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Theories of Craniofacial

Growth in the Postgenomic Era

David S. Carlson

The controversies surrounding the use of dentofacial orthopedics to correct a developing

maxillomandibular discrepancy—ie, growth modification— have been based to a large
extent on evolving concepts concerning the biological mechanisms of craniofacial devel-
opment and growth. At the start, these concepts were based on naive assumptions about the
perceived competing roles of heredity and the environment, often framed within the context of
the age-old “nature-nurture” controversy. Moreover, orthodontists and craniofacial biologists
alike tended to believe that there was a single, overriding mechanism governing the growth of
the craniofacial skeleton. As a result, much of the orthodontic research on the growth of the
face and jaws tended to focus on a search for what might be called the “Holy Grail of
Craniofacial Biology”: a single theory of craniofacial growth that is both biologically accurate
and clinically effective. This article traces the development of competing concepts and theories
of craniofacial development and growth and relates those theories to concomitant develop-
ments in the field of genetics. The overall conclusion is that orthodontics is well-positioned to
enter a new era through the incorporation of the principles of developmental-molecular genet-
ics into the treatment of developing malocclusion and growth-related jaw discrepancies.
Semin Orthod 11:172–183 © 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

T hroughout its history, the field of orthodontics has been

home to a number of competing but credible treatment
approaches. Despite their obvious differences, virtually all
The goal of this article is to summarize the historical de-
velopment of the major concepts of the growth of the cranio-
facial skeleton, with specific emphasis on concomitant devel-
these orthodontic approaches share at least one fundamental opments in the field of genetics. The primary thesis is based
characteristic: their rationale is based on opinions regarding on three principal arguments that were put forward in an
the biological mechanisms of the development and growth of earlier related paper.2 First, is the assertion that the various
the craniofacial skeleton and dentition, and on the etiology theories of craniofacial growth propounded over the past
and natural history of malocclusion and dentofacial abnor- century or more are based primarily on incomplete and even
malities. The foundation for some orthodontic treatment ap- erroneous assumptions about the nature of heredity and in-
proaches emerged as long as 50 or even 100 years ago, well heritance of skeletal and craniofacial growth. Second, it is
before the present level of sophistication with respect to bi- maintained there was a significant lag time between discov-
ological research. Thus, it stands to reason that they may be eries in the emerging field of genetics and the incorporation
based in part on incomplete or even archaic and incorrect of these discoveries into concepts of craniofacial growth
understanding of the biological principals of development. modification and dentofacial orthopedics. Third, despite
Nevertheless, the apparent success of orthodontic treatment us- these apparent drawbacks, orthodontics is well-positioned to
ing techniques that appear to be very disparate in approach is enter a new era through the incorporation of the principles of
noteworthy. Perhaps because of this, many orthodontic philos- developmental-molecular genetics into the treatment of de-
ophies have enjoyed longevity with little necessity for change in veloping malocclusion and growth-related jaw discrepancies.
the fundamental orientation of their biological rationale.1

Early Concepts
Department of Biomedical Sciences, Baylor College of Dentistry, Texas A&M
University System Health Science Center, Dallas, TX.
of Craniofacial Growth,
Address correspondence to David S. Carlson, PhD, Research and Graduate Orthodontics, and Genetics
Studies, Texas A&M University System Health Science Center, Connally
Building, 301 Tarrow St, College Station, TX 77840-7896; Phone: 979- During the latter part of the 19th century and the middle
458-7207. E-mail: third of the 20th century, the field of craniofacial biology

172 1073-8746/05/$-see front matter © 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Craniofacial growth 173

