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Law Project

Law Project about “Measures to combat animal abuse” Nº 01,

writing in 2023

Establish rules to prevent animal abuse.

The EIN2020 Class decrees:

Article 1º - The main objective of this law is to guarantee the protection and
prevention of mistreatment of animals, with a view to ensuring their well-being
and promoting a healthy coexistence between human beings and animals.

Article 2º - Mistreatment of animals is defined as any act that causes pain,

suffering, injury or death to an animal, including, but not limited to,
abandonment, physical or psychological aggression, negligence, caused
breeding, transport in precarious conditions , scientific experimentation without
consent or adequate justification, among others.

Article 3º - The practice of mistreatment of animals is prohibited throughout

the territory of this country, including public and private areas. All animals have
the right to be treated with respect, dignity and care.

Article 4º - Establish that it is the duty of the State, through the competent
bodies, to promote educational campaigns to raise awareness about the
importance of respect and care for animals, encouraging responsible adoption,
sterilization, responsible ownership and the reporting of cases of mistreatment.

Article 5º - It is determined that establishments for breeding, selling, hosting,

transporting and training animals must meet animal welfare standards set by
competent bodies, which include accommodation, food, veterinary care,
physical exercise and socialization conditions.

Article 6º - Establish that those responsible for the animals must provide
adequate veterinary care, including vaccination, adequate food, access to
potable water, adequate space for exercise, safe shelter and protection against
extreme weather conditions.

Article 7º - It will be considered a crime to practice mistreatment of animals, as

defined in this law, with a penalty of detention and a fine, the amounts of which
will be incurred according to the seriousness of the offense and its consequences
for the animal.

Article 8º - It is established that complaints of mistreatment of animals must be

investigated and investigated by the competent bodies, which must take the
necessary measures to guarantee the protection and well-being of the animals
involved, as well as punish those responsible for the mistreatment.

Article 9º - The allocation of public resources is authorized for the creation and
maintenance of shelters for abandoned animals or victims of abuse, as well as
for large-scale sterilization and castration programs, aimed at controlling the
population of domestic animals.
Article 10º - This law enters into force on the date of its publication, revoking
the provisions to the contrary.
Article... This Law enters into force on the date of its publication...
This Law Project aims to the problem of abandoned and mistreated animals in
Brazil is evident, and in this way, the creation of bills and other forms of
assistance is justified and necessary, in order to reduce these cases, increasing
the well-being of domestic and encouraging animals. to raise public awareness
of various aspects related to the topic.

Classroom 2/ IFPR – Campus Assis Chateaubriand , in June 26, 2023

Álvaro Henrique da Silva Bosa
Gustavo Evangelista Rodrigues
Renan Carlos de Lima

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