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The Miniature Castle

Story starter
Hidden behind the maze of branches stood a minuscule, enchanted castle.
It was so easy to miss among the towering trees. Only the truly lucky
noticed the tiny turrets; only the truly brave dared to look inside. I tip-
toed slowly through the forest, leaves and twigs crunching beneath my
feet as I edged closer and closer. I could make out the tiny details,
seeing tiny faces appear at the windows. My heart pounded in my chest…
Continue the story. I had continued walking. I had almost gotten to
the end of the maze but there was a tiny gnome in my way. He was
wearing armour that had made him look very mysterious. He also had a
very sharp sword in his hand and it looked like he could slice of half the
bushes in the maze. The tiny gnome tried asking me questions but his
voice was very squeaky and very quiet. I had picked him up so I could hear
what he was trying to say. He had asked me what my name was and why I
had came here. Then I had told him my name was Scarlett and I was here
for the magical crystal that was held inside The Miniature Castle. He then
said to me that I was not allowed to pass by as I am not a part of the
Royal Gnome family. But then a huge idea popped in my head. I knew a
friend that was a gnome and her name is Emily. Emily and me had thought
of an idea of faking to be in the Royal Gnome family. We had come back
and I had pretended that I was babysitting her. We got passed him and
we also found the magical crystal. But there was one problem. The magical
crystal had a security code on it. But we finally found the answer to the
code. The magical crystal started to glow. Suddenly, a beam of light (that
was a colour that no one had ever seen) had shot right up into the
sky,blinding our eyes because of how bright it was. We shielded our eyes
with our hands, but even that wasn't enough. Eventually, the light had
dulled down and a few clips were left hovering on top of the crystal.
There were 4 clips, so I took two and Emily took the other two. All four
clips had different gemstones on them. The two that I took had a ruby
and a rose quartz on it and the two that Emily took had an amethyst and a
sapphire on it. The clips were really beautiful but we didn't know what to
do with them so we did what anyone would do if they had clips; We clipped
them into our hair. I was really hungry and was thinking of a pepperoni
pizza. All of a sudden, a large pepperoni pizza slice appeared in my hand .
I wondered if the clips were responsible for this so I took the clips out
and thought of a large coke, nothing had appeared in my hand so I put the
clips back in and thought of the large coke again, to my surprise the large
coke had appeared in my hand. They really are magical. Then we had left
with the clips and the magical crystal and RULED THE WORLD!

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