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Write the two sentences as one using the word given.

a. She stayed late at work. She naA to füistr ttre report. (rn)

Carry the knifre carefully. Don't cut yourselí. {*sl

l'm-saving money. I úant to bu!,a hewtar, íforJ

J ,^n-- EÔ.r,,r.p--Vrnnq"1 - Jl. i); l:r , L , .n U' *t . -
d. Regular checks ãre madelSafety standãrd have to be maintained. {orded

lÊfnç.--:-*vrrJ -'l;r ;**

,t ,,\\-
She is a very busy person. lt's hard to keep in touch with her. {such}
,0, l,rCl a Wçy tXrç0n .,íjs*r
T"t'0u{.h wrlh \{,r',*rf

Use the lollowing expressions to finish the shoff stories.

Two men were on the bus. One was wearing white socks and the other black socks.
These two men suddenly exchanged one of their sock and got off the bus each
wearing a blackanda uvhite sock. Theyexchanged socks -llc JboÀ
:.L li:{i1{Áry *i. f,, -

o &*üb S#.ffi o ffi ,h,r,Íffi Jli,,rBi,5,r. ffi tt *, em went nto the wood s

trunk t\ Orrlt v *o---r1ro§t.

and hrought back a large trunk. The boy brought a

ú " crrnp 8rrp

. liis (rrer.,ct Jronl.l- u,nde"slr rrj -lht . furPn5ç

other end of the table. The boy sat at the end oÍ the table p +s \ *+d44Àr
.çk +\-."ç"

*&§b*" Ür,,r hÉn+h U,".q,"
.ru.5 s\e,"!u'$

I r'^
Name lt.t*kJíL Date I I

Label the pictures using one of the words given, and then write a
sentence with it.

l. tht lp^ chqv '.,:uç s{rtçSto

:- &
r+ {huL 6t r iQu J v-v"riwrfv",\.

2. Ht rdo-t g'^ô'r\5)-- -

{hC JJiudptl a.r}^nvnr ri nE -uJot^'



3. (he \xqs r h,rt L( t, \ry, -ili '\e

\ibro v1 t ,[rr \t .qL'i 'r'o\'

o- crr\i t b* "-,

íi,-rç '.ia( -Ir;r^n,iS q+ o,,r'

lu'rr h Li.-.e h,-n\,6* çho *r,h-*rd
L ;.,*,,*rr,''r.{.ç !}§.1 thq pr+ hor Á,qq

a a§-..\ ,f,1


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