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“A paid passage back to the world of wonder.

” During the past week, I have been

thinking alot about happiness. What it means to be happy and why as Americans is our happiness

drained out of us? We are in the richest country in the world, have more than everyone else, and

could get anything we want if we are willing to wait one day. It's a strange idea when the world

is so small that everything is within reach. But “a paid passage back to the world of wonder”

must not be the world as we see it but instead could be the world as it is. These ideas of

happiness have given me thoughts of opposites. We can only know day if we have night, we can

only know love if we’ve known hate, we can only know happiness if we’ve know sadness, etc,

etc. Isn’t it all kind of bullshit? Like how can we have so much, think so much, but feel to little?

Its like the world is becoming a duller and duller place, every passing moment being captured

and stored in a 5x2 phone screen. I just don’t know what to think of it, how can we make the

world beautiful again? But what if it was never beautiful in the first place? This makes me think

of artist, how can they view the world in a way to produce art. How can they create and discover

different music and pieces in all that the world is? Why can I not? How did they take that “paid

passage back to the world of wonder?” I often think of wonder as being associated with children,

as a child a shred of grass on a field can be the most interesting thing in the world. Maybe kanye

had a point when he said that the only reason we don’t stand on the table while eating dinner is

because society told us not to. So is that the answer? Society forcing us to look at the world in 1s

and 0s and not as a creative wonderful paradise? But that feels to easy, if anything it seems fake.

Like the only way we can truly be happy is if we are not confounded to the walls that society has

created for us. That can’t be true, the fundamental dream of capitalism was to create a world

where creativity can profit individuals, where an idea can make you rich. But that still doesn’t

answer my question it still doesn’t make sense.

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