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2023 NMOS Mock Test Solution

 1 1   1 1 
1. Calculate: 76   −  − 30   + 
 23 53   53 23 

 1 1   1 1 
76   −  − 30   + 
 23 53   53 23 
1 1 1 1
=76  − 76  − 30  − 30 
23 53 53 23
1 1
=  (76 − 30) −  (76 + 30)
23 53

2. Teacher Cao and 37 students went on a field trip. During the break, Xiaoqiang asked, "Mr. Cao, how old are you
this year?" Teacher Cao replied: "Multiply my age by 2, subtract 16, divide by 2, add 8; the result just so happened
to be the total number of participants in this field trip." How old is Teacher Cao this year?

[Solution] ( 38 − 8  2 + 16 )  2 = 38

3. How many grams of water need to be added to a 100-gram 15% sugar solution to turn it into a 10% sugar solution?

[Solution] In a 100-gram 15% sugar solution, there are 100  15% = 15 grams of sugar. To turn this into a 10% sugar
solution, the total weight of sugar and water must be 15  10% = 150 grams, which means an additional
150 − 100 = 50 grams of water.

4. Given that a and b are both prime numbers such that 37a + 57b = 473 , a + b = ______?

[Solution] One of a and b must be an even prime number 2, only when a is 2, b is 7, the condition given by the
question can be satisfied, so a + b = 2 + 7 = 9 .
5. As shown in the figure below, the area of the rectangle ABCD is 56cm2. Point E, F and G are mid-points on the
sides of the rectangle ABCD. Find the area of the shaded region.



[Solution] By connecting BH and CH. ∵ AE = EB , ∴ S△ AEH = S△ BEH iimilarly,
S△ BFH = S△CFH , S =S , E G

1 1
∴ S shaded = S ABCD =  56 = 28
2 2

6. As shown in the figure below, in the rectangle ABCD, EFGH is a square. Given that AF = 10cm and
HC = 7cm , find the perimeter of the rectangle ABCD.

[Solution] From obersvation, AF + HC is the sum of the wide and height of rectangle ABCD, so the perimeter of
rectangle ABCD is (10 + 7)  2 = 34 cm.

7. A train is 450 meters long, and trees are planted next to the railway every 3 meters. The time between the head
of the train to reach the 1st tree and the tail of the train to reach the 101st tree is 0.5 minutes. What is the speed of
this train in m/min? (Neglect the width of the trees).

[Solution] There are 100 intervals between the 1st and the 101st tree, so the 1st tree and the 101st tree are 3  100 = 300
meters apart. The total distance travelled by the train is 450 + 300 = 750 meters. io, this train travels
750  0.5 = 1500 m/min.
8. Find the total number of triangles in the figure shown below.

[Solution] To make sure we didn’t double count or miss any triangles; we need to do this systematically. There are
5 triangles consisting of only 1 piece; 4 triangles consisting of 2 pieces; 2 triangles consisting of 3 pieces; 1 triangle
consisting of 5 pieces. io, there are total of 12 triangles.

9. In the figure below, how many paths are there can form the word “APPLE”?
| | |
| | | | |
| | | | | | |

[Solution] Every shortest path in the figure above will form the word “APPLE”, by 1—3 —1
| | |
labelling each point the number of ways to reach that particular point to find that there 1—2—7 —2—1
| | | | |
are 31 ways. 1—2—4—15—4—2—1
| | | | | | |

10. As shown in the figure, an electronic flea can jump from one circle to the adjacent circle every time it jumps.
Now, a red flea jumps 1991 steps clockwise from the circle marked with the number 0 and lands in a circle.
A black flea also jumped from the circle marked with the number 0, but it jumped 1949 steps
counterclockwise and landed in another circle. What is the product of the numbers in the two circles?
11 1

10 2

9 3

8 4

7 5

[Solution] We see that for every 12 steps, the flea will return to its starting position, so the period is 12. iince
1991  12 = 165      11 , after 1991 steps, the red will land on the circle labelled 11. iince 1949  12 = 162      5 ,
the black flea will land on the circle labelled 7. The product is 11  7 = 77 .
11. Given that a  b = 3a − 2b , if x  (4  1) = 7 , then x = _______ .

[Solution] iince 4  1 = 3  4 − 2  1 = 10 , we have x  (4  1) = x  10 = 3x − 20 , it follows that 3 x − 20 = 7 , x = 9 .

12. Jay is reading a story book. On the first day, he read 21 pages more than of the entire book. On the second
day, he read 6 pages less than of the entire book and there are still 172 pages left. How many pages are there
in this story book?

1 1
[Solution] There are (172 − 6 + 21)  (1 − − ) = 264 pages in this story book.
8 6

13. Worker A and B together can complete a project in 20 days. Worker B and C together can complete the same
project in 15 days. Worker B alone can complete this project in 30 days. If workers A, B and C work together,
how many days does it take to complete this project?

1 1 1
[Solution] By setting the total workload as 1, we get the efficiency: A + B = , B+C = and B = . We
20 15 30
1 1 1 1 1 1
found that C = − = . If all three workers work together, the total efficiency is + = , it takes 12
15 30 30 20 30 12
days to finish the project.

