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Mata Kuliah : B.inggris 2 Hari : Selasa

Program Studi : Ekonomi syariah Tanggal : 04 april 2023
Semester / Kelas : 2/A Waktu : 08.00-09.00
Dosen : Rijub Wibowo, S.Pd. Sifat Ujian : Closed book

1. Bacalah Basmalah sebelum mengerjakan
2. Bacalah pertanyaan/ soal ujian dengan teliti.
3. Periksa kembali jawaban Saudara sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas ujian.
4. Soal dikumpulkan kembali beserta lembar jawaban Saudara.
5. Dilarang copy paste satu sama lain dan mencontek. Bila dilanggar akan dinyatakan GAGAL.


Read the text below and answer the question!

This is our classroom. Our classroom is wide and clean. There are a lot of things in it. There are
twenty two tables and forty four chairs. There is also a whiteboard, a flag, a ruler, a clock, a calender,
some marker, and some picture. Beside that, there are also; some dusters and some brooms.

1. Is your classroom dirty and narrow?

A. Yes, It is
B. No, It is not
C. Yes, there is
D. No, there is not

2. Is there a globe in your clasroom?

A. Yes, It is
B. No, It is not
C. Yes, there is
D. No, there is not

3. Dona : . . . .there two pencils between a book and a ruler?

A. Are
B. Was
C. Is
D. Am

4. I put some pens, some pencils, a ruler, and some erasers in my . . .

A. Pencil case
B. Clock
C. Broom
D. Scissor

5. This tool can erase marker, chalk, or pencil. This is a . . .

A. Map
B. Glue
C. Eraser
D. Bag

6. Every body has a private room. It’s usually called Bed room. Please describe your bedroom! May
be you can describe the condition or the things that are inside it.

7. Look at the underlined and bold word in the sentences below! Tell your reason or opinion why
these sentences below uses that bold and undrlined word!
Would you like some money?
Are there any students left in the classroom?
Ahmad is an honest student.
Ahmad is an honest student.
There is a university in my town
There is an egg on the table
There is a plate of fried rice
I have few friends. It makes me difficult to share my problem
Adam has a little money but he looks okay because he is sure that Allah will help him

8. In this section, Fill in the blanks by using a / an the or 0 article

 This morning I bought ……………. newspaper and ………………… magazine. …………………..

newspaper is in my bag, but I do not know where …………………. magazine is.
 I saw ……………………. accident this morning. …………………….. car crashed into ………………. wall.
………………….. driver of ………………… car was not hurt but ……………………… car was quite badly
 When you turn into Livana Road, you will see three houses: ………………… cream one,
……………… grey one, and ……………….. brown one. I live in ……………….. cream one.
 We live in …………………. old house in ……………….. middle of the village. There is …………….
beautiful garden behind …………………house. …………………. roof of ………………….. house is in
very bad condition.
 ……… sugar is sweet but don’t eat too much

9. Each of the sentences below is error. Correct the error!

 There are much sugar : ………………………………………………………………………………………….
 There is many bootles of sugar in the kitchen cabinet: …………………………………………………………
 They have several tea in the dining room: ……………………………………………………………………………
 There are some chair in the clasroom: ………………………………………………………………………………..
 Are there some bowls in the sink? : …………………………………………………………………………………….

10. Translate this coversation below in to English!

Ahmad: Apakah kelasmu besar dan luas?
Fikri : ya tentu saja, bagaimana kalau kelasmu?
Ahmad: sama kelas saya juga besar dan luas
Fikri : Apakah ada banyak benda benda di dalam kelasmu, ahmad?
Ahmad: tidak hanya sedikit benda yg ada di dalam kelas, kalau kelasmu gimana apakah ada banyak
benda2 di dalamnya?
Fikri : ya, Ada banyak benda di dalam kelas saya
Ahmad: bisakah kamu sebutkan benda2 apa saja itu?
Fikri : baiklah, ada sebuah meja guru di depan kelas, ada 25 meja dan kursi murid2. Ada sebuah
jam dinding di tembok, ada sebuah komputer diantara rak buku dan bola dunia. Ada juga sebuah
papan tulis putih disamping lukisan. Masih ada banyak lagi benda2 di dalam kelas saya, kamu bisa
melihatnya sendiri nanti.
Ahmad: terimakasih atas penjelasanmu
Fikri : ngomong2 gimana dengan kelasmu?
Ada berapa benda2 yang ada di kelasmu?
Ahmad: Tidak ada banyak benda2 didalam kelas saya
Fikri : Jam berapa kamu masuk kelas di pagi hari?
Ahmad: saya masuk kelas jam 7 lebih 15 menit, kalau kamu?
Fikri : saya masuk kelas jam 8 kurang 35 menit
Ahmad: jam berapa kamu pulang sekolah?
Fikri : saya pulang sekolah jam 4 sore

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