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Donrn-Ounrven a ACTIVATED SLUDGE ‘ax. AERATION OUTLINE AL = Activated Sludge - General : + ALD - Basic Biochemical Reaction /A All _~ Variation in Reaction Conditions Determine Mode of Activated Sludge Operation 1.2 - The Activated Sludge Process - From Laboratory to Plant 41.21 ~ Essential Process Elements 41,22 + Ideal Growth Curve - Batch Operation 41.23 + Ideal Growth Curve - Continuous operation 41,24 + BOD Loading 41,25 - Temperature 41.3 = Microbiological Effects on Activated Sludge Treatment 3 Life Cycle of Microorganisns as Affected by Food Supply 3 Activated Sludge Protozoa Reflect Treatment Efficiency Process Variants . igh Rate, Conventional, and Extended Aeration? £ Differentiating Characteristics pea Advantages and Disadvantages : ; Test Procedures “ ‘Amenability to Biological Treatment : A 1.511 ~ BOD Bottle Reaction Rate Curve 41,512 - BOD - COD Relationship A 1,513 - Toxic Effects and Environmental Conditions AL.6 - Design Information 1.61 - Basic Procesa Data . T= Important Variables - Classical Approach 12 = Important Variables - Generalized Approach ‘2.2 - Sizing the Plant A2.21_~ Selection of Design Conditions A 2,22, - Calculation Procedure + Possible Flowsheets T= Standard A 2.311 - Flow Through Aeration Tank A2,312 + Homogeneous Aeration Tank «+ Step Aeration Tapered Aeration Sludge Reaeration Contact - Stabilization ALL HOLDERS OF THE ACTIVATED SLUDCE AND AERATION MAHUAL SURFACE AERATORS FLOATING PLATFORM TYPE A & B \ FROM: MARKETING DIVISION, STAMFORD * The prize section - page 4 indicates substantial differences between Type A and Type B floating placforas. ; Hodel "A" includes a non slip safety tread and a maintenance area” _witiy an enclosed guard, The pontoons are 304 stainless steel and : vigtare Filled with a closed cell, rigid foam. ‘ The pontoons are mad of Losd cell vigid foam and a galvoniz 1 sheathing covers the.“ ‘top of the pontoons and extends down to just below the liquid level “fhe central: support coluan for each pontoon is galvanized steel. We S4ner there 4s no matncen deck it may be nec dock for maintenance and" repairs. - pcatll J.C. Gibbs eo ry to a8 duh, the “format: has’ beer tBle ‘both for present. iddition and change, Bd eg tae ET fs metual. ‘Even thé sections bn eqhipmerte toward supplying, the'needa ‘sf the process." mechanical ‘aspects of equipment can be found pct y ae epee conan inci 4a manual 18 %o' presenc,” Sa 'one ‘plate, oll o€ tie ti formation ve Habe available, to: date, on activated eludge procegaing and the epplibakion of Dorr-liver eqiipment in chia field: We “dntend: sto keep it upti dace as more information becomes. avatlable.>. Te 43° intended that/this earval viliibe used to‘indrease the Sales_iingineen's, knowledge of tip: field,. serve aé a guide-to Gecerminfag process, B cauipment, and act!as a Sales: Tool" to:assise fo pr ing questiohs.";- 5.) ete: 1 eae, Se SpyFhe' approach tq “sizing. i$ purposély ma es: advantal 3 tablitshing 4 Tank’ check’? gtv 2 Respect to aeraifion’ detention timé. We cun’ offer .equipme’ fdant siz anyshexe within the Limits fassurance for’ sicééas. » ra : “The only “sige gghe Timicaccon’ 14 Gur gbitiey co cake: kdvantage of nodara » teetinology andthe company's. advanced’ know-how 'co-sell mote Dorr-Oliver. eduipeent. \thj3-requires overcoming!a cremendous anount of ‘resistance, ““tovchange andiitertia particularly: with ‘respect -to"Condui ‘ting Engitieers- and State Boards, of Health... “This vequires. Selling an idea and we this manual : ett RGN S e i? We. know: thac Ypth: INKA. and the D-O Aeracor-wiLl. become sore: compe! and operate aff feak efficiency .only when -aération-derention:; reduce tely we-are shooting. for, 30 minute a 28 atic sewage or, industrial’ waste} pprovidtng tte BOD! . do treament. stisilex’torthiae: Fox ‘dome! Psewage aiid} there: are no-dkévene, -undesizab le environme: 1s i . \ ; ee [oe {the sianual a3 issued is incomplete. - Additional sections will be jadded"as soon as information {5 in hand and time permits. While: Jeach specific section will provide all information needed on a ‘single ‘subject, by itself, the greatest value o£ this work will come with reading and digesting the entire subject matter. We hope jou Will find it both informative and useful. Suggestions as to how” {his manual might be improved are solicited. Ts W.. Lesperance January 7, 1963 Dorr-Orver é Outline 2 ©A2.4 - Other Flowsheets, Competition, Ete. 7A 241+ Kraus-Feoria Process AB = Activated Sludge = Extended aeration AJL _- Design Parameters - Extended Aeration A311 > Important Variables - Generalized vs Classical Approach A3.2 - String the Plant 43.21 = Selection of Design Conditions 43.22, - Calculation Procedure A3.3 = Possible Flousheets A331. - Standard A4 “= Activated Sludge = High Rate a A4.1 - Design Parameters = High Rate A G.11 = important Variables - Classic vs Generalized Approach A4.2 ~ Sizing the Plane | A421 ~ Selection of Design Conditions 44,22 = Calculation Procedure 7 A4.3 _- Possible Flowsheets . 44,31 ~ Standard : 44.32 - Activated Aeration AS + Preseration AS.L + Preaeration A5.11 - Important Considerations and Design Parameters A5.2 = Sizing the Plant S 45.21 - Special Considerations and Selection of Design Conditions * A 5.22 - Calculation Procedure 45.221 ~ No Oxygen Utilization, Flow-Through Tank Used", A 5.222 - Oxygen Utilization Occurs, Homogeneous Aeration Used 3 A - Aerobic Digestion A6.1 - Aerobic Digestion T 4 6.11_~ Important Considerations and Design Parameters A6.2 - sizing che Plant 45.21 - Selection of Design Conditions, Limitations, ete. 46.22 - Calculation Procedure TDornn-Onven jon_+ General INKA vs D-O Aerator T+ Basis for Selection = Guarantee = Sample Standard Process Guarantee Form = Discussion - Specific Process Conditions B1.3 = Simplified Gas absorption Theory + B 1,31 - Mass Transfer and the Two Film Concept B 1.32 + The Diffusion Equation =" Basic Mechanical Elements + Gas Transfer by Shearing and Pumping T 2 3 - Importance of Mixing 4 - Comparison with Conventional Diffusion Devices B2.2 - Sizing the Equipment B 2,21 - Sewage, The Datum System B 2.22 + Use of Factors B 2.23 - Power B2.3 - Selection of Equipment 32.31 - How Many Aerators and What Size? B 2.32 - How Many Blowers and What Size? B2.4 |= Calculations B'2.41 - Summary Sheet - “Ground Rules" B 2.42 ~ Recomended