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Civil Litigation
Large Group 1

Note on Task 1

Task 1

What do the following CPR deal with?

CPR 23
General Rules about Applications for Court Orders

This Rule explains how, when and where to make an application to court. It has two Practice
Directions. PD 23A contains more detail as to the content of the application notice and how
this will be dealt with at court. PD 23B concerns applications under particular statutes which
we don’t consider on this course.

CPR 16
Statements of Case

CPR 16 sets out the required content of both parties’ statements of case. Its Practice Direc-
tion includes further detail and additional requirements for particular types of party and claim.

CPR 28
Fast track

This Rule contains general case management provisions and the procedural timetable for
claims allocated to the fast track. PD 28 describes the directions the parties should consider
and a typical timetable the court may give for the preparation of the case and has in an Ap-
pendix the standard directions on the fast track.

CPR 70
General Rules about Enforcement of Judgments or Orders

CPR 70 deals only with some general rules about enforcement, such as transfer of proceed-
ings for enforcement and enforcement by or against a non-party. PD 70 identifies the differ-
ent methods of enforcing money judgments, each of which is considered in subsequent

CPR 25
Interim Remedies and Security for Costs

This Rule identifies the interim remedies the court can make. We will be considering interim
payments and interim injunctions and (briefly) freezing injunctions and search orders. CPR
25 has two PDs; PD25A, which provides the detail as to how to apply for an interim injunc-
tion, and PD 25B on interim payments.

We will not be looking at security for costs in this CPA.

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Which CPR deals with the following?

Summary judgment
CPR 24

This is an early judgment without a full trial where either the claimant or the defendant has no
real prospect of success and there is no other compelling reason why the case should be
disposed of at trial. You will be making or opposing an application for summary judgment in
WS 08-Advocacy Skills Session.

Offers to settle
CPR 36

An offer to settle the claim either party made in accordance with CPR 36 has adverse costs
consequences for the offeree should he reject it and then not beat the offer at trial and there-
fore encourages reasonable settlement. We will be looking at this briefly in Large Group 2
and in more detail later on in the course.

CPR 32

This is quite a long Rule, supplemented by a longer PD, which deals with the procedural
rules about evidence generally.

We shall be looking in detail at the requirements concerning the content and form of witness
statements in the context of the evidence in support of an interim application in Workshop 3.

CPR 52

CPR 52 explains the circumstances in which a party dissatisfied with the court’s decision can
seek to challenge it and how. We shall be considering this in Large Group 8.

How to start proceedings


Proceedings begin with the issue of the Claim Form. CPR 7 and PD 7A set out how and
where to do this and we shall be looking at this in Large Group 3.

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