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ANDO-701; No. of Pages 9 ARTICLE IN PRESS

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Annales d’Endocrinologie xxx (2015) xxx–xxx

Journées Klotz 2015

Parathyroid carcinoma: Challenges in diagnosis and treatment

Le carcinome parathyroïdien : défis dans le diagnostic et traitement
Daniela Betea ∗ , Iulia Potorac , Albert Beckers
Département d’endocrinologie, université de Liège, CHU Sart Tilman, 4000 Liège, Belgium

Parathyroid carcinoma is a malignant neoplasm affecting 0.5 to 5.0% of all patients suffering from primary hyperparathyroidism. This cancer
continues to cause challenges for diagnosis and treatment because of its rarity, overlapping features with benign parathyroid disease, and lack
of distinct characteristics. The third/second generation PTH assay ratio provides valuable information to distinguish between benign parathyroid
disease and parathyroid carcinoma. An abnormal ratio (> 1) could indicate a high suspicion regarding carcinoma and metastatic disease. Early en
bloc surgical resection of the primary tumour with clear margins remains the best curative treatment. Although prolonged survival is possible with
recurrent or metastatic disease, cure is rarely achievable. The efficacy of classical adjuvant therapies, such as radiotherapy and chemotherapy, in
management of persistent, recurrent, or metastatic disease has been disappointing. In metastatic disease the goal of therapeutic support is to control
the PTH-driven hypercalcemia that represents the primary cause of mortality. Calcimimetics, which are allosteric modulators of the calcium sensing
receptor, have a sustained effect in lowering serum calcium levels. Bone anti-resorptive therapy, like intravenous bisphosphonates (pamidronate
and zolendronate), or more recently denosumab (fully human monoclonal antibody with high affinity to bind RANK ligand) might be temporarily
useful. In a small number of cases treated with anti-PTH immunotherapy, inducing anti-PTH antibodies, promising results have been seen with
clinical improvements and decrease of calcemia. In one case metastasis shrinkage has been observed.
© 2015 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Parathyroid carcinoma; Hypercalcemia; PTH ratio; Surgery; Immunotherapy

Néoplasie endocrinien rarissime, le carcinome parathyroïdien affecte 0,5 à 5 % des patients souffrant d’hyperparathyroïdie primaire. Ce cancer
énigmatique pose une grande difficulté diagnostique et thérapeutique du fait de sa rareté, de l’absence de signes cliniques et paracliniques caractéris-
tiques, qui miment ceux de l’hyperparathyroïdie primaire bénigne. Le ratio entre les valeurs de la PTH dosées avec les kits de troisième/deuxième
génération, fournit actuellement des informations très précieuses dans le diagnostic différentiel de l’hyperparathyroïdie primaire bénigne et le
carcinome parathyroïdien. Un ratio anormal (> 1) soulève une grande suspicion de carcinome et de maladie métastatique. Le meilleur traitement,
à visée curative, demeure la chirurgie avec résection « en bloc » de la tumeur primitive avec marges de sécurité oncologique. Dans le cas de la
maladie métastatique, une survie assez prolongée est possible, aux prix des multiples interventions, la guérison n’étant que très rarement acquise.
L’efficacité des thérapies adjuvantes classiques, comme la radiothérapie ou la chimiothérapie, dans le contrôle d’une maladie évolutive, récurrente
ou métastatique, est très décevante. Dans la maladie métastatique, le but du traitement est de maîtriser l’hypercalcémie maligne PTH-induite, qui
représente la première cause de mortalité. Les calcimimétiques, modulateurs allostériques du récepteur sensible au calcium, ont un effet significatif
dans la réduction des taux de calcium sériques. La thérapie antiresorbtive, avec puissants bisphosponates en intraveineux (pamidronate et zolen-
dronate), ou plus récemment le dénosumab (anticorps monoclonal humanisé, avec grande affinité pour le RANK-ligand) peut se montrer d’une
utilité temporaire. Dans quelques cas, l’immunothérapie anti-PTH a montré des résultats encourageants, avec induction d’anticorps anti-PTH,
suivie d’amélioration clinique et réduction de la calcémie. Dans un cas, une régression des métastases a été observée.
© 2015 Elsevier Masson SAS. Tous droits réservés.