witnessed development of a series of four or five relatively

distinct, sequentially arranged, and competing theories of
craniofacial growth. Each of these theories purported to ex-
plain the essential elements of craniofacial growth by focus-
ing essentially on a particular factor as being the primary
causal mechanism determining craniofacial growth and
form. At the same time, the field of genetics was emerging
from an emphasis on Mendelian concepts of transmission of
units of inheritance between generations to an emphasis on
the actions of genes and specific gene products during the
developmental process.
Figure 1 Schematic representation of the remodeling theory of cranio-
Orthodontics, Race, facial growth using the cranial vault as a model. Increase in the size
and the Concept of Facial Type of the cranial vault occurs by adding bone via periosteal deposition
on the outer, ectocranial surface and resorption of bone on the
The earliest foundations of modern orthodontics are inti- inner, endocranial surface of the vault. Growth of the jaws takes
mately related to classical concepts of beauty, ideal facial place principally via deposition of bone on the posterior surface of
form, and facial types.3–5 In fact, it was one of the world’s the maxillary complex and mandibular ramus. Sutures and carti-
most renowned classical statues, Apollo Belvedere, that was lages play no role in the growth of the craniofacial complex.
used by both Edward Angle in 1907 and by Andresen 30
years later to represent ideal facial form.6
Artistic representations of facial form throughout the ages malocclusion by moving teeth into a more harmonious posi-
both reflected and reinforced early scientific concepts of dis- tion relative to the facial type; facial growth could not be
crete racial groups and social hierarchy. Moreover, these rep- affected by orthodontic treatment.
resentations also were intertwined directly with emerging
concepts of facial growth. According to the view shared by Bone Growth and Heredity
artists and scientists alike, faces could be classified into rela- Studies by Sir John Hunter in the 18th century on the growth
tively discrete “types” that, unfortunately, reflected opinions of the jaws and eruption of the dentition represent the first
regarding both biological and social inferiority.5,7 Among sci- scientific research on craniofacial growth.11 This line of re-
entists and naturalists during the late 19th century and first search using vital dyes continued throughout the late 19th
half of the 20th century, classification of facial types was and early 20th centuries primarily to study the nature of bone
based on prevailing concepts of human races, which were growth in general. 12–17 This approach culminated in the
believed to be pure and immutable. It was within this con- research of Brash, which solidified understanding that bone
ceptual framework that Angle put forward the concept that only grows appositionally at its surfaces— bone does not
“faces and occlusions should be brought into a condition of grow interstitially through mitotic activity of osteo-
harmony according to type” (emphasis added).8 According to cytes.14,15,17
Angle and his many followers, the goal of the treatment of
1930s: Remodeling Theory
malocclusion was to place teeth in the most harmonious po-
of Craniofacial Growth (Brash)
sition possible for a given facial type, thus compensating for
The research by Brash on bone provided the foundation for
an unchangeable facial form.
the development of the first general theory of craniofacial
This theme of the inheritance and immutability of both
growth—the remodeling theory. The principal tenets of the
normal and abnormal facial form was generally accepted by
remodeling theory were that (1) bone only grows apposition-
most members of the community of orthodontics and early
ally at surfaces; (2) growth of the jaws is characterized by
craniofacial biologists. According to Sir Arthur Keith, the
deposition of bone at the posterior surfaces of the maxilla and
most prominent anatomist of the era, orthodontists have
mandible, sometimes described as “Hunterian” growth of the
“. . .endeavored in their treatment to increase the maximum
jaws; and (3) calvarial growth occurs via deposition of bone
amount of bony tissue that nature has preordained, rather than
on the ectocranial surface of the cranial vault and resorption
to straighten the amount already predestined” (emphasis
of bone endocranially (Fig 1). Thus, the remodeling theory
added).9 More than 20 years later, Brodie stated the same
postulated that all of craniofacial skeletal growth occurs ex-
view, asserting that facial growth “cannot be changed by treat-
clusively by bone remodeling—selective addition and re-
ment. The teeth and the alveolar process constitute the only
sorption of bone at its surfaces; sutures and the cartilages of
area of the face whose change may be expected or induced”
the craniofacial skeleton have little or no role in the growth of
(emphasis added).10
the craniofacial skeleton.18 –21
By the end of the first half of the 20th century, the field of
orthodontics in the United States was dominated by the Heredity, Genetics, and the Gene
theme stated initially by Angle and reiterated by Brodie that The concept that morphological traits were somehow trans-
craniofacial growth could not be altered in any significant mitted between successive generations of living organisms
way. Thus, the primary role of the orthodontist was to treat a has been understood for thousands of years. However, the
174 D.S. Carlson