Procedure B25 __- "Advantages B 2.51 - Design Flexibility : B 2.52 -) Operating Flexibility B 2.53 ~ Maintenance B26 - Installations . Outline 3 Outline & + i Bod Inka Aerated Lagoons L Bell - Gene: Bo.2 Design variables B6.21 - Design Efficiency B 6.22 Recirculation 86 23 Ten petine Bb.3 - Sample Caculations cee B 6.31 Waste Cl peas. Senple Cofillions Al Dorr-Our: A 1.1 BASIC BIOCHEMICAL REACTION Variation in reaction conditions deteraine the mode of activated sludge In reducing the apparent couplexities of activated sludge «aerobic bio- logical treannent to their siupliest terms, consider the basic bio- chemical reaction equation which is the foundation of the process. It may be written as follows: Nutrients (1) Food # Microoryanisus ¢ 02——> Cellular Matter & Energy # Coz # B20 # wis or as follows: (2) Organic waste # Sludge # alr-———® Maste Sludge # ind Products / nally: thy. or finally che (3) Food/Microorganisa Ratio ¢ 07 ————-> Synthesis / Complete Oxidation (Loading) Im designing a plant to carry out this reaction the engineer chooses tae relative quantities of reactants (waste, sludge or mixed liquor solids, and air) go be combined in the reaction (aeration) tank. Once combined, fature will take its course resulting in tie products formed. ‘ve can make the reaction go faster or slower, We- can saift enphasis on the products formed by varying the ratio of reactants but we cannot change the basic reaction. Material and energy in ané out aust balance. Experience has taught us that only certain combinations of these re~ actanes produce good operating results in the full scale, continuously operating plant. (The reasons way this is so will be discussed in this section and in che sections to follow.) Assuming an adequate supply of nutrient material, the engineers' cnief concern is putting together the right amounts of waste (food or B0D) with biological culture (sludge or microorganisms) and air for the correct period of time to assure the desired result (30D removal from waste water and reduction) while maintaining an easily handled physical system. Once accomplisned, we must tailor the plant to satisfy tne needs of the process. This means, first and foremost, creating an en- vironment which will be optimum for the living organisns which form a part of the process. AL Qeganic Waste The objective of any biological treatment plant is to remove oxyyen con- suaing organic matter from waste waters and reduce, oxidize, or stabilize it to the desired degree. The amount of this waste present is usually measured by a bioassay and reported as BOD. BOD or Biochemical Oxygen Demand may be defined as the quantity of organic matter present measured as the amount of oxygen taken up by that organic matter when subjected to biological attack. For normal sewage, the standard five day - 20° ¢ BOD measures about 68% of the biologically treatable organic matter actually present. The reaction is essentially complete in twenty day Industrial wastes may react at a similar rate or they may be someuhat faster or slower. In cases most frequently encountered this factor can be ignored.: Pinpoint design vould require the establishment of a BOD bottle reaction rate curve for uninown wastes. This curve already exists for hormal sewage. This is simply done by running 1, 3, 5, 7, 10 15, and 20 day Bop's. When all orjonic matter present can be biochemically oxidized the standard five day BOD should equal 66% of the COD. COD or Chemical Oxygen Demand Le determinéd by a strong chemical oxidation analysis which should Seeak down all organics present. If che 30D/COD ratio is less than 68%, then |* organic matter is present that is not anenable to diological treatment. Where large!ditferences exist between BOD and COD, for unknown wastes, it snould be determined whether or not the non-anenable portion will take up of use oxygen in any other manner. ‘This may affect overall process oxygen supply requirements. Microorganisas In a biological process, BOD represents food matter for microorganisas. This food matter vill be attacked by a heterogeneous and varying aass of microorgénisns all of which commonly occur in natural bodies of water and in the earth. Both plant (bacteria) and animal (protozoa, etc.) forms of microorganisms are required to do the vork and their relative numbers will vary depending upon the process conditions. These aicro- organisms are comonly referred to as biological siudge or mixed liquor suspended solids, In practice, mixed Liquor suspended solids represents ali suspended matter in the system, this includes both inert material and biological culture, Inert matter is of no consequence in the basic reaction and we must, therefore, differentiate between the evo. For normal sewage, the volatile mixed Liquor suspended solids are taken to represent the quantity of biological sludge present and this is usually about 80% of the total. For industrial wastes, this may not be che case, The volatile suspended solids analysis may also measure organic material DonrtOuven \ ‘ Ai which does not represent biological sludge or culture; for example paper mill fiber. q The first product of the reaction is cellular matter which under equilib- rium operation is usually thought of as excess or waste sludge. In the presence of excess food, the wicroorganiems will grow and multiply. Tais increase in the population or creation of more sludge is the synthesis part of the reaction. A portion of the original food or waste is con- verted to more cells or protoplasm through a series of metabolic actions. ‘The average chemical composition for the heterogeneous mass of cells produced is approximately Csiig03N. We should not lose aight of che fact that thie reaction iv basically chemical in nature and will oubait to the basic concepts of chewical stoichionetry. Bad Products hile part of the reactants are converted through synthenis to biological culture, another part is completely oxidized to final end products. The aerobic reaction produces carbon dioxide, water, and some ammonia. It 16 chrough this latter reaction chat the living organions gain their energy for existance. Coz and #20 are unobjectionable final producte when re- leased to nature as they already represent a coumon part of our everyday environment, i : Oxygen ‘The microorganions, if allowed a preference, wili use moleculat oxygen in carrying out