Mots clés : Carcinome parathyroïdien ; Hypercalcémie ; PTH ratio ; Chirurgie ; Immunothérapie

∗ Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (D. Betea).
0003-4266/© 2015 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Betea D, et al. Parathyroid carcinoma: Challenges in diagnosis and treatment. Ann Endocrinol (Paris) (2015),
ANDO-701; No. of Pages 9 ARTICLE IN PRESS
2 D. Betea et al. / Annales d’Endocrinologie xxx (2015) xxx–xxx

1. Introduction carcinoma occurs with equal frequency in men and women.

There is a slight male predominance in some series, in contrast
A very rare malignancy, parathyroid carcinoma represents with benign PHPT where females predominate. Classically, the
less than 0.005% of all cancers. It is also a very rare endocrine disease is described to occur one decade earlier than primary
cancer (<1% of all cases of primary hyperparathyroidism) with a benign HPT, but the largest registry studies do not seem to
reported incidence ranging from 0.5 to 5% with some geographic confirm these data, as the mean age at diagnosis was found
variation (1% in Europe and USA and about 5% in Japan) [1–4]. between 54–56 years [3,4,10–12], similar to benign HPT.
Since the first description of a parathyroid carcinoma by De
Quervain in 1904 [5], nearly 1000 cases have been reported 3. Etiology and risk factors
around the world [1,2,4,6].
The great majority of parathyroid carcinomas are secreting The etiology of parathyroid cancer, like that of other malig-
tumors, presenting as primary hyperparathyroidism (which is nancies, is unknown. It is obvious that multiple environmental
the third most frequent endocrine disorder [7]). This apparently and genetic factors interact in a very complex manner. Exposure
benign presentation is responsible in part for the great diagnostic to radiation therapy, especially at a young age, increases the
difficulty. risk of benign parathyroid disease [13,14], as well as of thyroid
More frequently, the diagnosis is retrospective, either during and parathyroid neoplasia [15–18]. Nonetheless, whether such
surgery, or, most likely, consequent to histologic analysis. How- exposure represents a potential etiologic factor in parathyroid
ever, it is not rare to observe the relapse of hypercalcemia due cancer is still unclear.
to metastatic disease years after the initial surgery. Parathyroid cancer usually occurs sporadically, but it has
The only curative treatment is surgery. Due to the very low also been reported as part of genetic syndromes. These syn-
incidence of parathyroid carcinoma and the lack of specific dromes include the rare autosomal-dominant disorder familial
clinical and paraclinical signs, surgery of primary hyperparathy- hyperparathyroidism [11,19–21], as well as multiple endocrine
roidism is rarely performed as a specific anti-cancer intervention. neoplasia types 1 (MEN1) and 2A (MEN 2A) [22–25]. The
Most experts recommend en bloc resection, which is the most recent advances in the understanding of parathyroid cancer
minimum requirement for obtaining the best survival rates. genetics have come from clinical and genetic studies of patients
Despite these recommendations, most retrospective studies have with hyperparathyroidism-jaw tumor syndrome (HPT-JT), a
shown that the commonest surgical technique is actually simple rare autosomal dominant familial disorder. In this syndrome
local excision, performed in over 50% of interventions [3,8,9]. the affected individuals develop primary hyperparathyroidism,
This oncologically-incomplete technique leads to a significant mandibular and maxillary fibro-osseous lesions and renal and/or
increase of the recurrence and mortality risks to 60% and 35% of uterine tumors. Up to 15% of patients with HPT-JT develop
cases, respectively [3,8,9]. Most likely, this important discrep- parathyroid cancer. The gene responsible for this syndrome is
ancy between expert recommendations and clinical practice is known as HRPT2/CDC73, located at 1q13 and coding for a
due to the lack of pre-surgical factors that could raise the clinical nuclear protein named parafibromin [26], which acts as a reg-
suspicion of a parathyroid carcinoma in regard to the numerous ulator of transcription. Mutations in HRPT2/CDC73 gene were
cases of benign primary hyperparathyroidism. found in around 25% of cases with apparently sporadic parathy-
Therefore, it becomes of paramount importance to identify roid carcinoma [27–30]. Genetic DNA analysis for germline
the very few patients at risk of having a parathyroid cancer mutation in HRPT2/CDC73 gene is recommended in all patients
among the large group of patients suffering from primary hyper- with parathyroid cancer, due to the potential benefit for offspring
parathyroidism. and their surveillance.
In this brief overview we will present, in light of the lat- Immunohistochemical analysis of parathyroid tumors for loss
est research, the clinical, biological and imaging parameters of parafibromin expression offers new promise as a diagnostic
that may raise suspicion of malignancy in patients with primary tool that could facilitate the histologic diagnosis of parathyroid
hyperparathyroidism prior to surgery. Also, we will focus on the carcinoma, which is often far from obvious [31].
novel therapeutic possibilities in the management of metastatic Other somatic gene mutations have been involved in the
disease. development of parathyroid carcinoma, including aberrant
expression of retinoblastoma (RB) and p53 protein, but no clin-
2. Epidemiology ically significant conclusions have been reached [29].

