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Good Afternoon everyone! Today, we the Group 2 from section UI-FB2-HUMSS12-1 will perform one of
the youngest and fastest growing religions in the world founded by Muhammad in the 7th century C.E.
This religion is ISLAM, but before we start we are gonna explain first about what do you need to know
about Islam and for you to gain better understanding about this religion. Followers of Islam are called
Muslims which are monotheistic and worship only one God, who is known as Allah. The word “Islam”
means “submission to the will of God.” They believe that nothing can happen without Allah’s
permission, but humans have free will. Islam teaches that Allah’s word was revealed to the prophet
Muhammad through the angel Gabriel. Muslims believe several prophets were sent to teach Allah’s law.
They respect some of the same prophets as Jews and Christians, including Abraham, Moses, Noah and
Jesus. Muslims contend that Muhammad was the final prophet. Mosques are places where Muslims
worship. The Quran (or Koran) is the major holy text of Islam and followers worship Allah by praying and
reciting the Quran. They believe that there will be a day of judgment, and life after death.

The Muslims adhere strictly to their faith as they universally follow the Five Pillars of Islam. The first
Pillar is Shahadah or FAITH, it says that "There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his messenger".
This creed summarizes the faith of a Muslim which whispered into the ears of a newborn infant and
recited in daily prayer. The Second pillar is Salat or PRAYER, muslims pray 5 times a day facing Mecca,
they pray before the dawn, midday, midafternoon, sunset and night time. The Third pillar is Sawm or
FASTING, during the month of Ramadan muslims fast. They do not eat or drink during the daytime. The
fourth pillar is Zakat or CHARITY, where muslims donate certain percentages of their wages to the poor,
this pillar realizing the value of charity and generosity. And last on the Five Pillars is Hajj or what they
called Pilgrimage to Mecca. This is muslims visiting Makkah at least once in their lifetime. The Hajj
occurs during the 12th month of the Islamic calendar.


NARRATOR: In a small town, their are two none religious lovers who wanted to have a kids and
unfortunately they hardly make it after wedding. When suddenly, her husband decided to bring her wife
to the mosque and started to pray.

KRISTINE: Allah we wanted to have a kids even just ones and if that happen I will truly believe in you.
And will make our child believes in you too. [Praying inside the mosque]

NARRATOR: After a few months her wife bore a twin. The lovers are so happy because Allah heard their
prayers and gave them kids not just ones but two.

SOFIA: [Mother whispered to her new born babies ] " there is no God but Allah, Muhammad is the
messenger of Allah".

KRISTINE: Honey? what did you say?

SOFIA: I'm just doing shahada for our babies, they are truly blessed. I love them so much I wanted them
grow knowing Allah.

NARRATOR: Years goes by and the things happened so fast. The kids already grew up ,MARYAM and

SOFIA: Sabah Al kheir! the breakfast is ready

ASHLEY: Hmmm the food looks delicious , smells so good mama.

SOFIA: Before we eat we are going to pray first. Maryam please wake up your sister now. [ goes to her

ASHLEY: knock2 [open the door] Amara wake up, the breakfast is ready, Papa and Mama is waiting for
you. We have to pray now before the dawn.

KATE: [she whispered before going out of bed]"There is no God but Allah, Muhammad is the messenger
of Allah"...yeah sister I'm coming!

[after doing shahada, Amara go out of her room]

SOFIA: Are you girls alright? Let's cleanse now so we can do a salat (pray) and eat after.

ASHLEY AND KATE: Yes, mother!

[They cleansed and prayed THE FAJR PRAYER ]

FAJR PRAYER (First Rakat)

*Stand with your arms in front of you with your right hand on top of your left hand. Recite the following
prayer ("Audu bi Allah i mina ashaitan i errajeem")

*Finish by reciting a short Surah, or chapter, of your choice from the Quran.

*Say "Allahu Akbar" and bow forward with your hands on your knees. While bowing, say "Subhana
rabbiya al azeem" three times.
Stand back up and say "Samia Allah u liman hamidah, Rab'bana lakal hamd."