this biochemical oxidation. Since the aerobic (molecular oxygen) process produces the most desirable final end products we must ingure that the process has available sufficient oxygen at all times. Oxygen is most commonly introduced into the reaction by blowing air through the liquid system. The question that moat often arises is, “How much oxygen must we supply?” If we consider the products forned we will fee that some must be supplied for synthesie and some for complete oxi- dation. Oxygen requirements may best be {llustrated by the following overly simplified example. Let us assume we are going to treat just starch: by a biochemical process. The chemical composition of starch is approxi- mately C1905. If the only reaction was tne complete oxidation reaction then the following equation would apply: (4) Celti00s # 602 ——— 6C02 # Stiz0 Dorr-Orurv= AML Complete conversion to COz and H20 would require 1.19 Lbs. of oxygen per Ib. of starch equivalent to 1.75 Ibs. of oxygen per 1b. of B00. (ualesi othervise noted BOD vill refer to five day BOD.) If the only reaction were the synthesis reaction then the following equation would apply: (5) SCgHy 9% # 2Hy0 # 3Ny ———} BCsHQOIN # 4402 Synthesis would yield an excess of oxygen equivalent to 0.175 Lbs. of oxygen per 1b. of starch or 0.26 Iba. of oxygen per 1b. of BOD. Lquation (4) would represent the meximun possible oxygen requirement, and equation (5) the minimun, Actually pure synthesis or entirely complete oxidation are never obtained. They represent the theoretical extremes which are only approached in practice. If the food to microorganism ratio were controlled 80 as to convert 50% of the starch to protoplasm and 50% to ultimate end products the overall process oxygen requirement would be: -0.5 (0.26) # 0.5 (1.75) = 0.745 Lbs. 02/1. BOD reduced, Synthesis Coaplete Oxidation While’ starch conversion to cellular aatter actually produces an oxygen excess, 2 one example; most organics require a little oxygen for syntheste and some a considerable amount. This will depend on the amount of oxygen available in the molecular structure of tie organics treated. Actual plant oxygen requirements will depend on the type of waste being treated with respect to their citemical composition and on the relative amounts of synthesis products and ultinate oxidation products férmed tn the process as it is operated. In summary, we can say that equations (1), (2), and (3) represent, simply, the formulae for the overall biochemical oxidation treatment process. Many reactions are involved. Many are complex; some, as yet, are not wholly understood. From an engineering point of view we need only concern ourselves with what goes into the process and what is produced as a re- sult. Dornn-Ouven thie suspension is also discharyed/or wasted from the system to maintain a solids balance. The bulk of the suspension, which contains primarily microoryanians, 19 returned co the aeration tank where it is recombined with raw waste and proceeds through the process once wore fi epee Dornrn-Ouven A.1.2 THE ACTIVATED SLUUGE PROCESS ~ FROM LADCRATORY 70 PLANT A 1.22 - Ideal Growth Curve ~ Batch Operation ‘ What happens when @ suall amount of mixed mieroorganisus come in contact with a large amount of food matter? To thoroughly under- stand the activated sludge process we uust first review the, growth characteristics of microorganisms with time when subjected to an excessive food supply. ; Consider Figure A 1.22 - 1. Here we have a wass-time curve divided into three major phases designated as logarithmic growth, declining yrowth, and endogenous. This curve is representative of vhat happens in the BOD bottle or ina batch operation when a small aanount of heteroyeneous seed wicrooryanisus are fed a large anount) of waste. ‘ Log Growth Initially, there is a very rapid increase in the population of micro= organisms along with a very rapid decrease in the amount of food matter remaining available. Along with this, we have a very rapid increase in the rate of oxygen utilization; also a continual in- crease in the total amount of oxyyen used up. this phase is characterized by high food to microorganism ratios (through con- AL stantly decreasing) with the ewphasis definitely on synthesis or the production of cellular watter. Only sufficient COz and i1z0 are formed to sustain energy. Overall oxyyen requirements are a minimum. Declining Growth At some point, tie amount of food matter remaining begins to limit the rate of growth. We now itave a situation where there are too many microorganisms and not enough food matter to sustain them. This phase begins at the point of inflection on both the food and microorganism curves. ke can say that the food to microorganism ratio here equals 1. The rate of growth and oxygen utilization begins to taper off. Cannibalism among the microoryanisns is on the increase. ‘The microorganisus must work harder for their food; om they require more energy and more ultimate oxidation products (C02 - ‘and 20) are produced. ‘The amount of dynthesis and the arount of complete oxidation are becoming equal. Overall oxygen requirements are greater. 7 eet - Soe ee eee . Donrn-Oruwen : \ i : * A 1.22 Endogenous ‘ This phase begins when the amount of reactants going to complete oxidation exceeds the amount producing synthesis. Food to micro- oa organism ratios are becoming quite low and the often referred to Se starvation phase has begun. Here the lew of che "survival of the fittest" takes precedent. With the food supply disappearing rapidly the aicroorganisns begin to feed more upon themselves, Synthesis 18 decreasing and more and more ultimate end products are being produced. While the oxygen utilization rate becomes . : lower the overall oxygen requirement is at ite highest. This ie q the phase of most complete oxidation. 4 a FL Pb oN goto 0 NZ GF20UGHL SENN BNINIUWNFZY ZOOS sso _~ ™ SWEINE DUO OAPI Continuous Operation In practice, we are most interested in the activated sludge process as a continuous operation rather than a batch operation. How is the growth curve of interest to us under these conditions? Figure A 1.23-1 shows a slightly revised mass-tine curve. Here we theoretically elect to operate at just one point alony the mass- . time curve - continuously. Wve operate at one food/microorganism ratio for a fixed period of time. Practically, due Co nornal variations en= countered, it is impossivle to control to a single point operation, The bese we can hope to do is hold the process within a Fixed range which spans the optimum operatiny point. The narrover this range the more efficient the process. 