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DEET 1-2

Fill-in the blank spaces

Given Number Reasons

of (State the Rule)
33.83600 7 Zeroes to the right of a decimal point in a
number are significant.
0.0043 2 Zeroes to the left of the fist nonzero digits are
not significant, such zeroes merely indicate
the position of the decimal point.
0.00054900 5 Zeroes to the left of the fist nonzero digits are
not significant, such zeroes merely indicate
the position of the decimal point.
0.000426 3 Zeroes to the left of the fist nonzero digits are
not significant, such zeroes merely indicate
the position of the decimal point.
21240 4 When a number ends in zeroes that are not to
the right of a decimal point, the zeroes are
not necessarily significant.
2 1 All nonzero digits are significant.
1200 2 When a number ends in zeroes that are not to
the right of a decimal point, the zeroes are
not necessarily significant.
0.00022 2 Zeroes to the left of the fist nonzero digits are
not significant, such zeroes merely indicate
the position of the decimal point.
4246 4 All nonzero digits are significant.
start 94.30000 7 Zeroes to the right of a decimal point in a
number are significant.
0.009700 4 Zeroes to the left of the fist nonzero digits are
not significant, such zeroes merely indicate
the position of the decimal point.
0.005 1 Zeroes to the left of the fist nonzero digits are
not significant, such zeroes merely indicate
the position of the decimal point.
4.2826 5 All nonzero digits are significant.
34800 3 When a number ends in zeroes that are not to
the right of a decimal point, the zeroes are
not necessarily significant
0.051300 5 Zeroes to the left of the fist nonzero digits are
not significant, such zeroes merely indicate
the position of the decimal point.

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