The rarest cause of primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT), 4. Clinical features

parathyroid carcinoma (PC) has an incidence of less than 1% of
PHPT patients reported in the USA and Europe. It accounted for When evaluating a patient with primary hyperparathy-
0.005% of all malignancies according to the National Cancer roidism, the most important goal is to differentiate between
Data Base from 1985–1995 and Surveillance, Epidemiology, benign and malignant disease prior to surgery. This can be
and End Results (SEER) Cancer Registry from 1988 through difficult as there are no specific clinical characteristics that
2003 [1,3,4,6]. The incidence was 5.1% of cases of PHPT in allow differentiation of parathyroid cancer from benign dis-
a national survey in Japan from 1980 to 1989, suggesting that ease. As the majority of parathyroid cancers are functioning
there may be significant regional variations [2]. Parathyroid tumors, many clinical symptoms are similar to those of benign

Please cite this article in press as: Betea D, et al. Parathyroid carcinoma: Challenges in diagnosis and treatment. Ann Endocrinol (Paris) (2015),
ANDO-701; No. of Pages 9 ARTICLE IN PRESS
D. Betea et al. / Annales d’Endocrinologie xxx (2015) xxx–xxx 3

primary hyperparathyroidism, such as fatigue, muscle weak- with these third-generation PTH kits, but not with antibodies
ness, depression, weight loss, abdominal pain, polyuria, bone used in the second-generation kits.
disease, nephrolithiasis, peptic ulcer and pancreatitis [11,32,33]. PTH 7-84 represents 15–50% and amino-PTH less than 10%
The clinical symptoms usually precede local or regional invasion of the total circulating PTH. Consequently, in healthy indi-
of the tumour. viduals the ratio between the amounts of PTH measured with
A positive personal or family history of primary hyper- third- versus second-generation assays, will not be superior to
parathyroidism and genetic syndromes associated with parathy- 1. Recently it has been shown that amino-PTH is overproduced
roid cancer such as HPT-JT and MEN1 should draw the in parathyroid carcinomas [36]. In these cases, the third- to
clinician’s attention. second-generation PTH ratio may be inverted (>1).
Certain conditions are considered to be associated to In our study, in a series of 24 patients with advanced parathy-
a higher risk of parathyroid carcinoma, without being roid carcinoma – a comparatively large series, considering the
specific. Severe hypercalcemia (albumin-corrected calcium lev- rarity of the disease –, an inverted third-generation to second-
els > 3.0 mmol/L), young age, male gender, hypercalcemic generation PTH ratio was found in 83% of patients compared
crisis, concomitant renal and bone involvement, as well as the with 0% of a series of 245 relevant controls. Our results, as
presence of a palpable neck mass (more than 3 cm) should raise well as those from the literature, indicate than an inverted third-
the suspicion of parathyroid carcinoma [1,6,8,11,34]. Patients generation to second-generation PTH ratio is a tumor marker
with this combination of symptoms have a 4.5–fold increased for parathyroid carcinoma, with a sensitivity of 78.5% and a
risk of parathyroid cancer when compared to less symptomatic specificity of 98.9% among patients with primary hyperparathy-
patients. Hoarseness as a sign of recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy roidism [35–37,42].
due to local invasion is highly suggestive of malignancy, since The overproduction of non-truncated amino-PTH in patients
it is very uncommon in benign hyperparathyroidism. with parathyroid cancer might be related to HRPT2/CDC73
inactivation [43].