mechanisms by which traits are transmitted, the nature of the competing hypotheses about the nature of bone growth in
units of heredity, and the mechanisms of action by those general, and not about the process of craniofacial growth per
units were not initially understood until the beginning of the se. As experimental studies indicated that periosteal deposi-
20th century. Mendel (1822-1884) is credited with perform- tion plays a significant role in the growth of the craniofacial
ing benchmark research for much of genetics, but especially skeleton, it was assumed that remodeling played the preem-
for questions regarding the mechanisms of inheritance and inent role in this regard.32 However, this left unanswered the
transmission of traits by demonstrating that specific traits concern of many craniofacial biologists in the middle part of
were passed between generations in a particulate, discrete the 20th century, that is, the role that unique structures, such
manner from both parents according to a set of mathematical as sutures, cranial base synchondroses, and the mandibular
principals. condylar cartilage, provide in the growth of the craniofacial
Of the many ideas regarding the material substance that skeleton. If these obvious sites of bone growth are not essen-
carried the message for development of specific traits—ie, the tial for normal craniofacial growth, then why are they present
units of heredity—Weismann’s concept of the germ plasm at all?
(Das Keinplasm) in the late 19th century was the most influ- An alternative viewpoint emphasized the passive, second-
ential.22 According to this idea, determinants that contain the ary role of the periosteum and bone surfaces in skeletal
traits inherited from parents to offspring are located in the growth and the primary expansive growth of cartilage in the
cytoplasm (germ plasm) of the gametes. Weismann further production of skeletal growth and form. The veracity of this
asserted that the germ plasm is immutable—it cannot be al- view was reinforced by experimental research demonstrating
tered by life experiences.23 Weismann’s term determinant was that earlier studies of bone remodeling within the craniofacial
replaced by pangene to describe particulate units described skeleton by Brash had used an inappropriate experimental
mathematically by Mendel, and was then replaced again in design with respect to the choice and age of the animal
1909 by Bateson, who introduced the term genetics as the model, which led to erroneous conclusions about the impor-
study of heredity. Johannsen then used the term gene to refer tance of bone remodeling in craniofacial growth.33,34
to the presumed unit of heredity, which provided the devel-
opmental “potentiality” of the organism.24
From this time forward, the field of genetics was charac-
1940s: The Sutural
terized by two principal foci. Transmission genetics was Theory (Weinmann and Sicher)
based in the Mendelian Laws of Inheritance and was charac- The sutural theory is most closely identified with the work of
terized by a statistical approach that required no understand- Weinmann and Sicher, two prominent anatomists whose
ing of the nature of genes or their expression. As a result, textbooks on skeletal growth, Bone and Bones35 and Oral Anat-
transmission genetics was of little help or consequence for omy,36 became standard texts for medicine and dentistry.
the study of development and growth.25 The second focus According to the sutural theory, the connective tissue and
within the new field of genetics concerned the nature of the cartilaginous joints of the craniofacial skeleton, much like
gene itself and the mechanisms of gene action during devel- epiphyses of long bones, are the principal locations at which
opment. It was these related emphases that gave rise to mod- intrinsic, genetically regulated, primary growth of bone takes
ern developmental biology and the molecular biology of the place. Growth of the cranial vault is caused by the intrinsic
gene.26 pattern of expansive proliferative growth by sutural connec-
tive tissue that forces the bones of the vault away from each
Beginnings of Developmental Genetics other (Fig 2); indicating “the primacy of sutural growth for
Analysis of the role of the gene in development began in the determination of adult skull form. . . .”34 Similarly, pro-
earnest with the publication of Morgan’s classic book The liferation of sutural connective tissue in the circummaxillary
Theory of the Gene in 1926.27 Although, the tools necessary to suture system surrounding the maxillary skeletal complex
investigate the nature of gene action would not be available forces the midface to grow downward and forward. Thus,
until the rise of molecular biology almost 50 years later, nu- “the role of proliferating sutural connective tissue in cranial
merous highly significant advances took place during the growth . . . is identical to that of the proliferating cartilage in
1930s and 1940s that would have a profound impact on basal synchondroses.”35,37 The mandible was perceived as
future discoveries in developmental molecular biology. In essentially a bent long bone, with the mandibular condylar
particular, research by Waddington clearly established the cartilage being equivalent to the epiphyseal plates of long
linkage between embryology and genetics by proposing to bones whose growth forces the mandible downward and for-
think of genes as organizers and “evocators” of develop- ward, away from the cranial base, during normal ontogeny.38
ment.28 –31 The sutural theory accounted for two major factors that
were difficult to resolve within the remodeling theory. First,
The Role of Sutures and it was consistent with the established fact that periosteal re-
modeling of bone is under strong local influences by the
Cartilage in Craniofacial Growth functional environment, and thus is unlikely to be under
The remodeling theory of craniofacial growth, which empha- strong intrinsic, hereditary control. Second, the sutural the-
sized the role of differential deposition and resorption in the ory was consistent with the contemporary understanding of
growth of the craniofacial skeleton, derived principally from the importance of cartilaginous structures and skeletal joints
Craniofacial growth 175

the Irish anatomist, James H. Scott, proposed an alternative

explanation, the nasal septum theory, as the single and unified
theory of craniofacial growth.43– 45 According to the nasal
septum theory, sutures play little or no direct role in the
growth of the craniofacial skeleton. Rather, sutures are
merely permissive, secondary, and compensatory sites of
bone formation and growth. Primarily through comparative
histological analysis, Scott concluded that the nasal septum is
most active and important for craniofacial skeletal growth
late prenatally and early postnatally, through approximately
three to four years of age in humans. During that time, the
Figure 2 Schematic representation of the sutural theory of craniofa- anterior-inferior growth of the nasal septal cartilage, which is
cial growth using the cranial vault as a model. Increase in the size of buttressed against the cranial base posteriorly, “drives” the
the cranial vault takes place via primary growth of bone at the
midface downward and forward (Fig 3). The cranial base
sutures, which forces the bones of the vault away from each other.
synchondroses, which are analogous to epiphyseal growth
Growth of the midface takes place via intrinsically determined su-
tural expansion of the circummaxillary suture system, which forces plates, were thought to have a longer lasting effect on cranio-
the midface downward and forward. Mandibular growth takes place facial growth. Finally, Scott asserted that the cartilage of the
via intrinsically determined growth of the cartilage of the mandib- mandibular condyles behaves similarly to cranial base and
ular condyle, which pushes the mandible downward and forward. nasal septal cartilages, and directly determines the growth of
the mandible as its “pushes” the mandible downward and
in the development and postnatal growth of bones. The su- Numerous descriptive and experimental studies were con-
tural theory also reinforced the concept that growth of the ducted during the 1950s and 1960s addressing both the su-
face and jaws was essentially immutable. Sutures as well as tural theory and the nasal septum theory of craniofacial
the cartilages of the craniofacial skeleton were the locations of growth. Through these studies, it became clear that sutures
centers of bone growth at which the inherited, immutable are, in fact, secondary sites of bone growth that are highly
pattern of craniofacial form and facial type, however deter- responsive to expansion of the contents of the cranial vault
mined, was expressed.10 and to functional and orthopedic manipulations of the grow-
ing maxillary complex. Similarly, numerous experimental
1950s: The Nasal Septum Theory (Scott) studies of the role of the nasal septal cartilage during early
Like the remodeling theory before it, the sutural theory also postnatal growth confirmed that normal growth of the nasal
appeared to have numerous inconsistencies. For example, it septal cartilage is extremely important for growth of the max-
had been known for centuries that a variety of major disor- illary skeletal complex. However, the experimental designs at
ders involving the developing central nervous system have that time, which most often involved excision or otherwise
major effects on the development and growth of the cranial gross disruption of the nasal septal cartilage, were relatively
vault. Second, it was understood that the development of the crude. Thus, the profoundly detrimental effects on the
bones of the cranial vault and face have no direct cartilagi-
nous precursor, unlike bones elsewhere in the skeletal sys-
tem. Third, a major source of contention within craniofacial
biology during the late 1940s and early 1950s was the de-
scription of the histomorphology of the developing and
growing suture. According to Weinmann and Sicher, for ex-
ample, the growing suture is roughly equivalent to cranial
base synchondroses and epiphyseal growth plates.35 An al-
ternative analysis of early suture development and growth by
Scott and colleagues asserted that the osteogenic layers
within the suture are actually continuations of the perios-
teum and dura within the cranial vault and of the periosteum
in facial sutures.39,40 Thus, sutural growth should be consid-
ered more properly as a specialized form of periosteal growth
rather than analogous to cartilaginous growth. Finally, sev-
eral experimental studies involving vital dyes33 and surgical
manipulation41,42 of cranial sutures in an appropriate animal
model clearly demonstrated that although sutures were ma- Figure 3 Schematic representation of the nasal septum theory of
jor sites of craniofacial skeletal growth, they played no deter- craniofacial growth. Growth of the nasal septal cartilage pushes the
mining role in that growth. midface downward and forward relative to the anterior cranial base.
Each of these lines of evidence led many investigators to This results in a separation of the midfacial suture system, which
question the validity of the sutural theory. Concomitantly, then fills in via secondary, compensatory sutural bone growth.
176 D.S. Carlson

