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Nurul Imaroh
(English Education Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education,
University of PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya)

(English Education Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education,
University of PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya)

(English Education Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education,
University of PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya)


Imaroh, Nurul. 2016. The Influence of Using Individual Picture to Improve The Students’ Writing Achievement
at The Eight Grade Students of SMPN 1 Waru Sidoarjo. Undergraduate Thesis, English Education
Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of PGRI Adi buana Surabaya.
Advisors: (1) Drs. Sabardi, M.Pd; (2) Drs. Hj. Siyaswati, M.Pd

Menulis merupakan salah satu keahlian yang penting, terutama bagi pelajar yang tidak asli berbahasa
Inggris. Seperti yang kita ketahui, menulis atau belajar tulis bagi mereka sangatlah tidak mudah. Oleh karena itu,
peneliti ingin mencoba individual picture sebagai media untuk memecahkan masalah di dalam kesulitan-
kesulitan menulis. Tujuan dari skripsi adalah untuk mengetahui apakah media tersebut dapat meberikan
pengaruh yang baik bagi guru pada saat mengajar writing di SMPN 1 Waru Sidoarjo. Peneliti menggunakan
design true-experimental. Polanya yaitu posttest-only control group design. Pada saat menganalisa data peneliti
menggunakan rumus T-Test. Selama meneliti, sampel yang digunakan adalah kelas 8G dan 8A, dimana terdiri
dari 30 siswa. 8G Class sebagai kelas eksperimen dimana menggunakan individual picture. 8A sebagai kelas
kontrol yang tidak menggunakan media gamabr. Langkah pertama sebagai bentuk pre-test untuk kedua kelas
adalah para murid diberi tugas menulis teks deskripsi secara singkat berdasarkan gambar yang ditunjukkan.
Kemudian, di akhir penelitian kedua kelas tersebut diberikan post-test. Hasil dari analisa data yang diperoleh
perhitungan T adalah 7,2 dari df=58. Berdasarkan dari tabel signifikasi 5% dan DF 58 menunjukkan dati t-table
adalah 2.00172. Dari hasil tersebut, ini menunjukkan bahwa perhitungan T lebih besar dari T-tabel. Maka, Ho
(null hypothesis) ditolak dan Ha (hypothesis alternatif) diterima. Ini berarti adanya pengaruh ayng signifikan
oleh penggunaan individual picture dalam pencapaian prestasi writing pada siswa-siswa kelas 8 di SMPN 1
Waru Sidoarjo. Saran peneliti untuk guru Bahasa Inggris adalah menemukan teknik baru untuk mendukung
belajar mengajar agar hasil akhir dapat dicapai. Untuk peneliti-peneliti lain, diharapkan skripsi iini dapat berguna
dalam melakukan penelitian lainnya.

Keywords: individual picture, students’ writing achievement

INTRODUCTION of us as a communication, give a comment, tell what

Writing is one of the basic skills besides we feel and so on. Whereas, but actually the case is
reading, speaking and listening. It is very important writing or learning to write especially in a second
skill that should be mastered, especially by the language is not a simple thing.
students of second-learner. Because through writing, In Harmer’s view (2007:11) some L2
we can inform others whom that isn’t right in front students do not have regular practice for going to

English classes, but simply wish to learn to speak to a visual scene. Macleod’s studies have involved
(read and write). Whereas writing is not an instant participants verifying or rejecting simple linguistic
thing, there is a process indeed, such us drafting, statements with an equivalent description of a simple
rewrite and revise. Richard and Renandya state that picture.
writing is the most difficult skill for L2 learners to
master (2002: 303). The students’ difficultness are RESEARCH METHOD
exploring the imagination and organizing the ideas The researcher used a quantitative design to
from the words into sentences then into a text in obtain the information concerning to analyze the
order that is readable, choosing of words, arranging influence of using picture series to improve the
sentences into text structurally and not mastering students’ writing achievement. It was quantitative
some important skills at once such us vocabulary, study because the researchers advance the
grammar, general knowledge and so on. This relationship among variables and pose this in terms
problem must be solved by the L2 learners. They of questions or hypotheses
think that writing is very difficult because they have In this research, researcher used true-
to develop their ideas and use other components in experimental design. The suitable design is the
one time. second design, posttest-only control-group design.
Related on the following fact that happen at
now, the teacher must be creative and innovative to R(Exp)_ _ _ _ _O1 _ _ _ _ X_ _ _ _ O3
transfer the lesson. Tafani (2009) wrote in her
journal that using various kinds of media in the R(Cont)_ _ _ _ O2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ O4
classroom has always been a challenge, and how to
bring these media in the classroom is more than a This research used a purposive random
challenge. The kinds of media that can be applied sampling. First would be 2 classes were choosen by
are maps, pictures, newspapers, magazines and the researcher, 1 class for the experimental group
radios, television and internet. So that, it is done to and 1 class for the control group. The writer couldn’t
make the students become enthusiast and enjoy take the sample randomly from the population, but
during the teaching process. randomly from classes which the headmaster gave,
The researcher concerned on writing simple the teacher considered that the sample can be
description in teaching simple present tense (chapter selected deliberately because their views are relevant
4: daily activity) 8th grade students of junior to the issue concerned. 8-G as the experiment class
high school. There, researcher as a teacher also, and 8-A as the control class. The experimental class
gave individual picture as media teaching. In this consisted of 30 students, 9 male students and 21
case, SMPN 1 Waru Jl. Raya Rewwin Waru – female students, and the control class consisted of 30
Sidoarjo was choosen by researcher to conduct it. students, 16 male students and 14 female students.
The researcher found the proper strategy The aim of this research is to know the student’s
which dealing with pictures. Wright states those writing achievement after giving the individual
(1990:2) pictures are used to be the media in picture for the teaching media. The data collection
teaching because the pictures are interesting and technique of this research is the students would be
motivating, can stimulate the student. By seeing the given a pretest and posttest. It was given the result to
picture series, the students are able to imagine the the writer whether there is an influence after giving
story automatically and make the students in finding individual picture to the students or not.
the ideas easily. Then, the researcher analyzed the scores of
According to Finocchiaro (in Wardhani, the students who had pre-test and post-test by using
2010) pictures are divided into three types, namely formula from ESL composition profile as scoring
pictures of individual persons and individual objects, guide. The components which wewre ESL
pictures of situation and series of pictures in the one composition profile were content, organization,
chart. vocabulary, language use and mechanic. After that
Picture is usually used by the most of the researcher gave the posttest to know whether any
teacher of English second learners. Canning (2000) influence the students’ writing achievement using
states that there is little empirical data and research treatment and without the treatment.
to support the proposition that video or visuals The third observation collected the data for
facilitate in the learning of foreign languages, but it the result. And the fourth made the data analysis for
is possible if visual aid, example picture, can the last result of the observation.
enhance the learning of foreign languages. As
MacLeod (in Canning-Wilson, 2000) believe there is DISCUSSION
a relationship between the process of The researcher chose quantitative research,
comprehending a linguistic statement corresponding in quantitative research the data presentation was the
activity after data of all respondents or the data are

