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A Life Lost Equates Only For A Life To Be Gotten

“An eye for an aye, a tooth for a tooth” a significant statement by

Alexander the Great, which entails that for every thing that have gotten,

must also had an exchange; for every life had gotten also equates a life to

be gotten. And even though it was incurred a long time ago, this statement

had live and embark in everyone’s life and even in now’s society. In today’s

generation wherein our community has been more modernized, civilized,

and advanced, a lot of progress have been made. But alongside to that, a lot

of negative effects also has surfaced, an incremental number of crimes has

been recorded and a lot of norms have been invalidated creating a havoc

between communities. Many people today believe in finding peaceful

solutions and forgiveness instead of seeking revenge. However, it's

important to recognize that every culture and society has their own beliefs

and values when it comes to justice and morality.

Death penalty – one of the most hottest topic on every stages to be

debated, to be argued and to be questioned on whether be approved or

disapproved. The use of the death penalty is a highly argumented around

the world, with different countries having different laws and practices. Some

argue that the death penalty acts as a deterrent to potential criminals, while

others claim that it is a cruel and inhumane punishment that does not

address the root causes of criminal behavior. It's important to consider both

sides of the argument and evaluate the evidence before forming an opinion.

However, I, myself stands on the affirmation side of its pavement. I strongly

agree that death penalty must now be implemented. On the focal point of

strengthening the foundation of doing the right things and eliminating the

option of doing the unjustly actions. Because on this modernized society, our
life endangers more, than from the previous eras. As what I can see right

now, a lot of negative norms have been romanticized and applauded. That

dangerously unsecure the welfare of the others. Imprisonment nowadays are

just a shallow confinement. Thus, we need a more severe and barbaric

sentence for a consequence of its illegal actions. I agree to implement death

penalty only on the cases of rape and murder. Because such crimes

withdraw life of every victims. Suffers more from the surfaced and have died

more than once on their life.

On the current survey of PNP, it says that the crime rate in the

Philippines have decrease on the rate of 11.36%. However, numbers do not

tell the story itself. On that number, the rape victims have gained atleast 22

cases per day. Just look how massive the number is? And what makes my

blood boils even more were the lies spreaded by the suspects. They tell

numerous of stories just to justify their actions. In an interview, suspects tell

that they do not feel guilty at all because that’s what they think is right.

Right? How can that demonic action be right? And the mere fact that

majority of these suspects was a mere relative of the victims including

father, cousins and uncles saying that they were having an affair. Others tell

that, they were lead on by the victims making them driven by their sexual

urge. But how? Wherein, from the very first place majority of the victims

were minors. How can they be sexually attracted on young girls? Pedophilia,

it is. Doing the wrong thing even from the very first place you know that it is

wrong is just not stupidity but already a disorder. A lot of traumas a victims

will be facing, and you have not kill them once, but you killed them for their

lifetime. And in the case of murder, reports from PNP have recorded that on

the current months of 2023, the rate of murder cases have decrease. About

more than 4,000 was recorded and claiming that from the past years and

months, it have shifted downward. Was it successful then? A big no. Because
if it is, then it should be a 0 number of such cases. Indeed, how can we live

in a world that is full of threats and endangerness.

I strongly believe on the approval of death penalty as my principle lies

to those to have been orphaned by the victims of murder and to those to

was abused by raped, who have not just killed their life but brings lifetime

suffering. My heart lies to the family who have lost their own blood, for the

partners who have lost their significant others and to the children who have

lost parents. A lot would say that, “You are no different from murderers if

you want to happen death penalty”. Nope, I will never be the same as them.

Because, I am siding on the part of the consequences and not by the root of

their action. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. What have lost must be

exchange of what have gotten. They will never understand the pain of

loosing someone because of those committed crimes. They will never

understand the rage, revenge and suffering that the victims would have felt.

They can only talk, but never empathized.

In this contemporary world where such committing a crime have

becoming romanticized, it creates more dangers to the society that’s why on

my view, imprisonment is not effective. It is too shallow now. Death can only

be exchange to death. Everyone who commits killing do not deserve any

chances at all. Yes, I believe that at the very end, only the Almighty can

judge. But stated already in His commandments and defying it was already a

sin, making it more justifiable to sentenced itself.

Life has been the most wonderful gift of our Almighty. The day we

were born was the day that we have witness the beauty of his creation. To

appreciate, to love, learn and grow. But from the day where we have

crossed our mind to do all the negative things, had already constitute us as

sinners. And as we act those barbaric and satanic actions, have already

lured our souls in to the deepest hell, in the eyes of the law and in the eyes

of heaven. Life is a gift, and life can only exchange of life itself. Death can
only cure death. But the suffering, the sorrows, the rage, the madness, it

will leave a scar for a lifetime. Yes to Death Penalty! A life that have been

lost, can only supersede of also a life to be gotten.


Christopher Lloyd Caliwan (2023), Philippine News Agency: PH crimes PH crime

rate down 11.36% in first 4 months of 2023.


GMA Integrated News, November 18, 2022. 22 rapes a day recorded from Jan. 1

to Nov. 13, 2022 —PNP data.


John Eric Mendoza, Inquirer Net: PNP sees sharp drop of murder cases in PH


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