14. Chin and Wong calculated the product of the two-digit numbers A and B. Chin wrote the unit digit of A wrongly
and obtained a product of 473; Wong wrote the tens digit of A wrongly and obtained a product of 407. What is
the correct product of the numbers A and B?

[Solution] B is a common factor of 473 and 407. iince the common factors of 473 and 407 are 1 and 11, so B is 11.
From 473 = 43  11 and 407 = 37  11 , A is 47. io, the correct product of A and B is 47  11 = 517 .
15. As show in the figure below, find A + B + C + D + F + G

[Solution] Connect CD. From G + F = EDC + ECD , finding A + B + C + D + F + G is

equivalent to finding the sum of interior angle of a quadrilateral, which is 360 degree.

16. A cube of edge length 1cm was cut horizontally and vertically according to the figure below into 24 small
cuboids. What is the total surface area of these 24 small cuboids?

[Solution] For each cut, two new surface areas will be created. There are a total of 6 cuts so a total of 12 new
surface areas has been created. Each side of this cube has area 1cm2, so the total surface area of these 24 small
cuboids is 6  1 + 12  1 = 18 cm2.

17. A, B and C are walking around a lake. They start from the same point at the same time. A and B walk in the same
direction while C walks in the opposite direction. A's speed is 5.4km/h and B's speed is 4.2km/h. If A and C meet
half an hour after their departure and 5 minutes after that, B and C meet. What is the perimeter of this lake in km?

[Solution] 30 minutes after their departure, B is ( 5.4 − 4.2 )  2 = 0.6 km behind A. It takes 5 minutes for B and C to
travel 0.6 km and since it takes 35 minutes for B and C to meet since their departure, the perimeter of this lake is
35  5  0.6 = 4.2 km.

18. In the equation below, A and B represent different numbers. If the equation is true, find the value of the 2-digit

number AB .

A0 AA = A  B  BBA

[Solution] We can express the equation as 1011  A = A  B  BBA , dividing both sides with A, we get
1011 = BBA  B . iince the unit digit on the LHi is 1, we know A×B can be 1×1 or 3×7. By trying these two
possibilities, one find that A=7, B=3 so AB = 73 .
19. How many whole numbers from 629 to 2023 contain the digit “2”?

[Solution] From 629 to 699, there are a total of 8 numbers containing 2. From 700-1999, for every 100 numbers,
there are 19 numbers containing 2 in the unit digit or tens digit. From 1200-1299, for every 100 numbers, there are
100 numbers containing 2 in the hundreds digit. Note that we have double counted. From 2000-2023, there are 24
numbers containing 2 in the thousands digit. 8 + 19  (13 − 1) + 100 + 24 = 360

20. Five teams are in a tournament, with one match between each of the two teams. 3 points for the winner, 0 point
for the loser and 1 point each for both teams in a draw. After the game, the points of these five teams are exactly
five consecutive natural numbers. According to the points, the teams are placed 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th, and
they each has A, B, C, D, and E draw games respectively, then the five-digit number ABCDE = ____________.

[Solution] There are 10 games in total, and the two teams score 2 or 3 in each game, so the total score is 2×10~
3×10. The points of five teams are exactly five consecutive natural numbers, there are three possibilities: 2~6, 3~
7, 4~8. If the points of the five teams are 2 to 6, the total score is 20, so all games are tied, and each team gets 4
points, a contradiction! If the points of the five teams are 4 to 8, the total score is 30, so there is no tie, but the points
of each team should be a multiple of 3, which is also a contradiction! Therefore, the points of the five teams can only
be 3-7. The total score is 25, a total of 5 games are tied, A+B+C+D+E=2×5=10. The first place gets 7 points, and
there are 4 games in total. There can only be 2 wins, 1 tie, and 1 loss, so A is 1; The third place gets 5 points, and
there are 4 games in total, only 1 win, 2 draws, and 1 loss, so C is 2; The fourth place gets 4 points, and if it is all
tied, it will be tied with every other team, so that B≥3, D is 4, E is 3. But A+B+C+D+E≥1+3+2+4+1>10, a
contradiction! io the fourth place wins 1, draws 1, loses 2, thus D is 1; B+E=10-A-C-D=10-1-2-1=6, but B≤3, E≤3,
so B is 3, E is 3. io, ABCDE = 13213 .

21. Jill is trying to calculate: 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + ... using his calculator. At some point, he got the sum of 1000, and he
also found out that he had typed one of the numbers twice. What is this number?

[Solution] iince 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + ... + 44 = (1 + 44 )  44  2 = 990 . The number he had typed twice is 1000 − 990 = 10 .

22. Car X and car Y start travelling towards each other from place A and B respectively. The speed of car X is 50km/h.
The speed of Y is 40km/h. When car X reached of AB, he travelled for another 50km before meeting up with
car Y. How far is A and B apart in km?