submitted. After collecting data from control class Df =30+30−2

and experiment class, the researcher tried to find the Df =58
differences result between control class and Based on the significance 5% and
experiment class. The writer used formula to degree of freedom 58 (df), was derived t-table
determine whether there are differences in value =2.00172 with t calculate = 7.23. From the data, it
between experiment class and control class. shows that t calculate > from t table (7.23 >
The researcher described the result of test 2.00172). So, the Ho (null hypothesis) was rejected
which was done by two groups experimental and and Ha (alternative hypothesis) was accepted. It
control class. They were given by the researcher a means that there is significant influence of using
pretest before getting the treatment. Then, the writer individual picture to the students’ writing
analyzed the scores of the students had from the pre- achievement of the eight students at SMPN 1 Waru-
test After pretest, they were given a treatment for Sidoarjo.

Pretest 2161 2095 CONCLUSION

Based on the result of the analysis, the
Posttest 2293 2125
scores t-test was higher than the t-table significant
Mean 4,4 1,06 limit. The writer could conclude that there was an
influence of teaching writing using individual
Deviation 287.20 72,00 picture media was accepted. So, there was a
significant influence of using individual picture on
This formula t-test was counted by researcher. the students’ writing achievement.
It supported the data in previous study that
1. Mean of variable X there was significant in scores of descriptive writing
Finding the mean of the experimental and
achievement of the experimental and control group
control groups after the treatment was given to the experimental
∑ x = 132 =4,40 group. After conducting the treatment the one of
30 group which was the experimental group, the final
achievement on writing in both groups were
My =
∑ y = 32 =1,06 different. The researcher found that as Media
Ny 30 teaching, an individual picture is very applicable and
acceptable by the students because the students’
scores of the experimental group progressed. It
Mx=Means of the experiment class means, the students could develop their imagination
My =Meansof the control class and creativity indeed.
2. Finding the deviation of the experimental
and control groups
The reseacher has suggestions to teachers
a. The experimental group and school. The teacher should use media picture in
(132) 2
∑ 2
∑ 2
x = X – ¿ ¿ ¿ 868 –
teaching writing to invite the attention of the
students during teaching learning process avoiding
= 287.20 the students got bored. Besides, insert motivations to
encourage the students. Because the teacher was a
b. The control group role, she or he was not only able to master the
∑ 2

y = y −¿ ¿
material being taught, but they should be able to
3. Inserting the data into t-test seek a more varied techniques which could enable
students in the class adjusted the material which was
Mx−My taught easily. 3,34
t= =The suggestions for school are should be

(√ ∑ ∑
)( ) √( )( )
1 more 359,20
1 selective 1
and research needed in giving
+guidance to the58 teachers15who deliver the material to
N 1 + N 2 −2 N x N y
the students. So the teacher could not only explain
the material as well as they thought, but the teacher
¿ 2.977 should be able to look for a technique of teaching
learning that could not make the students bored.
4. Finding the degree of freedom Besides, creativity was the main point to accomplish
Df =Nx+ Ny−2 it. Especially in teaching English.

Arikunto, Suharsimi. 2013. Prosedur Penelitian.
Jakarta: PT Rineka Cipta.

Canning, Christine,. Wilson. 2001. Visual and

Language Learning. Vol. 48. pp 1

Creswell, John W. 2002. Research Design

Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed
Methods Approaches (2nd Edition).
London: Sage Publications.

Edited by Richard, Jack C and Renandya, Willy A.

2002. Methodology in Language Teaching.
New York: Cambridge University Press.

Finocchiarro, Mary. 1974. English as A Second

Language from Theory to Practice. New
York: Regents Publishing Company, Inc.

Tafani, Vilma. 2009. Teaching English Through

Mass Media. Vol 2 No. 1. pp 1-2.

Wright, Andrew. 1989. Picture for Language


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