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English Discovery; Basic 1: Articles “Test”.



1- - Molly has ________ beautiful house. ____________ house has ____________large living room.

*a The an

*an A a

*the An the

2 - Kara is ________ actress. She's making ________ new movie. ________ movie is a love story.

*a a An

*an an The

*the the A

Esp. Fredy Espinosa A ___ Institución E. Ángel Cuniberti __ Área: Ingles ___2015Pá gina 1
English Discovery; Basic 1: Articles “Test”. Resolver

3- - I'm looking for ________ book about the U.S.A.

- Are you looking for ________ travel guide?

- Yes, I am.

- ________ travel books are over there.

*the a A

*a an The

*an the An

4- - That was ________ good lunch! Let's get ________ check.

*an a

*a the

*the an

5- - Give me ________ pen, please.

- Do you want ________ blue pen?

- No, the red one.




Esp. Fredy Espinosa A ___ Institución E. Ángel Cuniberti __ Área: Ingles ___2015Pá gina 2

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