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WARM uh What would have happened What are some inventions you could not live without? VOCABULARY D Look at the pictures. What things do you see? Write the correct letter Then listen and check your answers. | a-instement bute —_c applance vehicle —e. gadget. too) SMARTER LIFE INVENTIONS Byam OUR GREATEST INNOVATIONS Aad sauce =the brid Chonsticks! yele! Aral Satoh 20 r Electric hammer Get done #& ‘ast with this ‘contraption! >) 2 complete the chart with the words in the box. Then add more words from the picture. device development adaptation advance creation contraption _ breakthrough innovation cranes Words to describe pee inventions vocasutany TIP Learn different forms of a new word. adaptation a 3 pain work. what are your favorite inventions? (noun) adapt (verb) Tell your partner. Rita I think the eleetrie bicycle is a great invention. T wish I had one, | { * | i What would have happened? © Unit 21 CONVERSATION o 8 1 complete the conversation. Then listen and check your answers. Practice the conversation with a partner. | auseless b. innovation awatch phoned. utensil Clare So, Tanya, what do you think of my homemade spaghetti? ‘Tanya It's great. But what's that funny |1 you're using? Clare Oh, this? It's my electric spaghetti fork. See? It spins around so I can get more pasta on my fork. Its a cool [2 ' Tanya Hmm, I don’t know. I hope you didn’t spend a lot on that. Clare Oh, no. My friend gave it to me as a joke gift. ‘Tanya I gota gift like that once. It was this thing called [3 Clare No! That sounds really [4 If I had received that as a gift, T would have returned it to the store. Tanya I did. But why didn’t you retum your electric fork? Clare Because it really works. Here, try it. Tanya Wow, its great! I wouldn't have made fun of it if fa known it was this useful! Sha 2 pair work. Practice the conversation again, Use the ideas below. Add your own ideas. 1 gadget breakthrough an electric hammer weird contraption development 2 violin keyboard silly Ra 3 pain work. mix and match the words to create possible inventions. How might they work? an electric arm chair A robot arm chair would be amazing. It a robot table Sent eee aes sr a digital bed asmart refrigerator 1 Oo! PRACTICE [ETT comarca (CD) If you had invented it, what would you have done? If had invented it, | could have made a lot of money. | probably wouldn't have done anything if I'd had the idea. If had received that as a gift,| would have returned it. I wouldn't have made fun of itif'd known it was this useful If she hadn't been an inventor, she might have been an artist. thad I'd a D head the sentences. Mark the statements T (true) or F (false). 1. If! had known about the appliance, I would have tried to get one, £_ a.1 knew about the appliance. __ bt idn't ty to get one 2. If he hadn't read the report, he wouldn't have bought a hybrid car. a. He read the report. —_ b. He didn’t buy a hybrid car. 3. You wouldn’t have broken the gadget if you'd known how to use it. a. You broke the gadget. You knew howr to use it 4. If we hadn't encouraged her, she might not have sold her invention, 2. She sold her invention, , We encouraged her. Q % 2 ranwont. complete statements wih your on es. 1. If Thad studied harder, 2. If texting hadn't been invented, 3. If hadn't gotten a ... last year, 4, Our grandparents’ lives would have been easier if... If Thad studied harder, I might have become a famous inventor! PRONUNCIATION—Changing syllable stress ©! Listen. Notice the changing syllable stress in different parts of speech. ‘verb Adjective Noun 1. adapt adaptable adaptation 2. innovate innovative innovation Qe er ssn an pet sto st cnc be 72 What would have happened? * Unit 11 LISTENING @O2 @0:. @0+ @xs Write the correct letter. Use the words in the box. a futuristic bepractical portable d. ingenious 1. When something is _, you can carry it from place to place, 2, A device that makes you think about the future is _, 3. People like __ innovations that make their lives easier. 4. When we really admire the creativity of an invention, we say it's _. Listen to people describing new inventions. Write the correct invention. Mini-Medi lab Chef Pot —_‘Friendibot ae 1. The ‘makes life easier for people. 2. The _____allows people to create something. 3, The ____ helps people by saving lives. Listen again. Choose the correct answer. 