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I Planted a Seed …

I found a seed, a little seed, Small and brown, Soft and round .
I took the seed, The little seed,And Wondered What was inside it,
In some mud I dug a hole, Planting the seed with hope.
What would I see ? A Plant , an insect, or birds that fly..
Or tall white mountains in the sky??
A day Passed, Two , Three , four, five. I gave it water And plenty of
What would it bee??A tree in the forest, A fish in the sea? Or else ,
that butterfly,
I wanted to see!
Six , Seven , eight days went by, I hoped my seed was still alive.
Something Peeped out on day nine, Tiny and green, in the sunshine.
All day I watched and wondered. Would it grow to be. A butterfly, a
bird? No, a tree!
Day ten, as the morning sun rose, I rushed to see how the seed had
grown. It was gone___not there, nowhere at all,
But in its place I saw a caterpillar crawl! Suddenly, A thought came to
me…A tree, a Bird, A fish, it was not, But a butterfly , Surely , it could
And may be one day ,I would get to see, The butterfly ,
If that’s what ,It turned out to be.Or maybe not … Things will be what
they have to be, It has nothing to do with you and me!

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