5. Novel PTH assay

6. Imaging studies
We have recently studied a new laboratory diagnostic tool
that can greatly help the clinician in differentiating benign After the biological diagnosis of hyperparathyroidism,
adenoma from malignant carcinoma. This is the ratio of PTH almost all patients undergo imaging studies for tumour local-
measurement, obtained by dividing third-generation to second- isation. When combined, these diagnostic techniques have high
generation assay results [35–38]. sensitivity and specificity. Neck ultrasound and technetium-
PTH levels in parathyroid cancer are usually very high [39]. 99m sestamibi scan are the most common imaging studies used
However, in most patients, high levels of PTH are secreted by in benign disease, but they are highly informative in malig-
benign lesions. The first assays used to measure PTH – an 84- nant cases as well [44–48]. Computed tomography (CT-scan),
amino-acid peptide hormone – were radioimmunoassays. They magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 18-FDG positron emission
recognized the full length of PTH 1-84, but also a large amount tomography (PET-scan) and, recently, fusion imaging of single
of various C-terminal fragments (resulting from processes of photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) and CT have
cleavage and phosphorylation). a better sensitivity as compared to sestamibi scan and a similar
Since 1987 various routine immunoassays of so-called intact specificity [49].
PTH became available [40]. These immunoassays (commonly Ultrasonography (US), which is accessible, noninvasive and
termed second-generation PTH immunoassay) use a pair of anti- inexpensive, is the most widely used technique [6]. Parathyroid
bodies that bind to the PTH 13-24 and PTH 39-85 regions of carcinoma appears as a large hypoechoic, lobulated lesion, with
the peptide. These antibodies also cross-react with a family of irregular borders as compared to parathyroid adenomas [50,51].
large N terminal-truncated fragments, among which the most In a recent retrospective ultrasonographic study, specific criteria
abundant form is PTH 7-84. This latter form accumulates in that predict malignancy were identified, such as infiltration and
patients suffering from chronic kidney disease, leading to an calcifications. The absence of suspicious intra-tumoral vascu-
overestimation of PTH values. larisation, a thick capsule and a heterogeneous aspect has a high
In 1999 a next generation of PTH immunoassays was devel- negative predictive value, allowing the investigator to largely
oped (commonly termed third-generation PTH immunoassay) exclude malignancy [47,52].
[41]. These immunoassays used capture antibodies similar to Fine needle aspiration (FNA) should be avoided as the
the second-generation immunoassay for the PTH 39-84 region, cytology obtained with this technique is largely insufficient
but added anti N-terminal antibodies directed against the PTH 1- to differentiate between benign and malignant tumors [52,53].
4 epitope. Therefore this immunoassay can recognize the entire Moreover, FNA risks tumor seeding on the biopsy tract [54].
PTH molecule, as well as the non-truncated amino-PTH, but Technetium-99m sestamibi scanning is used for parathyroid
does not measure the PTH 7-84 fragment. tumor localization, but it does not supply information regarding
Amino-PTH, a recently described form of PTH, is modified the benign or malignant nature of the tumor. The technique is
in the 15-20 amino-acid region, probably by phosphorylation however useful in diagnosing and localizing metastatic parathy-
of a serine residue at position 17 [35]. Amino-PTH cross-reacts roid carcinoma [55–57].

