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It’s s0 easy to have your copy of THE SPIRITUAL LIFE GUIDE rushed to you for your Free Look. Simply: 1. Detach your "Free-Look Reply Coupon” along the perforations, below. 2. Place it in the enclosed envelope—it’s already been addressed, and the postage has been paid for you. 3. And...mail it today. You have 21 full days after receiving your book to read it, pray with it, use it in any way that helps you. I insist that you not pay a single penny for this opportunity. If, at the end of your 21 day “Free Look,” you decide you do not want to keep THE SPIRITUAL LIFE GUIDE, simply return it (in any condition) and owe nothing. No questions asked. If you do decide to keep the book, you will be gently billed in four very convenient monthly installments, Nothing could be easier. ‘And you can change your mind later, at any time, for any reason! If, after buying THE SPIRI- TUAL LIFE GUIDE, you later decide to return it, simply send it back...and you will receive a prompt 100 percent refund of your money. So you do not risk a penny at any time. I rust you completely to do what you believe is best. This is the way I wish businesses would treat me when I order things. ‘What's may keep the free Awaken Your Spirit—30 Stories of God's Amazing Love regard- less of what you decide to do. It’s my gift to you. I ask only that you send ia your "Free-Look Reply Coupon” right away, while you are thinking of it, and while this letter is still warm in your hands. ‘Thank you so much, and God bless. drop in the mail. You pay noth- ing—your 21-day Free Look has ‘not cost you a cent. POSTAGE DUE UNIT U.S. POSTAL SERVICE EMMAUS, PA 18098 ee a ee an oe a will aot cost you a penny to oe SRS NOPOSTAGE fecuntie tort | ——————— . ‘Sat Fight is actualy pre-paid postage. ! Bound Printed Matter | uts'Sfares ; Simply cutout along the amen — dashed Fines. in your return mr WERCHANDSE RETURN LABEL] === aires. atiach te whaler “Sars —— nee | Jerccedin at ek at Power IRON se ot =| ! ! I H : Please tear al ee Poe tee tones person Le a Free-Look Reply Coupon x Q YES, DOCTOR—1 want you to rush-deliver the copy of THE SPIRITUAL LIFE GUIDE you’ve set aside. for me. And thank you for insisting that I have 21 days to read it free, and may return it (in any condition) without being charged a penny. If I decide to keep this wonderful book, I will be billed in four gentle monthly installments of just $7.49...and I can still change my mind and return it later for a full refund. That is so generous. Plus, I may keep the free gift Awaken Your Spirit! 30 Stories of God's Amazing Love regardless. Thank you. (Please check the back of this coupon to make sure I've spelled your name and address correctly. ‘Thank you.) If the postage-paid envelope is missing, tear along the perforation and mail to: Rodale Books, Dept. Q, 33 E. Minor St., Emmaus, PA 18098 “Deposit Directly To Your Hot List Account” Te check on the following page comes stapled to the letter behind it. This is ‘one of TRS’s best-selling teachers... and one of the reasons for that is his willingness to let me write outrageous copy. The beauty in this technique is the way the cut check drives home the fact that there is $97 waiting 10 be put in your account with the client. It's not a “save 50%” offer, ora “half off” deal... it’s having a check you can deposit (over the phone) in your special ‘TRS account, and suse immediately for this product. You also get the unedited version of the product... so you see stuff no one else will ever know exists, Uniqueness and newness are huge hot buttons in martial arts. But you can’t keep going back to the same well time after time. You need different strategies io highlight what you have, This is a great example of creative price-slashing. © 2002 Jom , Carlton TRS Hot List Account Management IW#: 89504 Authorized Special Internal Account Draft Visalia, CA 93219 $97.00 Pay to the TRS HotList Account of: John Carlton Ninety-seven dollars and 00/400 ———~----n=--— Hotlist Account #: 89504 mes Curley Special Products Director Expires exactly at Spam. on the last day of this month! It_may be the only time you ever get this kind of preferential treatment from an “Why is Chris Clugston Putting John Carlton Ahead of Established World-class Streetfighters?” From: James Curley Monday, 7:35 a.m. Special Project Director, TRS ‘Dear John, ‘As you can see, I have made out... and signed... a “special internal account check” for $97, which you can deposit directly into your personal TRS “Hot List” account. The “I.D.” number for your TRS account is on the upper right of the check. This check is good only for your personal TRS “Hot List” account, and can only be used regarding this promotion. Your check expires on’5 p.m. on the last day of the month Here’s why I’m writing you a check for $97: I’m doing this so you can immediately move to the bead of the line, and won’t have to wait like everyone else (including established streeifighters with worla- class reputations) to see the videos the entire martial arts world has been waiting for. Chris Clugston © the most sought-after professional streetfighting instructor in the world right now — asked me to do this for you. ‘You see, about half a million guys just discovered (through a “wild card” leak on the Internet last Friday) that we've finished editing the amazing new Chris Clugston “Advanced Cambrac Bas” fighting videos... and it’s like a BOMB was set off in the worldwide martial arts community. The “insider” demand for this advanced fighting video has gotten nasty — sight unseen, the world’s “tough guys” who know and live streetfighting, Will Do Almost Anything To Get Their Hands On These Videos! But... because you’re on the “privileged short list” here at TRS... Chris has insisted that I bend over backwards to make sure that you be FIRST IN LINE... and... that you get an outrageously better deal than anyone else, no matter who they are. And he was very blunt about it. You get the best treatment, period. Thus... I've written you the above check for your “Hot List” account. To all of us who already know about Chris Clugston, this surge in demand from fighting experts — simply on the strength of an Internet leak -- is no surprise... for 3 reasons: 1. Chris’s astonishing fighting system is totally unique... and totally different from every other martial art out there. And that makes anyone who learns it dangerous beyond belief. lnstead of relying on esoteric Asian skills—which are often tough for Americans to understand (let alone master) —/his system continues the 2,800 year Western tradition of hand-to-hand combat. These are the skills that helped create the world we live in today —because, while ancient, Samurai were practicing delicate arts with sword and hands (skills which do not “translate” very well to modem streetfighting)... European gladi- ators and soldiers and knights were in constant warfare, surviving ONLY by having the best killing arts. If you grew up in America or Europe), you will INSTANTLY feel at home using these devastating fighting skills. 2. Chris's firstCamhrac Bas” training video was a MONSTER best-seller four years ago, and changed the way both “regular” guys and hardened stteetfighters fight and defend themselves ll over the world. (Because Chris's system is so simple. and so easy 10 master, even if you've never fought or trained before, All the old rules about needing to train forever and change ‘your lifestyle to do nothing but train were suddenly thrown out!) HOW- EVER... Chris has not gone into the studio in four long years to shoot any more video! That makes the sudden discovery of these advanced vid- ‘eos HUGE NEWS among sawvy fighters who have been starving for more from this “genius” warrior. 3. And... finally... as the Intemet “leak” revealed just last week (did you see it?).. the amazing techniques Chris teaches here can tum anyone who sees them intoa special classification of stree\fighter — giving you the ability to quickly put ANY attacker down, no matter how big or vicious or trained, without breaking a sweat! Already, about 3 of every 4 “testimonials” I get here at TRS (either by email or ina letter) are about Chris Clugston. .. and how the fighting skills he teaches have saved someone's life, or ended a serious threat. (U've included a separate list of some of the best with this letter.) Now, anyone who knows fighting can see that Chris's system is the REAL THING. ... soI’m not surprised I get so many rave reviews about his stuff. But what's really astonishing is that... ~ Most Of These Guys NEVER EVEN PRACTICED: ~~ Any Of Chris's Moves... They Simply WATCHED One Of His Videos! My jaw drops every time I read another letter or email about Chris's stuff helping someone. These are regular guys, just like you and me, who are trying to lead a normal life... but who know, deep down, that they'd better learn some good self-defense strategies to protect themselves and their loved ones. Butthe kickers... Chris's stuffs so SIMPLE. .. many of these guys just picked upamave or two on Chris's video, without practice, without any training at all... and then USED itto send an attacker down, erying in pain! (One guy —who never practiced, ever ~ remembered enough to stop three hard-core thugs from robbing and beating him up in New Jersey. He had one thug on the ground, sobbing like a baby, while the other two turned and ran, He “played” with the thug on the ground for awhile, to teach him a lesson, before finally letting him go.) (Another good story, which ended up on the Reseue 911 television show: A young guy named Murphy who had only watched his brother's copy of Chris's tape was held up in a hotel room bya guy nearly twice his size. Murphy used the only move he remembered... and the immediate pain he caused made the robber piss himself. The punk was actually happy to see the cops come, and save him from more misery at the hands of little Murphy!) Other guys put a minimum of work into learning Chris’s stuff... and become the shortest and smallest bouncers, bodyguards and respected streetfighters in the world. These fighting skills have simply changed the way the world works. Never underestimate a guy who has seen Chris’s tech- niques, no matter how meck or small he looks. ‘This is strong stuff, And that’s why every serious fighter on the planet is paying attention to what new techniques Chris has decided to reveal. BUChis instant, sight-unisech dematid from so many Hghtersis gomg to create the biggest log” jam of orders youcan imagine... which is why I’ve written youthis special check. Here’s what this check does for you: 1. First, this check verifies that you are in the privileged upper part of our exclusive “Hot List”. (Don’t take this lightly — people beg me every dayto be put on this list... its the most exclusive in the martial arts world!) 