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ae | CENTRO GLh JE | — NOMBRE COMPLETO: HORARIO: ANO 2023 Curso de inglés nivel principiante: Temas Secci6n primera: Los articulos determinados Los articulos indeterminados Las preposiciones Vocabulario: Colores Verbo to be Saludos Secci6n segunda: Pronombres personales Los ndmeros cardinales y originales Formar plurales con los sustantivos Vocabulario: saludos,despedidas y presentaciones. Vocabulario: Las personas. Seccion tercera: Conjugar verbos: to be, to have y to do. Tiempo verbales one: El presente siemple. Tiempos verbales two: El presente continuo/forma corta. Vocabulario: Familia Elarticulo determinante o definido El articulo definido o determinant se traduce en inglés por The. Es invariable y corresponde a las formas espajiolas el, la, los, las. Hiemplos, The boy (e! nifio) The boys (los nifios) The girl (la nifia) The girls (las nifias) The book (el libro) The books (os libros) El articulo definido puede ir precedido de las preposiciones of, to. En inglés no hay contraccién de preposicién y articulo: del y al se traducen por of the ( del) to the (a el). ‘Eiemplos Of the village. (del pueblo) Of the house. (de la casa) To the garden (al jardin) To the door (a la puerta) Usos del articulo the: Cuando sabemos de quien o de que estamos hablando. Cuando hablamos de algo que lo hemos mencionado en una frase anterior. Con los adjetivos en grado superiativo. Con los sustantivos cuando indican un tipo o clase en general. Con los nombres propios de océanos, mares, montafias, naciones en plural... Con los adjetivos abstractos. ‘iamalos Can have the drink? (puedo tomar la bebida?) cuando sabemos de que bebida hablamos. Mr and Mrs Jones have a daughter and two sons. The daughter is a doctor. (El sr. y la sra. Jones tienen una hija y dos hijos. La hija es doctora) She is the best. (ella es la mejor) The ants are workers. (las hormigas son trabajadoras) The Alps. (los alpes) ‘The fantastic (lo fantastico) Casos en los que no usamos el articulo th Cuando hablamos de algo en general. Delante de términos geograficos 0 topénimos. Delante de nombres de personas aunque estos estén precedidos de titulos. Delante de meses, estaciones y dias festivos. Delante de las comidas generales como almuerzo, cena... Cuando hablamos de partes del cuerpo usando el verbo to have (tener) Delante de next (préximo, siguiente) y last (iltimo, pasado) ‘Bismalas: Houses are expensive. (las casas son caras) Life isn't easy. (la vida no es facil) Fifth Avenue. (la quinta avenida) Spain. (Espafia) King Charles (el rey Carlos) We see you in September. (te veremos en septiembre) ‘GE! articulo indeterminado a / an Aco an, corresponde los siguientes articulos en spafiol: un, una. Ase usa con nombres que comienzan por consonante. ejemplos: a book = un libro a pen = un boligrafo a chair = una silla An se usa con nombres que comienzan por vocal. ‘jemplos: an animal = un animal an answer = una contestacién an example = un ejemplo Usamos a antes de una palabra comenzada por la letra u cuando esta es pronunciada como el sonido figurado "yu". ejemplo: a university Usamos an antes de una palabra comenzada por una h que no pronunciamos. ejemplo: an hour Usos del articulo Usamos a / an delante de los nombres singulares. ejemplo: Have you got a bicycle? (étienes una bicicleta?) T've got an umbrella. (Yo tengo un paragias) Usamos a / an cuando hablamos del oficio de alguién. ejemplo: Maria is a journalist. (Maria es una periodista) ‘Tom Cruise is an actor (Tom Cruise es un actor) No usamos a / an delante de nombres plurales. ejemplo: Have you got two bicycles? (étienes dos bicicletas?) Las preposiciones De tiempo y lugar >ON Significado: sobre, encima de, de, al Usos: delante de: dias dias concretos, dias + meses, fechas, partes dol dia Ejemplos: ‘@hly fat is on the first floor. (mi piso esta en la primera planta) ‘@You don't work on Sunday. (tu no trabajas el domingo) On 10th june. (el 10 de junio) ‘@They go to church on Christmas day. (ellos van N la iglesia en el dia de Navidad) Significado: