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Fuel tank


Note: If the fuel tank is removed from the bike it should not be placed in an area where sparks or
open flames could ignite the fumes coming out of the tank . Be especially careful inside garages
where a natural gas-type appliance is located, because the pilot light couls cause an explosion.

1. Make sure the fuel cap is secure. Remove the rider’s seat and the left-hand fairing side panel
(see chapter 8).
2. Free the writing loom from the clip on the inside of the frame above the sprocket cover, then
draw the rubber boot off the connectors and disconnect the fuel level sensor off-white 3-pin
wiring connector (see illustration).
3. Unscrew the bolt and remove the collar securing the rear of the tank (see illustration).
4. Carefully pull the front of the seat cowling away from the tank on each side to release the
pegs from the grommets. Draw the tank back slightly, then left and support it so there is a
gap between it and the frama on each side (see illustration).
5. Place a rag for catching any resdual fuel under the fuel valve. Release the clamps and detach
the fuel hose from the front of the valva and he vacuum hose from the base (see illustration).
6. Release the clamps and detach the breather and overflow hoses from the underside of the
tank, noting which fits where (see illustration)
7. Carefully lift the tank off the frame and remove it(see illustration). Note the rubber mounts
and remove them for safekeeping if required.

Check all the tank rubbers for signs of damage or deterioration and replace
them with new ones if necessary.

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