7 Wnat determines the optimun point? Experience Aas taught us that we can operate the process continuously, with ease, at only,a few food/micro- organisa tetios, If we deviate too much from these fixed points we end up with a process wnich is too difficult to handle physically and control ‘or too uneconomical. In order to nave an activated sludge process at ali we must maintain a suspended solid or sludge of yood piiysical quality. Le must floceulate well and settic readily. Ability to control solids in the system is the key to successful activated sludge process operation. The microorganisms will do best and ve nappies when they are fed tie right amount of food for the condition. If tney are over-fed or under-fed tiey will rebel re- sulting in a bulking sludge which is digficult to handle. “We cannot force the microorganism to do what we vant them to do without penalty, ‘Tae sounder engineering approach is to determine the optimum environment for the microorganisms and then design to supply it. Over the years we have learned, mostiy through trial and error, that there exe four possible ranges wherein we can operate the process continuously in a satisfactory manner. ‘tiese are indicated on Figure A 1.23-1. Within each range there is an optimum food/microorganism ratio which vill produce the very best results. ‘The exact optimum point in each case is still as yet unknown, ‘The best we can do today is approach it as closely as pos- sible. These four ranges give us the four basic activated sludge process variants which can be used successfully to treat organic wastes. These are: (1) Dispersed Growtin, (2) ligh Rate or vodified, (3) Conventional, and (4) . Total Oxidation or Extended Aeration. Dornr-Ouven s eee Dispersed Growth {8 a baste process variation which is primarily of academic interest. In the presence of large excesses of soluble organte * food matter, the microorganisms need not bother to flocculate or “+i ‘agglomerate to insure a satisfactory capture of food. It is readily’* available to the individual microorganism and they operate at extremely high energy levels in assimilating, this food matter which further reduces *? In rare instances the process the tendency to form flocs of sludge particles. can be made to work on a full scale, continuous basis solely because of the extremely high synthesis rate. ‘There are no settleable suspended solids so none can be removed and returned to acration for reuse. Here this ie un-.- necessary, New cellular matter is formed as fast as it is lost with the effluent. The system can maintain a solids equilibriun balance without the need for return of sludge. this manual, This process will not be considered further in Hereafter, the High Rate or Nodified version of the process will just be referred to as High Rate. and the one we know most about. The Conventional form is the most common vartant Extended Aeration is a better term than Total Oxidation since, in actuality, it is impossible to achieve total oxidation along with zero synthesis. ey . Donn-Quven ———_ wy zz ngtisya SmaI Geox ae >—— _ PULA CHEN LLAT — > LLY — ougy besirvboe orn fawy f ™ a SOO OYORpt a A LL (reumapdg CF co PY (D S20INID0GNA POUb EPUWNNIIL| puma bo7 OPPO SOQNMANED ~ YMIOD fEOPYD 29CL 1-2) Y FIABt 0 @ FROM LABORATORY TO PLANT BOD Loading In our discussion, so far, we have used the term food/microorganisa ratio repeatedly. This factor 16 a primary design variable for the Process, It represents tne relative quantities of reactants (organic Waste and biological sludge) we choose to combine in the biochemical reaction equation, Food/mleroorganisn ratio refers to mass of food matter or organic waste and mass of microorganisms or biological sludge. Mass, in it~ self, has no practical design significance. Another term must be. substicuted which represents a more easily measureable quantity and which lends itself to calculation. This factor is BOD Loading. It is best given as pounds of organic waste fed to one pound of biological culture per day or lbs. of BOD/1b. mixed Liquor suspended solids/day. « The choice of BOD Loading will determine the form of the activated sludge process that will be practiced in the full scale continuous plant. It will determine sludge quality, BOD reduction effictency, synthesis rate or quantity of waste sludge produced, and oxygen. requirement. From a design point of view, the wost important consideration will be the effect on sludge quality. fe 4s noted previously, there are only four ranges of BOD Loading which will produce a good enough sludye quality to produce a manageable -and workable process. These BOD Louding ranges define the basic modes of activated sludge operation. Relative sludge quality is uost often weasured and coupared by the sludge ° voluse index (SVI) test. While there are several versions of this test, the most frequently used one weasures settled voluse per gram of ‘sludge in a liter cylinder after thirty minutes of quiescent settling. The higher the SVI, the poorer the sludge qualicy, Figure A 1.24-1 relates sludge quality to BOD Loading and aleo defines operating ranges for the three important activated sludge process variance, The most desirable operating points are where the. sludge volune index approaches @ minimua, A 1.2 ~ THE ACTIVATED SLUDGE PROCESS - FROM LABORATORY TO PLANT A 1.25 + Temperature ‘The second important design parameter in the activated sludge process ts temperature. It has been stated that it was not possible to change the i basic biochemical reaction. We can, however, shift the emphasis on the products formed by varying BOD Loading and we can make the reaction pro- - ceed at a faster or slover rate by increasing or decreasing the tenpera- ture at which the reaction takes place. Relatively little attention has been given the temperature factor in activated sludge processing. The reason for this has been that the great bulk of our efforts have been directed toward the problem of the activated sludge treatment of sewage. Most of the work that has been done and most of the data that have been generated neglects the tempera- ture factor. There is