en, dentro, dentro de, hacia adentto. Usos: delante de: meses, afios, estaciones, partes del dia, Ejemplos: ‘1 live in Brighton. (vivo en Brigthion) ‘@hty birthday is in June (mi cumpleafios es en junio) ‘#1 was bor in 1970. (nact en 1970) ‘Ve often go swimming in the summer. (nosotros solemos ir a nadar en verano) ‘#We usually watch TV in the evening (nosotros solemos ver la television al anochecer) > AT Significado: en, a, por, delante, cerca de Usos: delante de‘oras, cia estos, weekend (inde semana) «excopcibn de US que seria on weokend, right (noche), home (cas) sigificando estar en casa, Ejemplos: ‘live at 42 Poritand Street. ( vivo en el 42 de Portland Street ) ‘¢He is at home (él esta en casa ) ‘1 usually get up at 7 otlock. (normalmente me levanto a las 7 en punto) ‘#1 always visit my parents at Chirstmas (siempre visito a mis padres en Navidades) 1 usually play tennis at weekends. (acostumbro a jugar al tenis en los fines de semana) ‘nota: at the end significa al final ejemplo: At the end of my holiday. (al final de mis vacaciones) a diferencia de in the end que se traduce como "al fin y al cabo" De lugar y movimiento Opposite ‘Significado: contrario, en frente de Ejemplo: ‘@The hotel is opposite the station. (el hotel esta en frente de la estacién) >On the corner Significado: en la esquina Ejemplo: ‘#The bank is on the comer. (e! banco esta en la esquina) > Between Signcado: entre Ejemplo: ‘@The shop is between the baker's and the station. ([a tienda esta entre la panaderia y la estacién) > In front of Signficado: enfrente de, delante de Ejemplo: ‘There is a bus stop in front ofthe flower shop. (hay una parada de bus en frente de la floristeria) >Near Signficado: cerca Ejemplo: ‘#The schoo! is near the bank. (la escuela esté cerca del banco) Behind Significado: detras de Ejempio: ‘@The church is behind the school. (la iglesia esté detrds de la escuela) >Next to Sigificado: a continuacién de, al lado de Ejomplo: ‘it's next to the chemist’s,(esté junto a la farmacia.) Dinto, out of Signiicado: dentro de Ejempio: ‘#The woman is diving into the water (la mujer esta zambulléndose dentro del agua) Out of Signficado: fuera de Ejemplo: ‘My mother is out of the room. (mi madre esté fuera de la habitacién) Los colores rs black negro blue lazul brown imarrén lareen \verde lorey laris navy lazul marino lorange naranja pink rosa purple \violeta / morado red rojo lwhite blanco lyellow lamarillo v0 Tam il ‘Yo estoy enfermo You are anary. You i, usted You are hungry. "Ta ests hambriento, He a He is handome. El es quapo. ‘She ‘ala Ella es quapa: Te ela Tt’ cold today. Hoy hace fio (este pronombre amenudo se omite) we nosotros We are tired. Nosotros estamos cansados. You ‘osotres, ustedes Vosotros estils enfadados. ‘ils, elias They are at the cnema, mi, mis This is my bluse Ellos estén en el cine, Esta es mi blusa, Your tu, tus This is your tie Esta es tu corbata. His ‘Su, Sus (masculine) | This hls wardrobe Este es su vestuario Her ‘Su, Sus (femenino) | This is her dress Este es su vestido. Ts 3, 505 This is Its collar Bate os eu colar ‘Our Tiuestro/s nuestros/as | These are our suitcases. Estas son nuestras maletas Your ‘vaestro/a, vuestros/as | These are your seats. Estos son wuestros asientos. Here are thelr socks, 54, sus (de ellos) me, mi Twant it for me. ‘Aqui estén sus calcetines Lo quiero para mi. ks You Te, Wi, usted Tim helping you. Te estoy ayadando a ti Hie re, fo Can you see him? Te puedes ver? Wer aia, Te, Shes prety. 