2. It“super-charges” your account with TRS... so you will pay less than HALF of what everyone else must pay forthe hottest fighting videos to hit the market in four years! (The “standard” price for this special edition of Chris's new advanced videos has been set at $194, plus shipping and handling... despite the fact it’s worth five times that amount. However, by using this special check, you can have it for HALF of the established price... and’ pay every penny of your shipping and handling myself, out of my own pocket!) 3. Plus... you get the entire “uncensored” GOLD EDITION of these videos — the stunning “insider” version that... Most People Will Never Be Allowed To See! Let me tell you about this special “uncensored” GOLD EDITION video. It's a breathtaking col- lection of advanced fighting skills that will rock your world. Here’s why it’s so special + The editing has been personally supervised by Chris Clugston himself. Thisis the first time we've ever allowed a fighter into our editing control room for any reason... but we respect Chris so much, we bent the rules. Asa result, this is exaetly the way Chris wanted these videos to come out—so his teachings are as close to what you'd get with personal instruction as hu- manly possible! You get “bonus” footage the general public can never be allowed to see —so you get an honest “insider’s” look at how the best fighters in the world Jeam advanced skills! ‘The special packaging of this GOLD EDITION. .. along with the “uncen- sored” bonus footage... make this a collector gem, too! And, anyone who knows fighting (and thusalready knows Chris's amazing international repu- tation asa fighter and a teacher) will instantly recognize your videos as the edition no one else got! Finally... because you're on the TRS “Hot List”... by using the check I’ve attached here... you get these “balls-to-the-wall” (and uncensored) fighting videos. .. for Jess than halfof what everyone else must pay! ‘So what, exactly, makes these new tapes so “in demand”? Just like you'd think... it’s the skills you learn, Simple... devastating... super-advanced skills that are like NOTHING you've ever seen before. And yet... because they're an integral advance on the Western fighting arts our culture ‘was built on... youcan learn them so quickly, you'll go from zero to one hundred almost overnight. Chris has broken this “master’s class” down into 2 sections: Defense... and Offense. It'sjust that simple—on one hand, you'll leam how to create a personal “zone of protection” that no one can violate by attacking you... and on the other hand, you'll also lean how to demolish any opponent (of any size or strength or skill level) as casually as you'd step on a bug. Here's a “taste” of what you're about to learn: V How to immediately solve any problem that comes at you in the street... by ‘jump-starting” the Natural Warrior part of your brain (just like a real-life gladiator would) and putting the simple-yet-proven survival tools to work that have served men like you for thousands of years. Y How to be flexible in how you respond to an attack... without needing to memorize or practice a single complicated strike or move! Instead, you ill instantly “force feed” astonishingly simple skills into your system... which will give you options no other fighter can even imagine. It Really Shouldn’t Be This Easy To Become A Top-Grade Fighting Man... But, With Chris's Unbelievably Effective Fighting Techniques, It Is! Howto “connect the dots” of any fight - so you smoothly go from confronta- tion, to defense against attack, to ‘aking him out... allin.a blinding, smooth and natural blur of action he cannot defend against. And yet, still, you are not doing ANYTHING complex or difficult! V Exactly what “short set” of killer techniques you, personally, should have in mind in any fight, So there's NEVER amoment where you aren't abso- lately positive what to do next, (I've never seen a fighting system before that can turn you into a Total Fighter so quickly!) Page 4 ¥ How to NEVER FAIL ina fight. ¥ How to take out a trained fighter who is attempting to go “high, low” on you. (This technique alone will “solve” 90% of the confrontations you get into) How to use paralyzing PAIN to immobilize your opponent, at any time you choose. ¥ How to “lock ‘em up” tight, so they can’t move, can’t run, can barely breathe... while you decide what to do to finish the situation. Any way you want io... Y Why you only neéd these five incredibly simple offensive moves... no ________matter what kind of fight you find yourselfin! Plus... with Chris's ‘personale__ ized teaching”... you will finally know when and how to use each one. There are NO gray areas of doubt in this fighting system — it's comprehensive, yet so simple it can be yours overnight! Anda ton more. Forgetall the “horror stories” you’ ve heard about learning the advanced stuff in other martial ars, Chris truly has discovered the KEY to teaching breathtakingly advanced fight- ing skills in such a simple format that ANYONE can “get it” quickly. You don’tneed experience... orsize... oreven speed. Infact... the “experience” that most fighters have to leam over decades of risking life and limb in actual streetfights... has been “short cuf” in Chris's system. So, where rookie fighters trained in “traditional” martial arts often PANIC when faced with a real, bloody fight... you will have the ABSOLUTE KNOW-HOW of advanced fighting skills that ensure you never panic. Its the differ- cence between someone who doesn’t even know how to find the car trunk getting a flat, and not having a clue what to do next, and panicking... and someone who knows how to change a tire in sixty seconds. Once you KNOW what to do. You’re Simply Dangerous Beyond Belief! Here’s what to do now: You have two ways to get your hands on these amazing “uncensored” GOLD EDITION Camhrac Bas advanced training videos. First, if you want to use your credit card, simply call 1-800-899-8153, Dept SS-61, and tell whoever answers you received “The $97 Check Letter”. You don’t need to send the check in — we'll credit your TRS “Hot List” account (the one in your name) automatically. The standard” price for this package is $194... but for you, it’s just half that. And, since I’m paying all the shipping and handling myself, you pay even less than half. Plus... you immediately go to the front of the long line waiting for these videos. So while everyone else has to wait (and yes, that includes even the “stars” ofthe fighting world who aren’ ton this list) you get immediate service. (This log-jam of orders means other guys won't get to see these videos for up to six months and longer!) ‘The second way isto fil out the enclosed “Priority Order Card” and mail itin with your check or money order (payable to TRS) along with the special “Hot List” check from this letter. You still get to Pages the head of the line, and get the same deal. Either way, you'll be rush-shipped your “uncensored” GOLD EDITION videos. And because you're on the “Hot List”, you get DOUBLE the time to watch these videos, risk-free. This is our GOLD EDITION 100% Money-Back Guarantee... for one entire year. Order these tapes... watch them, tain with them, treat them as your own for a full year... and, if you aren’t completely happy (for any reason at all)... simply send them back, in any condition, fora full and prompt refund. No questions asked. ‘You'll have seen the most anticipated fighting videos iri the world... for FREE. I trust you com- pletely—no one gets on the TRS “Hot List” without first having our unshakeable trust. There's just one “catch”: You must call (or mail in your order) before 5 p.m. on the last day of the month. AL5 p.m.,the GOLD EDITION package Thad set aside for you will be retumed to the warehouse, and offered to someone else.... for full price! The only person who will ever get this stunning half-off deal... is YOU. No one else. So call right now, okay? The cut-off date is so close, you need to pick up the phone right away and place your order (or get your order in the mail today). Anyone who puts this off risks not being able to see thisamazing stuff until next year! ‘emember... because you're on the privileged (and very exclusive) “Hot List”, you go to the head of the line... you pay less than half of what everyone else has to pay... and you get the uncen- sored videos (personally edited by Chris Clugston) no one else will be allowed to see! But... you MUST order right away. “3 More Ways To Use Real Cash In Your Promotions” Sometimes we all ike to pretend we're not motivated by money. That's fine to believe if you want... but you cannot afford such delusions if you are a marketer. People respond to money at a visceral level. They almost never receive money for free, and especially not in the mail, Certainly not from a mysterious letter writer who only wants your brief attention in return. A chance to tell his story. Here are three letters that use the lure of actual cash as a “grabber”: (4) The dollar bill letter. The bill replaces the need for any headline. A crisp new ‘buck was hand-stapled onto every letter that went out. The product is a high- ticket item (selling for $377), so the extra cost was justified. ‘Think about the “pull” of a real dollar bill. You might not bother to pick up a penny on the street... but no one steps over a stray dollar bill and keeps walking. You have the reader's full and undivided attention: Why, he is asking himself, did someone send me a letter with a dollar bill attached? The letter is also a great example of “parlaying” a seminar by taping it, and then selling the tapes for a fraction of the cost of attending the actual event. ‘There will always be a