growth of the midface reported in many studies were almost sumptive forces of heredity were active—such as at bone
always open to the criticism of surgical or other artifact.46 surfaces, sutures, cranial base synchondroses, and the man-
It is important to note that the fundamental dialectic be- dibular condyles. The issue was not whether the growth and
tween the remodeling theory and the sutural theory, and then form of the craniofacial skeleton was inherited through the
between the sutural theory and the nasal septum theory, is action of genes, but where is this complex pattern of heredity
essentially the same. The issue was not whether craniofacial expressed.
growth and form are strictly inherited; nor was it about An alternative approach to the presumption of genetic pre-
whether craniofacial growth could be modified. Based on determination of craniofacial growth had a long history in
prevailing concepts about heredity and the gene and about Europe, and was especially noteworthy through the research
skeletal growth in general, it was generally assumed by all of van der Klauuw.49 It was Melvin Moss, a dually trained
three theories that craniofacial growth is largely inherited, dentist-anatomist, who carried the tradition of van der
intrinsically genetically regulated, and immutable. The major Klauuw to the United States initially in a classic paper pub-
question was “where do heredity and the genes act—at the lished in the American Journal of Physical Anthropology on
sutures; within the cartilages of the cranial base, midface, and functional craniology.50 Moss then extended these concepts
mandible; or at all three areas?” to clinical orthodontics as a new theory of craniofacial
growth, the functional matrix hypothesis.51 These two papers
Structural Basis of the Gene were historic, benchmark events for all of craniofacial biology
and Gene Action and clinical orthodontics as they established a dialectic not
Two major breakthroughs in genetics during the 1950s between competing theories, but between competing para-
greatly facilitated the ability of biologists to address questions digms of craniofacial growth.52,53
of gene action. The report by Watson and Crick in 1953 that Introduced in the early 1960s, at a time when emphasis
DNA is arranged structurally as a double helix provided a was on the relative immutability of craniofacial growth and
model for the understanding of gene replication and also was the location of growth centers within the craniofacial skele-
a benchmark in the development of techniques of molecular ton, Moss’ viewpoint was not merely contentious, it was he-
biology essential to the investigation of gene action. Second, retical.52 The functional matrix hypothesis was a principal
the operon theory of Jacob and Monod provided an explana- catalyst of a new way of looking at craniofacial growth, which
tion for how genes and whole groups of genes operate within became known as the functional paradigm.52 Whereas the
common regulatory sequences that can be turned on and genomic paradigm viewed craniofacial growth as primarily ge-
turned off to control transcription of mRNA and gene expres- netically predetermined and immutable, the functional par-
sion.47 These two essential discoveries led directly to the adigm emphasized the plasticity of development and growth
DNA recombinant technology 25 to 30 years later that forms of the craniofacial skeleton. Emphasis was placed on under-
the foundation of research in the mechanisms of gene action standing the epigenetic interaction of intrinsic and extrinsic
during development. factors that result in variations in craniofacial form and on the
potential of modification of craniofacial growth and form
using the principals of orthodontics and dentofacial orthope-
Paradigm Shift in dics. The historically older genomic paradigm emphasized
Craniofacial Biology (1960-1980) the relative immutability of craniofacial growth and form;
orthodontic treatment focused on tooth movement to correct
The major emphasis of research in craniofacial biology and its malocclusion and to compensate for discrepancies within the
clinical application in orthodontics, especially in the United maxillomandibular skeleton. The principles of the functional
States, during the 1950s and 1960s was on the specific loca- paradigm supported consideration of the use of dentofacial
tion(s) of the “center(s)” at which the inherited traits deter- orthopedic techniques to correct a developing malocclusion
mining craniofacial growth and form were actually ex- or facial deformity.
pressed.48 Areas of the growing skeleton that exhibit “tissue-
separating capabilities,” which included all the craniofacial
cartilages that are primarily under the control of heredity, 1960s: Functional Matrix Hypothesis (Moss)
were referred to as growth centers. Locations at which active The basic tenets of the functional matrix hypothesis are sim-
skeletal growth occurs as a secondary, compensatory effect ple.51,54 –59 Fundamentally, the functional matrix hypothesis
were defined as growth sites. Growth sites lack direct genetic maintains that, aside from setting into motion the initial pro-
influence and are influenced by other factors, such as the cess of development, heredity and the genes play no signifi-
remote primary growth centers and the environment. Su- cant deterministic role in the growth of skeletal structures in
tures and periosteum were noted as clear and definitive ex- general and of the craniofacial skeleton in particular. The
amples of adaptive growth sites. Although this terminology craniofacial skeleton, like all skeletal structures throughout
did help to clarify some issues surrounding craniofacial the body, develops initially and grows in direct response to its
growth research, it did little to resolve the issue of the degree extrinsic, epigenetic environment. As stated by Moss, “bones
to which and how growth and form of the craniofacial skel- do not grow; bones are grown.”56 Therefore, to understand
eton were determined via heredity. Attention thus focused on the factors that affect bone growth in the craniofacial com-
the locations within the craniofacial skeleton where the pre- plex, it is necessary to understand both the local environment
Craniofacial growth 177