Please cite this article in press as: Betea D, et al. Parathyroid carcinoma: Challenges in diagnosis and treatment. Ann Endocrinol (Paris) (2015),
ANDO-701; No. of Pages 9 ARTICLE IN PRESS
4 D. Betea et al. / Annales d’Endocrinologie xxx (2015) xxx–xxx

Other imaging techniques such as CT scan and MRI may be parathyroid cancer, as it is rarely observed in sporadic benign
useful for localizing recurrence or metastasis, most frequently cases. Recent reports suggest using a combination of different
in the lungs, liver and bones. The combination of at least two markers including loss of parafibromin together with Rb
techniques enhances the sensitivity for detecting recurrent dis- expression and overexpression of galectin-3 and Ki-67 labelling
ease of the Tc-99m sestamibi scan, CT scan and ultrasonography index. This combination was found to be highly relevant in
to 86, 79 and 100% in a series of 14 reintervention cases [58]. differentiating parathyroid carcinoma from atypical adenoma
Previous results obtained in a similar series of reinterventions, and other non-malignant lesions [68,69].
found a sensitivity for localizing parathyroid carcinoma recur- Moreover, a more recent study explored the value of
rence using Tc-99m sestamibi scan, MRI, CT scan, ultrasound parafibromin staining as a prognostic marker in parathyroid
and selective venous sampling of PTH secretion of 79, 93, 69 carcinoma. The authors found that negative staining for parafi-
and 83% respectively [45]. bromin was associated to a higher risk of recurrence, decreased
During surgery, in the absence of massive local invasion or 5-year survival rates of 59% and significantly decreased 10-year
regional metastasis, the diagnosis of carcinoma is very diffi- survival rates of 23% [70].
cult. In a large retrospective study in 1999, for 86% of patients Finally, all patients with parathyroid carcinoma should be
the diagnosis of parathyroid carcinoma could not be estab- considered for germline testing for HRPT2/CDC73 because
lished during surgery, although it was performed by experienced more than 20% of them have unrecognised HPT-JT syndrome
parathyroid surgeons [1]. Frozen section analysis is of little even in the absence of family history [27,29,71].
value, since the histopathological features of carcinoma may
overlap those of benign adenoma [59]. 8. Management/therapeutical support
Before referring patients with suspected parathyroid can-
cer to the surgeon, the most reliable parameters that indicate 8.1. Staging
an increased cancer risk are blood calcium levels corrected
for albumin, PTH assay ratio and tumour size. The values of Because of the rarity of the disease, there is no universally
these parameters will orient the surgeon towards an oncological agreed-upon staging system.
approach. Several research groups have proposed possible staging sys-
tems for parathyroid cancer [8,72].
7. Histopathological diagnosis Shaha and Shah proposed a staging system based on the size
of the tumour, extent of local invasion, presence of regional
Confirmation of parathyroid cancer is histopathological. The lymph node extension and distant metastases [72].
cardinal features for the diagnosis of any cancer rely on local The other classification system proposed by Talat and Schulte
invasion and metastasis. However, these features are not com- focuses more on the extent and type of tumor invasion rather than
monly found at the first presentation in parathyroid carcinoma tumor size [8]. They also divide parathyroid carcinoma cases into
[60]. low and high risk. Low-risk disease is defined as invasion limited
Many pathological criteria have been proposed to help dis- to the capsule and soft tissue. High-risk disease is defined as any
tinguish between benign and malignant lesions, as no single of the following: vascular invasion, lymph node metastasis or
histopathological feature is pathognomonic for parathyroid car- invasion of vital organs (trachea, oesophagus or major cervical
cinoma. Early reports in the 1970s [61] describe a combination vessels). The same research group recently published an analysis
of criteria highly suggestive of malignancy: fibrous trabeculae, of a new classification system that further subgrouped high-
mitotic figures, capsular and vascular invasion. None of these risk cancer. In this classification low-risk cancer corresponded
criteria are sensitive or specific enough to confirm or recuse to class I. The high-risk cancers were subdivided into vascu-
the diagnosis, as mitotic activity and trabecular pattern are also lar invasion alone (class II), lymph node metastasis or organ
found in benign lesions [62,63]. invasion (class III) and distant metastasis (class IV). A statisti-
More recently, the histopathological diagnosis of parathy- cally significant overall survival difference was found between
roid cancer, according to the WHO criteria [64], is defined as these different classes (98.6, 72, 71.4, 40% respectively), thereby
the presence of minor criteria such as capsular and soft tissue confirming the validity of this classification system [8,73].
invasion as a sign of infiltrative growth or a major criterion as
histological proof of vascular invasion, with or without invasion 8.2. Surgery
of vital organs, or presence of local or distant metastasis [64,65].
In practice, capsular invasion is only found in some of the spec- The treatment of choice is undoubtedly complete surgi-
imens, whereas vascular invasion is rarely present [32,66]. It is cal resection, the only technique that is potentially curative
hence of great importance to consider the overall clinical picture, [1,3,6,32,45]. The goal is to remove the entire tumour, prevent
rather than any single histopathological feature [2,52,60]. local recurrence and eliminate the risk of distant metastasis origi-
Because of these difficulties, considerable efforts have been nating from regionally persistent disease [9]. The most important
directed towards developing other methods such as immunohis- factors determining patient outcome are tumour characteristics
tochemistry and DNA analysis [67,68]. Immunohistochemical and surgical approach.
staining for parafibromin can help to avoid diagnostic errors; Surgery is indicated in two distinct clinical scenarios: at the
the absence of parafibromin is a powerful tool to diagnose time of diagnosis of hyperparathyroidism, when it could be

