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7/1/23, 10:31 PM State is Widget Info.

this are highlevel classes how they are compliled and

understood by the painting engine?

The high-level classes and features related to graphic 

and paths in Flutter are compiled and understood by
the Flutter rendering engine, which is responsible for
rendering the UI elements on the screen. Here's a
high-level overview of how the compilation and
rendering process works:

Widget Tree: In Flutter, you define your UI using a

tree-like structure of widgets. Each widget represents
a UI element and can contain child widgets, forming
hierarchical structure known as the widget tree. The
widget tree is defined in Dart code.
Render Object Tree: When you run your Flutter
application, the framework takes the widget tree and
creates a corresponding render object tree. Each
widget in the widget tree has a corresponding rende
object in the render object tree. Render objects are
low-level representations of UI elements and contain
information about layout, painting, and hit testing.
Layout: The layout phase determines the size and
position of each render object in the render object
tree. The framework performs a top-down layout
traversal, starting from the root render object. Each
render object receives layout constraints from its
parent and computes its own layout based on those
constraints. This process continues recursively until
the entire render object tree is laid out.
Painting: After layout, the painting phase begins. The
framework traverses the render object tree in a depth
first order and invokes the paint method on each 1/2
7/1/23, 10:31 PM State is Widget Info.

render object. The paint method is responsible for 

painting the visual representation of the render obje

onto the canvas. This is where the high-level classes
like Path, Canvas, and Paint are used to define shape
paths, colors, and other visual properties.
Rasterization: Once the paint method is invoked on
each render object, the rendering engine converts th
visual representation into a bitmap image. This
process is known as rasterization. The bitmap image
represents the final rendered UI.
Display: The rasterized bitmap image is then displaye
on the screen by the underlying platform-specific
graphics system.

The rendering engine, which is implemented in C++ a

part of the Flutter framework, interprets the Dart code
that defines the widget tree, executes the layout and
painting logic, and orchestrates the rendering process
The high-level classes like Path, Canvas, and Paint are
part of the Flutter framework's APIs and are used by
the rendering engine to generate the desired graphic
output based on the instructions provided in the pain
methods of render objects.

It's important to note that the rendering engine's

implementation details may vary across different
platforms (such as iOS and Android) to leverage the
native rendering capabilities of each platform.
However, the high-level Flutter APIs, including the
classes related to paths and graphics, provide a unifie
and consistent way to define and manipulate UI
elements across different platforms. 2/2

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