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Company: Create.



Tool which creates automated image ads at a cost of 1/100 th of the current average
advertising budget and at a speed which feels so unreal. Interestingly, the tool not only
creates ad text automatically but also pick up images of products and related objects
and automatically place them along with the text to create

Target segment :

Small business owners, Advertising agencies, Freelancers, Fashion/business

Magazines, Institutes, coaching classes (Educational, sports, etc,.)

Segmentation basis usage pattern

1) One time users

2) Frequent users

Tag line:

● Live intelligent
● Create Advertisement Intelligence
● We transform ideas into action
● Create own add in a minute
● Image the imagination

Mission statement:

“Our mission is to enable everyone to create Advertisements, using technology to turn

text commands into an Advertise in the simplest and most beautiful way possible.”

value proposition:

Definition -->In marketing, a company’s value proposition is the full mix of benefits or
economic value which it promises to deliver to the current and future customers who will
buy their products and/or services.

● Intuitive - No expertise required.

● Pocket friendly → Money saver
● Creating ad in record time / with blink of an eye → Time Saver
● Variety / variations / alternatives → options to choose from
● Tool performance & perfection improves with the number adds created using this
● Supported with more than a million images
● Enjoy Pleasure & feel motivated for the DIY process & output

Economical value:

● Much cheaper & faster than getting creative advertisement done from experts.
● No hassle of explaining our product to experts for preparing an adv campaign.
● No floating of quotes & approvals.

Packages: Starter, Explorer, Creator

How to do Digital Marketing?

Define Your Goals. ...

- We deliver personalized messages

- Re-engage with the brand

Identify Your Target Audience. ...

- SME’s

- Independent business

Digital Channel. ...

- Instagram influencer

- Facebook Fan page

- Linked in

- Google ads

- Writing blogs

Tag Line

- We keep you ahead of all

- Assortment of collections

Value Proposition

Create Engaging Content. ...

- Prepare a design draft

Iterate Based on the Analytics You Measure. ...

- Conversion ratio

I'm Ready to Try Digital Marketing.

ads. The tool returns more than one ad which client can decide The whole
process takes less than a minute.

Target Customer Segment: Small and Medium-sized Businesses (SMBs) with limited
advertising budgets.

Value Proposition: "Unlock Powerful Advertising Potential with Create.AI: Create

Automated Image Ads at 1/100th of the Cost and in Record Time!"

Digital Marketing Campaign Strategy:

1. Define Campaign Objectives:

• Increase awareness about Create.AI's automated image ad creation tool.

• Highlight the cost-effectiveness and speed advantages over traditional

advertising methods.

• Position Create.AI as a solution for SMBs with limited budgets.

2. Social Media Channel Selection:

• Facebook: Utilize Facebook Ads to target SMB owners, marketers, and decision-
makers based on interests, job titles, and business-related demographics.

• LinkedIn: Target professionals in marketing, advertising, and SMB industries

through sponsored content and LinkedIn Ads.

• Instagram: Leverage visual storytelling to showcase Create.AI's ad creation

process and its impact on SMBs.

• Twitter: Use Twitter Ads and hashtags to engage with the target audience and
participate in industry conversations.

3. Content Marketing Strategy:

• Create a dedicated landing page on Create.AI's website, highlighting the tool's

features, benefits, and customer success stories.

• Develop engaging blog posts and articles addressing the challenges faced by
SMBs in advertising and how Create.AI can overcome them.

• Produce educational videos demonstrating the tool's ease of use, cost savings,
and time efficiency.

• Offer downloadable resources, such as whitepapers or case studies, to establish

Create.AI as a thought leader in AI-based advertising.

4. Ad Campaign Execution:

• Create compelling ad copies and visuals that emphasize Create.AI's unique

selling points, including affordability, speed, and automated image selection.

• Use eye-catching visuals featuring before-and-after scenarios, showcasing the

impact of Create.AI's ads compared to traditional methods.

• Implement A/B testing to optimize ad performance and refine targeting based on

audience response.

• Leverage retargeting campaigns to reach users who have shown interest in

Create.AI's website or engaged with previous ads.

5. Influencer and Affiliate Marketing:

• Collaborate with influencers or industry experts in the SMB and marketing space
to review and endorse Create.AI's tool.

• Establish an affiliate program offering incentives for influencers, marketers, or

agencies to promote Create.AI's tool to their networks.
6. Community Engagement and User-generated Content:

• Encourage Create.AI users to share their success stories and ad creations on

social media using branded hashtags.

• Host contests or challenges where SMBs can submit their ad creations made
with Create.AI for a chance to win prizes or recognition.

7. Customer Support and Engagement:

• Provide prompt and personalized customer support via social media channels,
email, and live chat.

• Offer free webinars or online training sessions to help SMBs maximize their
results with Create.AI's tool.

8.. Free Trials and Demos:

Offer free trials or limited-access demos of Create.AI's tool to SMBs, allowing them to
experience its capabilities firsthand. Gather feedback and testimonials from trial users to
showcase the positive impact of the tool on their advertising efforts.

9. Email Marketing :

Develop a segmented email marketing campaign tailored to different SMB industries

and pain points. Provide valuable content, success stories, and exclusive offers to
nurture leads and encourage conversions.

10. Performance Tracking and Optimization:

• Monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) such as website traffic, conversion

rates, ad engagement, and customer acquisition costs.

• Analyze user feedback, comments, and reviews to identify areas for

improvement and address any concerns promptly.

• Continuously optimize campaigns based on data-driven insights and refine

targeting strategies to maximize ROI.
By implementing this comprehensive digital marketing campaign, Create.AI can
effectively reach and engage the target customer segment of SMBs with limited
advertising budgets, showcasing the value proposition of their automated image ad
creation tool.

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