segment of your core audience who craves the personal experience of attending the actual event. And a Jarger segment who considers flying somewhere, renting a hotel room, and attending a seminar too much trouble and too much money... but who will jump at the chance to see the tapes. It’s the lure of a genuine bargain, and the jure of seeing privileged information that other people shelled out a small fortune to experience. (2) The penny letter. The client freaked out when I delivered this letter to him for mailing, We insisted he mail First Class... and his list was several million names deep. They tried to talk us out of using a real penny -- both because of the extra cent needed for each piece (an extra ten grand per million).,. and because the weight of the coin tipped the package over an ounce, which meant more postage was necessary. And that extra postage ran into huge money. Not our problem, we said. (I was working with Gary Halbert during this time, earning master’s-level methods of forcing clients to toe the line.) They reluctantly mailed the letter... and the staggering results convinced them to find a way to make it work. It pulled enormous profit even with the extra postage... but someone in the Ruff organization became obsessed with getting the package down to under an ounce. He did it by finding the thinnest paper made that could still handle being printed on both sides... then trimming it to within a hair of the copy on every margin. So instead of an 8x10 letter, it because a 7-13/32 x 9-3/8 © 2002 John S. Carlton ‘The kicker was the giue used to hold the penny on the page -- he found some substance that weighed a fraction less than the standard glue. This piece mailed for a Jong, iong time, and rejuvenated the client’s business. (3) The fifty-bueks letter, This was not an actual $50 bill, but a startling reproduction. (It looked so good, the client insisted on stamping it with “not legal tender”, afraid he would be accused of counterfeiting.) The concept is very clever. Their standard guarantee included an extra $10 on top of your refuund if you were unhappy for any reason, This worked extremely well... with the strong appeal of “putting our money where our mouth is”. But the promotions were starting to look redundant. Thus, I changed the guarantee so a crisp new $50 bill was mailed back if the customer asked for a refund. The fifty bucks covered the refuund and the extra $10, It just came across as more powerful combined as a new fifty dollar bill. (The Treasury was changing the look of fifty dollar bills at the time, which added extra news value to the pitch.) Notice in each of the three letters that I mention the money only in the opening paragraphs, and then do not mention it again, Cash is a powerful lure to bring ihe reader into your letter, but it’s value is gone once you've introduced yourself. [t’s a one-shot tool. ‘Money can be used instead of a headline, or (as in the fifty dollar bill letter) in connection with a headline. I would never use money and not explain why it’s there. Use it as a lead-in to your pitch. © 2002 John S. Carlton aS ip Priority mail from: Br. Russ Horine, President, TS 1 stapled a dollar bill to the top of this pase... Because | Abslutely HAD To Get Your Undivided Attention! What I have to tell you is not just vitally important... it’s also incredibly time-sensitive — and if you don’t read this letter right now... while you still have at in your hands... you will mies out on perhaps the most exciting (and life- changing) event that has ever come your way! Attaching a dollar bill on the letter was the only way I could think of thet would guarantee that I at least got a chance to get through to you immediately Right now there is @ small (vexy small) window of opportunity for you... but because of some very “high up’ interference... that opportuaity could all be goze forever by tomorrow! Today is the day for you. You must trust me on this. Today is the most important day you've had im a long time... and in just a moment you'll understand why. Hexe i what it’s all about: This letter is going to outrage some very important (and very dangerous) people. Le uho-would “very~iuch 1ike to see me go away and never again mention the words “Pelta/Seal Training Camp" ever egain! And I believe you know which “training camp” I’m talking about — the ones we put on thie past year that were hosted by actual Mavy SEAL and U.S. Army DELTA veteran trainers (with real-life combat experience)... who, for 4 incredibly intense days, shared everything they knew about close-quarters combat. And they shared it all with civilians like you. the ONLY time in the history of the U.S. military that thie kind of high-level training was revealed to anyone not already inside the Special Forces! in fact regular eulisted soldiers never get to learn these world-class conbat skills! These training camps will never be held again They cost $3,750 just to attend... and everyone who came raved about whet they learned and came away with. The camps were the most complete training in “elite jevel* military hand-to-hand and firearm expertise ever offered to anyone outsica the Special Forces. It vas a dream come true for anyone who ever wanted to learn (and master) the inside secrets of brutally-efficient hand-to-hand combat and expert-level handgun training... the kind of knowledge that will make even the (Please go to next page. eT - craziest streetfighter think three times before trying to take you on... and, if he does come after you, he will suddenly (and painfully) realize. He's Made A. Very Serious Mistake! We went way cut on a Limb to offer these camps... and we made a lot of people very, very angry. Well, T don’t care. All the protests from mysterious ‘high up" military bra all the investigations by Federal agencies... and all the whining and hand-wringing by the U.S. news media didn’t stop us from holding three of these camps last sumer. They almost stopped us... but we pulled it off! And now it’s over. These anazing camps will never, ever be held again. There was a small window of opportunity this past swwer. and we bulled our way through three tines. (He were banished from 5 of the country’s major gut ranges at the last minute, under very mysterious circumstances, before finding the couragecus California range we finally helé these camps at.) Now, that little slit of opportunity is gone Slammed Shut By Outside Forces ‘We Simply Cannot Fight Anymore! ‘That means you can aever attend a Delta/Seal training camp like this yourself — even if you have the $3,750 each attendee paid just to get in... plus the hundreds of dollars in airfare... plus hotel costs... vacation tine off... food... and equipment. By even conservative weasures, most attendees shelled out over $5,000 to come. Yet, even at that outrageous price, they considered it the bargain of a lifetime. Four days of intense, personal training in conbat-tested hand-to-hand fighting tactics... plus the complete mastery of “elite military level” handgun shooting skills. Taught hy the most respected trainers on the planet - actual combat veterans from the ranks of the Navy SEALS and the U.S. Army DELTA Special Forces! But what you are about to pay for the same training — through a byper-intense video package of the actual minute-to-minute training at the camps — is a mere fraction of what everyone else had to pay! Not even a significant percentage of the cost... less, even, than what the attendees used up in 9mm and 45 bullets during a single day of these adrenaline-charsea camps! In fact, my friend... you will not pay 10% of what everyone e)se paid... you will not pay 9%... oF even 8%! No. what you will pay for your customized copy of the only existing video tapes of these notorious, amazing camps is LESS than 6% of the cost most attendees shelled out. A Savings Of Over 93%! You read that right ~ these tapes are available to you... and only you (since no one outside my tiny personal list of “privileged clients” will even see this letter or knew of its existence)... for what amounts to spare change compared to the outrageous costs the attendees had to shell out! No matter how you look at this... it’s the greatest bargain you'll ever come across... for what will instantly become. ‘The Most Important Fighting ‘Skills Of Your Lifel gust like the attendees, you are going to witness every single minute of training instruction, direct from the best teachers in the world. In fact, because of the -Page 3 - advantages of better camera angles, professional editing, up-close shots of whispered advice, and your ability to rewind and go over any point watil you “get it"... you have an even better opportunity to learn than many of the attendees did! Just by studying these sophisticated, “executive-level” training sessions, you will learn: Incredibly-offective fighting techniques you can master overnight... skills that give you the devastating ability to instantly take down even a steroid-enraged strect punk twice your size, without breaking a sweat! (Taught by the sane experts who train the Navy SRALS in advanced hand-to-hand combat!) Simple defense strategies for ‘arming’ your family and loved ones with the skills, know-how and awareness to avoid 90% of the crime that ruin other people's lives (carjacking, rape, assault)... and to reverse any attack so you come out the winner and never the victim! (Taught by the same “security* experts who handle international security against terrorists in places like Kaiti, Lebanon and South africa!) Expert “elite military level” handgun shooting skills that will instantly put you ‘mong the most respected “weapons savvy” people on the planet! (Taught by decorated veteran sharnshooters and *#tili-in-action" military team lesders!) And whats so great about this training you'll see is, it’s all "packaged" to be Yearned fast (overnight, really)... even if you've never trained in anyth: before! In fact You don’t need any previous training or skills at all ~ most the attendees had no military experience, no gun~handling and no self-defense training before coming to these camps! You don’t need to be in good shape (or any kind of shape at all) ~ this was not a bootcamp based on survival skille! in fact, many of the attendees were “desk Jockey" types, including