1, Ifyou had gotten a Chef Pot as a gift, your pot would have a. taught you how to cook —_—b. washed itself ¢. bought food online 2. A Chef Pot might be the perfect gift for__. a..a professional chef bia child ca new cook 3. If you had programmed your own Friendibot, it could have _ a. cooked your dinner b, told you the news —_c. played tennis with you 4. AFriendibot can. a. search the Internet b. give hugs . write college papers 5. If doctors had not invented the Mini-Medi Lab, more people might have __. a, taken medicine b. used electricity c. died 6. The Mini-Medi Lab was designed to help a. people in poor countries. travelers c. inventors Listening PLUS. Listen to two callers. Select (7) the statements that match Pete's advice. 0 You need to find a community. i inamaker space, you can get help from other inventors. 1 You should keep your ideas secret no matter what. CO An idea is enough. You don’t need to make your invention. CO Te invent something it's important to have skills and tools. »AIR WORK. If you had been a judge, which invention would you have awarded first, second, and third place? DO narra TM arn 73 What would have happened? + Unit 11 READING 1 Look at the pictures. What do you know about these foods? eo Delicious Ideas The Popsicle The Popsicle was invented in 1905 by an eleven-year-old California boy named Frank Epperson. The story goes that Frank, who enjoyed creating new drinks using soda powder and different flavors, mixed a drink and left the concoction outside on the porch. That night, there were record low temperatures, and the next moming, Frank found the mixture with the wooden stirring stick frozen in it. He was delighted. He called it the Epperson Icicle, He later renamed it the Epsicle. Eighteen years later, in 1923, Frank started a business producing Epsicies in seven fruit flavors. Later, Frank’s son George gave it the brand name “Popsicle,” in honor of his “pop,” or father. ‘These days, there are more than 30 different Popsicle flavors. Over two billion Popsicle products are manufactured and sold every year. Imagine, if Frank hadn't \eft his drink on the porch, we might never have tasted onel Potato Chips The potato chip was invented in 1853 by a chef named George Crum. Crum worked at a vacation resort in Saratoga Springs, New York. One day, a picky diner complained that the French fries were too thick. Crum made some more, but the customer still wasn’t satisfied. Angrily, Crum finally sliced a potato as thin as possible and fried the pieces. The customer loved this variation on the French fry and demanded more, Potato chips were invented! Crum’s chips were soon called Saratoga Chips. Soon, they were made and sold all ‘over New England. Crum later opened his own restaurant. Imagine, if the diner hadn't been so fussy and grumbled to the chef, potato chips wouldn’t have been invented! a 8 2 read the article. What do these Inventions have in common? Choose () the correct answer. 1, Both are desserts. _ 2, Both were invented by accident. __ 3, Both were invented in the 1800s. _ 4. Which was invented first, Popsicles or potato chips? 2, How did each person feel when he created his invention? 3. What names were these inventions given over the years? Ra. crour work. do you think the people in the article were smart or lucky? Why? 1 think Frante Epperson was just lucky. He wasn’t even trying to invent anything! WRITING ms SPEAKING — What couldn’t you live without? Fla ‘T pain work. circie the inventions you've used in the past three days. Discuss how you used them. + the (smart) phone + the ATM * the computer + sunglasses + the television * the refrigerator + the car * (your idea) Fhe 2 croup woRK. Take turns asking how your life would have been different without the inventions in Activity 1. If no one had invented __, how would your life have been different _ © this morning © the last time you took a vacation © yesterday © the last time you went shopping * last weekend © the last time you... + last summer ee ars Ce eo eee Pre read eee eee Roos and | couldn't have read books. Pha 3 crass activity. piscuss and decide which three inventions in Activity 4 are the most important. How would your lives be different without them? GO Find our the history of an important invention. Who invented it? ONLINE when? share your research in small groups. 