*Kneel down and press your palms and face to the floor while saying "Allahu Akbar." Say "Subhana
rabbiyal a'ala" three times.

*Sit up with your hands on your thighs while saying "Allahu Akbar." Kneel to the ground again and say
"Allahu Akbar." With your face and palms on the floor, say "Subhana rabbiyal a'ala" three times and
raise back up. This completes the first rakat.

FAJR PRAYER (Second Rakat)

*Complete the same set of steps from the first rakat.

While still kneeling after completing the first steps, say your Tashahud prayer.

"All greetings of humility are for Allah , and all prayers and goodness . Peace be upon you , O Prophet ,
and the mercy of Allah and His blessings . Peace be upon us and upon the righteous slaves of Allah . I
bear witness that there is none worthy of worship but Allah , and I bear witness that Muhammad is His
slave and His Messenger."

*While reciting the last line of that prayer, stick your right index finger straight out.

*Say your Salat Ala An-nabi prayer while still kneeling. Then say another short prayer of your choice for

*Turn your head to the right and say "Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah." Turn to the left and say the
same thing. This completes the Fajr prayer.

NARRATOR: After they do the Fajr prayer, muslims prayer before the dawn. They eat their breakfast
and while they were eating the mother remind them about the approaching month of ramadan.

SOFIA: Oh honey! The ramadan is already next month I think we need to prepare our kids for the

KATE: Papa, why do we need to performed sawm(fasting) every month of ramadan? Is there anything
special about it?

KRISTINE: Yes baby, it is very important for us to performed sawm every month of ramadan in order for
us to grow spiritually, which we can also learn how to become more discipline, patient and more closer
to Allah.

SOFIA: This is already part of our culture and I'm sure that you two will enjoy this holy month because
we can't just only worship Allah but you will gain more understanding about the Quran.

KATE: Really Ma? Looks interesting I'm so excited!

KATE: Me too can't wait for the next month so that we can do already the sawm!
[They laugh at each other]

NARRATOR: The month of ramadan comes and the family prepared for the fasting. They woke up early
and eat a prefast meal they called suhur before the sunrise. During ramadan, many Muslims go to the
mosque and spend several hours praying.

KRISTINE: Maryam and Amara, you two should behave inside the mosque understood?

ASHLEY AND KATE: Okayy papa!

SOFIA: Be a good girls or else Imam (muslims leader) would be mad at you two.

[They enter the mosque]

IMAM: Assalamu alaikum and your family

FAMILY: wa alaikum salaam Imam [bowing their heads]

IMAM: Thank you for visiting our mosque may Allah blessed your family this month.

KRISTINE: Thank you [handshaking]

NARRATOR: As they entered the mosque, they started to do praying to Allah. During the month of
ramadan, all muslims required to do the fasting. They should not eat food nor drink including water
from dawn to sunset. Studying Quran is a must on a ramadan, and they also do fellowships with other

[After praying, the family went out to the welfare and offered some of their money.]

KATE: Mama why did you gave them our money?

SOFIA: No baby it's just 2.5 percent of our wealth. It's our donation for the charity to help poor people.
You two, have to understand the Zakat means. [And smiled to her two daughters]

NARRATOR: As the days goes by, the month of Ramadan ends with the festival of Eid ul-Fitr, which
muslims marked it by dressing up and visiting the mosque for prayer, and with visits to family and
friends for celebratory meals. For the last month in Islam calendar, the family visit to Makkah and
performed the pilgrimage. They called it Hajj the festival of sacrifice. The family travel, drink on
particular well, sleep in an open air and collect 49 stones and throw. And in the end of their journey
male pilgrims( the father) shade his head and performed animal sacrifice.

[After they arrived at their home the two daughters rest and started again a conversation.]

ASHLEY: Papa why do we need to perform all of this things?

KRISTINE: It is our obligation to fulfill throughout our lifetime to form the foundation of being an Islams.

SOFIA: You two, come here and let's do a salat(pray) so after this we could eat our dinner.

[ The family comes together and prayed and after that they prepared foods for their dinner and eat.]


