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Understanding the concept of Envy and its early

mechanism which attacks the primal object for it's

goodness; This gives rise to the persecutory anxieties
and a pushes the ego into an inherent sense of being
incapable of holding goodness within and of the object.
But in course of time, if this envy is worked through the
intregration of objects and self (markedly ability to
concieve and accept goodness and badness of the self
in more integreted manner), i.e with progressive
movements in depressive position; then there arises a
sense of guilt for the projected destructiveness toward
the object. And if this guilty is bore well by the ego,
there's a corresponding reparation to the object and self.
But pain of guilt is excruciating for the ego to deal
with....and in an instance where the infant was still
swinging between two positions and hasn't progressively
moved from Depressive position then the guilt can
cause splintering and disintegration of the ego. And
each of these parts of ego also spiliting the object
correspondingly, act as a persecutor.
Such early forms of guilt could be resultant of the
excessive envy product of the greed of the similar
intensity. Excessive envy toward the feeding breast can
disrupt the secure oral gratification. And as observed in
infants the pleasure of being fed and suckling leads
gentalia arousal, but at an instance where this oral
gratification is disrupted, the process of feeding
becomes sexualised and disintegrates from other
aspects like security, goodness, love, ability to give and
recieve; and such individuals are found to hold
inclinations toward promiscuous and sexualised
behaviours (which is a marker symptom in borderline
personality disorder). It is indeed a part of the
developmental process, in which oral, anal, genital
stimulations overlap and are confused in phantasies but
aggressive predominance of one (genital) over other
(oral), as the oral desire is a precursor of growth, this
can create a premise for pathological development.

At the sixth month of development, the 0edipal complex

sets in the psyche with sensory and mental development
of being able to percieve the presence of rivalary objects
(father). The unison of mother and father are
symbolically represented as the amalgam of penis and
breast. An envy which is worked through well with
sufficient guilt experienced during the progressive
depressive position then rather experiences jealously
toward the rival object which is also intertwined with
love. But an excessive envy which has disintegrated ego
and object and become persecutory will hold an
agressive phantasy based on the introjected and
projected element of the mental life, that the perceiving
penile object has further more contaminated the breast.
Abraham mentions the oral desires (breast)are equated
with penile. We can see that early unresolved excessive
envy toward primal object continues in form of penis
envy and the unison of both can be viewed as
persecutory and destructive.
A working through this looped and dimensional
intertwining of 0edipal complex and envy can lead to a
good enough latency and sublimation which conduced
the process of learning (without confusion) and artistic
endeavours in children.

In clinical picture, envy takes many forms ...and a

person who has reached the capacity of jealousy can
descend down to envy as well. Observed in pts who are
jealous of analyst's other engagement can reduce her
down to not knowing anything.

We see through multiple examples that envy reflects in

pt's behaviour of interrupting the interpretation...acting
out and incapacitating the thinking of the analyst, subtle
dreams of sucking out some random pike etc etc etc...

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