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Ferdinand Marcos jr., son of the late president Ferdinand Marcos sr. has won the presidency in
the Philippines securing around 60% of the votes last Monday, May 9, 2022 election.
According to multiple local media outlets that cite data from the election commission late on
Monday, Marcos has 31 million votes followed by his closest opponent Vice President Leni
Robredo who has 14.78 million of votes.

Marcos gave a short speech for his supporters and all the media in his headquarters and
thanked everyone who joined him in his fight. He said, “Any endeavor as large as this does not
involve one person,”. “It involves very, very many people working in very, very many different
The win of the UNITEAM is said to be for the Filipino people. The combination of Marcos-
Duterte being the leaders of the country will lead to unity which will lead to a better and
brighter future of the country. As what they have been repeating since their rally campaign,
unity will be the diving force to make this country great again and they are ready to work
together with the Filipino people.
The result of this election gives assurance to a lot of people specially who voted for him to have
strong government that will hopefully let the country develop. BBM, the next Philippine
President chosen by an overwhelming majority of Filipinos, has vowed to create the country
great once more.

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