good reason for this. Sewage is pretty much the same the world over. Domestic sewage temperatures vary but relatively Little from place to place. In any one area only minor changes occur due to seasonal conditions and predominate climate. Activated sludge plant operating temperatures ‘reflect the ground and surface water temperature in the area. There is relatively little heat loss or gain after usage and through the treatment process, Due to these small differences, temperature effects have not been readily apparent and for the most part have been ignored. Temperature does play an important part in the biochemfeal reaction and where the magnitude of the operating temperature difference is great (as with many industrial organic waste) this factor must be taken into consideration if an efficient process and plant design is to resulc. Biochemical reaction rate will increase in a manner simtler to that for straight chemical reaction rates when the temperature is increased. A 10 degree Centigrade rise in temperature will approximately double the reaction rate. On this basis, it is obvious that temperature is significant. As the reaction velocity increases, a given quantity of microorganisms can treat more and more BOD in the same period of time. This has a direct bearing on the loading factor. Figure A 1.24-1 shows the effect on BOD loading on sludge volume index. The curve represents the con- dition at only one temperature. Increased temperature will shift the curve to the left indicating that comparable performance can be obtained at higher loadings when the temperature is increased. A given pound of microorganisms has the capacity to treat more pounds of BOD without deleteriously affecting the sludge quality _ 7 3 Dorr-Orver : ‘Temperature effects on BUD Loading can be expressed by the following equation: 1-To : Ly = Lggk where Lto ~ demonstrated BOD Loading at a known temperature, Lp ~ BOD Loading at aay temperature T. > T = any temperature in degrees Centigrade To - a known datum temperature in degrees Centigrade K + 1.050 for sevage K = 1,045 for pienoi Temperature also produces other changes. The velocity of the oxidation reaction increases at a greater rate than the velocity of the synthesis psn fox a given increase in temperature. At higher temperatures, less excess siudge is produced for wastage and overall oxygen require- ments are higher. Fo-26 : ae be (K) i to ot x (lor) oe be pier oe « 4 4 = orks Ik ted Te Ya chor 14h ff rm = 133 ers ae CL Py = obte +S pT 5) Dornr-Ouven Ave / sit 97/eg sa7 -Briaves ° ov — : og O° : : peuvoeh CPGMAAF py manner 20 Poff \ Pea Gp Beoign POCOE pre LRT -bMQLO? CD /-227 Y 2B0B1L ona 00g Avan) 207 FbEAIS LAS > A-L.31 - Life Cycle of Microoryanisns es Affected by Food Supply Dornn-Onven A1.3 HICKODLOLOGIGAL s¥FsuTS ON ACTIV! 6D SLUDGE TZATENT Why do changes in sludge quality occur? ‘hy are there three ranges of BOD Loading where a good physical quality sludge is produced? To obtain answers to these questions we must look to the microorganisms themse lve: We have already mentioned the heterogencous nature of the microorganiens vhich play a part in the activated sludge process. Unlike many in- dustrial fermentations where pure cultures of microorganisms are-used, activated sludge utilizes mixed cultures commonly found in nature. Both plant and cnimal forms of microorganisms are involved, When. sub: jected to an excessive supply of food all forns begin to grow and multiply. The growth of any microorganism, whether protozoa, bacteri algae, fungi, etc., is dependent upon the individual metabolic require: ment of the organisa, the cheisical nature of the’ organic food,.and the Physical environment. Grouch and predominance are controlled by the, three possible situations discussed below. é The growth of tvo species of microorganisms both capable of utilizing the same food matter will depend upon their respective rates of meta~ bolism. If both species are the same size and metabolize at the same. + rate their grovth will be equal. If both species are the same size but. one metabolizes faster than the other, the faster metabolizing specie will predominate. if the two species are of unequal size but metabolize at the same rate, the smaller species will produce greater nunbers but the mass of protoplasm will be equal. ‘Thus it can be seen that the mass of cellular protoplasm is the correct corollary for determining true competitive action rather tian relative numbers of organisms, The growth of two species of microorganisms which do not utilize che Seme components in the organic food matter is the same as if the two species were being grown separately. The evo species are not conpeting for food and grow independently of each other. For exanple, only certain % types of animal fonns (protozoa) will metabolize insoluble or solid food _ ¥ matter. Bateria are dependent on soluble food. The third case of growth is that of two species of mieroorganisns, one | of species predatory on the other.. The growth of the prey is dependent upon the food matter or waste wnile-that of the predator is dependent upon the prey. In the presence of completely soluble food.the prey will grow rapidly, followed by the predator. As che nunber of predators increase, the denand on the prey increases until the prey is extinct. mites a 'f Donrn-Ouven ALL In gn environnent where there is a hiding place for the prey such as floc of other particulate matter the predator is slowed dowa in its searen for prey and extinction is prevented. Figure A 1.31+1 presents enotier form of the mass-time growth curve. Here the food remaining unstabilized Line is show as before. Until now, the microorganisms line nas represented tne cumulative mass of total micrvorganisa, Here, tt is broken down to show the growth cycle of each of the major types of microorganisms that take part in the treatment process. From this we can see that the relative predominance of the various species present is changing as the food/microorganism ratio (or BOD Loading) is changing. ‘here are three combinations of types of organ- isms and relative qunbers which go well together. At these points the sludge quality is good and ve have a controllable process. Donr-Ouvenrn o Ai Le A se. Fatwvrabben SIZNLD, ~~ ‘2/0Z070) SS Z ine | N » ” a perermD Oguntes \ an ay! ~ emiaorIEg \ \ SHUKS POCOIS GILLI NC an JV! StistNOSIUC PRIS