1 ke her. ia es bonita. We guste ella. re To, allo, Te Give ea kik Dale una patada, UE TosoWOs, FOE He is helping ua Enos esta ayadando You ‘osoWes es, ustedes, [sav you. ies vi ellos, Tes, Tos, fas, Tm waiting for them mio/s, mia/s This coat fs mine. Los estoy esperando, Este abrigo es mio. ios) Yours Tuyo/s, tuyals My name is Tony. What's yours? Mi nombre es Tony. Cuales el tuyo? tis ‘suyo/s, Siya/s This is his computer Esta es su computadora (de él) Hers 'Suyo/S, SUya/s Hers bag is blue, ‘Su boise es azul. (de ella) its 'Suyo/s, Suya/s Tes eyes are blue. ‘Sus ojos son azules. ‘Ours nuestro/s, nuestva/s | The suitcases are ours. Tas maletas son nuestras. Yours ‘Vuestro/a, vuestros/as, | The handicap is yours, La desventaja es vuestra. Theirs ‘suyo/a, suyos/as (de | This s thelr Esto es auyo. Myself yo mismo, me. ‘T saw it for myself. ‘Yo mismo |o vi, Yourself |i mismo, te, Dont burn yourself Woe quem Timea! | rnamo, se Te hi Rime 3e fio dao, Terself [ela toma, 50 She dd W hare. Tons aia lam seit |@mismo, a0 Tre at erated Tse T gato ae 9 [Ourselves —[osotros riemos, nos — [we are enjoying ourselves ‘Stamos dafutandsnosatros milamon Yoursives [oroes misnos, |i you pate house yourselves? [it aaa wororosmismos? Teemsotves eles nists, | They ae GUghng a thamoalves, | Ton on aitn fads ach other | euro del aro, se | Tey hate each othe Te #8 odin Los niimeros cardinales m Del 1 al 12: ‘one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve. lm Del 13 al 19 tienen la terminacion -een (la terminacién suena como ): thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen. 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 tienen la terminacién -ty (la terminacién suena como ): twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety lm Para formar las decenas se afiade un guidn después de la decenas y el nimero: ‘twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three... (ventiuno, ventidos, ventitres....) forty-one, fifty-two, ninety-eight.. (cuarenta y uno, cincuenta y dos, noventa y ocho. = Para las centenas seria: a/one hundred, two hundred .. en, doscientos....) = Para unir las centenas con las decenas se b afiadia and’ two hundred and fifty-five... ( doscientos cincuenta y cinco) = Para los millares seria: @ / one thousand, two thousand... (mil, dos mil...) m= Para los millones seria: a/ one million, two million... (un millén, dos millones...) Ejemplos * 2/ one hundred and two (102) # three hundred and twelve (312) @ five thousand and ten (5.010) # two million five hundred thousand (2.500.000) ® six thousand two hundred and seventy - nine ( 6.279) © two thousand two hundred and twenty -two (2.222) © three thousand three hundred and thirty -three (3.333) Los nameros ordinales Primero, segundo y tercero son asi: Ast first, 2nd second, 3rd third... | Del cuarto al decimoavo tienen Ia terminacién -th: 4th fourth, Sth fifth, 6th sixth, 7th seventh, 8th eighth, 9th ninth, 10th tenth, 11th eleventh 12th twelfth, 13th thirteenth, 14th fourteenth, 15th fifteenth, 16th sixteenth... m Las decenas, millares y el millén también tienen la terminacién -th: 20th twentieth, 30th thirtieth, 40th fortieth, 80th eightieth ... (la terminacién suena como ) 100th hundredth, 1000 thousandth, 1.000.000th millionth lm Para formar las decenas, al igual que los cardinales, pero la terminacién -th la tienen las —_unidades, las decenas entonces se escribirén como los cardinales. 21st twenty-first, 22nd twenty-second, 23rd twenty-third, 24th twenty-fourth Nota: Al poner el niimero solo, se le afiade la terminacién de este, que siempre sera -th, excepto el primero, segundo y tercero que son diferentes al resto, en los cuales seria terminacién -st, -nd y -rd. singular y plural de los sutantivos Reglas gramaticales 2A la mayoria de nombres se les agrega una s final para formar el plural. ‘ejemplos camera / cameras pen / pens cup / cups car / cars »Para formar el plural a los nombres acabados en -ch, sh, -s, 0 -x, se les afiade -es. sjemplos glass / glasses watch / watches brush / brushes bus / buses box / boxes >Para formar el plural a los nombres acabos en -y se elimina la letra y y se afiade la terminacién ies. ‘ejemplos city / cities party / parties Para los acabados en -f 0 -fe se elimina la -f 0 -fe y se afiade -ves. ‘ejemplos wife / wives »Muchos sustantivos se pluralizan de un modo irregular, existen dos casos: caso 1 Cuando el singular y plural no cambian. siemplos fish (pez 0 pescado) singular fish (peces 0 pescados) plural sheep (oveja) singular sheep (ovejas) plural caso 2 Cuando el plural varia de modo irregular. Por lo tanto, no existe regla la cual se pueda seguir y hay que aprenderse las formas