Figure 4 Schematic representation of the

functional matrix hypothesis of craniofacial
growth. Primary growth of the capsular ma-
trix (brain) results in a stimulus for second-
ary growth of the sutures and synchondro-
ses, leading to overall enlargement of the
neurocranium (macroskeletal unit). Function
of the temporalis muscle exerts pull on the
periosteal matrix and bone growth of the tem-
poral line (microskeletal unit).

and the resultant skeletal structure in terms of their functional ion to growth of the functional matrix, and in particular of
cranial components. growth-related expansion of the capsular matrices.
Functional cranial components are comprised of the fol- Debate about the functional matrix hypothesis was consid-
lowing two elements: (1) a functional matrix and (2) a skeletal erable during the 1960s and 1970s, primarily because it pre-
unit. The functional matrix refers to all the soft tissues and sented an entirely new way to consider craniofacial
spaces that perform a given function. The skeletal unit refers growth.52,60 Most of the criticism was directed primarily at
to the bony structures that support the functional matrix and only two general points. First was what appeared to be un-
thus are necessary or permissive for that function. Individual necessarily ambiguous terminology and reliance on overly
bones defined according to traditional anatomy may be com- simplistic assumptions about “function.” Second was the very
prised of a number of overlapping skeletal units as the skel- extreme position with respect to the role of the cephalic car-
etal unit refers not to the individual bone directly, but to the tilages in the growth of the craniofacial skeleton.
function(s) that it supports.
There are two types of functional matrices (Fig 4). The
periosteal matrix corresponds to the immediate local environ-
1970s: Servosystem Theory
ment, typically muscles, blood vessels, and nerves. The cap- of Craniofacial Growth (Petrovic)
sular matrix is defined as the organs and spaces that occupy a The last major theory of craniofacial growth to emerge, the
broader anatomical complex. Within the craniofacial com- servosystem theory, was developed by Alexandre Petrovic, a
plex, the capsular matrices would include such organs as the physician-scientist interested in the extrinsic and intrinsic
brain and globes of the eyes, as well as actual spaces such as hormonal factors that affect cartilage growth. As a result of
the nasopharynx and oropharynx.58,59 influences by many orthodontists throughout Europe and
There are also two categories of skeletal units: (1) mi- the North America, Petrovic’s research came to focus on the
croskeletal units and (2) macroskeletal units. Functional varia- nature of cartilage growth in the craniofacial complex, and
tions in the periosteal matrix, such as muscle activity for especially of the growth of the secondary cartilage of the
example, may be locally expressed within the microskeletal mandibular condyle.61– 63 Through a comprehensive series of
unit as tuberosities and processes or ridges for muscle attach- in vitro and in vivo experiments using research approaches
ment. Growth in size and shape of microskeletal units is that were then state-of-the-art, Petrovic and colleagues dem-
typically associated with transformation from an embryonic onstrated that the growth of the mandibular condyle is highly
cell type to an osteoblast-osteocyte associated with periosteal adaptive and responsive to both extrinsic systemic factors
deposition. Changes in the size and shape of macroskeletal and local biomechanical and functional factors.64 –72 He and
units, which include the neurocranium and maxilloman- his colleagues also demonstrated that the growth of the pri-
dibular complex, are the result primarily of expansion of the mary cartilages of the craniofacial complex, such as the cra-
capsular matrices and translational growth of associated skel- nial base and nasal septum, was influenced significantly less
etal structures. According to the functional matrix hypothe- by local epigenetic factors.73
sis, the craniofacial skeleton does not grow in primary fashion The servosystem theory relies on the vocabulary of cyber-
to permit expansion of the soft tissues, organs and spaces netics to describe the growth of the craniofacial complex.
comprising the functional matrix. Rather, translation of skel- Most simply, the servosystem theory is characterized by the
etal units and associated local transformational bone growth following two principal factors: (1) the hormonally regulated
of bone tissue occurs secondarily and in compensatory fash- growth of the midface and anterior cranial base, which pro-
178 D.S. Carlson