SO FONE NACA A TAMAS grimy 7 GILLVODDOTS CIEPIONE ATAANS ZOOS 40 NOMINNI YB SA SWUISINGDUOOYIIW JO FIPAD PHI? UE we0di4 ALSL WON LETS Zz Dorrn-Onven - A1.3_NICROBIOLOGES reatwent Efficiency 41.32 + Activated Sludge Protozoa Keflect In recent years, attempts have been made to corretate the presence of the various animal forms in activated sludge wit treatment efficiency and overall plant healt, Aninal forms of sicroorganisus are of re~ Jatively large size and can ve viewed through an inexpensive microscope. In addition, the major species nave sufficiently different physical characteristics so that they are easily distinguishable, ons from on- other, Figure A 1.32-1 shows the most importont types which play a major role in the activated sludge process. Microscopic examination should yield almost instantaneous information regarding treatment efficiency which is determined dy the food/micro~ organism ratio or BOD Loading. It should further provide information fon the health of the population, providing a warning in advance of factual paysical malfunction and reduced efficiency. The animals are the most sensitive forns and the must easily killed by undesirable environmental changes. The absence of animals signals trouble ahead. ¥ood/microorganisa ratio or HOD Loading will determine treatment plant BOD reduction efficiency. It should be yossibie, then, to corrolate che presence of protozoa with treatment efficiency. If we refer to the mass-time growch curve ayain as shown in Figure #4 1.31-L we ean follow the sequence of life patterns as Chey occur for the protozoa in proceeding fro a very high to 2 very lov loading (increasing tine). The most comuon Sareddina exe the amoena, The Scrcodina engulf solid food particles, hydrolyze thea and chsord tiem through the cell wall. They also adsori soluvie food directly tirough the cell wall. metabolize only soluble food mateer vaile the wily solié orgenic matter. Tne Holophytic Flaxe!. Holozoic Flageila wust use pri: The Cilkata Utilize only orgauic particulate matter for food. They ane the Rotifers are the major predators. As the hOD loading or food remaining decreases ergy level of the system decreases. Free~ swinming eiliates operate at a high enerzy level, stalied ciliates at a lower energy ievel and rotifers © lowest enevay level. Considering the metavolism of the bacteria and the protozoa, it can be seen thet the Sarcodina and tne fo 6S must compete with the bacteria Zor their food; while the Holozoic Flagellates and . Ciliata are predators on the bacteris. At the start of an activated sludge system, the food concen yn and tite population of ie Flagetls any group of microorganism is snail. As a result all organisms should be able to grow with the Sarcodina and Holophytic Flagellates being the predominate protozoa during the early phases. The small size of the bacteria and their low metabolic requirement permit them to obtain a larger and larger share of the organic matter as their nuubere increase. ‘The Holozoic Flagellates must wait until the bacteria increase to sufficient nunbers before they can find enough food to grow, Thus, the nunber of holozoic protozoa aivays lags the number of bacteria in re- lation to their growth phases, The tiny Holozoic Flagellates grow first because of their lower energy requirements; but the Ciliata overgrow then as a result of the ciliates'ability to obtain food more rapidly, A general guide as to relative predowination of protozoa and efficiency in an activated sludge: system can be given as follows: 1, Sarcodina predominate very rarely and only in systens Just staring’ or just recovering from complete toxicity. 2. Holophytic Flagellates predominate at low efficiency ‘When the organic concentration is high, In some in- dustrial waste systems where the soluble organic load is high, the efficiency may be machemetically high but the indication is ciat the effluent still contains a nigh concentration of organic matter. ‘The Holozoic Flagellates arise as the Holophytic Lagellates decrease, ‘They indicate an only slightly more efficient system andetforte to distinguish be~ tween the two are not warranted by the results. The free-swimming Ciliata are found when there are a large nunber of free: niny bacteria. The efficiency of the system when their numbers are very high is approximately 50%, They can indicate a fairly efficient system or a poor one, ‘he key is in the other typea present. Flagellates and free-swimming ciliates are at the low side of the efficiency scale which the presence of some stalked ciliates indicates the high side of the efficiency scale in the range of High Rate treatment. ‘The presence of predominately stalked ciliates in- dicates an activated sludge with a low BOD effluent in the efficiency range for Conventional treatment, ‘The stalked ciliates arise as a result of the number of available bacteria being reduced below the demands Donr-Ouven ae of the free-svimuing ciliates. Having lower energy re~ quirements taan ing cilictes tne stalked Ciliates survive, 4 very stalé, well operating Con- ventional plant will have very few stcliked ciliates and, usualiy, no other protozoa forms. Actually, the ciliates are measuring the becteria activity; but since tne bacteria activity reflects the biochemical condition of the system, the ciliates reflect the efficiency with con- siderabie accuracy. when only Kotifers are present, we have a condition of very low loading and very high efficiency indicating an approach toward total oxidation as represented by Extended eration treatment. Hee Pe Dorrn-Ourvern SARCOMA | FLAGELATED PheT0 208 if STACKED Cre1ATED, feore20a FREE SUtHinging CUAATED MROTO20R we A Ratt KE TYPICH ANITOLS I ASTIVATED SLUDGE FIGURE AILZ2>1 Dorr-Ouven 7 B14 = PROCESS ValklaNTS : A 1.4L = High Rate, Conventional and extended Aeration We have sten that, frome practical point of view, there are three x, ranges of BOD Loading where the resuleant sludge physical quality aod WALL perntt us to operate a continuous plant successfully and with @ minimum of operating headaches. The highest loading range has been designated High Rate. The intermediate Loading range Con- ventional, and the low loading range Extended Aeration. This does not suggest that che treatment or biochemical reaction is in any way discontinuous. Treatwent is occurring at all food/ aicroorganism ratios or BOD