executives fron Fortune 500 corporations (aged 50 and over)... and others were young students, and women and men from every walk of Life and occupation imaginable! (This was a true “cross-section” of America — people like you, your neighbors, and the businessmen downtown!) Zn fact, all you really need to get the most from these training tapes is the simple desire to change your life, quickly... to stop walking in fear, and instead, give yourself (and your loved ones) the immediate, totally-devastating skills necessary to control every potentially-violent situation you could ever encounter in this increasingly-dangerous world! And the best part is, you‘ll learn it ali very fast — because you have, at your beck and call, the very best trainers in the world, right there, teaching you in the mega-intense, proven way they know will *install" deep inside you very quickly, the hottest training available anywhere! (A California SWAT team cop told me the bank vice presidents at these camps were getting better training after only two days than his “badge” colleagues were in their entire careers!) ‘This high level of training is almost impossible to comprehend without witnessing it for yourself. {t's all given and overseen by Tom Carter and Frank Cucod Without Doubt, The Most Respected “One-Two” Team In The Country For This Type Of “Real Combat” Training! ‘Tom Caxter spent 17 years in active service, first in the Green Berets, and then ae an ‘Alpha One” team leader with elite DELTA Special Forces. (He was one of just 5 men to complete the required selection course - 95 others couldn’t hack it!) He and his men were in some of the heaviest firefights (against Kussian-trained Cuban storm troopers} of the Granada invasion — five ef the six Blackhawk choppers carrying them were too shot-up to fly again! In Haiti, Tom was one the few "civilian commandces” in (Please go to next page...) -Page 4 ~ charge of protecting President Aristide every second of his day during the recent rouble. In Pera, Tom was among the few handpicked Americans hired to help their Navy go after the notorious Shining Path terrorists (the bloodiest butchers of this century ~ their favorite terror tactic is co slaughter entire villages for no reason at all, leaving severed heads on spikes as a warning to all who oppose them}. I tel} you this to illustrate the astonishingly high level of instruction you get with these tapes. Tom has been written up in magazines on 3 continents (including Newsweek)... and because of his elite stealth and counter-surveillance training, he pulled off half-a-dozen “child rescues" on foreign soil (including Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Bquador and South Africa)... under the noses of the most rabid terserists on the planet! His corporate clients include the Sologon Bros. (security manager for their headquarters in the World Trade Center in New York), major South American presidential candidates (as eenior security advisor), plus various U.8. senators and ambassadors overseas (as security superviser). Serious stuff. Tom has even earned a little bit of fame in the last few years — newscastere sought Rim out for opinions on that sickening Oklahoma boring... and Multi-Media, Inc. even has a television/movie/comic book series (sort of like the cld "A Team” ty show) coming out with a character based of Ton's advent = Fravk Cucei has an equally interesting history. Por 12 years he was one of the top Novy SEALS — a menber of the ‘elite-of-the-elite” SEAL Team six (which has had about. a dozen books and movies dedicated to them), where he saw mortal combat. These are the Sfixet in, last out” soldiers in any action... and they get very ‘unusual’ freedom in how they do their jobs in che field because of their spectacular success in “black bag" operations. Frank was the creator and Chief Instructor of the Naval Special Warfare Unarmed Combat Course... and the techniques he brought to the SEALS. Have Been Used In Every Recent U.S, War And Engagement! Frank is a nice guy... but when it comes to hand-to-hand combat, he’s absolutely the last man you'd want to come across. He teaches incredibly-eftective (and brutally vicious) fighting secrete that come from his training In Jeet Kune Do (where he studied with the famous Dan Znosanto, Bruce Lee’s training partner) and the respected ‘Thai boxing master Surachal Sirisute (perhaps the most respected names in martial arts today). Without a doubt, Frank is the best teacher you'll ever see — a professional whe knows how to impart serious training secrets FAST! Jwd working with Frank and Ton axe expertly-trained men who were hand-picked (many are still active in the military)... including several men you might recognize on the video... and whose presence, if you know anything about “who’s whe” in the 0.8. Special Forces, wil? take your breath away! Just watching these videos will literally transform you... because once you've witnessed the inside secrets and tricke and special training that can be yours (and 50 easily), you will be a different man. The kind of man who can bush a room just by walking in... with a anne of calm confidence and centered power that shines like a searchlight in your eyes Here's just 4 “taste of what you are about to learn: incredible ‘military tricks" that can take you from absolute reckie to @ master ‘of the handgun in just a few short hours! (No civilian “trainer on the planet understands the secrets the Special Forces have te quickly pump efficiency and eccuracy straight into your muscle manory!) Insider fighting secrets that only the most elite soldiers who have faced real combat could ever share with you! (20 years of formal karate couldn't even begin to match the level of intense fight-to-win training you get from just a “short course" with these experienced soldiers!) ~Page 5 - How to handle a weapon better under overwhelming stress than most people can in the calm serenity of an empty firing range! The 8 iuge mistakes almost all men make with firearms... and how to handle your weapon like an expert overnight! (Even if you've never picked up a gun before in your life!) How to set up impenetrable “safety zones” in your home that no criminal can get by! How to master (quickly) a very secret "streamlined" hand-to-hand combat technique that will turn you into a walking arsenal of natural weapons! Where to strike your opponent to end any fight instantly, no matter how big he is, ‘or how surprised you are by the attack! (with these “blitz” fighting tactics, you'll be victorious and done before a bead of sweat appears on your brow!) ‘he 12 “tactical” survival rules you must know to win an armed encounter with any attacker — including the horrendous "Hollywood" mistakes most people make that get them seriously hurt or killed! (Sone of the most “normal tendencies’ you have are 100% wrong!) : ‘The one “basic” mistake even some cops and soldiers make (despite their expensive training) that erases their training advantage in 2 streetfight! (You'll never fall victim to it yourself!) How to learn the “facts of life” about your city and neighborhood — how many sociopaths are out there preying on your family, where you stand legally on self- defense, and what you cen and can’t expect from the local police when you need help! (99% of your neighbors live in a state of permanent denial about the dangers facing their families... knowing the truth will give you an advantage they will never enjoy!) wy a simple change in your ‘mindset* will mean the difference between being a victim... and being safel How to handle pepper spray! (A great tool that even the most deadly soldiers now consider an important part of their self-defense package — but you must know how to handle it correctly!) Single takedown moves that require no strength whatsoever! (Perfect to teach your Kids and wife... or to use when you're hurt or attacked by bigger men!) How to inmediately win a fight if you find yourself on the ground, on your back, with a bigger opponent on top of you! (There is aow no position you can be forced into that_w: away your fighting skills!) How to master what cops never learn about handguns! Way untrained shootera often pick the wrong targets 100% of the time! (This is crucial information not one shooter in ten thousand ever learns!) How to cancel out the 7 most common ways criminals surprise families inside their the 2 “warrior-tested” conbat secrets of winning a fight every tine! How to unleash the "animal secret” within you that can turn around any situation Where you are horribly outnumbered and surprised! (A 401b, wolverine uses this secret to drive off whole wolf packs trom their own kill!) the fastest way for even a gentle, never-in-trouble man to instantly bring up the necessary aggressive response to attack! (This secret is often all you need to force back an assault, since most criminals are not prepared for expert, aggressive counter measures!) shakes” and super-hot adrenaline dump that occurs during How to control the (Please go to next page...) ~Page 6 - ‘tense, violent situations! (you'll be cool, smooth and effective no matter how confusing things get... just the opposite of how most men react!) How to "finish" a complicated situation with clever (yet simple) pain-compliance tactics that will guarantee you have complete control over your opponent! Plus, how to fight (and win) barehanded against clubs and knives... how to choose the right gun for you (there are many bad choices)... how to use the new “pencil” locator tool (called a “kubaton“) that fits in your shirt pocket, yet is an incredibly efficient and brutally effective self-defense weapon... how to teach your wife and kids the basics of self-defense (so they will never be surprised by an attacker)... and more. So mich more, it would take me a dozen more pages just to outline it all! What you get in this package is 7 complete video tapes — over 9 solid hours of intense training and insight into real combat skills you can learn quickly! ‘These capes were painstakingly edited down from over 245 hours of raw footage taken during the four camps... sc what you get is ONLY the ‘down and dirty" important stuff. All the ‘dead time has beon edited out. All the meat, all the secrets, and ali the “hot” info is there for