Figure 5 Servosystem theory of craniofacial

growth, with emphasis on the growth of the
mandible. Anterior growth of the midface (a)
results in a slight occlusal deviation between
the maxillary and mandibular dentitions (b).
Perception of this occlusal deviation by pro-
prioceptors (c) triggers the protruder mus-
cles of the mandible to become more active
tonically (d) in order to reposition the man-
dible anteriorly. The muscle activity and the
protrusion in the presence of appropriate
hormonal factors (e) stimulate growth at the
mandibular condyle (f).

vides a constantly changing reference input via the occlusion, nature of “causality” in explaining craniofacial growth, the
and (2) the rate-limiting effect of this midfacial growth on the principal feature of the servosystem theory is its reliance on
growth of the mandible. While growth of the mandibular experimental verification of detailed hypotheses. The servo-
condyle and of the sutures may be affected directly and indi- system theory, represented as a cybernetic model, describes
rectly by systemic hormones, growth of these structures is the current state of available data and information and also
clearly more compensatory and adaptive to the action of ex- provides insight into where to look to test relationships. In
trinsic factors, including local function as well as the growth other words, the major strength of the servosystem theory is
of other areas of the craniofacial complex. that it provides a road map for future experimentation.
Reduced to its most fundamental principals, the servosys-
tem theory can be summarized as follows (Fig 5). First, as the
midface grows downward and forward under the primary
Revolution in Developmental
influence of the cartilaginous cranial base and nasal septum, Molecular Biology
influenced principally by the intrinsic cell-tissue related Modern developmental molecular biology began a major
properties common to all primary cartilages and mediated by conceptual change in the early 1980s, with new discoveries
the endocrine system, the maxillary dental arch is carried into relating to the role of neural crest cells72–74 and regulatory
a slightly more anterior position. This causes a minute dis- genetic factors during development.75 With the discovery of
crepancy between the upper and lower dental arches, which homeobox and other regulatory genes in the mouse, molec-
Petrovic referred to as the “comparator,” that is, the con- ular and genetic research focusing on the development of the
stantly changing reference point between the positions of the craniofacial complex in mammals virtually exploded. Ho-
upper and lower jaws. Second, proprioceptors within the meobox genes, or Hox genes, contain highly conserved se-
periodontal regions and temporomandibular joint perceive quences of DNA that encode for certain transcription factors
even a very small occlusal discrepancy and tonically activate and signaling molecules that regulate expression of other
the muscles responsible for mandibular protrusion. Third, genes during development.76,77 As predicted by the operon
activation of jaw protruding muscles acts directly on the car- theory, homeobox and other regulatory genes are the master
tilage of the mandibular condyle and indirectly through the switches regulating development of fundamental elements
vascular supply to the temporomandibular joint, stimulating associated with the presence and appearance of major body
the condyle to grow. Finally, the effect of the muscle function structures, including many of those found in the craniofacial
and responsiveness of the condylar cartilage is influenced complex.
both directly and indirectly by hormonal factors acting prin- Since the discovery of regulatory genes in vertebrates a
cipally on the condylar cartilage and on the musculature. little more than a decade ago, there has been an explosion of
This entire cycle is continuously activated as a servomotor as research on the developmental biology of the craniofacial
long as the midface-upper dental arch continues to grow and complex.78 – 82 Emphasis has been placed primarily on the
mature and appropriate extrinsic, hormonal, and functional genetic screening of abnormal and mutant phenotypes, map-
factors remain supportive. ping of gene defects to specific domains, and development of
Unlike the functional matrix hypothesis, which precipi- animal models either lacking specific genes (ie, knockouts)
tated a paradigm shift in craniofacial biology and rests pri- or overexpressing genes for key transcription and growth
marily on alternative epistemological propositions about the factors. With these tools, it then became possible to investi-
Craniofacial growth 179

