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Ruben : “ I think it safe now, maybe i can do this now”

…..Start Smoking……
Jon : “ Hey what are you doing here ? “
Ruben : “ I don't do anything “
Jon : “Really ? But i see you smoking just now “
Ruben : Please don't snitch me to the teacher, I will give you some of
this “
Jon : “Are you crazy ? I don't need that thing, You must learn
something from this, I will report you right now !! “
Ruben : “What's wrong with you ?”
Jon : “What's wrong with me ? The problem is you!! “

Start Fighting

Otniel : “ Do you have any homework today ?”

Steven : “ No , I don't, how about you ? “
Otniel : “ I have biology homework, can you help me ? “
Steven : “ Yes, I can help “
Otniel : “ Wait, Steve, look who's fighting ? “
Steven : “ I think its Jonathan and Ruben”
Otniel : “ Why don't we separate them ? “
Steven : “ Yes, lets go, it's a good idea “
Otniel : “ Hey, what are you guys doing ? Have you guys lost your
mind ? “
Steven : “ Calm down “
Ruben : “ He the one who started this “
Jon : “ Me? I think it was you “
Otniel : “ I think fighting it's not the solution “
Steven : “ That’s right , I suggest that we should discuss it first ! “
Jon : “ Ok, he smokes and I just try to make him realize that's wrong !

Steven : “ Ok, I have the solution, I think you shouldn't report him now,
but for that ruben must promise not to do that again, if he does it
again, we will report you for sure.
Otniel : “ Ok Calm down, I agree with steve for now let’s give ruben a
chance to change his behavior.”
Jon : “ Okay , I agree with you, forgive me Ben for angry with you, but
you should promise don't do that again.
Ruben : "Okay okay, I was wrong and I will forgive you but if you
snitch about this to the teacher, you're dead"

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