you in a super-condensed, easy-to~ watch (and master) format. Plus, like I said before, by watching the tapes, you actually have a better view of things than the actual attendees — because our cameramen went in close, catching conversations most people missed, focusing on the crucial parts of the instruction (go you can rewind and study them), and giving you a complete, totel and uninterrupted course on combat The Absolute “Gold’ From These Famous Training Camps! And you get evezything the attendees received, too — nothing has been held back in addition to the 7 video tapes, you also get the same thick Manual of Self-Defense Tactics the attendees got. This heavy manual is packed with information and details on home security, gun safety, secrets of effective shooting, tips on handling attackers, everything. Corporations have paid over $800 apiece for this manual (the exact one you will receive)... and it is not available anywhere else in the world for any price! In fact, mich of the information was actually “classified” until very recently... and is stil1 impossible for civilians to find Sounds good, doesn’t it? And the best part is... it ie all yours. For A Ridiculous Fraction Of What Everyone Else Had To Pay! So here’s what you need to do now: Call my office right away (today) at 1-800-899-8153 (ask for Department DS-05). Tell whoever answers you have received the Priority Letter from me about the “Boot Camp Video Package”, and you want it sent to you. You can use your credit card ~ or, if you prefer, you can mail the enclosed order Coupon in with your check or money order. The cost for this amazing package is just $377, Pius $14 shipping and handling (it’s a huge package!). Once we get your order, your package will be rushed out to you by return mail — all 7 videos, plus the thick Tactics manual, everything. ‘that outrageously~low price is yoing to send shock waves through the country when word of it finally leaks out! (It’s Jess than 6% of the total costs nearly all the attendees had to pay to come to the canps ~ you aren’t even paying what the attendees shot up in shells in a single day of training! Their hotel bills alone were higher than that!) My friend, if you are even remotely interested in learning the honest secrets of -Page 7 - hand-to-hand combat and handgun shooting — as taught by and for the Special Forces = then this deal is the absolute bargain of your life. Corporations like the big oil companies and financial giants in New York pay thousands of dollars in fees to Tom and Frank for their advice... but even for all that money, those executives and big- wigs don’t even begin to see the detailed secrets and inside stuff you will get with these videos! Bnd they never will, either, THIS I8 VERY IMPORTANT: Absolutely no one who does not receive this personal invitation from me will be allowed to purchase this video package! It is not being sold to strangers, or to corporations, or to government agencies. Nor is it being gold through any other means — no ads in magazines, and no “word of mouth", either ‘he xeason is simple: As soon as word leaks out that we are selling these tapes... The Same “Powers That Be” Who ‘Shut Down The Training Camps Will Attempt To Halt These Videos! ‘he Delte/Seal Training Camps are now history. Y don" want” to go into the detaile, but the end was a messy affair. Even though every single police officer who visited the camps (and there were many) Liked what they saw... even though every news media person who came by raved about the quality of the training (and discovered there was nothing even remotely “strange’ about the corporate execs and business owners and students and blue-collar people who attended)... even though we had wonderful articles written about us in 5 major newsstand magazines... even though the government agencies who investigated found nothing illegal or even “quasi-legal* going on... even though there were no rednecks, no skinheads, no neo-Nazi's, no one with wild-eyes to be seen anywhere... despite all this We Stili Were Stopped Cold! would Jove to tell you there is another camp coming up soon you could attend personally... but there isn’t. They are never going to be held again. Not for $3,750... not for a million dollars I would also Like to tell you to relax about getting these tapes... but that would be wrong, too. There is a set of them here waiting for you today... but I absolutely cannot guarantee they will be here for you tomorrow! Too mich has happened that has rained my faith in the "futures. If you want these tapes - ‘You Must Act ~ ee - Right Now... Today! I'm serious. The money, really, is irrelevant. (The manual you get alone is worth twice the purchase price of the entire video package.) Just shooting, editing, reproducing and condensing all those hours and hours of tape cost me so many thousands and thousands of dollars... I don’t know if I will ever make a profit ‘That's just the truth. I’m making these tapes available because I'm pissed off about the camps being closed down... and.. Because Releasing The Tapes To People Like You Is Simply The Right Thing To Do! ‘and what you pay for these tapes doesn’t even amount to mich more than a few lessons at the local karate club... or anew handgun... or a couple of hot nights out (Please go to next page...) -Page 8 - 3 on the town, Yet, what you get is worth so much more. The confidence. The skills to repel attacks, and win confrontations in seconds. The sudden lack of fear you will feel just going out on the streets... and the incredible feelings of safety you can now offer your family and loved ones. ‘ghere’s no price you can put on that. There’s no amount of money you can spend chat can buy you that kind of peace of mind... because it’s not for sale. But you can eam it... and watching these video tapes is, absolutely without dosbt, the best and easiest way for you to do that! But you mast call right now ~ while this letter is still in your hands. While the opportunity to get these amazing tapes still exists. And while you are still “hot” with the knowledge that — truly — your life is about to change in fantastic ways as soon as a few short days from now! call. ghe number, again, is 1-800-899-8153. You must tell whoever answers that you have received this Priority Letter from me — no cne else will allowed to purchase these tapes, under any circumstances. And please — as a favor to me ~ no matter what you do... do not "leak" their existence to anyone else! Not even your best friend. Thic i9 imorvant. For you. For the handful of other people whe have this special opportunity to get these tapes call right now. Sincerely, Tall 1 Kons Dr. Russell Horine P.8, One more thing ~ it’s important. We were literally flooded with letters from people whe attended there camps... and I thought you might like to see what they had to say. These are real people, people just 1ike you and me... who took a chance and scrounged up the money te attend the camps. (Some put off major purchases, Like & nex home. Others borrowed. A few even put off attending college. They realized how important it was... and how small the "window of opportunity" was.) Here’s some of their comments: “The best money I ever spent. The training and skills T learned are invaluable. Two thumbs up!” John Heltsley + “Now I have a greater sense of self-confidence, a heightened sense of personal security.” Rick Chase « “It was an incredible experience to pick the brains of some of the best guys in the world. The best training camp.” Mark Johnson + “My investment ‘was paid back a diousand-fold.” Chadd Mars + “The professionalism was outstanding, Their knowledge and experience was clearly demonstrated. Thank you for this opportunity.” ‘Tony Tezak + “The individual instruction was very precise and articulate. There was an incredible amount of knowledge and skill imparted to us in a short period of time.” Patrick . Harper + “First class operation.” Don Foreman “i now have a tremendous ability and self-confidence in the use of a firearm, a better understanding of unarmed self-defense, plus ‘an inside look into the exciting world of ‘Spec Op’ warfare.” Richard Sands + “I was skeptical at first, Every expectation 5 had was by far exceeded. Thanks!” Brady Patrick + “All the instructors were outstanding... Just the confidence of knowing that you're trained by the very best, most knowledgeable soldiers in the world makes this camp mandatory for anyone Who's serious about protecting himself and his family!” Briant Tennant From: Howard Ruff Pleasanton, California Friday, 10:30 A.M. Dear Friend, ‘As you can see, I have attached a real, live U.S. penny to the top of this letter. Why have I done this? Actually, there are two reasons: #1. I have something very important to tell you and I needed some way to make sure this letter would catch your attention. #2. And secondly, since what I am writing about concerns money, I thought using a penny as a little "financial eye-catcher" was especially appropriate. Anyway, here is what it’s all about: Listen -- in the next few days, I am (with your permission) going to send you a free copy of an exciting financial report called: HOW TO MAKE GOOD HONEY BURING INFLATION OR DEFLATION WITH A SINGLE "NO-HAINTENANCE* LOW RISK INVESTMENT! You don’t have to worry anymore about guessing correctly which way the economy is headed. With this amazingly simple 3-way (conservative) investment strategy, you can now quickly position yourself to earn a good profit no matter which direction the economy takes. And you'll have a near-zero potential for ever Yosing a dime over the next 12 years! There’s nothing complicated about it. It’s just based on a little smart planning. BUT -- if a withering inflation hits again like it did in ’76-80 (and the Fed thinks it will) you could easily turn $5,000 into $22,400! And even if a severe recession sucks the life from our economy (as many experts now predict) you can stil] come away with $6,600 -- a-very healthy profit in a sick scenario. Most investors will have lost their shirts through deflation, and-every dollar you make will actually be worth more than today! ~~~ ac This special report will really open your eyes to ways you can fortify the safety of your financial future. It even tells you how to build-in a "fail-safe" option to insure you never lose your original investment even in a near-Armageddon "worst case” scenario (ike the Great Depression). And the best part is, you can put this investment together overnight, and forget about it until it’s time to cash in. It’s a near-perfect investment for anyone’s conservative, bottom-line portfolio. But why am I going to send you this report and why am I sending it FREE? The answer is simple: It’s a bribe! It’s a shameless bribe to get you to try a trial subscription to my highly-regarded financial newsletter called THE RUFF TIMES. Here’s the deal: If you will agree to a trial subscription to THE (go to Page 2) - rage ¢ - RUFF TIMES, I will send you the report I have just described and I will send it to you FREE! And, to it even better, if you decide to cancel your subscription, ‘at any time within t year, I will send you an inmediate pro rata refund and you stil] get ‘the free report. But wait! I want to bribe you even further. You see, once you try it, J am so certain you will want to keep getting THE RUFF TIMES that [ have decided to go all out and send you 10 more free reports that you also get to keep even if you decide to cancel your subscription. Here they are: Free Report #2: The Most Dangerous Popular Investment. Now Suckering Unwary Investors [ fave only one thing to say to anyone considering the seductive high yields offered by junk bonds or mutual funds involved in the current leveraged buyout (180) craze: Staynawayl:; « This is no idle warning. You need to know what’s going on; no one is safe. LB0s are drenching U.S. companies in debt at the worst possible time, and the resulting havoc on Wall Street could wreck your business, your investment portfolio and your ability to ride out the coming economic storm. This important report explains how you can protect yourself from the fallout, even as other investors get caught up in this debt-ridden fantasy. You wil] also Yearn the secrets of investing for profit during 2 worid-wide debt shakeout. Free Report #3: The 4 Headline-Grabbing "Financial Goblins" You Should Ignore. ..And The 6 Imminent Investor Nightmares You Should Truly FEAR In 1989! Make _no mistake -- the world has gotten more and not less dangerous for you and your family’s financial security. But what scares you the most may be the wrong things to worry about now. Especially if you've been listening to the Viberal press. In fact, unless you find better sources of information, you wil? probably never see the knockout punch that ultinately Jevels the economy (and you with it) untid it?s too late. This report will lead you in the right direction, away from the crowd, and alert you to these critical situations: * For the next year or two, your worst investment may be traditional inflation hedges -- except for a few selected picks (revealed here) to solidify your "core survival holdings." * The time to fear inflation is just before it arrives. Not after. And not too early. In fact, the real monster you should prepare for now is deflation, and you need to know how te spot it from a distance. * Is the trade deficit as bad for us as the politicos say? Or is it the ballooning federal deficit you should worry about? Or -- as a few savvy (go to Page 3) = Page 3 - investors suspect -- is a shrinking deficit the REAL cause for alarm? And more. This dla will help you stay focused on the rea? issues affecting your financial future -- no matter what the “experts” say. Free Report #fz {s Inflation Coming Back? Do you realize that 95% of 317 money is now nothing more than blips on a computer screen at your bank? When inflation does come roaring back, who’s going to tell you? How will you know -- since the flood of cash won't come from the government printing presses, but rather will show up only on computer printouts you may never see! There are stil? signs to watch for, but only if you understand the NEW rules of the inflation game. You won*t have a choice of whether to play or not, but with this report you can stay a precious half-step ahead of the desperate crowd. Free Report #5: How To Prosper During The Coming Debt Liquidation This is a report written on an important subject close to my heart. It explains how to profit from something terrible I’m almost sure is going to happen. Listen: {n just 10 short years, we'l) be swack up against the next millennium, and chances are you will barely recognize the America around you. But the economic stages will be familiar, and you can make a Tot of money between now and then if you use your head. ‘The stakes will be higher, too -- as our mounting worldwide debt structure veaches the combustion point, you can expect al] safety nets to burn up with everything else. Your choice: A wealthy, care-free existence, or near pauperdom, with little or no middle ground as a buffer. 1f you value survival and financial security, you’11 want to have this report, _ eee Bomb Or Boon? Have you ever wanted to make the kind of profits so many others did in the real estate boom of the late 770s? That was “easy money." Even rank amateurs could make mistakes and stil} turn a big profit. Free Report #6: Real Estate: But the game has changed dramatically, and those same amateurs are now having their heads handed to then. Are there still profits to be made in real estate? Gr should you cash in NOW on al? property (except your hone) and wait for a collapse? One thing is for sure: Someone is going to get caught holding the bag, and someone else is going to get very rich when the dust settles. This report gives you the inside track on when you should make your move. Free Report #73 How To Earn B16 Profits ‘On “Safe* Income Investments! Once upon a time, you could always count on "widows and orphans" type {go to Page 4) - Page 4 - investments to give you a decent income in your retirement. But no more. In fact, the way smart investors judge their income investments now is through something called "Total Return," and-unless you're familiar with it you could be passing up exciting profits in’some surprising areas. In this report, I offer 3 high-yield "Total Return” recommendations you'd be foolish not to jump on immediately. Free Report #8: The Shocking Truth Behind Recent U.S. Banking Scandals You Won’t See In The Wall Street Journal! I’m sure you know by now that U.S. banks are in dire trouble. But you may not know just-how bad-the situation really is. In fact, the list of well-known Big Banks which are barely showing a pulse could give you nightmares. Their assets are shriveling like water.on a hot skillet. Management scandals are rampant. And Third World bad loans afe-evaporating™into-thit-air; ‘Yeaving: behind: an ugly stain-of red ink. This is serious for the banks. But it’s downright FATAL to your financial security if you get caught in the crunch of failing banks! Here are the 6 m checklist. points you should make sure your bank can meet...and, if it can’t, here is also a list of 6 healthy banks that do! Free Report #9: Why Are The Japanese Suddenly So Hot On Diamonds? The Japanese now account for 20% of diamond sales worldwide, and the reason why may surprise you. It surprised me. The next question: Is this a good enough reason to buy diamond stock? And how will future South African sanctions (where most diamonds come from) affect any holdings? Look here before you leap, no matter how thrilling the profit picture appears. Free Report #10: Is Your Safe.Deposit Box An Open Target For Thieves? In 1933, federal agents legally busted into "private" safe deposit boxes hunting for newly-illegal gold. Are you facing the same risk today? Don’t laugh. Even if the Feds leave you alone, professional thieves may walk into your vault without raising an eyebrow on bank security guards, and walk out with everything. Where can you find a safe place for your most private valuables? Here are 3 alternatives you probably havent considered. Free Report #11: 3 Global Time Bombs Ready To Blow NOW That Can Decimate Your Financial Future! This last report may be the most frightening of all. Any of these media- ‘ignored events could affect your life as much as anything else since World War II. You won’t be able to sidestep these earth-shakers, but you can look for the (go to Page 5) > Page > - ‘opportunities they will uncover, as well as stay clear of the brunt of their force =- IF you keep your wits about you and stay better informed than everyone else (including the liberal media!). Quite simply, this report is "must" reading! OK, that’s it. Those are the eleven "bribes" I am offering in order to get. you to send in for a trial subscription to THE RUFF TIMES which has been called “the newsletter dedicated to helping you build a secure and wealthy future." And, don’t forget: If you decide to cancel your subscription at any time within the next year, I will send you an immediate pro rata refund and you still get to keep the free report. Why am I offering such a fabulous deal? Well, it’s not because I am crazy or overly-charitable. No. -It is because I am-a hard-nosed advisor-and- businessman and I feel that THE RUFF TIMES will help you make (and save) so much money that you will want to keep getting it forever once you start to read it. Here is why: You see, THE RUFF TIMES is published bi-weekly with one goal in mind and that is... TO GIVE YOU THE "INSIDE TRACK" ON THE SOUNDEST AND SAFEST INVESTMENTS THAT CAN HELP YOU BUILD A SECURE AND WEALTHY NEST EGG! There’s no doubt about it; this is truly the newsletter for investors who want to make the most money in the smartest way possible. Every issue gives you unique little-known information and strategies that you will never read in any other magazine in the entire world. THE RUFF TIMES deals mainly with helping you: * Squeeze every penny you can from stubborn bear market trends! * Recognize bull market stampedes before they happen and ride them for all they're worth! * Know the right time to buy precious metals! * See how major political events affect your financial strategies! Spot the best investment opportunities before anyone else does! PLUS... YOU GET SPECIF! AND FOR ONE OF THE HOST SUCCESSFUL LONG-RUNNING "REAL TIME" RECOMMENDED PORTFOLIOS IN THE U.S. ! It’s true. Listen: Despite Bloody Monday (which decimated nearly every other major