Please cite this article in press as: Betea D, et al. Parathyroid carcinoma: Challenges in diagnosis and treatment. Ann Endocrinol (Paris) (2015),
ANDO-701; No. of Pages 9 ARTICLE IN PRESS
D. Betea et al. / Annales d’Endocrinologie xxx (2015) xxx–xxx 5

curative and in case of recurrent or metastatic disease, when in advanced parathyroid carcinoma is mostly related to severe
multiple interventions are usually necessary. hypercalcemia rather than the tumour mass [44].
Complete en bloc resection with ipsilateral hemithyroidec- The goal of metastasis resection is to remove all lesions
tomy and centrocervical lymphadenectomy should represent the located in the neck, mediastinum, as well as in distant sites and to
minimum oncological approach in all patients with suspected obtain clear margins. In patients who have repeated recurrences,
parathyroid carcinoma. When performed by dedicated endocrine a combined treatment modality could be employed complemen-
oncologic surgeons, this procedure has moderate risks [65]. It tary to surgery: embolization, radio-frequency ablation [79].
is of great importance that clear gross margins are obtained and
rupture of the capsule is avoided, preventing tumour seeding 8.3. Chemotherapy
and local recurrence [74,75]. If the recurrent laryngeal nerve is
involved, it can be sacrificed [45]. There is no evidence supporting the efficacy of chemother-
At presentation, 15–30% of PC patients have cervical node apy in parathyroid carcinoma. Due to the rarity of the disease,
involvement. The therapeutic ipsilateral cervical compartment experience is limited to case reports [11,32,74,80]. These scat-
lymph node dissection is indicated if preoperative or intraoper- tered case reports showed some benefits with regimens including
ative findings indicate lymph node involvement. Prophylactic dacarbazine alone or in combination with other agents in patients
neck dissection in patients without evidence of local inva- with advanced metastatic disease, but a survival benefit was not
sion is not indicated, because it does not improve survival, demonstrated [11,80].
but does increase morbidity [76]. More extensive surgical
resection advocated by certain investigators is usually not rec-
8.4. Radiotherapy
ommended because of increased morbidity and unimproved
survival [77].
Parathyroid carcinoma is not considered to be radiosensitive
The evolution of the disease is directly influenced by the sur-
and there is no evidence for the efficacy of radiation treatment
gical approach, hence the importance of the en bloc resection.
as primary therapy in local or metastatic disease. There is some
Patients who were diagnosed before or during surgery and ben-
evidence, however, suggesting the benefit of postoperative radio-
efited from an en bloc resection had a recurrence rate of 33%,
therapy, in several case reports [11,32,81,82]. In these cases,
whereas patients who were diagnosed after the initial surgery
radiotherapy reduced local recurrence and increased disease free
had a recurrence rate of over 50%, as only local excision was
interval. In one study, the investigators recommended adjuvant
performed [1,3,76]. The use of rapid intraoperative PTH assay,
post-surgery radiation with 40-50 Gy in patients at high risk of