irregulares de cada uno. man hombre hombres woman | mujer mujeres child nifio nifios person _| persona personas: tanth dienta dientec foot pie feet pies mouse raton mice ratones Saludos, despedidas y presentaciones sBuenos dias Good morning Buenas tardes Good afternoon Buenas noches Good evening Buenas noches Good night Adios! “Bye, Good bye Hasta luego! See you later! Hasta pronto! See you (soon)! siHlasta mafiana! @See you tomorrow! Hola! ! Hello! (también en inglés americano: howdy! hiyal) #2Cémo ests? eHow are you? e2Qué tal? How are things? e2Qué tal? How are you getting on? fine, thanks ebien, gracias @2A qué te dedicas? What do you do? *2Cémo te llamas? What's your name? #éPuedo presentarme? eMay I introduce myself? ra que conociese a. I'd like you to meet... eLe presento a... Let me introduce you to ... *Encantado, Mucho gusto Nice / pleased to meet you. Mucho gusto! / Cémo les va? How do you do? eéComo esta tu familia? eHow's your family? e2Tu familia esté bien? els your family well? #Salddalos en mi nombre. Give them my kindest regards. buena suerte! All the best! *Estoy a tu disposicién 1 am at your disposal. Recuerdos a todos. Kind regards to everybody. @Recuerdos! / Mis mejores deseos! Best wishes! Las personas adolescent adolescente adult adulto baby bebé boy chico boy chico chap tio child nifio/a fellow colega gentleman sefior, caballero girl chica grown-up adulto individual individuo lady sefiora man hombre middle-aged de mediana edad old viejo people gente erson persona teenager adolescente toddler pio que empieza a woman mujer young joven youth ‘adolecente Conjugacién verbo be (ser o estar) infinitivo: to be presente: am /is / are pasado: was / were Modo indicativo ‘Presente (present): yo soy, ti eres, él es... ‘*Condicional (conditional): yo seria, ti serias, él seria... ‘*Condicional perfecto (past conditional): yo habria 0 hubiera sido, ti habrias 0 hubleras sido... Modo Subjuntivo Presente subjuntivo: Yo sea, ti seas, él sea. | sintaxis: sujeto + infinitive | ‘©Pretérito imperfecto: yo fuera, ta fueras, fuer Conjugacién verbo have (tener o haber) infinitivo: to have Modo indicativo -SPretérito perfecto compuesto (present perfect): ya.he.tenido, ti has tenido, £1 ha tenido... “Presente (Present simple): yo tengo, tu tienes, é! tiene .. ‘©Pretérito imperfecto / pasado simple (past simple): yo tenia, 4 tenia, ta teni ‘@Pluscuampertecto (past perfect): yo habia / hube tenido, ta h tenido.. {/ hubiste tenido, 61 habia / hubo ‘eFuturo (future): yo tendré, ti tendrés, él tendré, ‘eFuturo perfecto (future perfect): yo habré tenido, ti habras tenido, 6! habré ter ‘@Condicional (conditional): yo tendria, ta tend Sintaxisi sujeto + would/should + modo infinitive del verbo: Modo Subjuntivo ‘@Presente subjuntivo: Yo tenga, td tengas, él tenga, =— = — ‘@Pretérito imperfecto: yo tuviera, ta tuvieras, él tuviera.. ‘sintaxis: sujeto + pasado del verbo ‘©Pluscuampertecto: yo hublera tenido, td hubleras tenido, él hublera tenia: ‘sintaxis: sujeto +had + participio del verbo Conjugacién verbo do (hacer) infinitivo: to do presente: do / does pasado: did partticipio: done Modo indicativo -SPreterite-earéesin-snmpugeyaGergeres naniaetui vate noche, i has hecho, ‘ePretérito imperfecto /pasado simple (past simple): yo hacia, té hacia, | haci ‘Futuro perfecto (future perfect): yo habré hecho, té habras hecho, é| habré hech Modo Subjuntivo ‘ePresente subjuntive: Yo haga, tt hagas, 61 hag: ‘©Pluscuampertecto: yo hublera hecho, tt hubleras hecho, 6! hubiera hecho. ‘intaxis: sujeto +had + participio del verbo presente simple (Present Simple) Sintaxis: sujeto + Verbo El presente simple se utiliza para hablar de cosas que suceden repetidamente. Se suele utilizar con los siguientes adverbios de tiempo: ‘every day - usually - often - sometimes. ‘every day at school./ Yo como cad ‘También se utiliza para hablar de hechos que son en general verdad: Elephants live in Africa and India./ Los elefantes viven en Africa y en India, ‘Al conjugar el presente simple se tiene que afiadir una s final al verbo pero solo en las