financial adviser’s portfolio), our 1987 portfolio came out way ahead. Subscribers to THE RUFF TIMES who followed my advice were in the black and ready (go to Page 6) - Page 6 - to pounce on the opportunities presented in the subsequent bear market rallies. In fact, our average winning investment pick gained 51% -- while the average loser lost diddly-squat (Just 14.4%)! For example: * We cashed out Exxon for a profit of 18)%! * Several of our gold mining stocks soared 141% to 400% and more! * Our DeBeers stock shot up 197%! * We sold Scudder: International at a 130% profit! * Our deutschemark and Swiss franc holdings went up over 50%! * And our, unique.Mutual..Fund. Switch Hitter portfolio was up 17.6% for. the. year! That’s extraordinary results for a year that ended in shambles economically. But we’ve. recently taken steps to insure that we continue to get such phenomenal results -- by giving subscribers on-the-spot updates over the phone! Here’s how this unique service works: For quick market quotes and current buy/sell signals, you can call (at any time) for our "2-Minute Recorded Update" Tine. And, if. you have a persona? question. about. your own situation, you can call our toll-free "Consulting Center” for fast answers from experienced financial advisors about your position in.the stock market, real estate, bonds, taxes or any other money matter. And you can cal] us as often as you like! THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE ARE NOW USING THIS AMAZING COMBINATION OF ADVICE AND SERVICES TO MAKE THEIR FORTUNE! You know, THE RUFF TIMES has been one of America’s largest and most popular investment newsletters for several years. Here’s a sample of what people say about my advice: "Thank you for helping me make $8,678. and paid better attention to your ad made $307,000!" if I had sat still a little longer instead of $8,678 I could have Gilbert H. Isenberg, Corpus Christi, Texas “Howard Ruff comes up with more economic insights in a single week than most economists do in a lifetime.” -- William Simon, former Secretary of the Treasury "I calculated the performance of my Ruff portfolio...1 started with $65,000 and ended up with $102,000!" -- Lionel Brooks, Austin, Texas "Thanks to you, our family is far more secure than we could have been otherwise. We own our home, have investment properties, and savings and (go to Page 7} ~ Page 7 - investment funds." -- Mrs. Charlie Weiner, Hot Springs, Arkansas "Howard Ruff has done as much or more than anybody in this country to focus attention on the underlying monetary problems faced not. only by the United States, but faced all over the world." -- Senator Phill Gramm, Texas Do you think that maybe the investors quoted above, the Isenbergs, the Weiners and the Brooks, are out of your league? Believe me, they are not. Maybe their net worth and their lifestyles are different, but that’s where it ends. They are probably no smarter than you and they certainly don’t work twenty or thirty times harder. No. The difference és that these investors have discovered where to go to find the answers they need to help them make the kind of money they desire. And that's where THE RUFF TIKES comes in! - You see, in a l-year subscription to THE RUFF TIMES, you will receive 156- plus pages of specific information on the hottest and safest investments in America today. Such as: * Why bond prices will rise when the Fed pushes interest rates down in a last-ditch effort to keep the inevitable recession from sliding into a depression! * How to decide if money market funds are a good investment or simply an alternative to checking accounts! * Why silver will soar to $20 by the early 1990’s...after first plunging to $51 (Savvy investors will be able to scoop up profits by first selling short, then buying up at rock-bottom prices. But timing is everything!) * Why NOW may be the best time in years to buy your dream house -- but only in a few prime areas of the U.S.1 * Whereto buy top-quality rare coins without being ripped “off! * How you can save as much as $60,000 in interest on a 30-year $70,000 mortgage (yes, you read that right) simply by switching to a new and completely legal easy-payment plan! * Little-known secrets that can steer you to tremendous profits in gold... even if bullion drops to $250 an ounce! * 6 too-simple-to-pass-up ways to score big on the rising Canadian dollar! * How to make a small fortune with litt?e risk in the bear market -- by selling the right stocks short (and how to avoid the asset-shattering mistakes most shorters make)! * How to lock into nearly risk-free returns from Japan’s new love affair (go to Page 8) - Page 8 - with gold jewelry! * The surprise new gold coin -- still overlooked by most U.S. investors -- that skyrocketed 200% above the price of bullion in under 2 years! * Where to find the best alternative to leaving your money in a shaky savings and loan (and you better act fast before the whole S&L industry collapses!) ! * How to save up to 42% on all your long distance phone calls! * Why you'll be able to pick up almost any investment property for a fraction of today’s price by 1992! * Where to buy "survival caches" of junk silver with no commission costs! * 3 no brainer* ways to profit from hot -- but ignored -- Australian mutual funds! I could go on and on. What you have just read is only a small sample of the exciting information you wil] get when you subscribe to THE RUFF TIMES. You need this kind of hard-nosed information. It’s not a luxury -- if you truly want to build a secure and wealthy financial base for your family, as fast as possible, then the information I’m offering you is CRUCIAL! And, please don’t forget, when you subscribe to THE RUFF TIMES, you get all 11 of those valuable free reports (mentioned at the beginning of this letter) plus your iron-clad guarantee. What I mean is this: If you are ever dissatisfied with THE RUFF TIMES, for any reason whatsoever, just. write and say you want to cancel and you will inmediately receive a pro rata refund on unmailed issues PLUS...YOU STILL GET TO KEEP ALL 11 OF THE FREE REPORTS! How much is your trial subscription to THE RUFF TIMES? Actually, compared to what you get, it’s a lot less than youd expect. And, when you read the subscrip- tion form (it’s inside the yellow sheet of paper enclosed with this letter) I am sure you are going to be very pleasantly surprised. Sincerely, hood Howard Ruff Publisher P.S. Would you like to have a free (100-year old) silver dotlar? If so, just read the enclosed "HOT FLASH" pink sheet and you’1] see an extra "bonus reason" why you should give this letter your immediate attention! IMPORTANT Recently, a friend of mine revealed some startling news. A certain “undercover man” he knows who works as an agent for a very large coin dealer told him he has discovered a small supply of large and beautiful silver dollars that are more than 100-years old! ‘These coins are amazing. In spite of their age, many of them still look almost brand new and some people say they are the ‘most beautiful coins in the entire world. In fact, these are the aftr coins evr minted inthe US. and they ae ‘Coin that people li James ad Cole Younger were wing tol for This the ype of coin that was used in the gambling halls of the Old West. This is the type of coin that traveled across the western plains in Wells Fargo strong boxes. This is the type of coin that was used in the very early days of our country to settle gambling debts and bank transactions. In other words, these beautiful silver dollars are the most important coins in the entire-history of the United States! And guess what else? Not only has my friend discovered a way to get these coins at dirt-cheap prices; he has also discov- ered a way you can use them—if you own or run a business (or even if you've considered running one)—to get alot of new customers (or clients) on an extremely profitable basis. There- 1, at this time, are subscribing for 1-year. By the way, you will also receive, along with your free coin, an extra free bonus report that tells you how to use coins like this to make any business grow like crazy! Would you like to have one of these historical silver dollars along with the free money-making report that comes with it? If 50, please check the appropriate box on the enclosed order form. Thank you. gear Pred Dear Howard: ee eed 2 YES, want tobuildasecureand wealthy financial base for myself and my family, and I think you're the man who can telp me do i. ‘Therefore | ah $29.00 as payment in full fora six-month (issues) trial eubscriphon to The Ruff Times and Vunderstand you ‘wil immediately (via frst clase mai) send all eleven of the free reports mentioned in your letter, [also understand that if am ever ‘ieatistied with The Ruff Tlnes for any reason whatsoever, can simply cance for an immediate pr rata refund ofall issues {have not received, And I get to KEEP all eleven of ie valuable free reports. DOUBLE YES. | can see that The Ruff Times will be of tremen- ous value to me, Therefore, Ihave decided to subscribe for 1 year {20 issues) and Iam enclosing S69 as payment in ful, subject the following two conditions: (I) undessand I stil have the option of cancelling my subscripcion at any tine for an immediate pro rata refund on al issues I ave not received. And @) Ialso understand that you will immediately send me a genuine 100-year-old sliver dollar as mentioned in the “HOT FLASH" pine sheet along with o very special extra free seport thar ells me where to get real silver dollars at dirtcheap prices and how t© use them fo make any ‘bisinese grow like crazy. PS. Italso docsn’t hurt that my subscription may be tax-deductible, NOTE: Please make all checks and money orders payable to THE RUFF TIMES. World wide orders ac- cepted in U.S. Dollars only. Subscribers outside of North America please add $24 per year. Thank you. FOR EXTRA FAST SERVICE JUSTDIAL 1-800-877-7833 Call Anytime from 8 AM to 6 PM |Monday Through Friday (West Coast Time)} Please have Visa or MasterCard Ready Mali to:The Rutt Times: 4457 Willow Rd. #200 Pleasanton, CA 94566 | {Q Enclosed is my check for $_ __ot. | Billmy Visa MasterCard | Card No Exp. Date. | Name | Adress a= ar It’s the most outrageous unconditional guarantee in golf! “Give Me Just ONE