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Beauty of law

Plug and play to

understand effect Setting context
1 Hr setting context
of laws in 1. Printed money 1 Hr for each plug and play
economy 2.
Expected earning
4. Expected assets
5. Methods
6. Effects Plug and play

1. No law
2. Religious law
3. Market law
Plug and play 4. Flexible law
5. Tight law
1. Truth and honesty 6. Contract law
2. Untruth and dis honesty 7. No contract law
3. Regulated untruth and
Plug and Play

1. Banking
Plug and play 2. Market working
3. Promise working
1. Squeeze the citizens 4. SEC laws
2. Squeeze the business 5. Patent law
Required outcomes 6. Standards

1. Assets
2. Wealth
3. Happiness
4. Security, strength Measurement
5. Food, Peace
6. Trust 1. Main effect
1. Side effect
2. Main loss
2. Side loss

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