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Liturgical Leaflet for an Active Participation in the Celebration of the Eucharist

2 July 2023 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A

Christ Lives in Our Neighbor

uloy po kayo!” is the familiar welcoming sentence that we read
at the entrance of so many houses or that we hear as soon as we
knock at any door. This is the slogan of traditional Philippine
hospitality, imbibed with a sincere generosity and openness which makes
guests and strangers feel at home wherever they go.
Today’s First Reading and the Gospel reveal to us the deep religious
roots of our hospitality: we treat guests and even strangers well because
we see Christ in them! In this Eucharist, let us pray for the preservation
of the values of hospitality and generosity, for God is always at the door
of our lives, waiting to be welcomed in the person of our neighbor.

guests at the Banquet He tenders erybody else. For the times

in commemoration of the Res- we have reversed this prior-
urrection of His Son Jesus. Let ity, Lord, have mercy!
us pause for a while and realize All – Lord, have mercy!
Entrance Antiphon how unworthy we are to be in P – May almighty God have
(To be recited only when no the presence of the Divine Host. mercy on us, forgive us our sins,
Entrance Hymn is sung.) (Pause) and bring us to everlasting life.
All peoples, clap your P –Lord Jesus, you taught us All – Amen!
hands. Cry to God with shouts that those who welcome
of joy! their neighbor welcome Gloria
you. For the times we chose All – Glory to God in the highest,
Greeting to forget this great truth, and on earth peace to people of
Lord, have mercy! good will. We praise you, we bless
P – In the name of the Fa- you, we adore you, we glorify you,
ther, and of the Son, and of All – Lord, have mercy!
we give you thanks for your great
the Holy Spirit! P –Lord Jesus, you taught us glory, Lord God, heavenly King,
All – Amen! that you consider as done to O God, almighty Father.
P –May the peace and grace yourself what we do to our Lord Jesus Christ, Only Begot-
of our Lord Jesus Christ who brothers and sisters. For ten Son, Lord God, Lamb of God,
rescued us from eternal dam- the times we have failed to Son of the Father, you take away
nation be with you all! see and love you in them, the sins of the world, have mercy
All – And with your spirit! Christ, have mercy! on us; you take away the sins of
All –Christ, have mercy! the world, receive our prayer; you
Penitential Act P –Lord Jesus, you taught us are seated at the right hand of the
P –Every time we celebrate that we should love you Father, have mercy on us. For you
the Eucharist, we become God’s above everything and ev- alone are the Holy One, you alone

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are the Lord, you alone are the time next year you will be fon- the glory of the Father, we too
Most High, Jesus Christ, with the dling a baby son.” might live in newness of life. If,
Holy Spirit, in the glory of God the then, we have died with Christ,
The Word of the Lord!
Father. Amen! we believe that we shall also
All – Thanks be to God!
live with him. We know that
Collect (Opening Prayer) Christ, raised from the dead,
Responsorial Psalm Ps 89
dies no more; death no longer
P –O God, who through the has power over him. As to his
grace of adoption chose us to be R –For ever I will sing the
goodness of the Lord! death, he died to sin once and
children of light, grant, we pray, for all; as to his life, he lives for
that we may not be wrapped in
the darkness of error but always God.
be seen to stand in the bright Consequently, you too
light of truth. must think of yourselves as
Through our Lord Jesus dead to sin and living for God
Christ, your Son, who lives and in Christ Jesus.
reigns with you in the unity of The Word of the Lord!
the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and All – Thanks be to God!
All–Amen! Gospel Acclamation
* The promises of the Lord I All – Alleluia! Alleluia!
will sing forever; through all You are a chosen race, a
generations my mouth shall royal priesthood, a holy
nation. Announce the
proclaim your faithfulness. praises of him who called
1st Reading 2 Kgs 4:8-11. For you have said, “My kind- you out of darkness into
14-16 ness is established forever”; his wonderful light.
In this short excerpt from in heaven you have confirmed Alleluia! Alleluia!
the life of the prophet Elisha we your faithfulness. R.
have a splendid example of gen- * Blessed the people who Gospel Mt 10:37-42
erous hospitality on the part of know the joyful shout; in the We who believe know that
a couple from Shunem. Elisha light of your countenance, O Jesus considers as done to him-
reciprocates it with practical Lord, they walk. At your name self whatever good we do to our
gratitude. These are two virtues they rejoice all the day, and neighbor. No other truth can
that we, too, should treasure and through your justice they are better motivate us to treat with
practise. exalted. R. generous kindness all those who
live with us.
R – A proclamation from the * You are the splendor of
Second Book of Kings P –The Lord be with you!
their strength, and by your All –And with your spirit!
One day Elisha came to favor our horn is exalted. For P –A proclamation from the
Shunem, where there was a to the Lord belongs our shield, holy Gospel according to
woman of influence, who urged and to the Holy One of Israel, Matthew
him to dine with her. After- our King. R. All – Glory to you, O Lord!
ward, whenever he passed by, Jesus said to his disciples:
he used to stop there to dine. 2nd Reading Rom 6:3-4.8-11
Baptism makes us share not “Whoever loves father or
So she said to her husband, “I mother more than me is not
know that Elisha is a holy man only in the death but also in the
resurrection of Christ. Such is worthy of me, and whoever
of God. Since he visits us often, loves son or daughter more
the vital message of St. Paul who
let us arrange a little room on draws from this truth the very than me is not worthy of me;
the roof and furnish it for him important moral implication and whoever does not take up
with a bed, table, chair, and that we must consider ourselves his cross and follow after me is
lamp, so that when he comes to “dead to sin but alive for God.” not worthy of me.
us he can stay there.” Whoever finds his life will
Sometime later Elisha ar- R – A proclamation from the lose it, and whoever loses his
rived and stayed in the room Letter of Paul to the Ro- life for my sake will find it.
overnight. Later Elisha asked, mans Whoever receives you receives
“Can something be done for Brothers and sisters: me, and whoever receives me
her?” His servant Gehazi an- Are you unaware that we receives the one who sent me.
swered, “Yes! She has no son, who were baptized into Christ Whoever receives a prophet
and her husband is getting on Jesus were baptized into his because he is a prophet will re-
in years.” Elisha said, “Call death? We were indeed buried ceive a prophet’s reward, and
her.” When the woman had with him through baptism into whoever receives a righteous
been called and stood at the death, so that, just as Christ man because he is a righteous
door, Elisha promised, “This was raised from the dead by man will receive a righteous