Loadings. As the BOD Loading de- creases continuously, the 50D reduction efficiency increases con- tinuously and the relationship is linear. Figure A 1.41-1 shows . the BOD Loading - Sludge Volume Index curve. Superimposed on this curve {s a line showing 20D reduction efficiency as a function of BOD Loading. Tne High Rate process will yield a 60 - 70% BOD reduction. The Gonventional process will produce an 85 - 95% BOD reduction. “The Extended Aeration process should give a 98% or better BOD re- duction. While continuous operation between the optinus: loading ranges is ; possible, the design requirements are uneconowical. Also, con- ‘| siderable “brute force" operation and control is required to wain- tain the plant “on stew! ay 4) Lf unable to build up culture in procedure A try diluting : we feed samples of raw waste. ‘ b) Inability to build up a culture at chis point may be due to toxic effects or tie raw waste may not be amenable to bio- 1 logical oxidation. ©) If procedure 4 is completed satisfactorily, then procedure 3 will produce more exact results and will pinpoint difficulties ©, . which may be due to toxic effects, partial amenability, etc. : 4) Satisfactory completion of procedure B is all that is necessary for a preliminary analysis of the problem. Procedure C ean be 7 completed, if desired; but ic is not essential. It will provide additional information fur design purposes. ©) Supplementary focding of nutrients may be necessary in all tests, eee ment is 1) pace W:/20 parts BOD and 1 pert P: 75 parts BOD. . 7 Wooaus- A1.9 - TEST PROCEDURES Amenability to Biological Treatment Domestic sewage has a certain proven and known amenability to bio~ logical treatnent. Many industrial organic wastes, as discharged, have a comparable anenability. Yany others do not. For unknown wastes, the degree of amenability must be established before an adequate design can be arrived at. The presence of toxic materials, aon-treatable organic matter, and poor environental conditions must be ascertained before final process selection, sizing and design begins. Proper design can reduce the effect of toxic materials if their presence is known. Poor enviromental conditions can be corrected. Undesirable wastes es !discharged, can be made more anenable to biological treatment through proper process and plant design. Several important steps'can be taken to establish amenability aad to determine corrective medsures for unresponsive organic wastes. These tests are simple and can all be done in the laboratory! 1, Establish BoD;bottle reaction rate curve 2. Determine BOD:COD relationship 3. Study toxic effects and environmental conditions ] , Dorrn-Ouven A 1,51 + Amenability to Biological Treatment A.1.511 BOD Bottle Reaction Rate Curve - This method follows the standard BOD test procedure as given in "Standard Methods". Several SE sets of samples are set up and incubated for varying periods of time at 20°C, The recommended tines are 1, 3, 5, 7, 10, 15, and 20 days. If the reaction is not essentially complete in 20 days, then longer time intervals should be used. The data established by these tests should be compared with the data for normal donestic sewage given below. Previous work has shown that it is scmetimes desirable to run BOD's for longer than the normal 5 day period in order to produce more con- sistent results with certain wastes as a day in and day out analytical procedure. BOD Reaction Rate - Domestic Sludge Days ‘4 Total Demand 1 au 2 27 3 50 4 60 5 68 6 75 7 80 8 84 9 87 10 90 12 94 1s 96 16 97 20 99 NOTE: “Standard Methods" refers to the text Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Waste Water published by the American Public Health Associa- tion, Ine WDonr-Onven Amenability to Biological Treatment A.1,512 BOD-COD Relationship - Along with BOD's, it is also desirable to run COD'S on representative samples of the waste using the methods as aiso outlined in Standard Methods. If it is proven that a correlation exists between BOD and COD then the simpler and quicker COD test can be used in lieu of the BOD test for controlling plant operation, etc. Lf no correlation exists, as is frequently the case, the relationship. can still be of benefit indicating whether or not there is non-treatable organic matter present. le L£ chere is a large amount of oxygen consuming organic matter present which does not represent BOD, then further tests should be conducted to determine if this matter will take up oxygen in any other manner, for example, by pure physical eeration oxidation or through chemical change. Aeration equipnent must be supplied to fulfill the total oxygen needs of the process whether biochemical, chemical or physical. TDonn-Ourven & 1.5 - TEST PROCEDURES A L.SL - Amenability to Biological Treatment A 1,513 Toxic Effects and Environmental Conditions - The procedure outlined below will yield clues to possible operating problems wich Fespect to the presence of waterials toxic to the microorganisms and undesirable environmental conditions. Toxic material need not be completely lethal to be harmful. Some exert an inhibitory effect which can be equally as damaging if not taken: into account. Apparatus Four (4) 1000 ml (or later) graduated cylinders, each will require an air diffuser (fritted glass sparger or similar device) with rubber tubing and air supply. vs BOD - see "Standard Methods", American Public Health Association. . A. Producing and acclimatizing table biological culture. 1. Set up two 1 liter cylinders for aeration. Add about 250 ml of a suitable seed material (sewage activated : sludge, trickling {ilter sludge, or sludge to a digester) to each cylinder and: fill to the mark with raw waste. 3. Aerate for 23 hours. Adjust the air rate tu produce sufficient mixing so as to maintain essentially a homogeneous suspension of biological culture in the waste water. 4. Stop serating and allow to sectle under quiescent conditions for one hour. 5. Decant 500 ml of supernatant solution and throw away. 6. add 500 mi of raw waste and aerate again as in A-3. 