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Unofficial Lite Variant 1.

This variant does not use character decks
Variant created by David Zammit
Follow all normal setup and standard rules for versus mode with changes made specifically as per below.

- Characters begin the game with 2 meter

- Characters all have 25 health
Player’s Turn Sequence

- Draw – skip this step as there are no cards in this mode

- Move – as per normal rules
- Fight

Complete 2 actions as per the normal rules however with some specific changes.
o Move – as per normal rules
o Draw – skip this step as there are no cards in this mode
o Play – there are two types of attacks Strike and Projectile
▪ Projectile – Range 2-5 – 3 dice – boost with meter
▪ Strike – Range 1 – 3 dice – boost with meter

Combo: If the attack deals damage, roll a die. If you get a meter, then make a 2 dice attack. If you deal damage again repeat
this step. These attacks cannot be boosted but defender rolls 2 dice to block.

o Ultra – as per character card rules – no boost

Defending against an attack
o Defending against a strike
▪ Defender rolls 2 dice and can boost with meter
o Defending against a projectile
▪ Defender rolls 2 dice and can boost with meter
o Defending against an ultra
▪ Defender rolls 2 dice and can boost with meter
Other Rules

“Whiffs” – If the opposing player “Whiffs” as per the standard rules, then they immediately take 1 damage which cannot be
Player Placement / Repositions – If the player rolls a meter they can position the defender up to X spaces (X is the number of
meter rolled). This can be cancelled by a defenders meter result
Meter result – this result always increases your meter as well as allows for a throw/knockback when attacking, cancels a
throw/knockback when defending

Guard - make sure to use the guard token in a multiplayer game as per normal rules

Boost – when boosting with meter you can do so up to a maximum of 3 dice

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