2 July 2023
man’s reward. And whoever All – We beseech you, Lord, mysteries, grant, we pray, that
gives only a cup of cold water hear us! the deeds by which we serve you
to one of these little ones to C –For the Catholic Church, may be worthy of these sacred
drink because the little one is God’s family on earth: May gifts.
a disciple – amen, I say to you, she always welcome people of Through Christ our Lord.
he will surely not lose his re- different cultures, races, and All – Amen!
ward.” social backgrounds without dis-
The Gospel of the Lord! crimination or prejudices. Let us Preface VII
All – Praise to you, Lord Jesus pray! R. P –The Lord be with you!
Christ! C –For the Holy Father, our All –And with your spirit!
Bishop, priests, and other reli- P –Lift up your hearts!
Homily gious leaders: May they con- All – We lift them up to the Lord!
Profession of Faith stantly inspire us with their good P –Let us give thanks to the
(Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed) example of generosity and avail- Lord our God!
All –I believe in one God, the Fa- ability to help those in need. Let All –It is right and just!
ther almighty, maker of heaven us pray! R. P – It is truly right and just, our
and earth, of all things visible C –For our civil leaders: May duty and our salvation, always
and invisible. they welcome the refugees and and everywhere to give you
I believe in one Lord Jesus the migrants and enable them thanks, Lord, holy Father, al-
Christ, the Only Begotten Son to integrate themselves in their mighty and eternal God. For you
of God, born of the Father be- new environment so that they so loved the world that in your
fore all ages. God from God, become productive citizens. Let mercy you sent us the Redeemer,
Light from Light, true God from us pray! R. to live like us in all things but
true God, begotten, not made, sin, so that you might love in us
C –For our parish community
consubstantial with the Father; what you loved in your Son, by
and its organizations: May we whose obedience we have been
through him all things were
made. For us men and for our always be open to welcome new restored to those gifts of yours
salvation he came down from members with the affection of that, by sinning, we had lost in
heaven, (bow)* and by the Holy brothers and sisters, and offer disobedience.
Spirit was incarnate of the Vir- them the solidarity and trust they And so, Lord, with all the
gin Mary, and became man.* need. Let us pray! R. Angels and Saints, we, too, give
For our sake he was crucified C –For the poor in our commu- you thanks, as in exultation we
under Pontius Pilate, he suf- nity: May they see Jesus in the acclaim:
fered death and was buried, and love and kindness of their neigh- All –Holy, holy, holy Lord, God
rose again on the third day in bor. Let us pray! R. of hosts. Heaven and earth are
accordance with the Scriptures. full of your glory. Hosanna in
He ascended into heaven and is C –Let us pray in silence for our
personal intentions. the highest!
seated at the right hand of the
Father. He will come again in (Pause) Let us pray! R. Blessed is he who comes in
glory to judge the living and the P –Lord of all kindness and the name of the Lord. Hosanna
dead and his kingdom will have generosity, make us as kind and in the highest!
no end. generous as you are toward all
I believe in the Holy Spirit, those we meet today. May we, in Memorial Acclamation
the Lord, the giver of life, who turn, be welcomed by you to the P –The mystery of faith!
proceeds from the Father and Kingdom of eternal happiness All –We proclaim your Death,
the Son, who with the Father where you live and reign for ever O Lord, and profess your
and the Son is adored and glori- and ever. Resurrection until you
fied, who has spoken through All – Amen! come again!
the prophets.
I believe in one, holy, cath-
olic and apostolic Church. I
confess one Baptism for the
forgiveness of sins and I look
forward to the resurrection of Preparation of the Gifts All – Our Father . . .
the dead and the life of the world P –Pray, brethren . . . P –Deliver us, Lord . . .
to come. Amen! All – May the Lord accept the All –For the kingdom, the
sacrifice at your hands, for the power, and the glory are
Prayer of the Faithful praise and glory of his name, yours, now and forever.
P –We have been graciously for our good and the good of all
welcomed by the Lord to the his holy Church. Sign of Peace
Banquet of His Son, but He still
Prayer over the Offerings Breaking of the Bread
has so many other gifts in store
for us. Let us confidently ask for P –O God, who graciously All – Lamb of God, you take
them as we humbly pray: accomplish the effects of your away the sins of the world: have

