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Midterm Exam L6 Total marks (40)

A. Complete the conversation. Use the )4marks(


That’s hers- too It’s Anna’s scarf- Whose mittens are

those- Which girl is Anna

Kate: ________________________________________________? Jenny: They’re Anna’s mittens. .1

2 .Kate: ________________________________________________? Jenny: She’s the girl who is
.watering the plants

:Kate: Whose scarf is that? Jenny .3


:Kate: What about that hat? Jenny .4


B. Look and )4marks (


1. Which girl is Lucy? She’s the girl who is watering a.


.Which boy is Bill? He’s the boy who is flying a kite. b .2

.Which boy is Doug? He’s the boy who is writing an essay. c .3

Midterm Exam L6 Total marks (40)

.Which girl is Tina? She’s the girl who is riding a bicycle. d .4

.Unscramble, and write. C )4marks(

was talking / the bell rang / Sue / when / on her cell phone .1

the bell rang / were cleaning / when / their room / They .2


They / to music / when / were listening / the bell rang .3


a nap / the bell rang / was taking / Tom / when .4


.Look at C. Write the answer another way. D )4marks(

?What was Sue doing when the bell rang .1


?What were they doing when the bell rang .2


?What were they doing when the bell rang .3


?What was Tom doing when the bell rang .4

Midterm Exam L6 Total marks (40)

.Choose and write (4marks) E

?Did you know that an eleven-year-old boy _______________ ice pops in 1905 .1

One cold winter night, Frank was making soda water _______________. He added soda powder .2
._______________ to water and _______________ it with a

He was _______________ his drink when his mother called. “Come inside, Frank,” she said. “It’s .3
”.time for bed

Frank forgot to take his drink with him. In the morning, the soda water was _______________. He .4
._______________ pulled the stick out of the cup and looked at the first

Mixed- frozen –outside- ice pop -invented -mixing -stick

.Write the answer (4marks) F

?What did the eleven-year-old boy invent .1


?How did he make soda water .2


?What was he doing when his mother called .3


?What happened to the soda water in the morning .4


.Read, connect, and write. G )4marks(

.______ Whose bag is that? It’s __________. That’s ______ bag. It’s .1

.______ Whose jacket is that? It’s __________. That’s ______ jacket. It’s .2

.______ Whose shoes are those? They’re __________. Those are _______ shoes. They’re .3

.______ Whose scarf is that? It’s __________. That’s ______ scarf. It’s .4
Midterm Exam L6 Total marks (40)

C. Keith B. Wendy A. Jim

D. Anna

H. Write the question or )4marks(


He was reading a ?____________________________________________ )doorbell / ring( .1


He ?_______________________________________________________ )doorbell / ring( .2

.was eating lunch

?Which boy is John .3


?Which boy is Matt .4


Matt John

I. Rewrite the sentences as indirect speech (4marks)

Kate : the exhibit is interesting . 1 .


.Alice and Gorge : the shark is scary .2

Midterm Exam L6 Total marks (40)


. Scott : she is excited .3


.Jenny : the pedal boat is tiring .4


J. Answer the following questions (4marks)

?What he should get his father .1


What should she get her .2

? grandparents


What should they get their .3

? brother

Midterm Exam L6 Total marks (40)

4. What should she make her sister?


K. Complete the sentences ( 4 marks)

.________________ =Happy + ness .1

.________________ =Heavy + ness .2

.C_ _ n. 4. L _ _ k. 5. _ _ gust. 6. Br_ _ m .3

St_ _ m. 8. Bl_ __ . Good luck .7

Ms.Khansaa 

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