7 7, Continue this procedure until at least 500 ml of sludge have . been produced (after settling) in each cylinder. AYE) 55 BY/eee'S07- Buiauo7 ° or/ ae oz & cot 4 f ° g - ‘| » 3 : § 02S 3 8 : x it 3 Hels i) 2 s - » Qg x 5 S 1 0: 8 & on ; oop X é ~ ' A +Alae Aba/ss 2 a7foeg 867 - 2u10bor ov o2 og i + —— ° x 8 CYOMY COR BY/3B7- ITA E5994 y 3 7 3 nd i) 3 YUL CB 8/387 - toy ARO = or Driver co 10 OLAS B PDG07S ADB MOR WILLSIO F381 FVOP1L + . Dornn-Ouven Variable concentratios 1, Set up four cylinders for aeration and add 250 ml of ac- climatized culture (settled sludge) to each, “2 we 2. To the first cylinder add 750 ml of rev waste at the normal feed concentration. To the remaining cylinders add-750 ml of raw waste plus dilution water so as to produce wastes at * adjusted concentrations equivalent to 1/2, 1/4, 1/5 or 1/10 of normal. For raw waste BOD concentrations in excess of 1000 PPM, use the 1/10 normal concentration. 3, Aerate for 23 hours as before. 4, Stop aeration, settle, and decant 500 ml of supernavant Ree . solution and save for analysis. . 5. Add new feed at the proper concentrations to each cylinder and repeat as in B-2 co B-4. Continue for about 10 days or for as long as is reyuired to chow definite results or : trends, ¢ Analyze samples of raw wastes and supernatant solution each day for BOD. Include suspenaed solids, pl, and temperatures ae as desired. C. Variable Detention Ti : 1. Select one rav waste concentration from B which produced satisfactory results. If possible the actual raw waste con centration is preferred, : 2, Use the 500 ml of settled sludge in each cylinder from B to start and add the raw waste at the selected concentration to the mark in each. : 3. Aerate the cylinders for different periods of time. Suggested detention times are 3, 6, 1? and 1@ hours. 4. At the proper time interval for each cylinder stop aeration, settle for one hour and decant 500 ml of supernatant solution and save for analysis, a 5. Analyze samples as in B-6. 6. Add new feed and continue procedure for about 5 days or until Significant results are obtained, ‘A 2,1 + DESIGN PARAMETERS - CONVENTIONAL TREATMENT A-2.11 = Important Variables - Classical approach In its early development, activated sludge was Looked upon, primarily, ag a new method of contacting biological culture with waste wacer vhich accomplished treatment and higher BOD reduction in a smaller plant volume. The microorganisms were maintained in the form of a settleable solid (ideally) or floc suspended in and intimately mixed with the waste water. After a period of contact the solid vas separated from the treated liquor and returned for reuse with fresh raw waste while the treated Liquor was discharged. Thie technique gave the operator a measure of control over che amount of biological culture or mixed liquor suspended solids held in a given contact or aeration volune; a degree of operating flexibility Chat he did not have with the older fixed percolation bed or trickling filter process. In addition, the total contact volume became wore effective reaction volume with a tremendous increase in reaction ‘surface area as compared with the limited surface area provided by the rock in the trickling filter bed. The inactive volume occupied by the rock itself and the voids was eliminated. A higher degree of treatment was obtained through the ability to maintain a greater number of more active microorganisns in a smaller reaction, contact or aeration volune. Plant operators soon learned, on the basis of experience, that their ability to control solids withia the system was not unlimited. Too little solids or too many, for a given amount of 30D being treated daily, proved to be detrimental to sludge flocculation and settle- ability. In other words, che sludge reacted unfavorably when fed too little waste or too much. As a result, the process became un~ wieldy and the solids were difficult to control and maintain within the system. On the other hand, maintaining the right amount of solids within the system, which meant controlling the mixed liquor suspended solide concentration within a certain range for a fixed aeration volume, Produced a good quality (low sludge volume index) sludge. ‘These same operators were all using plants which provided from 6 to 10 hours, and in recent years 6 hours, of aeration detention time. It became apparent, before too long, that most of these plants operated well when the mixed liquor suspended solids concentrations were maintained within the range of 1800 - 3000 ppm or mg/I when treating normal domestic sewage. Donn-Oruwen With the aeration equipment available co them at the time, the operators scon learned that, under. the above conditions, the Sguivelene of about 1 cubse foot of air was required per gallon |. of waste treated in order to saintain sufficient dissolved oxygen :| within che systen, thus insuring maximum treatment efficiency.” Out of this evolution, derived from operating trial and error, there developed basic design criteria for the conventional activated sludge process which, unfortunately, are still in use today and in many cases rigidly adhered to by governmental authorities. In ther time, these "rules-of-thumb" design guides served a very useful Purpose providing for adequate treatment of domestic sevage mest of the time. The design engineer knew that if he provided for 6 hours of aeration detention with a mixed Iiquor suspended solids con- centration of 2500 mg/l and if he supplied air equal co one cubic foot per gallon of vaste treated along with the aeration equipecat to handle it a workable plant would result yielding the desired treatment efficiency. oe A 2.2: SIZING THE PLANT A 2,21 = Selection of Process Design Conditions In this section, the design of the activated sludge process is established. The design includes determining the size of the aeration tanks, che BOD loading, and the oxygen requirements. The basis for the process design is the equations of Prof. Ross E. McKinney "of the University of Kansas for complete-mix activated sludge systems. A complete summaty and explanation of the equations can be‘found in “Mathematics + * of Complete-Mixing Activated Sludge” by Ross E. McKinney in the Journal of the Sanitary Engineering Division, ASCE, May 1962. These’ equations were used to determine the figures in Table A 2.21. The removal éffteienctes, in Table A 2.21 were selected based on field data and formulations set The éxygen uptake rates determined by these equations incorporate the * synthesis requirenents of the organic matter and che respiration require= ments of the active mass of microorganisms in-the mixed

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