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It is Pali language from the Middle-East

ECK means “Holy Spirit” and ANKAR means “the way or path”. The two together
means “the way the Holy Spirit works in our lives”.
Eckankar teaches the basics, to give you the tools to explore your dreams. To help
you have more love and to understand past and present relationships.
To gain spiritual insight that improves the quality of your life every day. Eckankar is a
spiritual adventure of a lifetime. It is a religion to help individuals find their own way
back to God through direct personal experiences.
Through the light and sound, through the Mahanta the living ECK master.
One can only experience God through the light and Sound. The light shows the way
back to God, the sound is the voice of God calling you home.
There are 2 aspects to ECKANKAR, the Inner (Dreams and Soul travel), the Outer
(seminars, and Books)

When people complain about something that doesn’t really matter a whole lot, it’s
because they don’t have much spiritual experiences. Because they complain so much,
it shows they are very far from spiritual freedom.
Every knockdown in life is teaching you to be stronger, to stand more sturdily. Each
hardship and trials is actually there as a gift from God to make you stronger.
To be a spiritual being means to employ the highest force of creativity that is possible
among people, figuring your way out of situation once you get yourself into it.
“Imagine you’re locked in a tiny dark room feeling sad and alone, then you lie down
on the floor and had a dream. In the dream, you’re visiting with a friendly stranger,
his face is pleasant and familiar. He explains you’ve made this room of problems for
yourself. You shut and locked the door when you started pushing against these
problems. He said but you can get to the spiritual root of your problems. The door can
be unlocked and open from inside if you know the secret. You see that he’s right when
you awoke. You unlock the door, pull it towards you and step out. You feel the
warmth of the sun, see the deep blue sky and hear wonderful sounds”.
“This is Spiritual Freedom”
From “What is Spiritual Freedom?” Book 11 (Back Page)

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