terceras personas. Ejemplo conjugacién verbo to like. like You like She likes He likes It likes We like You like They like Los verbos to be, to have y to do tienen una conjugacién diferente a la de los demas verbos. Repasar conjugaciones: ir a conjugaciones Presente Continuo (Present Continuos) sintaxis: Sujeto + TO BE + Verbo + ING El presente continuo se utiliza parahablar sobre algo que esta pasando en el momento en el que hablamos. ‘ejemplo: I'm writing a letter Estoy escribiendo una carta. ‘ejemplo: He is doing some photocopyng Esta haciendo alguna fotocopia. También lo usamos para hablar de algo que esta sucediendo por el momento pero no necesariamente cuando hablamos. ‘ejemplo: I'm looking for a job at the moment En estos momentos estoy buscando un trabajo Formas cortas (Short forms) ‘®Algunas conjugaciones pueden tener formas cortas cuando van detras de pronombres como I, you, he... Ejempio: ! am --> I'm También las podemos usar detras de nombres. Ejemplo: Susan's had a baby. (Susan has had a baby). Las formas cortas se utilizan en el lenguage coloquial y en cartas informales. ‘am (presente verbo to be) Irm are (presente verbo to be) lyou're, we're, you're, they're is (presente verbo to be) lhe's, she's, it's lhas (presente verbo to have) lhe's, she’s, it's hhave (presente verbo to have) I've, you've, we've, they've had (pasado verbo to have) I'd, you'd, he'd, she'd, it'd, we'd, they'd would (condicional) I'd, you'd, he'd, she'd, it'd, we'd, they'd will (Futuro) Irll, you'll, he'll, she'll, It'll, we'll, you'll, ‘shall (futuro) Iril, we'll “SHacemos formas cortas con pronombres Interrogatives. war een is (presente verbo to be) at's, wh had (pasado verbo to have) iho’d would (condicional) |who'd will (Futuro) what'l, who'll hhere is here's "También podemos hacer formas cortas con here, there y that. there is / there will {there's / there'll tthat is / that will {that's / that'll ‘También podemos hacer |a forma corta de algunos verbos en negativo. is (presente verbo to be) _|is not isn't are (presente verbo to be) [are not laren’t \do (presente verbo to do) |do not \don't ioe (presente verbo to fson fscesmt [did (pasado verbo to do) _|did not lidn't pees reeeare verbo to ace = per erase verbo to Ihave not lhaven't ee verbo to had not hadn't ‘would, can, must, need, [would not, can not, must |wouldn't, can’t, mustn't, should... not... needn't, shouldn't... will (futuro) [will not. [won't shall (Futuro) [shall not [shan't Repasar las conjugaciones de los verbos to be, to have y to do: ir a conjugaciones adopted adoptado aunt tia brother hermano cousin primo/a dad papa daughter hia daughter-in-law | nuera elder el/la mayor family familia father padre father-in-law suegro foster parents familia de acogida godfather padrino godmother madrina grandchild nieto/a grandchildren nietos granddad abuelito granddaughter —_| nieta grandfather abuelo grandma abuelita grandmother abuela grandpa abuelito grandparents abuelos grandson nieto great-grandfather | bisabuelo great-grandmother | bisabuela husband marido mother madre mother-in-law suegra mum mama nephew sobrino niece sobrina older mayor only child hijo/a tnico/a orphan huérfano parents padres single parent padre/madre soltero sister hermana son hijo son-in-law yerno stepdaughter hijastra stepfather padrastro stepmother madrastra stepson hijastro twins gemelos uncle tio wife esposa Test de preposiciones Este test se compone de 30 cuestiones. Completa cada una de ellas sefialando entre las tres opciones la que sea correcta. 1. There were much people __ his funeral. c in © at inside 2. I'm busy the moment. I'm working ___ the computer. © at/on in fon © in sin 3. Imet him the South __ Spain. ° by /in © on sof © in fof 4. My flat is __ the first floor. a in a on 6 at 5. Your boss suggests a meeting _ Sunday afternoon. 6 in 4 on © at 6. We can meet __ the weekend. c in a on © at 7. I'm busy __ this weekend. 