the room and down the stairs.
We were fools to believe Alderbrand. I saw his face and his eyes, and I know it's a
Precious Diamond, but Elsevier says it's cursed and will bring us more bad luck.
Elsevier agreed with me to go back to Alderbran's house and look for the diamond. I
climbed on the pear tree and saw Aldebrand looking at his diamond and I jumped
through the window and into the room and put my hand on the diamond.

Chapter 9
Elsevier and I were taken to prison, where the judge did not believe us and believed
Aldebrand who told a very clever story. Elsevier and Iowa soon separated, and I
rarely saw him.
The prison was cold, dark, and dirty, and the prisoners had to work hard to build a
big Fort nearby. Then, one morning, a God told the prisoners they were going to
Java to work on the Dutch Suga Farms.
After a week of bad weather, a big storm at sea with torn waves, strong winds and
rain struck the ship. Elsevier and I tried to help the prisoners and the guards, but
they didn't listen to us and all died in the rough sea.
John Trenshad left Moon Fleet long ago and was lying on the wooden floor of the
Why Not Inn when he heard a voice say, Elsevier Elsevier I said, where is Elsevier
who's asking about Elsevier said a voice I knew it was Ratz's Don't you remember
me Razi I said.
Ratz's face became white when he saw me, and he shook my hand warmly. He
asked me many questions, but I wanted to know about Elsevier, who saved my life
but didn't save himself.
It was almost morning when I went back to the beach to find Elsevier's body. The
men from Moonfleet who knew him came to the beach and carried his body back to
the Why Not Inn where they laid him on the long table.
I sat next to Elsevier's body for many hours and thought about many things, but then
a tall beautiful woman stood behind me and said, have you forgotten me, Didn't you
see the light at my window I could not speak, but I said I still love you. Mr. Glenny
came to see me and said some prayers for Elsevier. Then he took out a piece of
blue paper from his pocket and said that Crispin Alderbrand's lawyer had told him
that the diamond was real.
John became a free man and a very rich man after Aldebrand's will. He rebuilt and
opened the poor houses, built a new hospital and new homes for the people of
Moonfleet, and improved the church and the school too.
When there is a bad storm, I run down to the beach to help the men at sea, but
sometimes we cannot help them.

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