HOUR Of Your Time... And | Guarantee You Will NEVER Shoot Over 90 Again! And If ‘im Wrong... ll Promptly Send You This Crisp New $50 Bill... No Questions Asked!” Dear David, Dr. Michael O'Leary here, president of OHP golf. Have you seen the new fifty dollar bills yet? They're pretty darned amazing, with all the new graphics and the secret hologram thingies and the day-glow fibers. They don’t fee! like any kind of paper I've ever felt before. Fortunately, they still sound fabulous when you slide them into your wallet. And I'll send you one to slide into your wallet, a brand new crisp $50 dollar bill. just on your say-s0, no hassles, no questions. All you have (o do is trust me for one short measly hour. Hear me out, now. If you love golf enough to want to shoot great scores every time out, this will be the most important letter you ever read! Here's the story: Did you know that, according to the PGA... Than 10% Of ALL rs Can Consistently Break 100? G It’s fact. And if you're like most golfers, you'll have your stretches where everything goes right and you shoot nice low scores for a few rounds... and then you'll have your /onger stretches where you can't buy a break, and you're shooting the summer temperature in Arizona every time out, The noon temperature, when even the lizards are hiding under rocks. Now, the interesting thing is... it's NOT because you're a “bad golfer”. It’s because you don't yet know the secrets of consistent low scoring. If you just stay with me for a moment, lll show you how to never score above 90 again, ever. On ANY course. Please turn to the next page. You see... there's a TRICK to consistently shooting under 90. Actually, there are 4 tricks, but let's not quibble. The important thing is. You Can Learn Everything You Need To Know About Shooting Under 90 For The Rest Of Your Days... In Just One Hour! be? it's actually very simple (though the majority of golfers don't have a clue). It breaks down like this: When you shoot a bad round, you've made yout most critical mistake before you even tee up on the first hole... and you make your next most critical mistake before you play your second shot. By the time you've reached the first green and putted out, your score for the entire round is pretty much pre-determined, And that holds true even if you par the first hole — because the hidden mistakes you're making are sitting there, like a boiling kettle ready to blow the lid off. How can Have you ever done well for five, six or more holes... only to straggle into the clubhouse afier eighteen with another miserable total score? Of course you have. MOST golfers know this horror. Do you know why this is? It’s because... the KEYS to consistently shooting great low scores. Have Absolutely Zero To Do With Your Ability To Hit Long Drives, Or Even Hit The Green In Regulation! In short... shooting below 90 has nothing to da with what you thought you needed to do! ‘That's right. The keys to consistently scoring closer and closer to par are actually ... ‘© Knowing the secret of what exactly to do with your putter before you ever make a real putt.. * Knowing the secret behind leaving ONE SPECIFIC CLUB out of your bag before you tee off... «Knowing the secret of re-adjusting the number of strokes you're allowed for your personal “beat the course” par on each hole. * And... knowing the secret of “seeing” the course in a way that will help you stay out of trouble, keep you in the fairway, and never lose an unnecessary stroke. ‘Never. Once you know these simple, basic, easy-to-learn secrets... your score will automatically start dropping faster than the price of premium during a gas war. Even better... you'll suddenly realize you're actually enjoying each round more, because you'll 'be more relaxed, and you'll Jaok forward to each new shot, knowing you're going to shoot a nice low score for the day mo matter what. You'll be the kind of golfer you've always dreamed of being. But you're not dreaming! Golf really can become a sheer joy, every single time out, No more frustration... no more inconsistency... no more “nightmare” holes... no more long days where your buddies won't even look you in the eyes (or even dare brush against you, for fear of catching whatever curse you're suffering from themselv Best of all... if after you've given me your hour to learn these secrets... if you DO go out and shoot above 90... then... Please tum to the next page. I Will Promptly Send You That Crisp New $50 Dollar Bill... No Questions Asked! Here’s why I’m putting so much money on the line: There's only one man I would ever put this kind of “serious cash” guarantee behind. Thats Darrell Klassen... golf's most amazing “Teacher Of Secrets”. He's the guy who just enrages all the hoity-toity PGA professional teachers by insisting that “golf really IS an EASY game!” (I've seen a course pro actually sputter and blush when Darrell’s name was mentioned. This is a guy who insists you learn the “official” PGA swing... but can’t explain why Darrell slaughters him every time they play head-to-head for money!) You see... while the PGA is busy teaching everyone to be afraid of the golf course, and forcing people to leam impossibly-difficult swings (so you will keep buying ever-more expensive equipment in the vain hope of improving)... Darrell just keeps spending an hour or so with people and then sending them out to the course, where. They Immediately And Consistently Beat The Pants Off Everyone Else! It's an amazing fact... but while the vast majority of PGA-taught golfers will NEVER consistently break even 100... almost every one of Darrell’s private students consistently breaks 90! Don’t miss this point, now. Let me repeat: While 90% of PGA-taught golfers NEVER consistently shoot under 100.. Nearly Every Single One Of Darrell’s Students - Young, Old, Beginner ‘And Veteran ~ Are Shooting Impressive Below-90 Scores... Every Time! Now, you know that can't be an accident. However... it IS the reason I’m able to confidently put my money behind his teachings. A crisp new $50 dollar bill, from my wallet to yours, if you prove me wrong. I'll take that risk. Here’s the deal: We took Darrell out to a gorgeous private course out in California (where I bribed the marshals to allow us to film for an afternoon) and videotaped him giving his entire “Shoot Below 90 Every Time” secret lesson, You know... despite the lesson being fess tian an hour total... it really is still a secret of a lifetime for most golfers. Why? Because Darrell insists on being lazy — the ONLY way to leam this lesson directly from him (until now) has been to go to his little out-of-way town in the central valley, to his local course, and lear it on his time. And though several hundred happy golfers have made this pilgrimage (and are now shooting breathtakingly-low scores every time out), it’s still the best-kept secret in golf. Anyway, let’s get back to YOU. So, we have this videotape, which has the 4 secrets all laid out for you, simply and in the easiest possible way to “get”. (Darrell never spends more than an hour with any student on this. It's too simple not to completely and utterly understand immediately.) All you need to do is call my office at 1-800-316-5871 and tell whoever answers you want “Darrell’s Shoot Below 90” video. It’s just $39 (which is $87 fess than he charges for personal instruction). You can use your credit card. Or, if you'd rather not talk to anyone, just fill oxt and fax the enclosed “Fax Order Page”. Or, if you'd rather pay by check or money order. just fill out and mail the enclosed “Priority Order Card” — you cant use the postage-paid envelope. ‘No matter what you choose, your tape will be rushed to you by return mail Please turn to the next page... Now, here’s how your guarantee works: Walch the tape. Let the lesson “sink in” as you watch, You can do a little practice, if you like (it’s not required). For most golfers, the season is pretty much over this month because most courses are closed. Doesn't matter. Use what you've learned when you do go out the ext time. You aren’t under any time limit at all. (Darreil says learning this now, before the actual next spring season starts, will allow these secrets to “cook” inside you... so when you do use them. they will just be there, like “magic”, ali settled and cozy in your mind. He says this is really the best way to do it.) Now, if you DON’T break 90... on the very next round of golf you shoot, or on any round after that... then I insist you send the tape back to me (with your scorecard)... and | will rush you (by return mail) this crisp new $50 dollar bill, No time limit ~ take all season (and the next one, too, if you like) to make sure your lesson “sticks”. That means, if you choose... your entire “secret” lesson will be FREE... and... you'll get a SH BONUS on top. Right out of my wallet... and into yours, nice You don’t risk a penny giving this amazing breakthrough in low scoring a “look see” yourself... not a permy. In fet, because I'm sending you $50 back, you're actually coming out way aheud. Just for trusting me a little bit... and taking one measly hour to see what all the fuss is about. ‘There’s just one “catch”: You have to order right now, Like I said, Darrell usually gets five times as much as you're paying for this “secret” lesson, and he’s only willing to allow this deal to exist at all if] follow these two iron-clad requests: (1) I never let his new personal-teaching clients know about this deal... and... (2) Lonly allow this offer wo be on the table for 11 days, ot list” of favorite in just 1 short days, the Therefore, this is a secret mailing that’s only going out to my “ customers. Please don’t tell any of your friends about it, okay? And. deal is off. So you must call or write (or fax) right NOW, while this letter is still hot in your hands, It’s a great deal ~ you risk absolutely nothing, you can learn the lesson for FREE if you so choose... and I'll send you a erisp new $50 dollar bill if you don break 90 on your next round, I've told my staff to expect your call SingPrely, q ‘ i Michael O" wa P.S. I thought you might want to see what somt-6f those fucky personal students of Darrell's have to say about this lesson. I've attached a sample.

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