8. We often go swimming ___ the summer. eC on é in c at 9. My brithday is ___ 10th June. . on 7 in é at 10. I'll visit my parents __ Christmas. c in és at © on 11. Peter and Susan always go to church __ Christmas day. in at on 12. [have seen your advertisement ___ the News. in at inside 13. We've decided getting married __ the spring. to in on 14, John lives somewhere near __ Bournemouth. 7 in c from 15. What time do you eat __ the evening?. in © at c on 16. He goes every evening night clubs. © to at 17. Yesterday I went with Mary __ party. toa 6 a oat 18. Peter can't have been away. The lights were on _ his apartment. 3 at © of o in 19. When I arrived Mike was talking __ Susan. c © o a 20. I went with my friends __ last night. c © the © at 21. My father hopes to be retire __ year because he wants to have more free time. next © the next in next 22. We are going to travel _train. with, S in © by 23. We went __ Ireland __ our holidays last year. to/in to / for in / for ___ this time tomorrow we'll be flying over the Atlantic. in 25. Our friends are going to meet us __ the airport tonight. a in © 0 é at 26. This present is __ you. to 27. We are watching a film __TV. 7 in o on S at 28. Turn __ the second left and you will find the bank m in - on 29. Peter is studying __a chemist. © for © to a as 30. He suggested going _ a walk. for © to © to 40 Los nimeros cardinales @ Del tala ‘one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve. Del 13 al 19 tienen la terminacion -een (la terminacién suena como ): thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen. 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 tienen la terminacién -ty ( la terminacién suena como ) twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety Para formar las decenas se afiade un guidn después de la decenas y el nimero: ‘twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three... (ventiuno, ventidos, ventitres....) forty-one, fifty-two, ninety-eight.. (cuarenta y uno, cincuenta y dos, noventa y ocho... = Para las centenas seria a/ one hundred, two hundred .. (cien, doscientos...) ‘= Para unir las centenas con las decenas se b afiadia and’ two hundred and fifty-five... ( doscientos cincuenta y cinco) ® Para los millares seri: a/ one thousand, two thousand... (mil, dos mi = Para los millones seria: a/ one million, two million... (un millén, dos millones...) Ejemplos # a / one hundred and two (102) three hundred and twelve (312) ® five thousand and ten (5.010) ‘® two million five hundred thousand (2.500.000) six thousand two hundred and seventy - nine ( 6.279) ‘® two thousand two hundred and twenty -two (2.222) three thousand three hundred and thirty -three (3.333) Los numeros ordinales Primero, segundo y tercero son asi: Ast first, 2nd second, 3rd third... Del cuarto al decimoavo tienen la terminacién -th: 4th fourth, Sth fifth, 6th sixth, 7th seventh, 8th eighth, 9th ninth, 10th tenth, 11th eleventh 12th twelfth, 13th thirteenth, 14th fourteenth, 15th fifteenth, 16th sixteenth... Las decenas, millares y el millén también tienen la terminacién -th 20th twentieth, 30th thirtieth, 40th fortieth, 80th eightieth ... (Ia terminacién suena como ) 100th hundredth, 1000 thousandth, 1.000.000th millionth Para formar las decenas, al igual que los cardinales, pero la terminacién -th la tienen las —_unidades, las decenas entonces se escribirén como los cardinales. 21st twenty-first, 22nd twenty-second, 23rd twenty-third, 24th twenty-fourth Nota: Al poner el niimero solo, se le afiade la terminacién de este, que siempre sera -th, excepto el primero, segundo y tercero que son diferentes al resto, en los cuales seria terminacién -st, -nd y -rd. ‘&Presente simple (Present imple) Sintaxis: sujeto + Verbo El presente simple se utiliza para hablar de cosas que suceden repetidamente. Se suele utilizar con los siguientes adverbios de tiempo: (every day - usually - often sometimes. Teat every day at school./ Yo como cada dia en la escuela, También se utiliza para hablar de hechos que son en general verdad: Elephants live in Africa and India./ Los elefantes viven en Africa y en India ‘Al conjugar el presente simple se tiene que afiadir una s final al verbo pero solo en las terceras personas. Ejemplo