when available, can be useful in the management of parathy-
local recurrence [82], while in another study the dosage admin-
roid carcinoma. Normalization of PTH levels postoperatively is
istered was 70 Gy [81]. These results should be interpreted with
reassuring that the tumour was most likely completely resected
great caution, as the studies were retrospective and each included
[37,52,78]. If PTH levels do not decrease into the normal range
a very small number of patients.
and the patient remains hypercalcemic, incomplete resection
should be suspected and additional localisation studies and re-
intervention is warranted. In these cases, adequate pre-operative 8.5. Metastatic disease
imaging techniques are of capital importance to help localise the
disease and guide the surgeon toward the adequate intervention. For most patients with metastatic dissemination, parathyroid
Parathyroid carcinoma usually recurs two to five years after carcinoma becomes a chronic disease. The severe hypercalcemia
the initial surgery [74,76]. Local recurrence rates vary between is the most frequent cause of morbidity and mortality. Prolonged
33% and 82% at five years [6,32,61,76] and are most likely due survival is still possible at this stage, as long as hypercalcemia
to incomplete resection. is controlled.
Metastases occur through lymphatic and hematogenous dis- Medical intervention is required in patients with disseminated
semination. The most common sites of distant metastasis are the or unresectable local disease, in case of hypercalcemic crisis and
lung, liver and bones [6,61,75]. also in patients selected for surgical reintervention.
Patients with recurrent disease or distant metastasis present In such patients, severe dehydration arises because of the
with gradually increasing serum calcium along with high PTH calcium-induced nephrogenic diabetes insipidus and the associ-
values. At this point, management of hypercalcemia and per- ated nausea and vomiting. Aggressive volume expansion with
forming appropriate imaging studies to localise the site of saline infusion and use of loop diuretics to enhance renal excre-
recurrence are essential. Combining techniques, from less to tion of calcium are required on an urgent basis [56].
more invasive, such as selective venous sampling with PTH mea- The use of agents interfering with osteoclast bone resorption
surement, should be undertaken in case of inconclusive results is almost always necessary.
Repeat surgery with metastasis resection has shown to 8.5.1. Bisphosphonates
decrease PTH and calcium levels, providing symptomatic relief Bisphosphonates, which are potent inhibitors of osteoclast-
and temporary biochemical normalisation, which is why it is mediated bone resorption, have been shown to reduce
always recommended when feasible. Resection of distant metas- serum calcium in patients with parathyroid cancer [6,56,83].
tasis has been shown to improve patient survival, as the mortality Potent agents such as pamidronate and zolendronate can be

Please cite this article in press as: Betea D, et al. Parathyroid carcinoma: Challenges in diagnosis and treatment. Ann Endocrinol (Paris) (2015),
ANDO-701; No. of Pages 9 ARTICLE IN PRESS
6 D. Betea et al. / Annales d’Endocrinologie xxx (2015) xxx–xxx