NARRATOR: Rey Mark has the intention of marriage so he started courting Mitch. They always talk with
different stuffs. One day, while enjoying their moment together, Mitch suddenly remembered a
memory back when she was in High School.
MITCH: I remember when I was in Highschool, I am the only one who is Muslim in our class. So my
teacher and classmates got curious about it and they asked me if I could tell them something about my
religion. So, I told them everything about the Key Elements of Islamic.

REYMARK: That's interesting. Can you tell me how your conversation went?

NARRATOR: Mitch told Rey Mark every detail of their conversation with her High School Class. And for
us to also look back to Mitch's story, here's what happened on that day when mitch had a story time in
her whole class

TEACHER: Wow! Thank you for Introducing yourself, Mitch. This is the first time that I am having a
Muslim Student. Don't worry because this school promotes equality for all races and religion so you
don't have to worry in interacting with us. So now, Is it okay for you if you share something about your

KATE: Please, Mitch!! Go on! I am interested to know more about the Religion of Islam

MITCH: Sure. There is no problem with that. I guess I'll tell something about The Key Elements of Ismalic.

TEACHER: Here Mitch, Take a seat. It looks like we're going to have a long conversation. Class, please
listen to Mitch.

MITCH: So first, we muslims Believe in only One God. Our most fundamental teaching is to worship and
believe in one God. And for us to reconsider in believing Allah, is a Massive sin. We also believe that God
created concealed creatures called Angels, who virgously to take care of his kingdom

ASHLEY: Ohhh It's just like in Christianity. We also believe in one God and Angels. I can't believe that our
religion will have similarities.

MITCH: I am glad to hear that.

TEACHER: Well, That's great Mitch. But based on the other muslim people that I've encountered, they
say that Muslims has a Belief in the Prophets of God and Has a Belief in Revealed Books of God. Is that

MITCH: Yes, Teacher. Islam Teaches that God sends his guidance through human prophets throughout
the world. And we believe that God sends his wisdom and Knowledge down through books of Psalms,
Torah, and the Gospel.

TEACHER: Wow! I also heard about one thing. Let me think of it. I am not sure but I guess it is the day

MITCH: The Day of Judgement?!

TEACHER: Exactly!!

MITCH: Yes, Teacher. We Muslim has a belief in The day Of Judgement. Which means the after one rises
from dead, God will have the right to judge them from who they are. The last is our Belief in Density and
Define Decree where us Muslims believe that nothing happens without God's full knowledge and

TEACHER: You know Mitch, I've learned a lot from you today.

KATE: Me too. I can really say that Islam is a great Religion.

MITCH: Thank you, everyone.

TEACHER: Thank you for not hesitating in telling stories and sharing knowledge about your Religion
Mitch. You may now go back to your proper seat.

REYMARK: I am Glad that you didn't experienced any discrimination and they really respected you.

MITCH: Yes, It's one of my best memories in high school. To have a right people around me.

REYMARK: That's the reason why I want to marry you. Because you're kind and you're almost good at
all. I promise to only love you and no one else. Yes, I am allowed to have up to four wives but I know I
cannot treat all of you equally, so my parents advised me to have just one wife. I am planing to have our
wedding next year in the month of Shawwal.

MITCH: I am so excited to plan this wedding with you and our family. And I promise to also love you and
no one else.


NARRATOR: A year passed and it is now the month of Shawwal. The wedding is all set and they already
performed all the pre-wedding rituals such as Salatul Ishtikara, Imam Zamin, Mangni, Manjha, Mehendi,
Sanchaq,Baraat, and Welcome where the bride’s family receives the groom at the wedding venue. Now,
they are ready to perform the Nikah Ceremony.

KRISTINA: (to congregation):

Welcome family, friends, and loved ones. Please be seated.

We gather here together in the sight of Allah and of you as witnesses to join the hands of Rey Mark and
Mitch in marriage.In Islamic tradition, the only requirement of a marriage according to the Quran is the
signing of a marriage covenant, called the Nikah, which Rey Mark and Mitch have chosen, as many do, to
make a part of their ceremony today. We will all bear witness to this commitment, and we will promise
in the sight of Allah to hold Rey Mark and Mitch up in faith and they journey through the rest of their
lives together.

