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Activity 11: My Reflection on my work immersion

I experience a lot of unexpected things during my immersion days, I met a lot of people
and had a chance to befriend them. Experienced working under the sun, experienced
dealing with attitude drivers, and I experienced standing all day long. I had a lot of great
memories during my immersion journey, and I must say that it is worth the time. I
learned so many things about life. I learn to smile in every people I interact with. My
workplace really taught me how to endure everything. Endure the bright sun, endure the
pain every time we stood up for hours, and endure the harsh words coming from those
attitude drivers. During my immersion days, I noticed that somehow my attitude
changes, I learn how to discipline myself. I can now control my anger during bad times
and that’s a good thing for me because I always lose my temper in every seconds.
When it comes to socializing, I guarantee that my social skills arise because of
immersion. I get the chance to talk to a different person all day. That complete stranger
becomes a part of my life even in that little span of time. Because of work immersion, I
learn how to face my fear just like I have to commute alone to get there. I’m used to
commute with one of my family members, but when I experience being an immersion
student, I feel like I have to be independent and stand on my own feet. I’ll always
remember this journey of mine even if I get older. It made me face the reality. Inside that
two weeks I had in Capitolio, I know that somehow, I grow as a person. I become the
better version of myself.

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