13th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)

mercy on us. (2x) Prayer after Communion knock at the door of your
Lamb of God, you take P –May this divine sacrifice lives.
away the sins of the world: we have offered and received fill All –Amen!
grant us peace. us with life, O Lord, we pray, so P –May He make you appre-
that, bound to you in lasting char- ciative of all the good you
Communion ity, we may bear fruit that lasts receive from God Himself
P –Behold the Lamb of God, be- for ever. and from those around you.
hold him who takes away the sins Through Christ our Lord. All –Amen!
of the world. Blessed are those All – Amen!
called to the Supper of the Lamb. P –May He reward you gen-
All –Lord, I am not worthy erously even for the sim-
that you should enter under plest acts of kindness to-
my roof, but only say the word ward your neighbor.
and my soul shall be healed. P –The Lord be with you. All –Amen!
All – And with your spirit! P –May almighty God bless
Communion Antiphon
(To be recited only when no P –Bow your heads and pray you: the Father, and the
Communion Hymn is sung.) for God’s blessing. Son, and the Holy Spirit.
O Father, I pray for them, (Pause) All –Amen!
that they may be one in us, that –May the Lord make you P –Go in peace to love and
the world may believe that you generous and hospitable serve the Lord.
have sent me, says the Lord. toward all those who All – Thanks be to God!


• Jess P. Balon

o half measures! Jesus makes extraor- acceptance, respect, or help given them for
dinary demands, “Whoever loves his sake.
father or mother. . . son or daughter We know that his “reward” is no less than
more than me is not worthy of me” (Mt eternal happiness: to be with him for ever in
10:37). He wants absolute and full allegiance heaven (cf. Jn 14:3 and 17:24). No king nor kin
to him, even in preference to the closest could ever make such a promise, let alone
blood ties, and one’s very self. (See Mt 10:38 fulfill it. Jesus does. He means what he says.
and Lk 14:27.) And he will do what he means.
No past or contemporary spiritual leader Practising detachment from everything
ever dared to ask for so much. Jesus does, and everybody for Christ’s sake is to share in
and the implications of his claim are not to his death. Enjoying the reward he promises
be overlooked, for he demands an absolute is to share in his Resurrection.
allegiance which the Jews used to give to Now, as he did then, Jesus challenges us
God alone. with his demands. He challenges us to set our
No doubt, Jesus sets himself as the deci- priorities right. It is for us to respond, ready
sive factor. He is someone no other man can to lose everything else in order to find him.
claim to be: he is the “Son of Man who will And in him we shall find everlasting life.
repay each man according to his conduct”
(Mt 16:27).
That is why he also makes extraordinary
promises – promises he intends to fulfill
personally, for he alone has the power to
do so. Identifying himself with “the least”
of his disciples or any needy person, Jesus WORD AND LIFE PUBLICATIONS
promises to reward even the tiniest sign of

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• Editorial Team: Fr. B. Nolasco, V. David, R. Molomog, M. Vibiesca, D. Daguio
• Illustrations: A. Sarmiento, B. Cleofe • Circulation: R. Saldua

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