gate the actual genetic mechanisms that regulate cellular ac- operon theory, were initially described. Looking back, with
tivity characteristic of a particular morphogenetic program. these discoveries it was now possible, at least, to conceive of
Significant advances in our knowledge about normal and how genetic information could be encoded to result in devel-
abnormal craniofacial development have come about as a opmental pathways leading to a specific phenotype that was
result of very recent research involving homeobox and other passed between generations. Moreover, with its focus on the
regulatory genes. Clearly, the changes in our thinking about relatively immutable nature of cartilage growth, the nasal
the mechanisms of craniofacial development and growth that septum theory could have emphasized specific locations, pri-
will occur as a direct result of recent and future discoveries of mary growth centers, at which the genes for craniofacial
the role of homeobox genes in development have only begun. growth might be expressed. However, even here it was un-
However, it is important also not to assume that these genes, clear exactly what was being inherited. Was it the exact size
like the speculative units of heredity of the 19th century, are and shape of the face? Did the genes act up until a certain
responsible for a predetermined specific phenotype involv- point of development, as did the nasal septal cartilage, and
ing complex characteristics. Clearly, understanding of ho- then cease to influence growth and form? These are virtually
meobox genes and other regulatory factors, and of the addi- the same questions that troubled T.H. Morgan decades be-
tional genes and associated features whose expression they fore, in 1926.27
regulate, is fundamental to an understanding of the mecha- Initial formulation of the functional matrix hypothesis
nisms of craniofacial development.83– 87 took place at the same time as the nasal septum theory. Both
Scott and Moss were interested in the role that sutures played
in the growth of the craniofacial complex, and both came to
Genetics and Craniofacial the correct conclusion that sutures are secondary sites of
Growth Theories in the bone growth. Scott then proposed that the intrinsic “motor”
for craniofacial growth resided in the cephalic cartilages, in-
Modern Era cluding the mandibular condyles. Moss, however, became
Revolutionary advances in the field of molecular biology and influenced by the totally different perspective of European
developmental genetics exemplified by discovery of Hox functional morphologists and proposed that the soft tissues
genes and other factors regulating development are quite and spaces of the functional matrix are the principal factors
recent. Intelligent as they may have been, the anatomists and controlling growth of the craniofacial skeleton. While this
orthodontists who dominated research in craniofacial growth obviously should beg the question of what regulates the
over the past approximately 80 years could hardly be blamed growth of the functional matrix, there have been few produc-
for a lack of understanding about gene action and the func- tive efforts to demonstrate mechanisms of genomic influence
tion of genetically encoded regulatory factors. The discover- on the morphology of soft tissues themselves.
ies about genes and gene action in mammalian development The relatively extreme position of the functional matrix
are themselves only very recent within the field of develop- hypothesis with respect to the role of the genome in cranio-
mental genetics. facial growth was a logical reaction to the prevailing but
The concepts of heredity were only at their very beginnings conceptually and operationally vacuous emphasis on genetic
when the remodeling theory was prominent in the 1920s and predetermination of craniofacial growth and form that char-
1930s. Transmission genetics, which focused on a popula- acterized the first two-thirds of the 20th century. Derived as
tion approach to inheritance of discrete characteristics, it was from the field of comparative functional morphology,
emerged with the rediscovery of Mendel’s experiments with the functional matrix hypothesis was best suited to consider-
plant genetics. There was no real knowledge of the nature of ations of phylogenetic significance, and was less applicable to
the gene, nor of the mechanisms of gene action. Developmen- issues of ontogeny. Nevertheless, the functional matrix hy-
tal genetics was in its infancy as the sutural theory became pothesis brought about a new approach to craniofacial biol-
widely accepted during the 1940s. By combining the princi- ogy and orthodontics; it shifted the paradigm from a reliance
pals of transmission genetics with concepts in embryology, on genetic predetermination to an emphasis on the role of
Waddington and others developed hypotheses about how epigenetic factors in the postnatal growth of the craniofacial
genes might act to influence development of specific, usually complex. As a result, the functional matrix hypothesis pro-
discrete, phenotypic traits. Waddington’s ideas in the 1940s vided a conceptual framework for addressing questions
and 1950s about gene regulation, ontogenetic adaptation, about dentofacial orthopedics and the possibility of cranio-
canalization of development, and the origin and assimilation facial growth modification.
of traits into the genome formed the foundation for future Developmental genetics was in its infancy throughout the
advances; but these concepts were difficult to extend in spe- time that the functional matrix hypothesis was being de-
cific fashion to complex organisms, such as vertebrates. It is bated, so it is reasonable to ask how vague and ambiguous
unclear how these experiments and even their underlying concepts in the field of genetics could have provided mean-
conceptual approaches could have influenced the concepts ingful answers to investigators and clinicians alike interested
put forward in the sutural theory, except to invoke some in the two central issues: what are the factors controlling
vague and incomplete notion of inheritance of complex traits. facial growth and how can these factors be influenced thera-
The nasal septum theory arose at a point in time when the peutically? It was in this regard that the servosystem theory
structure of the gene and a concept for gene action, the was most significant. The major significance of the servosys-
180 D.S. Carlson