7s SmartToik* Student A UNIT 11—Who invented it? 8 Student A ~A rnvons. tse guests complete formato, ‘A Who invented the cell phone? B Martin Cooper and John Mitchell invented the cell phone. The cell phone ‘Who invented | Martin Cooper iw and.John Mitchell ‘When was it ¥ 1973 inspired them. How wasit If they hadn't invented? , they might not have gotten the idea, + Text messaging might not have become popular How would rena orem People would mt have been better at remembering phone numbers, The photocopier Chester Carlson Carlson had arthritis and copying by hand was painful. If they hadn't had arthritis, he wouldn't have invented it + People would have + Knowledge would have spread more slowly. + There might have been more Windshield Mary Anderson 1903 She got the idea during If she hadn't +she ‘wouldn't have thought of it. ‘There would have been more car accidents. + People might not have been able to ‘+ Feople would have stayed at home more often. 2 ask about your partner. Complete the sentences. 1. If my partner had never gotten an email address, 2, If my partner had gone to a different high school, 3. If my partner hadn't taken this class, Writing UNIT 11 ‘ head the magazine article about chocolate chip cookies. Then write a de of an invention you know about. Try to include the following information: + when it was invented + who invented it + why it was invented + how things would be different without the invention Fa 2 compare your descriptions. Ask your partner follow-up questions. UNIT 12 7 ead the ontine news artide about a TV show. Then imagine you are a journalist at one of the following events and write a news article about it: + a movie premiere or an awards ceremony * a fashion show of a hot designer's new collection + an international sports competition or final game + the opening of a famous chef's new restaurant wie Soaring High's Popularity Ever since Channel 3's show Soaring High became popular, ‘many musicians have approached Channel 3 to have their songs performed on the show. But not everyone! Last year, musicians Michelle Crew and Aidan Humphreys denied Channel 3 the right to use their music. The show's producer, Sonja Friesen, said that at first ‘musicians didn’t know what the show was about and wanted to see the script before they gave her their music. When she refused, they said “No.” More recently, however, Aidan Humphreys changed his mind. Now that the show is popular, everyone wants to be part of it! Fhe 2 pain woRK. compare your articles. Which event would you rather see? 113 Grammar UNIT 11 Third conditional ‘We use the third conditional to talk about unreal or imaginary conditions and results in the past. The if clause introduces the imaginary event or condition in the past. ‘The main clause expresses the imaginary result. + If we had left on time, we wouldn't have been late. (= We didn't leave on time, so we were late) + If she had called, he wouldn't have gotten angry (= She didn't call, so he got angry) ‘We use the past perfect in the [f clause and a modal + have + past participle in the main clause. ‘The if clause can come before or after the main clause. If it is frst, we use a comma after it. er I he had gone to college, if she hadn't gone to colle modal + have + past participle | would have gone to Canada ‘She would have stayed for dinner modal + have + past participle he would have gotten a better job. she would have worked in the family business. (arto If had gone anywhere. If she hadn't had an appointment We can use affirmative or negative verbs in either clause or in both clauses. ‘ft hadn't had so much wor ! would have gone to the movies last night. + If my grades had been lower, ! wouldn’t have gone to college. ‘IF hadn't had to goto school, ! wouldn't have gotten up so early this morning ‘We often use the third conditional to ask imaginary or hypothetical questions, Co What would you have done if you had lost your jl last year? ‘Where would you have gone if this university hadn't accepted you? How would you have gotten there if your parents hadn't taken you? 8 I comptete the sentences. Use the correct form of the verb in parentheses. 41, Ift_hadn't eaten already, | would have gone to lunch with them, (noVeat) 2. If we ‘you were in town, we would have asked you to dinner. (know) 3, If he had been wearing his seatbelt, he ticket. (nov/get) 4. If she had told me the truth, 1 (understand) 5. What would you have done with your money if you @ house? (not/buy) 6. What would she have done if she an actor? (not/become) 7. Where would you have gone to college if you into Harvard? (not/get) 8. If had been born 200 years ago, | a much more difficult life. (have) 9. If they a car, they wouldn't have been late. (have) 10. How would we have met, if you us? (not/introduce) 135

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