Speech / Sermon / Introduction

KRISTINA: (to congregation):
The story of creation is laid out in the Quran. When it was time for Allah to create the first man and the
first woman he saw, when the man was alone, that something was missing. The Quran tells us "It is He
Who created you from a single person, and made his mate of like nature, in order that he might dwell
with her in love" (7:189). The message is clear, a man ought to have a wife, and a wife ought to have a

The covenant we are to witness today goes back for thousands of years, and is a promise repeated
throughout cultures and across continents. It is a commitment for Rey Mark and Mitch to hold one
another up in faith, and help one another grow together.

KRISTINA (to couple):

Rey Mark, Mitch, the agreement you make today is sacred. You make it in the sight of Allah, and of
these witnesses. It is not to be taken lightly, nor broken easily. It is a sacred trust, built on faith and love,
and it’s yours to keep, protect, and honor.

KRISTINA (to congregation):

NARRATOR: Now it’s time for the Meher, which starts in Muslim tradition with an offering by the groom
to the bride. Today we use a ring as this offering.

KRISTINA (to congregation):

As is tradition, Rey Mark will now give the ring to Mitch as a symbol of his promise to provide for her,
and of her freedom within their marriage.

KRISTINA(to Rey Mark):

Rey Mark, you’re about to enter into a sacred covenant with Mitch and Allah, with these loved ones and
myself as witnesses. Will you give her this ring as a symbol of your promise to honor and provide for her
the rest of her life, and as a symbol of her freedom as your wife?

REYMARK: I do. (Puts the ring on Mitch’s finger)

Declaration of Intent (Nikah - Official Contract Signing)

KRISTINA (to couple):

Rey Mark, Mitch, in the site of these witnesses and before Allah, are you ready to pledge yourselves to
one another?
We are.

The Importance of Marriage

KRISTINA (to congregation):

Now that the ring has been delivered and the covenant has been signed by, Rey Mark, Mitch, Ashley,
and Kat, I’d like to offer a blessing by giving them a few words on marriage.
NARRATOR: After the Officiant stated the Importance of Marriage, the couple finally exchanged vows to
each other.

Finally, it’s trust that allows you to be vulnerable and honest with one another. Trust is built through
faith at first, then strengthened by evidence, and finally demonstrated in the devotional acts of love we
do for each other every day.

I, Rey Mark offer you myself to you Mitch in marriage, bound by the instructions of the Holy Quran and
the Holy Prophet, peace and blessing be upon him. I pledge, in honesty and with sincerity, to be for you
an obedient and faithful partner.


Rey Mark, I pledge myself, honestly and sincerely, to be for you a faithful and helpful partner.


KRISTINA(to couple):
In accordance with the laws of Allah, and the power vested in me by the Universal Life Church, I
pronounce you husband and wife.

NARRATOR: The first two days of the wedding Ceremony went almost perfect. After the wedding, they
are now ready to perform all the post-wedding ritual.
The first is Rukhsat. This is the first post-wedding ritual. The bride waves goodbye to her family. It is
obviously an emotional moment. But, when the bride arrives at her new home, she is received with a
warm welcome by her mother in law. The Holy Quran is placed on the bride’s head to symbolise her
duties as a wife. Next is Walimah, and finally, Chauthi.

These Muslim wedding rituals are so different from the other wedding rituals and traditions we keep
hearing about. And as a marriage tradition
Mitch, Rey Mark, and their families are expected to live by.


Islam is the mode of spreading the faith among the diverse people of the world. It is the only channel to
spread knowledge and virtue around the universe. The basic teaching of Islam that Our Prophet
exemplifies is to have affirmed faith in Allah (S.W.T). Islam also upholds the signs of our Almighty's

Respect for religious diversity is an essential element of any peaceful society, and religious freedom is a
universal human right that all states have a responsibility to uphold. We implore all states to live up to
their obligations and to hold accountable those who seek to restrict the freedom of religion.
Any peaceful society must respect religious diversity ,and the freedom to practice
one's religion is a fundamental human right that all states are obligated to protect. All states are
urged to uphold their duties and hold those who attempt to impede religious freedom

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