tem theory stems from the fact that it clearly emphasized an mechanisms of prenatal craniofacial development. Classical
approach to craniofacial growth research based in cell phys- descriptive embryology gave way to experimental studies of
iology and integrated biology. It brought to bear many of the cell and tissue interactions during development. The role of
concepts of the functional matrix hypothesis, but did so with the neural crest population of cells in craniofacial develop-
the obvious caveat that not all craniofacial tissues are alike in ment and of the factors influencing their migration and dif-
their ability to express intrinsic growth potential and to re- ferentiation became primary areas of interest and research
spond to functional, epigenetic, extrinsic factors. In this re- activity. The general area of teratology became focused on
spect, the servosystem theory provided a stimulus to research specific factors, such as retinoids, corticosteroids, vitamins,
dealing with the expression of growth factors and signaling and ethanol, as developmental insults with specific effects on
molecules that were the true gene products influencing the cell-tissue interactions and regulation of downstream devel-
growth and adaptability of cells and tissues comprising the opmental processes. Increasing numbers of specific regula-
craniofacial complex. tory factors, such as the family of transforming growth factors
With the recent initiation of a revolution in developmental and homeobox genes, were discovered to have relatively dis-
genetics, craniofacial biology is on the threshold of research crete and highly significant effects on the morphogenesis and
and discovery that has already affected scientific understand- development of the craniofacial complex. Unfortunately,
ing of normal and abnormal craniofacial growth. There also however, it is not immediately apparent how this emphasis
can be no doubt that the emerging discoveries about the on morphogenesis and mechanisms of prenatal develop-
nature of the genome and of the specific action of the genes in ment, while critically important for understanding etiology of
the regulation of craniofacial development will continue at an craniofacial anomalies and genetic syndromes, could be re-
unparalleled pace. The human genome is now mapped in its lated to orthodontic treatment of a growing child.
entirety. Basic scientists and clinicians alike will now be able Now that we are in the postgenomic era, at least three
to search for and identify the specific genetic factors that issues would seem to be clear as they pertain to craniofacial
cause or increase susceptibility to significant craniofacial dys- development and growth and to the possibility of modifica-
morphologies. A central question now is: How will these tion of craniofacial growth.2 First, there are a number of
discoveries directly affect concepts and approaches to the genetically encoded regulatory factors that have profound
treatment of abnormal, or undesirable, craniofacial growth effects on the morphogenesis and prenatal development of
and form in growing children? the craniofacial complex. Second, it is clear that all of these
factors operate within an epigenetic milieu, from the level of
the position of genes on the chromosome to the interaction of
Genetics, Craniofacial cells and entire organisms with the external environment.
Biology, and Orthodontics Genes are turned on and off by factors both within and out-
side the genome to produce specific traits as well as to influ-
in the Postgenomic Era ence susceptibility to variations of development and growth.
For most of its history, the field of craniofacial bio- Third, there is a plethora of evidence from experimental em-
logy, the primary scientific foundation of clinical orthodon- bryology, teratology, and functional morphology to support
tics, has strongly emphasized research on postnatal craniofa- the conclusion that morphogenesis, prenatal development,
cial growth, from birth through skeletal maturity, for it is and postnatal growth of the craniofacial complex can be
primarily within this developmental period that dentofacial modified. However, this does not necessarily mean that
orthopedics might be attempted to correct a developing mal- craniofacial growth can be modified in a predictable, con-
occlusion and skeletal discrepancy.86 The field of develop- trolled, and clinically effective way. The following are major
mental biology, on the other hand, arose from the combina- issues that must be considered regarding clinical efforts at
tion of the areas of heredity-genetics and embryology, with craniofacial growth modification: (1) What are the biological
primary emphasis on the intrinsic, genetic, and epigenetic targets of treatment in the attempt to modify craniofacial
factors influencing morphogenesis and prenatal develop- growth, that is, where is the growth-related problem located?
ment. Up until approximately the late 1970s, for clinicians (2) What is the amount of desired growth effect, that is, how
and experimental morphologists alike outside the specific much modification of craniofacial growth is reasonable to
field of developmental biology, the genetics of craniofacial consider? (3) What are the most appropriate treatment ap-
development was essentially a “black box.” The stages of proaches that may be used to bring about the desired growth
prenatal development were well described by classical em- effect? Only by understanding in detail the biological factors
bryology, and it was understood empirically that teratogens that influence the development and growth of craniofacial
have a significant effect on development of the craniofacial tissues can their growth be predictably modified and con-
complex. However, the regulatory mechanisms of craniofa- trolled.
cial morphogenesis were not understood. The potential impact of advances in developmental biol-
By the mid-1970s to early 1980s and extending through ogy for prevention and treatment of craniofacial deformities
the present time, many craniofacial biologists began to take through the use of dentofacial orthopedics can be found in
greater notice of the exciting advances in the field of devel- the essential question put forward initially by Thomas H.
opmental biology and genetics. As a result, much of scientific Morgan nearly 75 years ago concerning the timing of gene
research shifted noticeably toward morphogenesis and action.27 Morgan asked whether all genes were always active,
Craniofacial growth 181

or whether genes were active only at certain time periods environmental and functional factors, but within the param-
during development. A similar question can be raised now as eters that are regulated and permitted by the genome. What
it relates to the potential for refinement of orthodontic- remains now is to understand the genomic and epigenetic
dentofacial orthopedic treatment. We now are becoming in- factors influencing the morphogenesis and growth of the
creasing aware that a number of genes and gene products craniofacial complex sufficiently that they can be engineered
regulate craniofacial morphogenesis, and that these genes are biologically and environmentally, and subsequently intro-
turned on and off at critical times during development. These duced into the treatment of individual patients at the appro-
gene products do not determine growth and certainly do not priate times and in the appropriate measure to produce a
determine specific form. Rather, they provide factors that biologically meaningful effect and a predictable and clinically
may affect the receptivity and responsiveness of cells to in- efficacious result.
trinsic and extrinsic stimuli. Is it possible to activate these
genes and produce growth factors that may have positive,
targeted, and predictable effects on postnatal craniofacial
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