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Made from: 

to talk about how something is manufactured

Makna dari made from adalah terbuat dari. digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan sebuah
bentuk yang materi atau bahan pembuatnya sudah tidak tampak lagi telah berubah
menjadi sesuatu atau benda yang lain.
 Plastic is made from oil.
A long time ago, umbrellas were made from wood and leather.
 The earliest canoes were made from tree trunks.
 Wine is made from grapes
 papers are made from trees.

Made of: to talk about the basic material or qualities of something.

bisa diartikan sebagai terbuat dari sesuatu. digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan
benda yang bahan pembuatnya masih ada atau masih terlihat pada produk

 Lego is made of plastic

 The table is made of oak wood
 She wore a beautiful necklace made of silver.
 This ring is made of gold.
 This shirt is made of cotton.

Made out of: to talk about something that has been changed or transformed
from one thing into another.
digunakan untuk menggambarkan sesuatu yang sudah diubah/diolah/dibuat
menjadi benda yang lain dan memiliki fungsi berbeda.

 The shoes he’s wearing are made out of rubber tires

 Can you believe that her bag is made out of plastic bottles?
 The plates they were eating from were made out of recycled paper.
 They were living in tents made out of old plastic sheets.
 In the 1970s, it was popular to have candle-holders made out of wine

Made with: to talk about the ingredients of food and drink.

digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan bahan-bahan pembuat makanan dan

 her soup made with lots of beef, herbs, and spices.

 the chocolate is made with full-fat milk
 Is sushi always made with raw fish?
 Bread is normally made with flour and water.

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