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Photoshop QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1. When was photoshop created ? _ created in 1988. 2. Who made photoshop ? _thomas and John knoll. 3. What is the photoshop ? _photoshop.- is the leading professional image editing program. 4. What are the types of the resolution ? _there are two types of resolution. «when you want to print image use 72 resolution. «when you want image sent website use 300 resolution. 5. What types of color mode ? + RGB_use the image sent website. *CMYK_ used the image is print. 6. How to open image from the disk or file explorer ? _select file> open file> disk drive file> where saved image> choose image> then open. 7. How to save image ? _ select file_ save as_name_ save. 8. Explain manu bar, toolbar, image, image name, pletters ? manu bar_ if you look the top on the screen you will see the manu bar. toolbar_is the most part in photoshop that carry acces. image_ image will appear in window when you open file. image name _when you open image file the top window as you shown. Pletters _ contain function that help to modify image. 9. Explain history, layers,and adjustments? History _ store and display any actions performed. Layers_ organise your work to edited and view image. Adjustments_ gives you ability to change your work. 70. What is resolution? Resolution is __ number of pixels printed area image. 11. Define function of color, swaches and style? Color_ you can use to change foreground and background. Swaches_ you can choose background and foreground color and add custimazed color library. Style_ allows you select layer to fill color style. 12.what is recommended resolution and color made for printers? _used color modeis CMYK colo and 72 resolution. Functional tools 7. Move tool (V)_ used to move object in around photoshoop. 2.marquee tool (M)_ when you want to take part oplf object then copy used marquee tool. 3. Lasso tool (L)_ used to select object. 4. Crop tool (C)_ used to crop size correctly. 5.eye dropped tool(I)_ used when you want take color from color. 6.magic wand (W)_ used to select similarly colored areas. 7.healing brush tool (J)_ used to remove or destroy rash on your face. 8.brush tool (B)_ take part on your face and repair another part on your face that found rash and etc. 9.clone stamp (S)_ take part of image as sample and hide unwanted items in image. 70. History brush tool (Y)_ let's you paint back in time means all removes you make. 71. Eraser brush tool (E)_ removes part of an existing path or stroke. 12.paint bucket _ used to fill color specific area. 13. Gradient _ contain mare than one color leads professional color. 14. Blur_ will blur edges in image. Sharpen_ soft edges image. Smudge_ will smudge the area all around the canvas. 15. Path tool (A)_ it's like move tool. 16. Type tool (T)_ this tool used to type text also change fonts text go with manu bar and choose characters. 77_ pen tool (P)_ used to draw path and add anchor to modify path. 18. Shapes_ used to draw and contain rectangle eclipse lines have polygon tool and etc. 79. Hand tool (H)_ allows you surround object photoshoop canvas 20. Zoom tool (Z)_ this tool used to increase and decrease the size of image. 21. Color selection tool (D)_ contain foreground color and background color. Foreground color _ the color appear upper box. Background color_ the color appear lower box. *To change foreground color _ click the upper color in box. To change background color_ click lower color in box. To reserve_ foreground color and background color click switch color icon. _ when you want shape fill foreground color use Alt + backspace . Ctrl + backspace. 22. Note tool_ used to type in text like notice,lesson. 23. Quick selection tool_ use to select object or image etc. Prepared by mohamed abdirizaq

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