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Área personal / Mis cursos / 2023-C-2-1355-469-ING-001 / Module 2 / P2-P2

Comenzado el Thursday, 6 de July de 2023, 21:12

Estado Finalizado
Finalizado en Thursday, 6 de July de 2023, 21:16
Tiempo 3 minutos 44 segundos
Calificación 100.00 de 100.00

Pregunta 1


Se puntúa 10.00 sobre 10.00

Select the correct answer.

__________ a police car.

Seleccione una:
a. There is 

b. There are

c. There aren't

Your answer is correct.

La respuesta correcta es: There is

Pregunta 2


Se puntúa 10.00 sobre 10.00

__________ some cherries.

Seleccione una:
a. There is

b. There isn't

c. There are 

Your answer is correct.

La respuesta correcta es: There are

Pregunta 3

Se puntúa 10.00 sobre 10.00

__________ a butterfly.

Seleccione una:
a. There is 

b. There are

c. There aren't

Your answer is correct.

La respuesta correcta es: There is

Pregunta 4


Se puntúa 10.00 sobre 10.00

__________ a monkey.

Seleccione una:
a. There are

b. There aren't

c. There is 

Your answer is correct.

La respuesta correcta es: There is

Pregunta 5

Se puntúa 10.00 sobre 10.00

__________ three students.

Seleccione una:
a. There are 

b. There is
c. There isn't

Your answer is correct.

La respuesta correcta es: There are

Pregunta 6

Se puntúa 10.00 sobre 10.00

__________ many flowers.

Seleccione una:
a. There are 

b. There is

c. There isn't

Your answer is correct.

La respuesta correcta es: There are

Pregunta 7


Se puntúa 10.00 sobre 10.00

__________ four children.

Seleccione una:
a. There are 

b. There is

c. There isn't

Your answer is correct.

La respuesta correcta es: There are

Pregunta 8

Se puntúa 10.00 sobre 10.00

__________ a book on the table.

Seleccione una:
a. There isn't 

b. There are

c. There aren't

Your answer is correct.

La respuesta correcta es: There isn't

Pregunta 9

Se puntúa 10.00 sobre 10.00

__________ a pencil in my pocket.

Seleccione una:
a. There isn't 

b. There aren't

c. There are

Your answer is correct.

La respuesta correcta es: There isn't

Pregunta 10


Se puntúa 10.00 sobre 10.00

__________ food in the fridge.

Seleccione una:
a. There is 

b. There aren't

c. There are

Your answer is correct.

La respuesta correcta es: There is

◄ P2-P1

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P2-P3 ►

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