conjugacién verbo to like. like You like She likes He likes It likes We like You like They like Los verbos to be, to have y to do tienen una conjugacién diferente a la de los demas verbos. Repasar conjugacione: ir a conjugaciones Presente Continuo (Present Continuos) sintaxis: Sujeto + TO BE + Verbo + ING El presente continuo se utiliza parahablar sobre algo que esta pasando en el momento en el que hablamos. ‘ejemplo: I'm writing a letter Estoy escribiendo una carta. ‘ejemplo: He is doing some photocopyng Est haciendo alguna fotocopia. ‘También lo usamos para hablar de algo que esta sucediendo por el momento pero no necesariamente cuando hablamos. ‘ejemplo: I'm looking for a job at the moment En estos momentos estoy buscando un trabajo. Introductions and Small Talk Dialogue 1-1: Formal Greetings Good morning, Professor Austin, how are you doing? ; Good morning, James. | am doing well. And you? I'm great, thank you. This is my friend Emma. She is thinking about applying to this college. She has a few questions. Would you mind telling us about the process, please? Professor austin: Hello, Emmal It’s a pleasure to meet you. I'm more than happy to speak with you. Please stop by my office next week. It's a pleasure to meet you, professor. Thank you so much for helping us. proresson austin; Don’t mention it. Hopefully, | will be able to answer your questions! Dialogue 1-2: Informal Greetings and Farewells JANE: Hi, Helen! How's it going? HELEN: Fine, thanks — and you? JANE: Just fine. Where are you off to? HELEN: To the library. I've got a history exam next week and need to start studying. Ugh. JANE: Oh, no. Well, I'l see you later then. Good luck! HELEN: Thanks. See you later. Dialogue 1-3: Formal Introductions MARGARET: MR. WILSON: MARGARET: MR. WILSON: MR. WILSON: Mr. Wilson, I'd like you to meet Dr. Edward Smith. It’s nice to meet you, Dr. Smith. Pleasure to meet you, too. Dr. Smith is an economist. He just finished writing a book on international trade. Oh? That's my field, too. | work for the United Nations. In the Development Program, by any chance? Yes. How did you guess? I've read your articles on technical assistance. They're excellent. Dialogue 1-4: Informal Introductions sim: CHARLES: aim: CHARLES: MARY: MARY: Who's the tall woman next to Barbara? That's her friend Mary. Didn't you meet her at Steve's party? No, | wasn't at Steve's party. Oh! Then let me introduce you to her now. Mary, this is my friend Jim. Hi, Jim. Nice to meet you. You, too. Would you like a drink? Sure, let's go get one. LANGUAGE NOTES Dialogue 1-6: A Telephone Call Jouw: ALICE: JouN: ALICE: oun: ALICE: oun: ALICE: LANGUAGE NoTES. Hi, Alice, it's John. How are you? Oh, hi, John! | was just thinking about you That's nice. | was wondering if you'd like to go to a movie tonight. ‘Sure, I'd love to! What's playing? | was thinking about that new comedy Lights Out What do you think? Sounds great! OK, I'll pick you up around 7:30. The movie starts at 8:00. See you then. Bye! Dialogue 1-7: Can You Say That Again? LUKE: Hello? Hi, Stephanie, how are things at the office? srepuante: Hi, Luke! How are you? Can you please stop and pick up extra paper for the computer printer? Luxe: What did you say? Can you repeat that, please? Did you say to pick up ink for the printer? Sorry, the phone is cutting out. steevanie: — Can you hear me now? No, I need more computer paper. Listen, I'l text you exactly what | need. Thanks, Luke. Talk to you later. Luxe: Thanks, Stephanie. Sorry, my phone has really bad reception here. Around Town WAITER: Hello, I'll be your waiter today. Can | start you off with something to drink? RALPH Yes. I'll have iced tea, please. ANNA: And I'll have lemonade. WarTER: OK. Are you ready to order, or do you need a few minutes? RALPH | think we're ready. I'll have the tomato soup to start, and the roast beef with mashed potatoes and peas. WAITER: How do you want the beef — rare, medium, or well done? r Well done, please. ANNA: And I'll just have the fish, with potatoes and a salad Dialogue 2-2: At the Doctor's Office poctor: What seems to be the problem? cam: Well, | have a bad cough and a sore throat. | also have a headache. poctor: How long have you had these symptoms? camny: About three days now. And I'm really tired, too, poctor: Hmm. It sounds like you've got the flu. Take aspi every four hours and get plenty of rest. Make sure you drink lots of fluids. Call me if you're still sick next week CATHY: OK, thanks. Dialogue 2-3: Asking Di 2 MARK: Excuse me. Could you tell me where the library is? NaNey: Yes, it's that way. You go three blocks to Washington Street, then turn right. It’s on the comer, across from the bank. MARK: Thanks! I've only been in town a few days, so | really don't know my way around yet. Nancy: Oh, | know how you feel. We moved here a year ago, and I still don’t know where everything is! Dialogue 2-4: Calling for Help PETER: Hey! That car just ran a red light and hit that truck! oat Is anyone hurt? PETER: don't know ... let's call 911. ... Hello? I'd like to report a car accident near the post office on Charles Street. It looks like a man is hurt. Yes, it just happened. OK, thanks. Bye. oan What did they say? PETER: They're going to send an ambulance and a police car right away. cai Good, they're here. | hope the man is OK. PETER: | know. You have to be so careful when you're driving, 20 Lawauace woreS: Dialogue 2-6: Running Errands HoreL receptionist: Hi, there. How can | help you? Laine Well, I'm in town visiting for a few days, and | need to get some things done while I'm here. HoreL Receptionist: Sure. What do you need? Laine: Ineed to get my hair cut. | also need to have my new pants hemmed. HoreL receptionist: OK. Here’s a map of the city. There's a good hair salon here, which is just a block away. And there's a tailor right here. Is there anything else? Laine Yes. I'l need to have my car serviced before my long drive home! Horst recePtionist. No problem. There's a good mechanic a few blocks away. Dialogue 2-9: Shopping SALESPERSON: Loria: SALESPERSON: Goria: SALESPERSON: Loria: SALESPERSON: Loria: LANGUAGE NOTES: Can | help you? Yes, I'm looking for a sweater — in a size medium. Let's see ... here's a nice white one. What do you think? I think I'd rather have it in blue. OK ... here's blue, in a medium. Would you like to try it on? OK ... yes, | love it. It fits perfectly. How much is it? It’s $50. It will be $53, with tax. Perfect! I'll take it. \ Dialogue 3-1: How Old Are You? SUSAN: SUSAN: ALL: I'm really excited for Aunt Mary's surprise birthday party this afternoon! Aren't you? Yeah! How old is she? She'll be 55 on May 14 [fourteenth], Wow! | didn’t know that my mom was older — she's going to be 57 on September 2 [second]. Anyway, Aunt Mary's going to be so surprised to see us all here! | know! But we still have to get all the food set up before she gets here ... OK! We're all ready now. Shh! She's here! Surprise! Dialogue 3-4: What's Your Favorite Sport? PHIL: JACK: PHIL: Jack: PHIL: JACK: What time is that soccer game on? | thought it started at noon We must have had the wrong time. Oh, well ... soccer's not my favorite sport anyway. | much prefer basketball. Oh, really? | thought your favorite sport was tennis! I'm a big fan of basketball, too. How about a game sometime? Sure thing! Why don’t we go shoot some hoops now since the soccer game isn’t on? Excellent idea. Let's go. Dialogue 3-6: Taking a Vacation sue: | just bought a ticket to New York City. I'm so excited to see the city! Good for you! Traveling is so much fun. | love discovering new places and new people. When are you leaving? uu: Next week. I'm taking the red eye. It was cheaper. Hopefully, I'l be able to sleep on the plane | wish | could go with you! New York City is a magical place. You will have so much fun. suuie: hope so. I'm going to visit my brother who lives ‘there. | will stay for a week and then take the train down to Washington, D.C. That sounds like a great vacation. I'm looking forward to a week at the beach for my summer vacation. | just want to relax.

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