[Solution] Under the same period of time, the ratio of the distance traveled by the two vehicles is equal to the ratio
of the speeds of the two vehicles. iince the ratio of the speeds of the two vehicles is 50 : 40 = 5 : 4 , we know of
5 5 5 1 2
AB plus 50km equals to = of AB. It follows that 50km equals to  −  = of AB. io, A and B is
4+5 9  9 3 9
50  = 225 km apart.
23. A book sells for $3. If Mike buys this book, then the ratio of Mike’s remaining money to Tony’s money is 2:5; if
Tony buys this book, then the ratio of Mike's money to Tony’s remaining money becomes 8:13. How much
money did Mike have originally?

[Solution] No matter who bought the book, the total amount of money remaining is fixed. io, we unify the units
2 : 5 = 6 :15 and find that $3 corresponds to 2 units. Therefore, Mike has 3  = 12 dollars originally.

24. There are 3 different numbers, by using them to form 6 different three-digit numbers such that the sum of these
6 three-digit numbers is 1554, what is the sum of these 3 numbers?

[Solution] The six 3-digit numbers can be expressed as: abc, acb, bac, bca, cab, cba . iince each of them can also be
written as abc = 100a + 10b + c , acb = 100a + 10c + b ,…, the sum of these six numbers is 222  ( a + b + c) = 1554 .
This tells us that a + b + c = 1554  222 = 7 .

25. As shown in the figure below, ABCD and AEFG are both squares and the area of triangle ABH is 6cm2. What is
the area of the shaded region?


[Solution] Connect AF. In ABF and ADF , since AB = AD and FG = FE , D C
ABF and ADF share the same area. It follows that the shaded region and ABH
share the same area, which is 6cm2.

26. As shown in the figure below, AB = 3 , BC = 4 , DC = 13 , AD = 12 and ∠𝐴𝐵𝐶 = 90°, find the total area
of this shape.

[Solution] Connect AC. With Pythagoras’s theorem, AC is 5. iince

52 + 122 = 132 , triangle ACD is also a right-angle triangle. The area of this
shape is 5  12  2 − 3  4  2 = 24 .

27. ihip X and a raft travel downstream together from station A to station B. The raft only floats along the current.
At the same time, ship Y starts from station B and sails upstream to station A. 7.2 hours later, ship Y meets the
raft. Given that the distance between ship X and the raft is 31.25 kilometers after 2.5 hours and that the speeds
of ship X and ship Y in still water are equal, Find the distance between stations A and B.

[Solution] Because the speed of the raft is the same as the speed of the water, if the water does not flow, ship Y will
arrive at station A after 7.2 hours, and the ship X will be 31.25 kilometers away from station A after 2.5 hours. From
this, the speed of ships X and Y is calculated as 31.25÷2.5=12.5 (km/h). The distance between A and B is
12.5×7.2=90 (km).

28. A team of soldiers is divided into three groups A, B, and C. Given that the average ages of groups A, B, and
C are 37, 23, and 41 respectively. The average age of group A and B is 29; the average age of group B and C
is 33. What is the average age of all the soldiers?

[Solution] After the ages of the two teams, A and B, are averaged, the average age of A changes from 37 to 29, a
decrease of 8; the average age of B changes from 23 to 29, an increase of 6. According to the nature of the
average, the increased part is the same as the decreased part, so the ratio of A to B is 6 : 8. iimilarly, after
averaging B and C, the average age of B changes from 23 to 33, an increase of 10; the average age of C changes
from 41 to 33, a decrease of 8, so the ratio of the two teams of B and C is 8 : 10. The total ratio of the three teams
is 6 : 8 : 10 or 3 : 4 : 5, that is, assuming that there are 3 people in group A, 4 people in group B and 5 people in
group C, the average age is ( 3  37 + 4  23 + 5  41)  ( 3+4+5 ) = 34 .

29. The natural numbers 8336, 8545, and 8782 have some common features. Each number is a four-digit number
starting with 8, and there are exactly two numbers in each number that are the same. How many such
numbers are there (including the numbers 8336, 8545, and 8782)?

[Solution] When there are two “8”s, the other 8 has 3 positions to choose from, and the remaining two positions
can be filled in 9  8 = 72 ways; When there is only one “8”, there are 9 ways to choose the two same
numbers, and 8 ways to choose the other different number, since there are 3 positions to place them,
9  8  3 = 216 . According to the counting principle, there are a total of 3  9  8 + 9  8  3 = 432 such numbers.
30. As shown in the figure below, there are 7 large and small triangles in total. Fill the nine numbers from 1 to 9
into the circles in the figure, so that the sums of the numbers at the three vertices of each triangle are all
equal. Find the maximum value of A  B  C .

[Solution] Denote that the sum of each triangle as k and consider the three triangles
2 9
marked (1, 6, 8), (2, 4, 9), (3, 5, 7), we can obtain 3k = 1 + 2 + 3 +    + 9 = 45 ,
k = 15 , it follows that A + B + C = 15 . To maximize the product A  B  C , the
difference between A、B、C must be minimized, which can be 4, 5, 6.
4  5  6 = 120 . Below is an example: 7 5 6 1

3 8

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