administered intravenously, but their control of hypercalcemia of high PTH concentrations. This was achieved by immunisa-
is only temporary, ranging from days to several months at best. tion and induction of neutralizing autoantibodies against human
PTH. This procedure involved breaking normal immune toler-
8.5.2. Denosumab ance to PTH by using human and bovine PTH-like immunogenic
Denosumab, an humanized monoclonal antibody that binds fragments in order to stimulate the production of antibodies that
to the “receptor activator of nuclear factor kB ligand (RANKL)” would cross-react with human PTH [93].
was recently reported to be effective in the management of severe We immunised our first patient in 2001 following the same
hypercalcemia in patients with metastatic disease [84,85]. It is protocol [94]. We chose a combination of human, modified
effective for several months. human and bovine peptides for the immunotherapy. The human
Use of other agents such as mithramycine [6], plicamicyn modified peptides contained single amino-acid substitution at
and gallium nitrate is limited due to their toxicity, particularly position 2 of each fragment, remaining more similar to human
renal. Moreover, their efficacy is only transient [86]. molecule than to the bovine one. These minimal structural dif-
Calcitonin and octreotide as well as corticosteroids can also ferences are required to favour cross-recognitions of human
be administered, but with only temporary benefit [6,87]. proteins, assuring a satisfactory major histocompatibility com-
plex presentation of antigens from B cells to T cells. Antigenicity
was enhanced by synthesizing each of the PTH fragments as
8.5.3. Calcimimetics
multi-antigenic peptides (octamers) on lysine webs connected to
Calcimimetics represent another class of drugs, which are
a lysine core. These immunogenic peptides were further mixed
allosteric modulators of the calcium sensing receptor. These
with whole human PTH and with Freund adjuvant and were fur-
drugs bind to the calcium-sensing receptor on the surface of
ther administrated as intradermal injections targeting cervical,
parathyroid cells, increasing the receptor’s sensitivity to extra-
axillary and inguinal lymph nodes.
cellular calcium. This results in a reduction of PTH secretion by
After the fourth immunisation, we observed a decrease and
parathyroid cells [83].
even normalisation of calcium concentrations followed by the
After encouraging results with a first-generation cal-
same trend in PTH levels. Both calcemia and PTH levels were
cimimetic (R-568), a second-generation product, cinacalcet,
normalised at the time of the fifth immunisation and remained
proved its efficacy by decreasing serum calcium in patients
stable for more than 72 months [94].
with metastatic parathyroid carcinoma enrolled in a multicen-
Semi-quantitative dot-blot analysis was used to demonstrate
tric study. In this study 18 out of 29 patients responded to
the presence of antibodies against all the human and bovine PTH
treatment with an average reduction in serum calcium from
fragments. These were identified as early as three weeks after
15 mg/dL to 11 mg/dL. Patients with the highest calcium levels
the first immunisation [94].
at the beginning of the study had the most significant responses.
Regular surveillance of pulmonary metastases found a
Patients tolerated total daily doses up to 360 mg, nausea and
progressive decrease from the baseline (before starting
vomiting being the most common side effects. Interestingly,
immunotherapy) to the time of the eight immunisation of
decreased serum calcium levels were achieved without a sig-
39.2–71.4% in their size [94]. The patient remains alive and
nificant decrease in PTH levels [88,89].
well but has required intermittent but irregular immunisations
due to increases in serum calcium,
8.6. Radiofrequency ablation of metastasis Few other patients with metastatic parathyroid carcinoma
were immunised by following the same protocol. A significant
In metastatic disease with unresectable disseminated lesions, reduction in calcium levels was obtained and it lasted for over
alternative methods such as radiofrequency ablation were report- six months, with no change of PTH levels or metastases volume
edly used in the management of lung metastasis [90,91]. A [95,96].
combination of radiofrequency ablation and transcatheter arte- Almost at the same time, another immunisation method has
rial embolization has been used to treat multiple metastatic been attempted. Dendritic cells, pulsed with patient’s tumour
lesions in the liver [92]. In these reports, improvement of serum extract in vitro have been used in parathyroid carcinoma, as
calcium and PTH levels were obtained following treatment. well as in medullary thyroid carcinoma, but with poor clinical
results [97,98], possibly related to antigen processing.
8.7. Immunotherapy In our opinion, immunotherapy represents a promising tech-
nique. It provides significant clinical benefits in term of survival
The early years of immunotherapy in the treatment of solid, and quality of live and has fewer side effects when used as
aggressive cancers have seen inconclusive results. Progressively adjuvant therapy. Nevertheless, this treatment requires further
the mechanisms of antigen presentation, immune tolerance and validation in clinical trials, which are difficult to conceive due
autoimmunity became more clearly understood. This raised to the rarity of the disease.
interest in developing a variety of methods used to induce and In the past decade, significant advances in the understanding
enhance targeting of antigens expressed by cancer cells. of mechanisms underlying tumour immunology were achieved.
In 1999, Bradwell and Harvey showed that it was possible Immunotherapy has become an important therapeutic strategy,
to reduce hypercalcemia in a patient with terminal metastatic with advanced phase III clinical studies demonstrating sur-
parathyroid carcinoma, by immunologically blocking the effects vival advantages in the treatment of melanoma, lung or prostate

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